《Jack at World of Syntaria》Chapter 19: Waking Up
Jack POV
I'm in a dream,...
I'm dreaming about nothing...
-Basically, there's nothing just darkness…
Then someone opens a space...
Within the open space, something is forming....
It’s a world....
The world is created
After billions of years, life’s exists...
After millions of years, lives evolve
After Tens of thousands of years, a life wants to prove something
After hundreds of years, life deplete
After a year the world is destroy
After a day it becomes nothing
-Basically, there's nothing just darkness…
Then someone opens a space...
Within the open space, something is forming....
It’s a world....
The world is created
After billions of years, life’s exists...
After millions of years, lives evolve
After Tens of thousands of years, a life wants to prove something
After hundreds of years, life deplete
After a year the world is destroy
After a day it becomes nothing
It continues on and on
Hundreds of times....
Thousands of times....
Tens of thousand times....
I don't know how many times it goes on and on anymore…,
I see many different faces who want to prove something...
I'm starting to get crazy....
Then still continue....
-Basically, there's nothing just darkness…
Then someone opens a space...
Within the open space, something is forming...
It’s a world....
The world is created
After billions of years, life’s exists...
After millions of years, lives evolve
After Tens of thousands of years, a life wants to prove something
Until I totally snap out…
"You fucked! Stop proving something!!...
Your just one of the many who benefits how the worlds work,
You don't need to know how its work!
You just need to be thankful and live your fucking life to the fullest...
You moron you're just going destroy it sob*! ... stop it sob*! ... please....sob*" I said while feeling defeated and tears running down my face...
"stop it, please... I know, if you continue to prove how the world works.., it will just deplete the world within a hundred of years and then the world will destroy a year then will become nothing within a day....then there's someone going to create again, wait for his work again to produce life, wait for its life to evolve. Then he will go again sad because some stupid guy will try to prove how the world works... that's it... stupid guy why... why does there's always some stupid guy, want to know how world work... if I see someone like him I'm gonna kill him for sake of this world" I said with full of realization, and full of conviction
Then the stupid guy looks at me, then he smiled, and I realized many important things…
Then everything turns white, then started to feel the ache on my body then I open my eyes, when I wake up I am on my master bedroom I see Kara on the side of me crying hard and I simply want to pat her head but I can’t move my body...
Era and Dina currently step outside the room near the teleportation circle…
"Kara... " I gently spoke, Then Kara look to me while crying
"JACK!!! YOU’RE ALIVE!!" Kara shouts excitedly
""""Jack!!"""" Everyone shout
"Don't scare me... why you all shouting at me...and please someone clean the tears on your faces, somehow I can't move" I while smiling at them because I think I'm the reason why they are all crying…
"What happen to you.." Kara said
"What happened to me? I just fall asleep because I stay up all night that's all....." I said seriously
Everyone looks at me because what I say is really unreasonable...
Then thinking of the event maybe I lost consciousness for a while.
"Well. How can I say.... I was punished?..." I said jokingly while smiling
"Punish? Punishment about what,? " era
"You know... I can't say.. so mind if you don't ask... hehe pfft*
Everyone nod,
Dina and Era look at each other and then turn pale, the two somehow think about restriction.
"Hey do you know that I miss you all.. pfft*" I said
"Miss.? its less than 30minutes.." Dina
"For you... Well just don't worry now... Someone chopped the head of Kara to stop her from crying... and someone can remove this? I can’t move my both Arms and legs" I said
When they look at it already turns dead black.
Everyone scared.
"Hey...tell me the truth will I turn like that if I said something… about your secret?" Era said
"Huh? Why you turn into this?" I ask
"Well remember me Sister Dina and... the old foggy back there..." Era said
"Ah! The restriction?" I ask the two they nod.
"If you kiss me it will remove automatically.. pfft* pfft* "I said jokingly then...
Era going near to me then...
"Wait… wait.. I'm ..." I’m trying to tell the truth but the lips of Era already on my lips...then she starting to force her tongue into my mouth, some movement is rude, but still I follow it, its smell like a lavender, a sweet taste like a honey, then she starting play it all over then she slowly removing her head she staring at me while we both breathing heavily grasp for breath she stand on the side.
Everyone dumbstruck
Then Dina gets near to me too.
"Wait! Sister Dina.. this is.." I'm planning to explain,
Our lips also met.. but the difference.. Sister Dina started to run her hand over my body while kissing me.., while she's playing her tongue on it… you can easily tell that Dina knows her game, when she’s done a silver line falling to my mouth because she’s on top...
Then she smiles at me... then stands on the side...
"Do you wanna say something... my Jack" Dina said
'I should hide the truth from the time being, that for the two of them it’s just a little electricity, not restriction'
"I'm ... I'm possessive.." I said smiled worriedly
Dina and Era get the point… and blush but not leave...
"What..what are you doing.. you .. why did you kiss them...." Kara said
" I? Remember I can’t move?.." I said jokingly
‘Where's the justice.’ Whispering in my heart
Then Kara Nina is crawling to bed too blushing.
