《Gods Game》Chapter Six : Champion of Heroes
Drew snuck out of Anna's apartment while she was recovering the vicious savagery he’d dealt her. It wasn’t making love or simple sex. He’d been all out brutal and had been afraid for a moment he’d hurt her. As he was sneaking out, he realized she was satisfied, and that scared him even more than he was already scared of her. While a part of him wanted to actually hurt her, the rest of him pushed it aside as he hurried. All of his things were already packed away in storage, all he had in his car was a to-go bag. Now that Anna was down for the count, he could slip out of town unhindered.
He never felt anything for Anna, despite her obvious obsession with him, and her blatant offers for sex. She’d been all out stalking him for years. He’d rejected her at every turn. Having been in love with her older sister, Mallory. He had to remind himself she preferred to be called Mal these days. Eventually married they married, had a son, and three years later, a daughter on the way.
But one act, one mistake on his part, brought that life crashing down.
True, life wasn’t perfect. They had a son with a medical condition, grant it not as bad as it could have been, but Mal still had to stay home to take care of him. Leaving Drew to be the sole breadwinner. It was true they didn’t get the chance to be alone together often, let alone be intimate, and he’d been a weak and pathetic man when he caved for that woman who grinned and crooked her finger at him.
He could blame the way he was raised. His father banging any woman who spread her legs, and while his mother stood back and let him. He could blame his father, who constantly said if Mal wasn’t putting out he should bang Anna. Hell, both of his parents flat out said on more than one occasion to leave Mal for Anna. Maybe a child with her would be born stronger and she was better suited for him.
In the end, it had been his choice. His weakness. The cheating had been bad enough, but then the accident, and the loss of his son, and the daughter who never got the chance to breathe when Mal miscarried from all of the stress and grief. It had been too much. Mal was now in an asylum because she couldn’t cope with it all.
Drew tried to be strong, tried to be there for her, but it only made it worse for both of them. Mal started to distance herself from him, from everyone, and he couldn’t blame her. When the divorce was asked for, he gave it to her. Without a fight.
His parents, his friends, his coworkers, all championed him. Apparently, the fault lay solely on Mal for being insane. She was in the asylum now, and she wouldn't be there if she hadn't been crazy from the get-go. That's what they told him, over and over.
He wished they would realize she was only in the asylum because he put her there.
They didn't listen to him though, merely said it was better this way. Now he was free to go bed Anna as much as he wanted. His parents were all out pushing him towards her. Didn’t matter they had just lost a grandchild. He soon learned his son meant nothing to them. Which made his situation all the worse.
Their cold demeanor made sense now. They didn't care that Drew was exhausted from work, Mal from caring for their son, so their sex life took a hit. They didn't care that he truly did love Mal, and regretted, with every fiber of his being, what happened. His choices that led to current events.
Surrounded by all of these people as he was, pushing him to move on, pushing him in general, he couldn’t mourn. He couldn’t express the guilt that was threatening to eat him alive. No one would let him be to deal with it. Everyone wanted him to just forget and move on. It felt like they knew he lay awake crying at night, that he couldn't eat or sleep. He felt so empty. They did all they could to get him to think about the future and forget the past.
But he couldn’t.
Anna had been the biggest problem. Anytime he was in a situation where it looked like he might leave town, or be with another woman other than her, she arrived. Always looking hotter than sin, and every man in the room looked like they wanted to murder him when he told her no. Probably didn't help there was a level of contempt, and utter disgust in his voice.
Still, his loins sprang to action every time she showed up. Not because he wanted her per se, he had needs. But those needs were what got him into trouble in the first place, it's what led to his current situation and life. He rejected her, and that piece of his anatomy that seemed to have a mind of its own. Again, he blamed the way he was raised. It was natural to want as many women as humanly possible, it was biology, genetic, his father would say. His father seemed to remind him of that at every turn, shouting it at him recently. It was during one of those shouting matches he learned Anna had been secretly visiting his parents and they were all in it together. To get him over Mal and onto her.
