《Gods Game》Chapter Five : Champion of Night
"You are very strange."
Xavier looked up, a minute ago he'd been in an alley. Sitting against the back wall of a broken down building, staring up past the tall buildings surrounding it, to the smog-filled sky that blocked the view of the stars. Brightly lit skyscrapers surrounded the crappier buildings he found himself hidden by, perhaps there had been beauty to it, but even if he’d seen it, it would be nothing compared to the beauty that surrounded him now.
He sat, surrounded by the wonders of space. His chair, made of nothing, seemed as if he was sitting on the very fabric of space. Nebula’s surrounded him, stars, planets, and comets shot past. All around him there was the black ocean of space, filled with color, light, and life. Leaving a few areas speckled black.
He looked at the being in front of him. It sounded like a man, but he really had to question if this was, in fact, a man. The being's face was feminine, with long red hair flowing as if it were a liquid, continuously moving, and rippling down to the end. It wasn't adorned with any trinkets, but it sparkled as what looked to be stars flowed down and twinkled away into the vast ocean of space and shone as if were a bright ruby. Xavier thought it would be very befitting hair for a Goddess to have. However, the being's voice was a deep masculine that could not be denied. The being sat in a chair also, it too seemed to be made of the surrounding space, ankles crossed so the being's right ankle was behind the left one, legs leaning towards the left to accommodate that position. The being wore a tight outfit that Xavier simply refused to pay too much attention to.
"Am I on drugs or something? Cause if I am, this is the quite possibly the best, or most horrifying trip I’ve ever been on."
"Did you take any?" The being asked concerned. "I didn't sense any toxins in you."
"Relax, I've been clean for four years. Course, before that I had a few years where it didn’t matter what it was, I was willing to try it. The last time I had anything was when I tried to kill myself."
"You admit to such a grave sin so easily."
He shrugged. "It's not like it worked. I was supposed to take all three shots so that I would be dead almost immediately. I only managed to get one into myself. Couldn't even finish pushing the dose in."
The being sighed remorsefully. "What drove you to such an act?"
He looked at the being. "I doubt very much that you dragged me here to listen to my sob story."
"It would seem as if I have some time on my hands, and what's it to you if I wish to spend it with you?" The being asked reclining a bit.
It was that this point Xavier resolved himself that this was, in fact, a man. A very strange, obviously gay man, but a man nonetheless. He admired the confidence the being had in himself. He was never a homophobe. You love who you loved, as so long as everyone was of a consulting and a legal age, it didn't matter what other people thought.
Resting his head against his hand, the strange man cleared his throat and Xavier snapped out of his musing and paid attention to him again. “Plus, now I’m curious to know why you wanted to end it all, and what stopped you from doing it?”
“You’re serious?”
“As the plague my boy. I’m bored, so cease with the attitude and get with the telling already.”
Well, might as well tell someone about his life. Maybe he was already dead and this was his judgment day, and what he said here would affect his placement.
"What's there to tell?" Xavier sighed. "You hear from so many people so often that you're worthless, you're nothing, you start to believe it. Now if I were older, stronger, I might have been able to ignore it. But seeing I was three years old when it started, not much a kid that small can do against an assault like that. Especially when there was no one in my life to tell me none of that was true.
“My grandfather tried, but my parents cut off all contact with him, and I hadn’t seen him since I was a little kid. The years went on, and all I ever was to anyone was a troublemaker. Son of a couple of drug addict whore and a drug-dealing pimp, that’s all I was, and all I would ever be good for in their eyes. I had no friends, no one wanted to be friends with me. The only time anyone willingly talked with me was when they were asking for drugs.
"So yeah, four years ago, I'd have enough of being screamed at, of being put down like I was trash. Tired of being beaten by my dad when I wouldn't sell his drugs for him. Tired of being sexually harassed by my mother. Tired of being threatened by the same woman about being sold to some rich men so she could get high. Tired of the people around me thinking I was worthless. So I decided to give them all what they wanted and disappear entirely.
"Ran away, got the drugs from a guy my parents knew, and ran away from him after I had what I wanted. My parents would have killed me if they caught me. Though they would have been slow and the process would have been severely painful, and that was not the death I wanted. It wasn't as if they cared about me, they would have killed me because to pay for it all I stole from them. I rented a shitty motel room, curled up in the tub, and right as I was about to start pushing again, my grandfather came in.