"Wait... someone stops them .. " I shout to Era and Dina
"pfft*! pfft*!" but they just chuckling there.
Nina holds my head then slowly put her lips on mine then after simple kiss she stands beside the bedside then Kara
"Kara.. please... no. "I said
Then Kara..., also kiss me... Trying to use her tongue but when our tongue meets she shiver then run back to bedside too...
"I feel like I lost something important to me… " I said
""”" Hmmf"""' The four said
"Can someone now listen to me? Please get someone who will cut off my four limbs... " I said
"Why...?" Dina said
"Well, you look at the black color starting to eat up my whole body until there nothing to save... " I said
"Well Gin.... can you cut off my four limbs, " I said
"Me... me?... no..no please not me.." Gin
"Sigh*! I think I'm really gonna die if its continue like this" I said smiling wearily
"Should we really need to cut your limbs" Nina ask
"Yea to be honest it hurt..., So I think I'm just going teleport random place.….." I said
"You all leave, I will do it," Dina said
Everyone look at Dina
"Thanks, Dina... pfft *!"
Dina blushes a little...
Because I'm starting to call her name without honorific
"OK, you all... Those don't want to witness lock the door please I hate you hear me scream...it’s gonna take at least hour process so go eat now first .." I said and they nod leave and lock the door.
Dina activates soundproof.
"First put me on the floor to avoid too much blood on the bed..." I said she put me the down the ground
"Are you ready? " Dina ask
"Go the faster lesser the pain, go, Dina, pfft *! " I said
Dina cut my four limbs
"Arghh*.." I'm trying to endure the pain... clench my teeth then....
" [[ Body Recovery ]] !!"
" [[ Heal ]]!! "
After waiting for 5 minutes to regrown my limbs..
I stand up and then make my four limbs in one place then using
[[ Fireball ]] I turn my old limbs into ashes,
I use [[ Water ball ]] to create a big ball floating in front of me and then I enter to it...
I make it spin like some, washing machine, then after a minute I make it vanish,
I control the water around me to make a small Water Ball, all my wet body, and close turn dry
Then I turn around to look at Dina....
She just simply watching all this scene...
Then I smile at her, I float until we reach the same level because my height is only on her ears level,
when I got near her several inches apart, she just simply there blush trying not to look at me in the eyes,
"From today onward... you are mine, can only be mine understand?" I said it while holding her chin and looking at into her eyes
"um." she simple nod
Warning: Sexual Content
I put my lips on her, trying to taste it again, I put my hand on her back and hug her, her two hands stuck on my bosom while I'm trying to caress her back, then I slowly move my hand downward and start to stroke her plentiful buttocks.
"ahh*! " She moan, because I grab it, feel the elasticity and plentiful of it, I put some strength to make her tiptoe,
"humm*, humm**" when she opens her mouth I attack it, I put on my tongue on inside her taking that opportunity to control the game,
"haah.. huaah**" then after several seconds she force her way out grasping for air,
While breathing heavily on my face, I hold her waist with my one hand, then I trace her thigh and put her leg on my waist level, she standing using one leg and lean on to me, then we float on the side of the bed, then I sit on the bedside,
While she sits on me I kiss her neck, and starting to remove her upper clothes,
"Wait.. humm**.. no stop..humm*.. this .. we shouldn't.. " she’s trying to protest but I ignore her.
I move my right hand to her left breast and play it by keep changing it shape , then I laid her on bed, and my head goes down into her right breast, and use my tongue to play with her nipple, while my right hand play the right side, using my atkspd (he he)
"no no no.o.. hummm** .. please stop.. ha*... I can't.. I.."she keep moaning and grasping for breathe which make me more excited, I put my right hand under her skirt... and trace her thigh upward, then I put her skirt on her tummy level(she's on maid cloth. :d ), then view a simple blue underwear, and it already wet... I put my hands inside her underwear slowly until to her entrance, then I continue to remove her underwear, and the remaining clothes, I stand up, and then look her full view,
"Today I'm gonna make you thoroughly mine " while grinning, Dina only accepted her faith and not refute.
I remove my clothes except for my boxer shorts, then give her a kiss end continue to goes downward, when my head on the level of head entrance, she started to breathe heavy, maybe because she can feel my breath to her entrance, then I try to open it wide but it seems intact,
"lick*! lick*!"
I started to trace her entrance using my mouth,
"haa**! .. hum*!!" While I heard her moan OK start to play her clit, with my thumb, and slowly put my tongue inside, o start to vibrate it inside,
While doing I remember the words in spiderman movie " with a great Agi , have a great responsibility"
"haa**! .. hum*!! .. jackk go.. ummm*! yea.. I starti to.. hum*! feel weird .. haa**! .. hum*!! it... I.. I'm cumming!!!"
I taste everything I can, starting to memorize the taste... then...
