《Jack at World of Syntaria》Chapter 20 : The day before Arrival of the Heroes
After that talk with Selica, it’s already Been 10 months.
Morning: 7 am on 67floor a group of teenager full of killing intent, everyone who sees it will feel like it’s a life and death situation.
Like someone saw their lovers murderer....
"THERE!!!!" Kara shouting, Bow Type catkin in some tall tree’s
"Nina wind boost, sister Dina create ice wall to block them! NO ONE SHOULD ESCAPE!!! " Era Human mage major lightning
"Eci fo llaw Taerg!! [[ Ice Wall ]] !! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!" Dina human mage, major ice
"Tasf nur fo dneirf ym pleh Dniw ho!! [[ Wind Boost ]] !! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!" Nina, Carlin mage major wind
"CHARGE!! LET THE JUSTICE PREVAIL!!!" Gin human sword and shield type
"KILL them all without mercy!!!" Mirna dagger type
"""""'"" ARRRGGG!!!!!! """""""""
A crying voice of monster beast resounds the whole place.
Flash back 10 minutes ago.
"This is group of monkey is well behave" Gin
"Maybe they're parent teach them a good manner " Kara
Everyone laugh
"I think they are pitiful!" Nina
"Why did you think so?..." Dina
"Yea I guess too... look while jack is cooking, they just stay there smelling every day, .. or maybe I think that way because... we catkin just always a loving and peaceful race!" Mirna
"No, it just really pitiful, I can't even think if I'm in their position, it’s like mind torturing" Era
"Yeah, that's it.. Imagine Jack always cooking for me, you only allowed to eat banana.." Nina
Everyone face shrink
"But why only you eat jack cooking, I eat banana? I'm also a loving person I always love jack food, why don't you try to, just one time, Gin?" Kara said
Everyone look at Gin
"Well I never bully weak, I always keep myself calm, I never kill someone before more over I don't think get angry from some petty reason, so I can't be considered as a not loving person." Gin trying to explain to avoid banana tribulation
And Gin look at Dina
"Well jack always say I'm a loving person Jack can prove it" Dina wink at me
Then Gin look at Era
"A..are you saying I'm not a loving person? you know I.. I'm...I am?," Era narrowed her eyes looking at Gin
"You are all not loving person, you all always bully me pfft*!" I said teasingly
""""""" not loving person!! """"""" all of them shout at me
"Hahahaha look you're always shouting at me like this you bullying me always, even gin started doing it, pfft*!" I said
"And always remember, here you should not feed that orangutan it’s not a good idea, if you feed them you should all first decide to avoid pointing others fault, understand?" I said while grinning, waiting for a good play
Then I prepare half of the food I cook on the table while their talking
"Well since this the last day of our stay in the dungeon, I want to try to feed them so let's vote? who want to feed them raise the hand??" Gin said
And every one of them raised the hand...
"So who will feed them?" Gin
Everyone look at gin
"Fine, it’s me... I shouldn't ask " Gin put some little food on plate then give it to the group of monster beast look like orangutans
All orangutans eyes turn red..
38 orangutans run to the table then get all the food, after plundering our breakfast run to the forest to hide!!,
"You get them!!! They get all my seasoning and cooking utensil, if you didn't retrieve it, you all going to eat a banana for today!!!
All of them instantly change equipment ready for battle
"Kara scout where they are!!" Era said
The six ready for war....
________ Back to the present _________________
As always I fly watching them, in this almost 10 months their coordination, situational decision really help their party, well even though I'm planning to advance every 2 days, it slows down when we reach the 50th floor because the level gap so slow down us but nonetheless nothing became hinder,
I act as their healer but I only heal them If its dinner time or seriously wounded, even Gin once experienced to lost a leg, after exhausted for fighting a whole day I always make sure they sleep in good shape which can help them recover faster, they bring their own bed of fluffiness and I even create a hot tab for them every day.
Gin Mirna and Kara already learn many things about how to use their weapon most of all how to use body enhancement skill which really helps them to increase attack and defense on certain part of body
The 3 mages even know how to create a house even though is not solid or smooth its really helpful for them to change the environment to their advantage.
