《In My Head》Chapter 5 Magus Victor


I smiled, my head voices were finally giving me some sound advice. They were still coming and going, but the thoughts they put into my head as I was waiting were at the very least useful. I needed to hide what I was, gain information as I could, and... wait I suppose. Once I knew what the score was I could probably come up with something better.

Magus Victor came in after a brief delay. My assumption was that Shana had taken some time to tell him what was happening and that I was decent now. He was tall, perhaps in his mid-twenties. Short black hair and harsh eyes the same color that roved over the room as he entered. I had the feeling that trying to fight him would be a terrible idea, so for now I would content myself to observing.

Magus Victor gave me a brief once over before stepping over to the circle on the ground. "Good grief Kale. I knew you were foolish, but this is ridiculous. How this even worked I can't tell." He pulled out a piece of parchment and with a wave the circle disappeared from the ground, reappearing on the vellum sheet. "I'll have to study it to see what we can figure out." That done he reached down to pick up the book and look through the contents.

"It was supposed to be a simple conjuration sir, nothing but a basic skeleton mage..."

"Well, being that you were on the page for conjuring a minor fey, I'm not surprised you failed." He motioned to the book with the sheet. "You are incredibly lucky you didn't suffer some more violent form of accident. Though if you had, this young lady would probably thank you." He raised his head to look at me. "Ah, I don't believe I caught your name."


"I don't exactly remember anything other than some swirling lights from before I was here. So..." I just shrugged, having no better explanation.

"Concerning, if you'll come with me we can go to see the Institute's healer..." That was an oncoming disaster if ever I saw one.

"I don't think I'm injured, and would rather not." There was no way I wanted to be even in the vague vicinity of anyone who could know that I wasn't technically 'alive'.

"What, why?" The magus furrowed his brows as he looked at me.

"I... am unsure, but I get the feeling that I don't like healers."

"I really must insist. You've been involved in an accident involving..." He looked at the paper and cringed again. "Rather a lot of mana. You really should be checked out by someone."

"First I'm brought here forcibly and now you want me to go be examined by someone? This is sounding less like an 'accident' and more like a 'kidnapping' by the minute." I set my jaw and tried to look pissed. If I ended up in front of that healer... well, I wasn't sure, but best not to find out.

That seemed to give him a bit of pause. The magus seemed like the kind of person who was used to just having his orders followed, but also the kind of person who liked to abide by the rules and laws of wherever I was. "You won't be forced of course. I really think you should, but if you would rather not, that is your decision. Regardless this is a rather serious accident and we'll need an Lawspeaker to sort it out."

"I... don't know what that is, but okay I suppose..."

"Excellent." He snapped the book shut and placed two fingers on his temple and concentrated for a few moments. "Right then, we can proceed to the school's gate's when you're ready, guards will meet us there."

Internally I could only think one thing. Fuck.

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