While she breathing heavily and not yet cool down when I stand she look at, and I smile to her
Then I remove my boxer, then proudly show it to her,
"That.... thats..." she can freely see my 5inch brother because I arrange her position into "M" shape I adjust her to the corner of bed while I’m standing on the ground , I give her a simple kiss then , then I said near to her ears, "remember from now you should take care of it, so it can grow into great man understand?" I said while teasing her, because of my best buddy on her tummy.
I start to position myself, I stand and the head of my brother is playing the entrance, then I slowly enter it,
"ahhm*!.. it.." she trying to say something
But I can help it any longer.. so I push it straight
"HAAM**!!'" her whole body shiver but I didn't mind it.. I want to insert it slower but when I see her face... I think it’s better in one go so I push all way!!.
Then I start to make it back and forth gently
"haa**! .. hum*!!" "haa**! .. hum*!!"
She starting to lock me using her leg
so I got an urge to stand I let her float on air I started to go faster, her hands around my neck while she even starts to make an effort to synchronized with my movement then, I whisper in her ears "I'm ...near my limit.."
"umm.. its ok hmm*! Today is good.. " she said
Then it’s like a fuel to flame... which makes my confident increase...
"Haa**! .. hum*!!" we both starting to breathe heavy, then
"I'm cumming!!!" I said then we increase our movement
"haah"!! we both reach the climax, and its good that this room is soundproofed
After that, I laid down on the bed while Dina on my chest...
"Dina ~~~" I call her name while grinning
"um... " Then she looks at me like asking what it is.
"I want to see you play on top..…" I said while grinning
"On top... but... I" She bashfully reply don’t know what to say
I started to stroke her hair
"I know you're not that kind of woman, but you restrain too much, I never heard you, saying you like that you like this, for yourself, " I said with full of concern on my tone..
"hmmf.. so.. what's the connection .. of what I like ." She said
I grin and said, " I want you to explore more of things you want, ..so how about we start on this ppfft**." I said
She started to turn into tomato red face
"No.. they are waiting."
"No. I said it will take an hour for my treatment.... pfft*! pfft*!" I said and to have a full smile on my face,
"hmmff..., so you plan it from that start.," she said
"no I plan it when you kiss me, so how about we start..."
Gin will not cut my limb, I can just use my wind cutter and ask Dina to support me while other leave, but I didn't expect she will volunteer.
Then after that, I release 3x more in different position, and I'm not sure about her because I'm busy playing,
I started to clean her and the room to remove the smell of sex then put her cloth because she's already taking a nap,
And after a while, I kissed her forehead and left the room,
It’s already 10:10 am
"Yo! What's up ..." I said to four on Sala...
"""" Jack!! """"
"You're OK? is there's somewhere hurts? ..." Kara is a worriedly
"stop, it .. doesn't look at me like you four ... I feel guilty you know...." I said I feel guilty because I realize this 4 except for worrying about me, they don't touch food and wait for my “treatment” to be done.
"Don't act tough, if there's anything just tell me if you don't want to say we will not force you ..." Era said
"umm, I will not ask you again, about ... sob*.. I just... sob*..if something happens to you. it’s my fault.. because I ask you…sob* " Nina said while starting to cry, then I patted her head then hug her
"Stop .. crying it's not your fault... its only because of me... comprehending something I should not.. so look your husband is strong and healthy" I said jokingly to light up the mood.
___________ Realization Start ____________
One more thing good about my death is [[ Rune Enchantment ]] Mastery is already level 10, I remember that every time I comprehend a profound way of rune, it increase mastery but before I block out,
I remember that it’s like I'm on sudden enlightenment
I started to think to create a great soldier, create a dragon, then realize this whole place I created inside the octagon, or so called "Land of miracles", using rune I can make my own little world, from the river to mountain from forest to magma, I started to think how I can create a mini version of sun, what makes me unconscious is when I think , to create artificial life, how its going to process, like creating two stone soldier, after 1 year the one will create another one like itself with the same condition and rules on their body, then that one will continue to do so.. like in programming
You create a function name a()
Then inside that function, it calls itself like this
Function a(){
DO: Clap Hand, Jump, a();
using this logic it will continue loop forever once a() start but if their artificial intelligence, it will improve, every loop
An artificial intelligence is still artificial
But thinking of this world might be from the same logic with a different approach not by runes...
In my world before, there's even so-called Hi Elves and have other theory that they came from the tree of life seed, not by normal birth.
So from the tree? Seed? Elves?
If I create the same process, using the rune to create a stone golem, with artificial intelligence, that can create its own, and improve itself from every generation, after millions of year would it somehow call life? Can it be called the race?
What if I use monster beast meat as it body foundation, monster crystal as it source
So when I think of it other possible theory related to life and executing it in my mind, my heart stop beating, my sight start to fade out, then I black out, to be exact, I died and starting to dream about nothingness, the world created, what is the most eye-catching is the one who want to proves the rule of the world...
Which success means to destroy it...