It’s become a bloody year for them we only go back to the academy to celebrate each birthday, but still very productive
Era already reach the threshold of rank 8, now she’s Lvl 70, Highest stat Int:78
Dina is 67, rank 7 highest stat Int: 71
Mirna is 66, rank 7 highest stat Agi: 70
Nina is 65, rank 7 highest stat Int:68
Gin 61 rank 7 highest stat Vit and Str: 64
Kara 61 rank 7 highest stat Agi:64
Almost every two months they earn extra point for their effort
Well for me...
[[ Multitasking ]] turn to Lvl9, by first creating sphere of different elements, then creating of 8-inch soldier shape made by it and make them fighting, is not really a soldier I just controlling its shape,
[[ Light Magic ]] Turn to Lvl9 for every day supporting them, by. [[ Heal ]] and [[ Body Recovery ]]
[[Mana Recovery ]] , [[ Mana Control ]] turn to Lvl9 by , using many kind of skill, and my making Mana Stone worth of my 25k Mana, every day, increasing my Mana capacity required to at least use your Mana everyday spend excessive, but I have a large capacity now nothing to spend to, so I create Mana Stone which allowed me to spend my Mana by storing it to stone. I have 670+ Mana stone to my storage,
I need to increase my Mana capacity because it simply requirement for level up my mastery of magic
The three mage, because continuous running and fighting they increase Agi and Vit like a normal adventurer while the 3 weapon class increase their Int because of everyday usage of skill
After they defeat all orangutans
"HA HA HA !!!! PFFT*!!!" I laugh out loud
"What are you laughing... is it your plan we don't eat breakfast? " Era said
"No.. pfft*! .. is just. pfft*!! .. you all really peace and loving person, HA HA HA!!! you're like a shinigami, I mean reapers… our party really called reapers party!!!" I said
They all blushed because they realize there reaction when they realize their delicious food was stolen and change into a banana.
"OK... common I already knew it will happen... So I prepared only half before let's eat.." I said
They're eyes shone then follow me to the table and eat breakfast...
After we eat, we go out the dungeon
_______Outside the Dungeon________
"ha ha ha , even if I'm the orangutan I will run if I feel you killing intent... no murderous aura back there..." I said
"It's gin, fault because he feed that monkey" Kara said
All ladies nod
"Why me, remember we vote?" Gin protested
"ha haha even if gin is not there , someone will feed to it hahaha" I said
"Why?" all look at me
"It’s because from the beginning I keep telling you don't feed.. for 6 day keep telling it.. and you always curious about every warning I say , I know that someone will suggest to feed it and all will agree hahaha" I
"So we really planned out by you.. hmmf .. " Mirna
"Remember I said don't step on the stone because there's an ugly monster in the swamp at 62 floor" I said
"HaHaHa*!!" everyone laughs except for Kara...
"Then... Kara's eaten by slimy frog hahaha" I
"It because you didn't say that stone is the frog. I keep looking around and no monster to see.. when I jump to the stone its open its mouth. ...sob*!" Kara remembering that suffers from injustice...
"It’s OK, don't cry, it’s a good memory looking back to it.. pfft*" I simply kiss her forehead hug her
"So come on let's check out here, .." I pull kara to reception to record our out.
Every body's looking us because except for me wearing my simple outfit all are wearing strange armor with a rune on it..." I
"Hi hello I’m jack, leaving to dungeon, " I said
"Jack... Blue jacket yellow hair, black eyes...you match the jack the reaper description" reception
"Well I guess, too but I'm more handsome than him don't you think so?..." I
"Well, if you want I'm free tonight.." reception
Every girl looks at me like they’re going to attack some orangutan...
"Don't worry miss my boyfriend is busy tonight...." Dina smile on receptionist
"Flirting with others in front of us" Era
"It’s not that... look, she is the first person we talk after a month beside our party I'm just trying my social skill, it might reduce, and if I'm going to flirt there's sister Mirna, soon I will make her fall in love with me too... so I don't need to look for other, right sister Mirna?...." I said
"um!" she nod, in first 2 months there are many time I ask her to be my girlfriend while petting her, but she told me that, she will not allow me to pet her if I keep asking, so I didn't pet her for 3 months, I think she's frustrated after seeing every day I petted Nina and Kara, one day she cry asking why I didn't pet her anymore,
I said 'your my first love, and I want you to be mine, but I can't force you, if I keep petting you it will be harder for me to let you go, so I'm trying to move on, the earlier I forget my feelings for you, the lesser I can feel, if you find a partner,'
After that she allowed me to pet her and she said 'we talk about is after were out of the dungeon.. ok.' but I know Dina Nina and Kara already talk with her even with Era
Then we go to adventurer Guild, we simply walking, while everybody I looking on us on the way...