He had to leave town, the country if he could, someday. For now, the town, the state would suffice. But if it wasn't Anna stopping him, it was his parents. So he had to make an elaborate plan just to get away. First, he sent his parents on a trip to Hawaii. His mother had always wanted to go, and his father liked the idea of all the young woman in bikini's, so they jumped at the offer.
At last, after months of planning, saving, and trickery, he was on a train out of town. He wrote a letter to Mal, telling her he planned to leave. So he could come to terms with his sins and crimes against her and their children. He just had to trick Anna so she would leave him be so he could leave. He was surprised when she wrote back giving him her blessing and wishing him well. He was surprised by how touched and grateful he was by her gesture.
He didn’t know where he would go, but he’d left it all behind. His phone, his apartment, he’d even closed his bank, choosing instead to carry all of the cash on prepaid credit cards he didn’t need his name on in order to use it. His friend at the bank, actually it wasn't his friend, it had been one of Mal's someone she was rather close with, helped him out. Making sure that the cards were untraceable to Drew's former account. So he sat on a train, completely free for the first time in a long time.
But he wondered how long it would last? Anna would look for him, and knowing her, would likely track him down and come after him. If not her, then his parents would. Out of the two, Anna would be worse. It's not like he was going to live completely off-grid, though he was seriously considering it. He didn't have the money, he didn't have the means. There would always be a trail, and considering the way things were before, he knew Anna, at the very least, would not let this go.
He wished he could just disappear from this world entirely. Maybe if he did, Mal could move on and get better. Maybe if he did, he could finally atone for what he did.
"Perhaps, I can grant this wish."
Drew jumped up. No longer sitting on the crowded train headed out of town. He didn't bother looking around the vast white realm surrounding him, all that matter was the huge man before him with a red silk battle tunic around his waist.
"Whatever it is yes!" He said sitting up straight. Giving this being his undivided attention.
The being balked at him. "You don't even know what I'm going to ask you yet."
"Don't care." Drew said shaking his head. "Just give me whatever it is you're going to give me, then send me on my merry way."
"Even if it means you will never see your world or its occupants again?" The being asked. “You could die where I’m planning to send you, or worse, while completing the tasks I give you, and they will only get more difficult the longer you're there."
"Let me say this again," Drew said firmly. "I. Do Not. Care!"
The being looked at him for a long moment then sighed. "Very well. I shall proceed then. I am a God, the God of Heroes. My name is Hero, yes that is my real name, please do not mock me. You will be sent to the world of Taimin. There, you must complete the tasks I ask of you. You will be rewarded with strength and power. Like the other chosen Champions you will be given one ability, one item of your choice, and one favor of your request."
"Anything I want?" Drew asked carefully.
Hero nodded. "So think wisely, and choose carefully. For whatever favor is given, cannot be taken back. At least, not unless something completely life altering happens. There are always circumstances in which things may change, nothing really lasts forever. Still, choose carefully, because regardless of my rambles, it will last a long long time."
"Then I want to be exactly like you. Your personality, your views, everything."
The being gawked at him before thundering. "I just said choose carefully!!"
"I know." Drew said softly. "But you're a God, how bad can you be? And I want to leave everything that I was behind. Even if it should come back to bite me in the ass in a major way, I want to be just like you so I can deal with it. Stronger, better."
Hero looked at him for a long moment, then sighed and waved his hand.
Before him, a blue screen appeared. Two boxes were there, abilities, and items. Before he could pick one, the abilities list was displayed before him. He sat and read all of them, for once, and carefully considered the options before him.
Light Hero: The Path of the Angel Champion
This ability is pure light magic based, and the hero is the champion of the people.
With this ability, the Champion will be able to grow pure white wings and will be able to fly.
the ability to charm the people with a bright smile.
the ability to wield any sword during battle.
Pure white magic-based attacks. Blood Hero: The Path of the Human Champion
With the ability, the champion is more combat skilled then magical skilled
The champion will still have white magic, but won't be able to use it much.
can dual wield any weapon of choice
can wield weaker white magic spells
has a chance of charming people Dark Hero: The path of the Evil Champion
With this ability, the champion is all about combat and seduction
Note, this ability will change the Champions personality
Note, the higher levels gained with this ability, one can charm people and have them do the Champions bidding.