For so many times watching different living being trying to pursue the truth behind the world
I realize that in this world.. .. I'm that stupid one who wants to prove something, that can possibly cost this world “destruction “
I'm touching the taboo of the world…
From comprehending many things rune can do, executing it in my mind ...checking other possibilities to make the process to be simple, like in programming removing thousand line of code for the faster process with the same output... reaching [[ Rune Enchanting ]] into Lvl10 almost cost me a life....
What more… My race
"Race: High Human"
_________Realization End _________
"Um.. you like it or not... your only mine understand my future wives? my Era, and my little Nina? ..I tell you before I'm possessive.." I said smiling
The two blushing and Nina stop to cry
"Wa...wait how did we became your wife.." Era said
"After what you've done to me...... " I cover my chest pretending to cry, like someone going to molested me..
"Wait... I'm.." Era want to say something but I interrupt her,
I put my lips to her, but she's trying to push me away and close her mouth, so I hug her tightly then run my finger over her breast above her clothes,
"mmm*!" she open her mouth because she feel jolted when I hold her breast
Then I start to dominate her mouth trying to catch tongue, then she started to loosen up, and go with the flow....
After several seconds we separate our lips then I put her face to my chess I float little because our on same height now,
"From now on. Era, I'm your boyfriend OK?" I said
I hold her hand tightly
She didn't speak,
"Is it because I'm unqualified?, from the villagers?, you're worried I might not accept by your family?" I ask
"No, it’s not" she simply denied
"Sigh*! , you want your man only yours right?" I said
Then era shivered, right that's the reason why. it's not hard to tell it who want your love one to be shared by other, I just want to ignore that simple fact, for my convenience
It’s true I'm trying to push it all the way; maybe Dina is good because she might already prepare for it.
I’m not sure but when I open my eyes I just think to do all I want and all I can do... or I just miss them after spending billions of year in my dream...
I like Era or love, but I cannot let other because of her, so even its hard...
"So you've decided?" I smile at her, continue " I'm sorry er,... Sister Era, I understand, I only think of my feeling, never consider yours, no, I choose to ignore yours, because once they became mine, they are only mine, I told you I'm possessive, but since you..." I ask with a smile but I still feel rejected, from today I know she will never be mine
Until today I'm not sure what is love, I simply want them and once it became mine I will never allow other to get them, and that's is also my definition of possessive, since she doesn't yet mine, I still can let her go, but rejection is rejection...
So I gently releasing her hand while looking at her eye, even though I want to hold her forever...
"Wait!.." Era hold my hand tightly era look into my eyes with her moistened eyes
'Why... why I feel if I let him release my hand, I feel like I will lose something important..' Era whispering in her heart
"Can you not force me to decide now? Let nature take its course. OK?" Era
"Do you know, how hard I think it through?" I smile at her,
Then I notice other watching us.
Era started to cry so pat her head
"So, why are crying..." I ask
"You.. you hug Nina .. sob*!.. you.. you kiss Era.. sob*!.. you only pat my head..." Kara said while crying like a kid, well basically she a kid 14 years Silver Wolfkin but look like 12 years old, same with Nina
I simply hug her
"Stop it, .. I already tell you that I like you, didn't I? .. but you didn't give me your answer yet, so basically it’s not my fault, to be honest, I’m planning to stay away from you... give you space to decide.." I said
"Sob*!.. you.. you planning to stay away.... sob*!.. from me..? sob*!. but I like you. I wanna be together with you...!" Kara said
"Well .. let make it clear, in the future I will have many wives, would you still want to be my girlfriend? " I said
"Um. I don't care sob*!.. just.. just don't stay away from me... sob*!.. forever..." Kara said
"Then it's a deal .. from now on you're my girlfriend understand? " I said I simply kiss her forehead
"um.." Kara nod
"Well, where is sister Dina?" Gin ask
"She exhausted herself for my treatment and take nap, " I said while grinning
"Nina, Gin, Sister Era sorry for worrying you, if you have a question after we eat you can ask anything...." I said
I decided to tell them more except for my world back there and Selica,
Well it will be less than a month before I can contact my little goddess, about my race
Then we go dining table, on the dining table, when I remove the cover of the food then Sit down,
"thump*!" Kara jump to my lap
I look at her
"Can... can you feed me.., I'm your girlfriend now so this is my privilege OK?..." Kara
"um.. , here say ahhhh! pfft*"
After we eat, I go directly to the kitchen and then cook some and bring to Dina, when I walk into my room, she still sleeping...