Some group blocks us...
There are 13 man group of adventures
The two-man in front one 6feet and the other is 6, 4feet and eleven guys at the back
"Are you the Jack, Jack the reaper?" Man1
"So? If I what do you need?" I
Every onlooker's start to whisper...
"I heard you're strong.." Man1
"And so if I what do you need” I
"I want to invite you to our group.." Man1
"I don't want I already have my group" I
"So they are the reapers party right a bunch of kid.....What if you're groups gone?" Man said
"Gin, Nina, Kara, break some bone, cut an arm, kill if you may, I take the full responsibility... after that follow me," I said cold .. I continue to walk
"[[ Shield Bash !! ]] Bang*!! " Gin bash the body of Man1 and the Man1 was throw down 8 meters away
"[[ Power Shot!! ]] Whishhh*!! puchi*! " Kara hit the leg of the biggest man torn off
"toidi to ecaf ta nootolpxe ria !! [[ Wind Bomb!! ]] Boom*!! " Nina cast it to the 11 at back
Everyone doesn't response, because it's already finish in an instant, the one left in his sitting posture is the giant hit by the leg.
"Bang*!!" Kara kick the giant
"You should fall down .. I look weak because you're pretending tough. hmmf... Jack!! Wait.." Kara said and hold my hand again
We walk like nothing happen
"It’s that the reapers party??.."
"I heard the reaper party considered as highest dungeons conquered.. " Male bystander1
" I think they are all rank 5 above....." Male Bystander2
"I heard they are the strongest adventure party" male bystander3
"Stupid I heard they are not registered as Adventurers" male bystander4
"If I join their group would I get a woman like that" male bystander5
The event was instantly spread the whole city
The reapers group beat group of rank 5 adventurers threatened them in instant
In adventurer guild
"Sister Miru, what's up! You looking good more and more who's the lucky guy? " I ask
"hmmf, so I heard you bully someone ..." Miru
"It’s not I, It's your lucky guy," I said
‘It’s not that she like Gin but it’s easy to have something to use pfft' thinking to myself
"My.. my.. what are you talking.. " She looks a little at Gin
"hahaha right Gin bully someone out there, because someone saying bad things to you"
"b..b.bbad things to me..he.. because of me.." Miru
"Stop teasing Sister Miru, why did you let us beat them? " Kara hug Miru
"Huh*! you beat them without knowing?" I said
"um.. because it’s you said, I believe, you will only bully girls not man, on your innovative" Kara explain
"Huh??, it’s because he threatened your life... If anybody became a threat to any of you even the king I will make her kneel in front of you..." I said with determination
Everyone shivered because they know I will do it except for Kara
"So long as you didn't bully unreasonable, if you became bad I will shoot your head with my arrow understand?" Kara said with determination too.
"ha ha ha it will be hurt so I won't do hahaha" I laugh
After some talk...
"Sister Miru later I'm gonna cook specially for you, so you better there to lunch thanks for working hard," I said
Well, Kimiru already have a room in the Academy,
When we go home
"Sigh*! its good, were home .. I'm gonna go take bath so, .. I really miss my hot tab now.." I said
While in soaking, I keep thinking what going to happen.
"Tomorrow is the heroes arrival, after that, I can start to conquered dungeons completely"
What does calamity will bring... Can I cope with it, the more it gets near the more anxious I become
After 10 minutes, I finish soaking at the hot tab and I planning to take a nap, so I lay down with my bathrobe,
but can't sleep I keep thinking about the arrival, so I wear my clothes and go downstairs while walking, I see Mirna, Kara, Gin, Nina playing cards, Dina and Era playing chess, I create some snack for them, then just watching them play..
'If this only continues, it would be fun... if I can.. if I can make a place where I could make things more interesting.....'
After sometime...
Kimiru came, then we eat lunch, as usual, Kara and Nina on my lap while feeding them,
Kara is now 15, Nina is 18 but because of their petite figure, I feel like I adopted them...
