《Gods Game》Chapter Four : Champion of Day
"Alright, come on, you can do this Elise." She said giving herself encouragement. "It's just one meeting, with one big scary bank manager. Say your piece, and everything will be fine."
She marched up the steps of the bank, walked through the huge doors, and into an even bigger lobby. Tentatively, she looked around for a sign or something that would tell her where to go. After a few minutes, she found one that told her the managers and other staff that dealt with loans and more things she didn't quite understand on the second floor. She walked over to the escalator, clutching her bag and moving railing a bit too hard. She walked off, almost tripping when she did. Thankfully everyone around her was too caught up in their own business to notice.
There were many desks and a couple corner offices. The man she was going to meet. Landon Michaels was in one of them. Gulping, she walked toward his office, hoping she had an aura of confidence and whatever else it was she needed at that moment. Knowing more than likely she didn’t.
She stood in the open doorway took a deep breath and put on her best brave face. "Mr. Michaels, I'm Elise Bishop, we spoke over the phone."
He nodded and motioned her to sit down, he had his phone to his ear and was jotting down a bunch of note. "Uh huh, yeah, good good. Alright, let me know if there's any way I can help with that. I'll check into what you just gave me as soon as I'm done with this client."
He hung up the phone and looked at her with a patient expression. "Ms. Bishop, thank you for coming to see me."
"As I said over the phone Mr. Michaels, I have no idea why you're calling me here. My parents passing was tragic, but I already know they didn't leave any kind of will behind, and I'm not interested in selling either the business or my home." There, she'd said her piece, now she could go.
Only, Michaels didn't look like he was done. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but your parents had massive debt. Apparently, your father had a gambling problem for many years, and he took out loans on the house and the shop to pay off the debts. Only now, those debts are to the bank."
She gawked at him as if he had just sprouted a parrot head off his shoulder and it was squawking at her. "What?"
"Were you not aware?" He asked patiently.
"No, I was, I mean, mama always said daddy had a bit of a habit in the past," The words were spilling out of her mouth before she could think to stop them. "She was never allowed to touch the finances, papa always assured her that things were being taken care of. That his bad habits had been kicked, and that the loans were being paid off. He even took us out to dinner last week to celebrate the fact that they'd been paid off."
"I see the reason for your confusion then," Michaels sighed. "Well, last week was when we sent the notice that we were foreclosing on his loans."
She looked at him in shock. "No! You can't! It's my home! My livelihood!"
"I know, if you're desperate to try to make this work, you can buy the land once it's foreclosure is finalized, and you can make payments on the loans you require to buy it all back." He slid a piece of paper across the desk to her. "That's how much the debt is, what the minimum payment required is, the kind of loan you'll need, the monthly payments you'll have to make, and the interest."
Elise looked down at the figures and broke down crying. "I don't have that kind of money!"
"I'm sorry Ms. Bishop, but that's all I am at liberty to offer at this moment. By this time on Monday, the foreclosures will be finalized, and you will be asked to vacate the premises. If you have not worked out a deal with us by then, I suggest you use the time to find alternative arrangements and take with you whatever you want to keep."
Elise stood and walked out of the office, out of the bank, and away from the horrible place. She didn't walk in the direction of home. It wasn't home anymore. She couldn't bring herself to go back to it. At least not in this moment. She ended up running away, from it all. The town, the people, and her home, that was no longer her home. There was a place she could go, it had always been there, throughout all of her life.
A willow tree at the top of a hill. Her mother used to take her there all of the time as a child. When she was older, they would walk together, and they would sit and rest there before going back home. She had her first kiss there with Timmy Boon. Roco Morris felt her up there for the first time. Roco was the longest boyfriend she'd ever had, and he left her because she wouldn't open her legs to him. She had cried in her mother's arms under at that tree.
This tree, as she rested against it, was a place where her spirit could rest. She looked up at the sky through the branches. The sun, in all its bright glory, was shining down on her, warming her skin. She sat there for a long time, trying to think of a way she could make the payments and keep her home as it was.