I kiss her lips then start to use my tongue after several second her tongue started to respond, then I see her eyes starting to open, I continue to kiss her,
"huh*!" Dina shock when she see me kissing her
"Good morning, little sweetheart. hows my. morning kiss?" I said teasingly,
"you .. what are you doing here.." Dina said
"Well this is my room and you sleep here since yesterday so I bring some breakfast, my little sweethearts might get hungry.." I said
"Yesterday .… did I sleep whole day…" Dina hurriedly sit down on the bed
"No, I'm just kidding its only more than Half hour pfft*! here I bring your breakfast say here say ahh.." I
"I can do it myself." Dina bashfully Say
"No, it can't be, you are now my girlfriend so you listen to me OK?... I'm gonna feed you, and after this, we are going to talk, if you have a question I will answer, and you and Kara are now my official girlfriends, Nina, I still not clear it, but for sure it’s going to be.." While I'm speaking she glared at me
"Don't worry , I know what youre thinking , I’m not gonna do it to them... at least I think they need more 3-5 years, Nina will be 20 at that time, Kara will be 17, and you know Kara... if she's not gonna be my girlfriend were gonna be stuck on the awkward situation every day and its gonna be suffocating and because of kara and you, nina will feel inferior if I’m not gonna confirm it today, when they kiss me earlier, I know that they already decided, but still I'm only doing it to you, you understand?" I said while feeding her
Dina blushed, but still nod
"um*! , it seems like you prepare for what your going say" Dina said
One thing I like about Dina she always good at understanding the situation, so it’s not hard to explain things to her
"Yea, and I know you'll understand it, because it’s one thing I really like about you, pfft*! and if I made mistake please tell it to me, understand?, most of the time, I just want to get things where it’s fun, but I might offend others without me knowing," I said
"Um, I'm not sure, but. Something change with you?" Dina said
"Maybe, because you make me a man pfft*!" I said teasing her
"Stop teasing me, when you want to hide something, you always do this, what about you and Era," Dina said
"Well era rejected me, even if I said I’m possessive, seeing her dejected I feel defeated after you eat I'm gonna answer your question with others, " I said
When she was done eating, we go downstairs holding her hands, going to Sala
Everyone notice it but nobody said anything, but when I see kara pouting, I patted her head, Dina sit down
I go to front Nina
"Little Nina," I said her name gently then hold her hand
"Um... what is it..." Nina
"If I ask you, I want to be your boyfriend?"
"Huh*! bo..boyfriend... " Nina said
"um, Dina and Kara are my girlfriends, so if you want, I can be your boyfriend too. but just like Kara, I'm only going to treat you as a big brother, we can only be official lovers after 3 years understand? That is if you still like me that time " I said smiling at her
"um.." Nina simple nod,
"Dina is my little sweetheart, Kara and you is now my little girlfriend and my little sister I'm now allowed to feed you too..pfft*!!"
Everyone looks at me laughing happily like find a new pet
I pull Nina near kara then I sit down I put them on my legs then petted their head and ears, a little silver wolfkin on my right and a little catkin on my left,
"And now if you have any questions, you can ask me I will answer it, I only hope you keep it to anybody," I said
"Does someone put restriction on you?" era ask
"Well kind off, for now, I can't tell you my stat," I said
"Anything will be safe, besides that? " Dina said
"How about our restrictions you put is it removed?" Era ask
"sigh*!! to be honest, there's no restriction on you, I only send little electricity to you, to restrict the old foggy, because I trust Dina and you..."
"What!! " Dina and Era
"But... why did you say a kiss will remove it," Dina said
"I tell you, to lighten the mood everyone seems worried to me, I feel guilty so I said it, but when I said remember you and Dina don't give me a chance to explain?., so I'm sorry and thank you" I smiled
The two feels like want to get their weapon and whack me, but Gin ask
"So what's really happen earlier?" Gin
"It’s enlightenment?" I
"Yes, when you use a skill the more you have the knowledge to it the more powerful it can be, remember what we are talking before I collapse?"
"You're objectives? I ask you about that before you collapse" Nina said
"Yea, but your question let me think of something else"
"Something else?"
"And what's that something else?"
"It’s a rune... rune comprehension"
"Rune? The one you use for this house and tools?"
"Yes, all I can say I mastered this skill, and it’s killed me when I think to use it to something stupid"
"Skill that will kill you? But how?" Kara
"Chopped*!" I chopped head of Kara
"Ouch, why did you do that!" Kara
"I said that is all I can say about it..., so next question?" I
"That someone gives you the news about the arrival; it’s a good or bad one?"
"pfft*! in their level, there’s no good or bad, they just do what they want, just like us eating a food example, chicken, if you kill the chicken to eat, are you a bad one?"
"What arrival?" Nina said
"Heroes Arrival" I
"""Heroes?""" the 3 beside Era and Dina shock.
"The heroes in the legend?" Gin
"Gin you can't tell it to anyone even you father understand?" I
"um! I promise I will not tell anyone?!" having his fist on his chest
"Dina, Sister Era my planned hope you don't say until their arrival ok"
"um" Dina and Era nod
Then after telling when, where, how many, that’s a hero is just a teenagers
"So that's how is it, If you want to study in the academy like normal student its wolves be for the best, I don't have a problem and I will continue exploring dungeon in the morning and came back before dinner every day
but if you want, you can go with me, I will make my best effort to help you increase and break through your level, at least now Kara and Gin is level 5 so you are rank 1, after a year I can promise you to rank 6" I said
"'''"" rank 6 """''
"Are you kidding us, 5 rank jumps in one year?" Era said because she is only level 42 for 3 years I left she only level up by two.
