《Magnus of Theta》Chapter 12


When he awoke, he noticed several odd things. Firstly, many students were looking at him oddly. Secondly, there was a girl who also lay unconscious in his lap. And thirdly, there was no teacher in the room. He noticed the doppelganger was far away from his location so he shifted senses with it and saw the teacher was somehow guiding it through the halls.

He did not stop it, only looked at it as it answered her calls. It was like a mindless drone that seemed to no longer belong to him. However, he knew he could take it back. After they passed through a few hallways, Andrew noticed the dull glow of purple appear and he was in the classroom.

Several adoring students were saved from her wrath as a gentle woman slowly coached them in various spell-casting techniques.

Andrew looked around and noticed a girl was sitting in the front row. Reclaiming his body, Andrew waved dramatically, "hello! I've come back from the dead! Reva, Leya - my Princess - how do you fare on this fine afternoon?"


"What is he talking about?"

"What the hell is that thing too?"

"Ghost, spirit... maybe?"

Ms. Greyson looked over and chuckled when she say the two with blushing cheeks. However, Andrew began to move closer and went down to a cordial kneel.

"What can I, your eternal servant, do for you, Princess?"

"Piss off!" Screamed Leya who hurled launched a chunk was ice through Andrew's skull.

The shadows slowly weaved back together and he grinned underneath the mask of darkness. "My Princ-"

Then a blinding light appeared and he was forcibly recalled back into his body. However, with the coordinates on the torn remanents of shadows, he rapidly reformed his body next to her once more.

"I will never leave your side, Princess!" With a glance, he abandoned harassing his sister and walked up towards Ms. Greyson. "What's up? Telling her how I survived twenty back-breaking blows in the first half hour?"


"Instigated half of them," laughed Ms. Greyson.

"Wait, I was sure it was more than that..." spoke Andrew with a toothy grin.

"Masochist," spoke Ms. Greyson casually. A sudden force jolted his original body with electricity, but since he committed to this body, he felt nothing more than a tingle. "And no, just thought I'd warn her of an impending trouble-maker. If you are like this, I imagine it must run in your blood."

Andrew nodded rapidly. "Definitely. That dastardly Princess always ruins my plans. I rob bandits, she robs caravan guards with a smile on her face in daylight. It just isn't fair what a pretty face can get you these days."

Andrew was once again forcibly recalled but soon emerged on Ms. Greyson's other side.

"I did not rob them! I merely treated their injuries! That's all!"

Andrew waved dismissively, "cuts and bruises that would have healed in a few days. They were just waiting to give you money." Turning his attention back towards Ms. Greyson, Andrew spoke out calmly, "why are you jolting my original body?"

"You awoke and left the unconscious girl atop you. Half serves to wake her, the other half is a going to be a punishment when you return. Remember, you're are going back into a... crisp body."

Andrew frowned and nodded. "Well, no matter. Mrs... other teacher. I'm Andrew Fang, part of Ms. Greyson's class. Nice to meet you."

"Troy, Ms. Troy," spoke the woman with a gentle smile.

Andrew looked at them both before asking, "why aren't you this nice? I mean you seem very reasonable, but she is almost suspiciously nice."

Ms. Greyson boomed with laughter and stopped the electrical currents raging through his original body. "I like your thinking. This is one of the main competition too, so don't go easy on them, okay?"

Andrew looked at the class as a whole and offered up a small bow. "I'm Andrew of the Fang clan. This is currently my ethereal shadow of shadowy darkness, but my body is currently being remotely abused by Ms. Greyson. Therefore, I hope to see you all when the competition comes around!"


His body faded from view and the class was eerily silent. Ms. Greyson saw Leya's unadulterated rage as she seethed incomprehensible sentences.

"Are you going to take that?" Laughed Ms. Greyson. "One of you ought to be able to take more punishment than that kid. Too bad Laurel here is a little too soft, bye-bye."

As Andrew howled in pain, Kate twitched beside him. He tried to offer a few recovery spells her way, but the damage was too severe on his end. He was spasming for a full hour before Ms. Greyson finally cast a quick healing spell on the two of them.

"Ah, thanks," spoke Andrew as he involuntarily shivered.

Suddenly Leya appeared as a blind white spectral being. The students thought it was an incarnation of an angel as they muttered stifled gasps. However, Andrew looked at Leya and shook his head.

"Flickers too much. Indistinct, and you don't seem to get the trick for making it corporal."

"Correct on all counts," laughed Ms. Greyson.

"Damn it all, Andrew! What the hell was that for!"

"Just alerting them. They've already decided to pick on me for no reason."

"No reason?! You invaded my classroom and spread that nickname! Everyone is saying it!"

"Ah, Princess of Light?" After taking a cursory glance, he saw others nod unconsciously. "It seems fitting, honestly."

"And don't tell people I robbed caravan guards!"

"I'm not - to them. You did, actually," pointed out Andrew innocently.

"Originally, originally. I did nothing of the sort so stop spreading rumors like that!"

Andrew looked thoughtfully before wearing a small grin. "Uncle Lupis' incident?"

"Well, I won," snorted Leya before she froze. "Damn it! Stop!"

Andrew lifted his shoulders and leaned against the wall. He looked and saw Kate was confused so he ignored his sister and began regaling Kate of his recent adventure into the enemies' territory.

"Listen to me! To hell with you, you make shadow teddy bears, drool in your sleep, bribe nearly everyone, sleep only in the morning and you say I'm bad!?"

Andrew gave a meaningful glance towards Ms. Greyson and offered her up a shadow teddy bear. "See? It's cute. Ah, damn, no wall slamming. I meant the bear, right?"

"And physical too, earth?"

"Stone from the shattered wall." Nodded Andrew seeing his exasperated sister, Andrew laughed and shrugged. "See? Cute. We're all guilty of it, why not? And sorry I'm not some holy lark like you."

Leya glared at him and formed a light sword. "You wanted some practice, right? I challenge you to a duel!"

Andrew glared at her, "you challenge a guy who-"

"Twenty-three," supplied Ms. Greyson helpfully.

"Who had been slammed into a wall twenty-three times? Well, no matter. I agree. Ms. Greyson, any place that is fitting for such a thing?"

She rose her hand pensively to her chin before looking towards the back of the school. "Let's just do it in on a field. Old school. I'll tell Laurel to start a barrier spell. Who wants to see the fight?"

With a warm smile, three students were sent back to the wall, but the rest rose to their feet.

"You'll have one waiting for you when we get back," spoke Ms. Greyson with mock seriousness. "Tw- three. Damn it all! Five! Stop giving me that look, boy!"

Andrew snickered and this time all eight lights appeared to flash in the distance. Crimson and purple shone the brightest and everyone, including those unconscious students, were given the opportunity to see the duel.

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