“Apparently he’d been helping with an investigation and was trying to get me away from my parents and have them put in jail. When the police went after my parents, he went after me. Caught me in the nick of time he always said. Brought me to the hospital, paid for my rehab when I was released. Visited me every day for the whole year I was there. By the end of it, I was better, and I was doing a lot better in life."
"What changed?"
"My grandfather died, shortly after I was out. Don't think that sent me down into a downward spiral. He had a brain aneurysm, and we knew it was going to happen eventually. He made it very well known it was going to happen, but he’d be damned if I went with him anytime soon." Xavier said with a hollow laugh. "I loved him, and I made a promise, so I kept clean."
He shook his head. "No, I started to go to college to get a degree so I could help kids that are going through the same things I did. I wanted them to know that someone cared about them, someone knew what they are going through. Three years into college life and I was doing fine. Doing great actually, my life was good. I had friends, my grades were excellent, and I wasn’t trash anymore. Then someone from my past transferred in recognized who I was and tried to get some drugs off of me. I pretended that I didn’t know the guy. Pissed him off, he went to the dean. Told them I was selling drugs to people.
“The dean took me aside and said they would be investigating me. On my way home, I saw a couple of parents screaming at their kid. And for what? For wanting to read a book instead of playing soccer? They started to beat him so I stepped in. Said my piece, said they couldn't do that to a kid. Thought that was the end of it.
“Then the cops were at my door, saying I was under arrest for assault of a minor. I know how those things end. With my past, with the accusations from the college, now those parents, there was no way I could walk away from it at all. Even if I was innocent, and there was next to no evidence, my past was enough, witness testimonies were enough. My life, the one I worked so hard for was over. Still, I ran. Not sure why, maybe because I knew I was innocent, and I wanted to fight for a free life. Who knows at this point."
He sighed and looked at the being with a humorless smile. "Now I sit with some freaky being from another universe entirely. Why? I don't know, but hey, it keeps me out of jail for a bit longer, so why the hell not?"
"Such pain, such sorrow, and yet you have the strength and the heart to make an attempt at humor." the being mused.
"I know I'm innocent, the world can hate me for stereotypes, but I know the truth. For now, it's enough, and maybe one day, it will be revealed." Xavier said getting comfortable in the chair he was in. It was certainly better than the wall and the ground in the alley, he was pretty sure he'd dropped his rear down on shattered glass, but he'd been too exhausted to care in the moment.
"It's decided then!" the being said excited slapping his hand down on the chair. "You're going to be my champion!"
Xavier looked at the being confused. "Say what now?"
"Well you were partly right before," the being said standing, spreading his arms wide, revealing the outfit Xavier refused to really inspect had long sleeves at the wrist and it trailed down to the floor, "I am a God! The God of Night to be exact! You can call me Night!" He struck a pose, slightly bent, his butt pushed back and high up in the air and held out his hand. "You can stare at me in awe now if you like."
"Oh, I'm staring, just not in awe." Xavier said more than a little mortified.
Night froze for a second, then turned his head toward Xavier. "Hey."
Xavier chuckled. "You really are kind of happy aren't you?"
"My sexual preference has nothing to do with anything." Night said brushing his arms off before sitting again, in a rather delicate manner. "I assure you if you take my offer, your sexual preference will not change."
Xavier shrugged. "If I'm lucky enough for love to find me."
Night rested his head in his hand. "My what a terribly sad life you've lived."
"You said something about being a champion? I'm going to assume that means a whole new life. I’ve read enough light novels to know that probably means in a whole other world as well."
"Oh yes!" Night waved his hand, and a blue screen appeared in front of him. "You may choose one ability, one item, and one favor. I'll tell you here and now, your powers only work at night, and you're at half power during the day, so it's usually best if you work in conjunction with the Champion of the Day, and you will have other skills so you can fight during the day. You'll need to watch each other's backs."
Xavier looked over the screen then clicked the abilities. “No leveling system? Usually, this is where I learn about it.”
“You will learn about that with the group once you’ve reached the other world.” Night said looking over his nails.
“When it’s too late for us to change our minds and go back.”
“Pretty much.”
“You realize that tells me it’s going to suck, right?”
Night grinned at him. “Don’t be so sure, we are Gods, after all, perhaps we’re saving the best part for last.” Night waggled his eyebrows up and down. “Just like when it comes to sex.”
Xavier grinned mischievously. “Depends on how you’re having sex and who with.”