"um I can guarantee you're safety and hardship so you don't have to worry, if possible, I want Nina and Dina to go too," I said
"Why only them... because they are your girlfriends?" Era
"Silence*!" after 5sec
"Actually... I want to invite you too but you're, instructor in the academy, I know that you're going to be busy teaching once classes start by the end of the month , I actually want to ask you to leave the school and go with us, at least once the calamity start, I know you have an ability to protect yourself,.. that’s why I didn't want to ask you, and most of all being rejected by you... once a day is enough pfft*" I laugh worriedly
"I'm going to join you .. hmmf.. so when do you plan?" Era said
"Well tomorrow I will go back to the village it supposed to be after a month , but, I miss my mother, what more is she?, and plan to ask Kara's parent for their blessing, after that I'm just gonna makes rune for your chosen equipment then we are good to go, and I advise you, don't became an adventurer, because most of the rules of it will only beneficial for weak, once you became strong they only become a restriction, if you stop becoming one, and make it clear to them, because if not?.... just some righteous word and you simply became villain...." I said
Next day the three of us come back to the village and meet my parent, and tell them a short version of my life, like I was accepted by the academy, I. to dungeon, I learn a lot of magic, I have the best manor in the academy,
Then I ask my parent to go to house of Kara ask for their blessing, I tell them about Dina and 4 possible wives of mine too, Gino feels like gonna kill me when I tell them that their a 5 pitiful beautiful girls who doesn't have confidence for their self and I tell them by whim, even Aunty Nora first time look at me disappointed but didn't go against me too much because of Kara, I tell them I'm planning to marry Kara after 5 years, then after the talking
I call all the hunter of the village give them a new sword made by 1.5meter solid stone stick and coated by wood with form simple sword but better than what they normally use, with monster crystal rank 2 to support strengthening and sharpening, auto repair and clean and bow made by flexible wood.
I change the wall here into stone one, create 4 watchtower, make a mini plaza with stone field I, change the house of m, gin, and kara into a 2floor stone house with wooden flooring,
I create playing ground with slide, etc for kids to play, I almost change the whole village, but it takes me 3 days.
In our backyard, I set a teleportation rune, I'm to set a connection between my place at the school, here in the village and in the dungeon side where ring holder can activate including my parent, In this 3 days I became a hugging pillow of my mother, I wanna recovered the body of other but I guess I should restrain myself from that.
Then I go to Mirna, and invite her to our group, that will go to the dungeon, when we return I bring my parent to know Dina, Nina, and Era, I introduce the two as my girlfriends and Sisters Era is a friend of mine who helps me since I enter the academy, I tell them that she is a teacher who passes my scholarship.
After that I introduce Mirna to them as my first love, so 3 girls shock, no ....including my parents Kara and gin, even Mirna itself, I just simply said 'I'm just telling the truth, and no one asks about me right?' Then we eat lunch, after checking my bedroom, they ask for the same bed, I make 3 and tell them to give to Gin, and Kara's parent, I return my parent to the village after I teach them how to use the teleportation, so they can use it for an emergency.
Then I continue my communication device testing, I'm still failing from what I want like a little modern like cellphone.
I use wind magic and rune but receiving will be a problem at first I want to create a station using rune to process the message to certain receiver but I think the problem will be, how far, and space jumping
So I stop it and if its work it’s gonna be a problem in the future
One for all receiver type only for my party and 1,3 kilometer to receive or you use your own Mana.
After a week off we set to adventurer guild a single room I make a set of runes, the soundproof, auto repair, clean strengthen in in the wall to avoid, information leak because the 70floor clear dungeon should not be known by the headmaster back there.
I tell Kimiru to ask for permission to build an office inside the wall of the dungeon, she tells me that she will try but, it may not be possible, because it’s restricted, I tell her she just needs to let the Guildmaster she doesn't need to push, even if they ask for payment like gold, monster crystal, favor or etc , I decline them , I just want them to know, I didn’t need their permission, they did not need to negotiate, as if this dungeon is their property ...
But still they have credit for maintaining the process here, but I don't have good impressions of it.
I want to make a place in three dungeons but it’s not the time yet to force my way through.
The last thing I do before entering the dungeon is to introduce Kimiru to my parent, and time I'm not around they ask for her help, he can post quest to adventurer if they need assistance.
After that, we enter the dungeon,
Our party composes of me,
Dina is Mage, Major Ice
Nina is Mage, Major Wind
Era is Mage, Major Lightning
Kara is Bow Type
Gin Sword and Shield
Mirna Dagger
About Class restriction :
A mage can use many types of skill fire wind ice lightning but it will be best to focus on one major element while another element for minor as auxiliary, Like Mirna, she has mastery of dagger, but he can also use bow nor sword as a secondary weapon.
Mage doesn’t mean they can’t use bow or sword, it’s just that you can never learn their mastery or skill, even Dina always have a dagger
And weapon class Vit is required than Int because they need more on movement which effects their stamina, than mage use incantation in the back.