Note, if the Champion has a pawn do something that goes against their personality, Champion risks SOUL BREAK on pawn
Note, the higher levels gained with this ability, Champion will sprouts horns from the forehead,
the higher the power, the larger the Champions horns will become.
Note, an ominous presence will surround the Champion and steadily grow with the Champion as they gain power.
Even Demons will shudder in fear of this Champion
can wield three weapons at will
Charm and seduction
His choices were fairly simple, did he want to go evil, humane, or angelic? Well, considering what mistakes he made and the way he reacted to them, he didn't want to go with evil. Then again, it wasn't like he was going to have a conscious anymore. The ability said right there, that his personality would change drastically to accommodate that ability if he chose it. However, knowing what he knew about himself now, he knew he couldn't pick that.
He chuckled at the angel ability, yeah, sure, why the hell not? White magic sounded cool, and it would surely keep him on the up and up. So he clicked Light Hero and couldn't help but laugh at himself.
"Is something amusing?" Hero asked.
"Just laughing at myself." Drew said. "If I were to keep in line with my personality, I would have chosen Blood Hero. But, I don't want to be myself anymore, and you look pretty angelic, so, it's Light Hero for me."
Hero shook his head. "You're thought process is something I've never encountered before, and I don't know what to make of it. No one has ever desired to be me, and you seem to be acting a bit overzealous about it."
Drew shrugged. "Hey, as long as I'm not myself."
The screen changed to the items and Drew looked through them.
Tunic of Light
a gold battle tunic
50% easier maneuvering
Easier for wings to spread out when summoned as the tunic won't rip Sword of Heroes
a large sword that can duplicate its self in battle by the wielders demand
The more powerful the Champion the more duplicates can be created Rings of seduction
two onyx rings worn around the wearer's middle fingers, or horns (can grow with the horns)
35% more effectiveness of charming and seducing target the wearers choice to do wearers bidding
"So each item is designed with that specific ability in mind." He said after reading each item. "Sorry, I can always get another tunic, I want to go with the sword of Heroes."
Hero waved his hand and sighed again.
"Was that the wrong choice?" Drew asked.
Hero shook his head. "There is no right or wrong choice Champion, I just don't know what to make of you."
"Maybe you could send me on my way, and you can decide for yourself after watching me complete my tasks." Drew suggested, eager to be sent off and start his new life.
"Then be gone Champion, and may you yet prove my first impression wrong."
Drew blinked and found himself in a clearing with several other people. He grinned and leaned his head back against the trunk of the tree he was propped up against. He sighed blissfully. So this was his new life. He couldn't wait to see what it had in store for him. He opened his eyes and looked around the group of Champions with him. Since he was the Champion of Heroes, then he was naturally going to be the leader. What was a higher rank than a Hero? A king? BAH! None of these people looked like royalty to him.
Except, those two women.
The one that was closest to him had long golden hair, it looked like melted gold, and glittered in the sunlight filtering down through the leaves. The other had pale pink hair. There seemed to be something familiar about them, so he looked more closely at them, his heart sank when he realized who they were.
He immediately looked away from Anna to the pink haired woman curled up on the clearing floor. Mal. His ex-wife. When he said he was alright with his past coming back to bite him in the ass, he didn't mean immediately after he got his new life.
There she was, more beautiful than he had ever seen her. The woman he loved, and the woman he'd hurt more than anyone else. His eyes were glued on her as the others woke up around him. He ignored Anna when she tried to get his attention, he didn't want anything to do with her, the others could wait as well.
What mattered, was Mal. What did her being there mean for them? Were they going to reconcile and get back together? Or were they fated to stay apart and move on with their lives, not together, but as friends?
To his disappointment, Anna also seemed to realize the situation, and her scream echoed through the clearing. If he had known Anna was going to be here, he would have said no.
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