《YOLO?》Chapter 8


Day 13 continued...

"Making a low healing potion is quite simple. First you get the slime ball, a cup of water, plumbus grass which you have to grind into paste, and last but not least mana. You can also add various fruits to change the flavor of the potion because it is quite bitter. I personally like to put in cherries."-Lydia

"How do you use your mana to create a healing potion?"-Me

"Well first after you grind the grass you mix it in with the slime ball then when everything is mixed you pour in the water and mix it until all of the gooey slime dissolves into the water.Then you pour it into a vial or whatever container you want to store the potion in. Then you have to pour your mana like a small stream into the potion until the liquid begins to boil and then it is complete."-Lydia

"Wow can I try making one?" -Me

"Sure, I'll get the materials for you."-Lydia

She came by with the materials and it took me about 30 minutes to create the low healing potion. It was quite the educational experience.

"You can keep that one."-Lydia

"Really! GEE thanks a lot pretty lady."-Me

"Haha. What a cute kid. Now go off and take a bath you stink. When was the last time you cleaned yourself?"-Lydia

"I don't know..."-Me

She looks sad.

"There is a public bath house across the street from the temple. Do you know where it is?"-Lydia

"Yeah, thanks for the directions and the potion. Have a nice day."-Me

I leave the shop and go to take my first bath in this world.

I go in there and find a lot of people there. Unfortunately the male and female sides are segregated.


While looking around for a place to wash I accidentally bump into a man and I fall down. The first thing I see is an "elephant" hanging down right in front of my face.

I almost scream and the guy says..

"Whoops, sorry kid watch better watch where your going."-Elephant Man

I mumble some apology and get a look at my own little man "sausage" and compare it with that guy's "elephant"...

I want to cry... T^T

I feel refreshed after scrubbing myself from all of the dirt on my body.

Luckily the temple wasn't very far away and I found my way to the priest.

"Hello priest."-Me

"Why I thought I would never get to see you again young man. Where have you been?"-Priest

"I have been training and was too tired to visit you."-Me

"Ah, I see. by the way I never got your name.."-Priest

"My name is Regis."-Me

"Nice to meet you again Regis. I suppose you came back here to learn more about the history of the gods and our world?"-Priest

I nod my head in confirmation.

I didn't learn as much today as last time but still gained some valuable knowledge.

There are dozens of gods that are still alive today after the Dragon War. Gods can have children with humans and pretty much any species. Gods can mate with each other and give birth to other gods, but that is only if the goddess wants to have children with that particular god.

Most of the major gods have priests or followers.The minor gods usually don't have any. Demigods are beings that are half god and half human. They usually have special gifts that they get from their godly parent. Few mortals have been able to do great achievements and have ascended into godhood.


There are places called dungeons where monsters reside and there are many floors that are deep underground. They have great treasures from the Ages Before the Gods. There are many dungeons and more are being discovered everyday. Many adventurers go and explore these dungeons to seek fame, glory and wealth although many do perish. Sometimes lords and king send their armies to explore dungeons and rarely are they able to succeed.

The thought of dungeons excited me. Magic, monsters and adventure.

It was almost getting time for dinner and so i bid farewell to the priest.

"Goodbye child. I shall pray for your safe return to the gods."-Priest

After dinner I we were told that we were going to march a week and meet up with the main force of the army and other recruits. The main army is 50,000 strong while the enemy army is 70,000. things look bleak if you ask me...

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