After we eat, we are on sofa, I play with Mirna on sofa, while she sitting on my lap hugging me in front, she always sit in this posture, Kara and Nina just simply playing chess but Kara always lose to Nina, well it near the Sala so they can hear the talking
"So tomorrow, Heroes Arrival, I'm planning to let them stay here..." I said
"Let them stay here?" Dina
"um... they are just four teenagers so you don't have to worry, I even make prison, he he he" I said
"It’s not that we are worried about, why didn't you tell us, before? " Era
"No... I tell it to you before you just didn't give a care about it so I guess it’s OK..." I said
"So what you want us to do?" Dina
"Just want you to remember, few things, i plan to make them stay here, give them a room and a teleportation device , so even they study at the academy once they got corner they can use it for safety, once they enter this place, you can prison them that's only if they do something bad, for your safety, after I teach them some important pointers about their capabilities, I might start conquering dungeon, so I might be gone a week or so, because I may be stuck, or unconscious for some time "
"huh*!, why don't you bring us.." Mirna
"I can't, you're gonna die " I
"Why, .. because we're too weak?" Mirna
"pfft*!" I laugh
"No, pfft*! , because I'm too strong, if you're with me I can’t go all out, pfft*"
"hmmf.. because of your giant sword?... " Era ask
"Do you remember me, telling you I was a swordsman ?, pfft*!, " I said half-jokingly
"You're saying?.."
"I only use a heavy sword, because it looks cool right Gin?" I said
"yea, its because only it cool, when Kara and I got here were shock because jack become mage..' Gin
"After every day making, camp, heal you. cook with fire magic, you still think I'm a swordman pfft*!!"
"Well if you think about it, you're really are a mage, so what about?" Dina
"How can I say this. I'm planning to conquered 3 dungeons with 1-2 years, so the faster the better. so please don’t go against me OK?..." I said while playing with Mirna
I give them a strange stick with a rune symbol,
"Here if you break it, I will go back here as fast as I can, for an emergency, even in the different space like in the dungeon it will work, so I will consider that there's an emergency, if you break it, one of you go home so I can meet understand the situation because the first thing I will do, goes here. " I said seriously
They all nod
"So Mirna... " I said, then she looks at me, and started to blush,
"Don't worry from now on, I will never ask you again to be my girlfriend, I will treat you as my little sister, so you don't have to think about it, understand? I'm going to take a rest early today so I can go to Kingdom capital at night," I said
'Sigh*! I think I want some beer to drink tonight" I whisper in my heart
"But it's only 1 PM.."Mirna
"I don't know, I became more anxious, I can't relax...." I said left
I go back to my room.
"Gulp*!! gulp*!!"
"Sigh*! This ale is good, I remember the beer in my old life.." I said to myself
I have been having this elves ale but this is the first time I drink it because I can't relax.
"Gulp*!! gulp*!!"
"haaa*!! if I drink this whole barrel can it make my mind affected, I have a high mind resistance so I don't think I'll be dead drunk by this... " I
"gulp*!! gulp*!!"
"What should I do .. should I join their ceremonies?" I
"Gulp*!! gulp*!!"
"What's inside the top of the dungeon... as if there's a master smith up there , and will say, 'I will make you the best weapon as a reward for arriving here ' hahaha what if Gandalf is there and say ‘you shall not pass’ hahaha" talking to myself and then
"knock*! knock*!"
Before I left them
"This is the first time I see him like this... Like not sure what to do" Mirna
"He's been preparing for 15 years... and everything he's plan will start tomorrow” Dina.
It’s 15 years because Dina knew Jack start practicing Magic at 2 years old.
"15year … when I'm only 15years..." Kara
"Well think about it, I talk to his father before.. because since we met when I was two, he always running Kara and I always followed him, he will just stop a little then run again, until he got sprain his father said that jack like running, trained sword, bow, he became the youngest hunter in the village.." Gin
"um.., when I was three I remember he's playing with a strange ball... Back there... he’s already training magic I just didn’t get it before..." Kara..
"If I only strong enough.." Gin stand and go to a training room.
"Mirna, are you sure you gonna let him go?"Eera
"Um, I’m gonna be his little sister, why?" Mirna.