Then we enter the dungeon,
Every 2 days our group goes up, until we enter the fifth floor, after this 3 years the goblin village return, because the Orc is already Respawn a year ago, in this low-level floor high-level adventurer doesn't much-paid attention because of low income if its group of high-rank adventurers and takes time if you are only by yourself luring then kill.
I always let them do the killing and if there’s too much for them, I surround them. with earth magic and make a sole path, in that way, they can support themselves, after eating dinner for the mage I give them a science lecture one to two hours and it’s easy to teach them because I can show it for them so of can help them increase comprehension on their skill,
For Kara, I read the elf bow teaching, and translate it there are a lot of times I even test out the logic on the book then show it to her.
In sword I'm confident even I'm are using different sword type I still have Lvl10 mastery on one hand sword,
The law of shield is not first time I use, I use some same technique I know before and theory to make a skill for the shield, like shield bash shield, pummel, shields covered, shield impact redirection, I'm only using armguard but it’s not that hard to think this basic skill in common Shield in the games, because you need to input Mana and hit with your shield, what I can't think of is something like reflect so I didn't mention it to gin.
One more thing is the body enhancement using an item like the shoe speed bracelet of strength will be useful but what if not. So I advise them not use the item if not really needed and practice to use body enhancement alone, after the 16days we already at floor 8, we didn't wipe out or clean up the whole place, we just go directly where the most.
Then I will teleport then go to next floor,
They even starting to study basic clay molding skill because it's too convenient for making a camp I always create out and flattened it when done using, earth skill is never been popular in the kingdom so even in academy using it, is only a little number, and most for just the sake of knowing earth magic exist, we met many adventurer parties but most are too smooth things out, and I like their reactions when I make a big "Boom*!!" on the ground, even Gin and I topic is when will I do it again, because it’s amusing.
But now I need to confirm things from Selica so I left the camp for a while
"Yo! what's my little goddess doing now?" I
"Waiting for you?... to explain what happens... when you died back there" Selica
"Huh*!! what?? did you know?? .. are you watching me..." I
"Who.. who are watching you!!" Selica blush little
"Can you get out here? " I
"Of course didn't I tell you I just make this place as hiding place.." Selica
"We'll... yea now I think about it... I know that the honorable goddess of hope, who most worshiped of the church of hope, and almost all light attribute here in the Kingdom will never watch my nightlife right?" I
"Nightlife?... t.. that thing... you do... of course .. I.. I didn't watch it... when your... with that Dina... " Selica
"Sigh*! , OK .. let change topic " I said because I think I know the answer...
"Yeah. Explain to me.. in detail" Selica said
I explain what I do, what I think that day, what's my opinion
While starting to cook then after I've done cooking I sit and eat with her, then while eating I finish explaining all happen,
"Um, just think its a protections of the world from all the stupid who thinks like you... So it’s good you come back" Selica "so is that all news?"
"Besides I have 3 girlfriends now..., um right this." I show my all my status
"Well look my race change.. what is the difference between High Human to human?" I ask
"high human... how is it happen? because you died twice? because you touch something you shouldn’t?No… " Selica holding her chin
“Because of Healthy Body Level Max ….” Murmuring to herself…
"yo! little goddess I'm still here.., what's the different " i
"Yea, well high human is simply enlightened being of this world, they are one of the ancient race here in this world who already forgotten, according to what's the record I read before high human start to create all magic in this world, and start to teach all race to use it, "
"So basically is just that? Because I'm trying many kinds of Magic I become that..? I even thought I became higher being pfft*! " I said while laughing
"idiot!.. you don't get it?... in this world many being like to explore many kinds of Magic, but no one recorded become high human,... it's not because you died twice.. or touch the taboo... or even uselessly learn many kinds of Magic... what're the most... it’s you already became an enlightened being, it's because your still fine and here joking with me like before.. you get it?" Selica
"No? if anyone keeps joking with you, they will become an enlightened being? and what's the use of it? don't act mysterious said it straight..." I said
"This stupid enlightened being... it’s because you already spend billions of years? no.. you said many worlds each spend billions of years... and you're still okay normally joking around here normally you will go crazy after that... in fact base on mind imprisonment that you experience you’re…." Selica stop again
“Older than me…” Selica
"Now that I think about it... you're right, even my [[ Perseverance ]] became maxlvl back there and do you know I cried like a stupid back there for protecting myself going crazy pfft* pfft*!! hahaha, and when I use to heal and body recovery, I use it without chant, and when I check my skill list everything's gone, including heal and body recovery, only passive skill, left except for [[ interspatial storage ]] [[ identified ]]...
So what's the true use of it? " I said while keep laughing remembering how ugly I cry back there...