In the end, she shook her head, who was she fooling? There was no way she would be able to make those payments with what she made at the flower shop, and even if she could, with the interest alone, she would end up paying twice what the house was worth. So she was caught between a rock and a hard place, be homeless, or be so far into debt with no way out that she wouldn't be able to afford to feed herself.
She rested her head back against the tree. "Please, dear God, please, help me find a way to fix this."
"I can offer no solution, but I can offer an alternative."
Her eyes shot open. Surrounded by white, she sat across from a man dressed in a golden robe. His golden, almost orange, hair curled about his head, and the perfectly trimmed beard and mustache matched his hair color. His amber eyes regarded her carefully. She stared at him in utter shock. She hadn't even seen him coming up, much less felt the transfer from the tree to wherever she was. It had to be some kind of magic. That meant . . .
"You really are God, aren't you?"
"Not the god you're thinking of, but yes." He nodded, "I am the God of Day."
She looked at him confused. "Like Apollo?"
"That is one of version." He said with a tilt of his head. “My actual name is Day.”
“Would you mind if I called you Apollo instead? Day just doesn’t seem to fit you.”
“It’s my name. But, I suppose whatever makes you happy.”
"I don’t think happy even begins to describe this situation I find myself in." She said looking down at the floor. "I have no idea why you would offer me anything. I'm not exactly virtuous, or very smart, or really pretty. I'm not worthy of a God's attention."
"You are also kind-hearted, brave, and smart enough to realize when you are in a bad situation where each option comes with bad results." Day said gently. "As it is, who you are as a person, doesn't really concern me, though your traits are a welcoming surprise, and much appreciated. No, as it happens, you, have no decent options being offered to you. So I am offering a third."
"And, that would be?" She asked nervously.
"I am in need of a champion to go to another world in my stead. My last champion suffered a horrible fate. I need you to fix a mistake."
"How am I supposed to do that!?" She demanded jumping to her feet in outrage. "I'm no fighter!"
"There will be others with you, sent there to complete similar tasks to your own." He said patiently. "Furthermore, you will be given one ability, one item, and you may ask for one favor."
She sighed and sat back down again, feeling rather foolish. Of course, a God would have others there working for him. "So who are the others that you've chosen? Is there anything that I should know about them?"
"They are not my chosen. I am not the only God ruling in the heavens." He corrected her. "We are only allowed one champion apiece, and you are mine. The other Gods are choosing theirs as we speak."
She looked at him excited. He was only allowed one out of the whole of the world and he chose her? There were other gods!? What were they like, what were they the gods of? Did he know what kind of champions they were going to be?"
"I can tell you this much about them," He grumbled before she asked her questions aloud. "Some of them, you'll be able to trust and will one day, think of them as family. The others, you need to be cautious of. If they make you feel uncomfortable in any way, then stay away from them."
She looked at him confused for a moment, then she realized he was giving her what little help he could because he cared. At least, in his own way. "I understand."
"Shall we commence with your choosing of your ability and item?" He asked.
When she nodded, he waved his hand a blue screen appeared in front of her. There were two options available, abilities and items. She squeezed her eyes shut and reached out with her hand to touch the screen and randomly pick one. But her hand only met with air.
"It would help if you actually touched the screen." Day suggested.
"I know that!" She snapped at him. "Okay, random choice making is not an option here. Have to meet this head-on."
"That would be preferable."
"I wasn't talking to you!" She snapped again.
"Then, oh my dear, fearsome champion, I shall shut my lips and refrain from angering you again."
"Darn skippy you will. God or not, I will still make you see a thing or two."
Day chuckled but otherwise said no more. She took a breath and looked back at the screen. She touched the abilities box, it was the first one, and she had this thing about doing things in order if she couldn't choose at random.
Note, no matter what ability is chosen, caster will be at half power during the night Sunlight Manipulation: The path of the Nature Champion
This ability focuses more on nature, the healing of it and the people. Champion also rejects killing of any kind.
The user will have limited access to the CRAFTING tables, so long as it brings life, and can’t be used to harm anyone.