“Oh!” Night’s face went as red as his hair, his hands flew to his cheeks as his eyes squeezed shut and he shook his head back and forth vigorously. “Oh, you naughty naughty boy you! You can’t talk to me that way! I’m a taken man! And my lover is not a God you want to upset!”
Night went on like that for several minutes, and while he was distracted, Xavier ignored him and looked over the abilities.
Shadow Dweller: The path of the Spectator Champion
With this ability, the user has more power in the shadows.
Can only have a physical form at night, during the day, dwells in the shadows.
Is the role of a spectator, cannot interfere directly with the world.
Merely whispers things through the darkness. Shadow Drifter: The path of the Participating Champion
this ability allows the user to drift into the shadows at will but does not need to dwell there
if the user dwells in the shadows during the day, gains temporary use of their full powers once emerged
Can take slight possession over people temporarily I/e stop them from moving, talking, or seeing something they shouldn’t
Has minimal effect on peoples minds: Can enter a person's mindscape while they sleep to get knowledge or take away memories Shadow Manipulator: The path of the Dominating Champion
this ability gives the user control over the shadows
With control over the shadows, the user can have the shadows possess people and do the users bidding. Once possessed the people have no will of their own, and will have no choice but to obey. The possession is absolute.
"What the fuck!?" Xavier shouted jumping back from the screen
"What did you say!?" Night asked shocked, going even redder. " 'Want to fuck?' Well,” Night stood, turned around, and began pulling down his pants. “How could I ever say no to you!"
"That's not what I meant you, pervy God!" Xavier shouted covering his eyes and looking away. "I meant what the hell were those freaking abilities!?"
"Oh." Night said sounding rather disappointed. "You can open your eyes now, I'm decent."
"You better not be naked." Xavier threatened through gritted teeth.
"I promise, I'm not. I was merely teasing. I may have exposed my rear if you hadn't stopped me, but that's it. I'm loyal to my man."
Xavier dared a quick glance, the pervy god was once again seated and was, as promised, fully clothed. At least this god was honest, even if he was an annoying perve. Xavier relaxed and took his seat as well.
"What is up with these abilities? Why isn’t there more info? What about spells, weapons?" Xavier demanded seething. "Why do you think I'm going to manipulate people to my will or some shit like that!?"
Night looked up at him. "If you could stop a man from ever beating his wife again, would you? If you could keep a mother from drowning her children as an act of revenge against a cheating husband, would you? If you could take away the nightmares children have, would you? I could go on, but I believe you get the point."
Xavier had no response to that.
“As for why there are no spells, all of your magic is basically instinctual, now you can learn spells once you get to the new world, and so long as you have the power levels required you should be able to use most of them.” Night took a breath and swirled his foot around in the space, spinning the stars and planets that were there in a small circle. “As for the weapons, if you wish to wield one, or two, all you have to do is practice with it. Pretty much all of you will have the ability to learn how to use weapons fast. Provided they are a fit for you.”
“Fit?” Xavier raised an eyebrow.
“Meaning someone of your stature could not wield a sword that's ten feet long, ten inches thick, and weighs a thousand pounds.”
“You don’t know that maybe I could.”
Night raised an eyebrow now. “Careful sweetie, you’re wishful thinking is showing.”
Xavier chuckled. “So the weapons have to fit what we are already capable of being able to wield. Naturally, as we get stronger, so too will the weapons we use.”
"Precisely." Night amiably.
“I’m still not okay with not knowing any more information.”
“Tough titties.”
“Can’t you tell me anything?”
“You’ll learn as you go.”
“That’s not exactly fair!”
“I don’t believe in hand-holding.”
“Not even a hint!?”
Night sighed, "Just pick an ability already would you? You need to move on."
Xavier sat back. “No. I can’t make a decent choice without knowing more, and knowing what the hell I’m getting myself into.”
A horrible wicked grin spread across Night’s face, and Xavier immediately regretted his choice in words. Night raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Xavier's eyes were closed and he was resting his back against something hard again. So it was a freaking dream after all.
Oh well. He'd accepted his fate long before now. Then there was screaming, and he shot up to his feet. One look at where he was, and he knew it hadn't been a dream.
"Oh fuck." Xavier muttered under his breath.
He hadn't picked an ability, an item, or asked a favor, he'd left it all up to that pervy God!!!
"Oh shit! shit! Shit!" Xavier began chanting, interlocking his hands behind his head, ignoring the fight breaking out in front of him.
He was in another world, surrounded by complete strangers, no idea what was going on, what all was in this world, and at the complete mercy of a freaking pervy old man God.
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