"You're... restriction... you didn't notice it because you didn't reach your supposed to be 'Peak', this game of god... this stage is really doom ... because as one of the oldest and powerful races in this world back there .. even the current so-called themselves 'God' has no way to restrict High-Race, , because before they become God... I’m sure high human already extinct"
After some more talk with Selica I conclude many things
Well one thing, according to my theory all race, monster beast summoned heroes, all living thing in this world , must have something like soul print or life print where they can control the growth potential of each race, the rules about class restriction, max status, max level, status distributions of heroes, can only be possible to set , through that,
Maybe they can restrict the heroes max potential when they brought here but can't change the body restriction off because they didn't born here, so I think [[ class restriction off ]] is not a skill given by the 'System', but it’s the soul of otherworld doesn't have restriction implanted from the start.
Because it doesn't make sense .. when you become mage you can’t mastered how to use dagger.. I thought first people here is just stupid... but it’s not their fault... The system restricts it from the moment they born...
Because that is the only way this blue screen or 'System' makes sense,
The other realization, Selica is not the same from the so-called [[ God ]] ... she always full of disdain about them, she even said before after the summoning "They will be restricted" she didn't even include herself... and killing god before.. killing a god before because of a whim... "Unwritten rules by the above" before she’s talking about it... is there above the god?..
The 5 rune circle wing behind Selica... it's touchable, even I have Lvl10 rune, I still can’t understand a single rune written on it.
The other one is if I am really out of their grasp, out of the restrictions of this system…
I grin devilish thinking other possibilities,
“Stopped grinning like a pervert here” Selica
“I thought I was cool when grinning like that… am I really like a pervert? hehehe” I said wearily smile.
- In Serial121 Chapters
In Pursuit Of Magic
Somehow, I find myself reborn in the world of Harry Potter as a no-name orphan. You know what that means: pursuing magic's secrets and uncovering the most tantalizing of mysteries this world has to offer! Oh, Voldemort? Why should I care? SI OC. A slow-boil, realistic journey of a man rediscovering his path in a world of great magic— whether for good, or for evil. Crossposted from FFNet
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Devouring - Progenitor of Evolution
// NOT ON HIATUS, just no time right now to write more... Sadly... //His mother killed in prostitution and by drugs, his father stabbed to death in a robbery by ordinary street thugs, he himself lived on the streets at the age of 18, surviving instead of living.A heroic drive, however, snatched him out of this miserable life, and he thought it was finally over, until he learned from an odd character that this was not his first "unlucky" life in succession, and that he would be eligible for a special program for his reincarnation.Without much to lose, and not much that could go worse in the next life, he landed in a new world... As a mole. His oh so great ability, which he had been promised?Absorption of biological and magical properties of EVERYTHING he devoured! And so began his journey as a mole! Emotions? Missing brain strands to feel anything of that nature. Joy? All the more! Finally eating, no matter what... Starving is no more! The progenitor of devouring was let loose on the world, and who knows where his journey will lead him... This story will appear irregularly, and first of all on Patreon. I'm mainly writing the story "Healing Dungeon" myself, and every now and then another chapter of Devouring to clear my head ;)
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Walking The Jiang Hu
Ip An, an ordinary village boy suddenly gains the chance to enter an immortal sect by his grandfather on his deathbed. However, once he reaches the sect it is revealed that he isn't able to cultivate! Despite this he is unwilling to back down and wishes to simply make his grandfather proud. Soon, he becomes content with just practicing the mortal martial arts with his strangely eccentric, and mysteriously strong teacher. However, one day he offends a senior's nephew and is consequently sent to the frontlines of an inter-continental war that has been occurring for several centuries! Can Ip An, a mere mortal, survive or even thrive amongst countless war-crazed and bloodthirsty cultivators who could squash him like an ant? [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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Apocalypse Summoner
Not my own i just want to share it!... He shall call forth the bone dragon! Summon the lich and the grim reaper! Li Jiayu, the dark summoner, has been reborn and everything returned to the moment before the outbreak of the devastating apocalypse.Spaces tremble violently and dimensional cracks connected to various worlds appear! In an instant, never-seen-before civilizations invade our homeland. Insects the size of humans and walking corpses sweep through Earth in legions. An imminent crisis is approaching humanity and billions of human lives are at risk!In regards to Li Jiayu's uncorrupted soul, his summons shall no longer be limited to creatures which lurk in the darkness. They will also include the entities that bask in the light.Under the lingering shadow of death, he vows to prevent a repeat of past tragedies!Struggling within the exhausting apocalyptic world, he chooses to trudge on the bloody path of slaughter.
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Must Be Mine | COMPLETED #WATTYS2022
Previously titled "Shawty" and "All My Love".Dakota Hunters is a successful 23 year old single mother, and student at the University of Chicago, Illinois that is a multi balanced entrepreneur. Whom meets rapper King Von & the two develop an unusual romance.This story contains sexual content, vulgar language and behavior along with lies, drugs and other mature content. Please read if you are 18+. If not please find another book to read.started: november 14, 2020ended: december 12, 2021Ranks:#1 in wenotfrom63rd
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playboy issues | jimin
Нэг л өдөр чамайг өмнө нь огтхон ч анзаардаггүй байсан сургуулийн алдартай хөвгүүн чамд үерхлийн санал тавьбал яах вэ?started: 06/28/18finished: 02/02/19
8 169