Spells will include:
Healing Light - By harnessing the suns light, the user can heal any life form be it plant, animal, or other Heliokinesis: The path of the Active Champion
This ability allows the user to protect themselves.
Weapons can be used that suit the user, empowered by the light of the sun, its durability and strength will increase.
Also, this ability, allows the user to have access to the CRAFTING tables. Allowing the user to create any number of things depending on their natural abilities.
Spells will Include:
Healing Light
Illusion - By pulling the light of the sun around the user they can create any manner of illusions they deem fit.
Sun Beam - A beam, or beams, of light, will stream down from the sun and blind the target.
Sun Burst - Similar to “Sun Beam”, but instead of light blinding the target, the heat is harnessed from the sun and hits the target. Depending on the level of exposure and how powerful the spell when cast, can incarcerate the target to dust. Pyromania: The path of the Battleborn Champion
This ability allows the champion to thrive in the face of battle
Weapons are heavily relied on.
Healing powers do not exist in this ability.
Unable to have access to CRAFTING tables.
Spells will include:
Sun Beam
Sun Burst
Gravity Pull - allows the user to use a portion or the full force of the suns gravitation pull on the target
Pyrotornado - Pulls the fire from the sun down to the target in the form of a tornado.
Magma bombs - Magma bombs fall from the sun onto the target.
"Pyromania sounds evil! I don’t want to do any of that!" Elise protested backing away from the blue screen.
"Then simply do not choose that option."
She sighed and approached the screen again. "And I certainly don't want to be all hippy-dippy and willy-nilly about things. You said we would be going to another world, and I certainly don't want to be defenseless. My aunt Wilma was like that, all about taking care of the land and no violence whatsoever, then she got stabbed to death because a couple of thugs thought she had weed on her."
"A wise choice," Day commented lightly. "Do you think you can click the option you want now?"
She glared at him. "You need to learn patience."
He glared back at her. "I am a god, I have ample patience."
"Then how come I haven't seen much of it?"
Day fell silent, she pressed her finger against the ability she wanted, and the items list took its place.
The tiara of light
a diamond tiara that increases users accuracy by 25% The crown of the sun
a golden crown that increases accuracy by 40% Rings of light
two diamond rings that increase the users magic by 25% rings of the sun
two golden rings that increase the users magic by 50%
"Oh!" Elise laughed. "I could never wear a crown or tiara, I would look so stupid! But, I can wear rings just fine, and having my magic boosted way above what it should be would be a great benefit."
With her item picked she looked back at Day, "So what now?"
"What is the one favor you would ask of me?"
She faltered for a moment. There was one thing she wanted more than anything. It was the locket her parents had given her when she turned eighteen. It fell open to allow there to be six pictures held inside. It had been specially ordered just for her.
Though now that she thought about it, the money her dad spent on that could have helped pay off the bank. She sighed. She wanted it because it had three special pictures in it. One of her parents when they first fell in love, the second was a photo of them as a family when she was little, the last was the last photo taken of them before they died. She loved that more than anything, but didn't wear it outside often because she didn't want to lose it or have someone steal it.
She smiled and looked at Day, "Would you see to it that my cat Miko gets to a good and loving home?"
Day looked at her with such shock, like he couldn't believe she just asked him that. His hand closed around something she couldn’t see, and she didn’t ask what it was. She didn't expect him to say anything even if she did, so she sat down and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she was in the clearing with the other champions. Before she could look them over or the place she was at, she felt something against her chest. She opened her shirt to find her locket.
I know what it meant for you to give this up. But seeing how I already had it when you asked about your cat, I thought I might as well give it to you.
The chain will never break, and those would steal it can't see it. Only the other Champions have, and I dare say there a few there will quickly rise to defend you. Not that you need defending my fearsome Champion.
Miko is in a good home.
I would have added a picture of him and his new family, but I think you’ll find new pictures for the next three openings for your new family.
Even knowing he was teasing her slightly with that fearsome Champion bit, her hand curled around her locked as a tear fell from her eyes. "Thank you, my Apollo."
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