"No, he makes a decision to let you go... later he might avoid you.. like me..." Era said
"um. When Era reject him, he starting to avoid Era even not obvious, I never see him talking with Era long time" Dina
"R..reject... I never reject him.." Mirna
"Well, Mirna do you reject jack proposal?" Dina
"No?.." Mirna
"Do you see? that what your action do, you reject him without you knowing that's why he is avoiding you" Dina
"Later Jack will avoid sister Mirna" kara
"um.. um I will be pet by him after lunch, because sister Mirna hate Jack" Nina
"Why you.. we should alternate were sisters right ?" Kara
"um um. Were sisters..." Nina
"But later he's going to be busy so his time will be limited" Dina
"Dina... did I really reject him back there?" Era
"Did I also reject him? " Mirna
"Do you know, until now when we are alone ,he always change the topic when regarding you, that shows how 'hurt' he is when you reject him, after this calamity done... he said he will give you this place then he will find a place for me Kara and Nina, to start family… and now Mirna.. . I think his right, the faster it finishes the better" Dina look down
"Sister Dina," Era hugs Dina
On her stomach, because she is standing while Dina is sitting
Nina Kara and Mirna go near to Dina
"Why are you crying.. sob*!.. sister Dina stop crying or I will cry too sob*!." Kara
Dina hug waist of Era
"Even you see him as a boy, I already see him as man, making every effort to face the calamity by his self.. conquered dungeon .. sob*! .. because you think his strong you already forget how hard to do that, his suffering may not be told, but at least cannot be ignored... sob*!.. when I see him being rejected even I feel sad for him sob*!... after the calamities I'm gonna follow him... forever " Dina said determined go to Jack room
"um I will never leave jack forever right Nina, were gonna be sister forever" Kara
"um, I'm gonna let jack petted me forever come let's follow sister dina' nina
Kara and Nina follow Dina
Era and Mirna left behind the Sala
Back at Jack room
knock*!! knock*!!!
While drinking some elves ale someone knocks
"Hi.. what are you doing.." I'm not finished speaking Dina hug me,
"Don't be sad even if they reject you, I will always be here for you.." Dina said
"Jack,... I will always be here for you too. so don't be sad OK? " Kara
" um we will never leave you.. and... What's that smell?.." Nina
"hahaha is an ale I get from elves before.." I said
"You've been drinking?.." Dina
"I don't know just, want to sleep but I can't," I said
"Father said drinking is only for adult" Kara
"Right it, and its bad from your health" Nina
"Yeah, don't worry I’m gonna stop now... come you all go to bed, you play there, Dina" I pull them to my bed then I let Dina on my lap.
"So tell me what happen why do you cry?" I said
"Nothing, I just think it was laborious of you.." Dina
"it’s nothing later, where gonna have our own house own place.. do you know I'm planning to create a city, and the independent city where we will not allow any goverment of Syntaria to handle, in that city I'm gonna make academy which open to all even those vilager, all teaching will be better than this academy, all are free and we could help the small village to this and we will protect them... while creating it we would create our family you me Kara and Nina, were gonna live there until our child grow...etc etc." I said many things I plan for us, they just keep listening
"A little kingdom of Syndria that's gonna be the name of it," I said it while they are shone
"In there no one allowed to bully us?" Kara
"Well, if you capture that place it will be really yours " Dina
"We're gonna be a princess?" Nina
"knock*! .. knock*! "
"I'm gonna open," Kara said then jumps from bed to the ground like a kid would do
"pfft*!, my little wolf really like jumping " I laugh
"Sister Era, Sister Mirna, come jack is saying many good things" Kara pull Era and Mirna
While hugging Dina on her back, and my face on her shoulder
"Sister Era, Mirna? What? anything do you want to ask about Heroes Arrival? Don't worry..." I said and Mirna interrupt me
"No.. it’s not that..!!" Mirna said then look at Era
"I..we.." Era
silence ~~~
"Does you have a need to Dina? Does your stomach ache?" I said
"No!!" they both shout
"Sigh*! OK what it is, ?" I ask
"We .. we want to..." Era
"We want to be your girlfriend!!" Mirna interrupted Era
"Did the ale really effective? I think I really need to sleep" I laid down while holding Dina
"Don't sleep you’re not drunk pfft*!" Dina tapping my face
So I sit again
"So what are saying again?" I ask
"hmmf.. we want to be your girlfriends " Era
"We want to be together with you too..." Mirna
"Are you sure? don't you two rejected me??" I
"When did we reject you?" era
"Well, did you accept my proposal?" I
The two look down so I hug them
"Are you sure, did you really think it carefully?" I ask
"umm" they both nod
I removed my hand from Era then
I hold the chin of Mirna then kiss her lips, while hugging her back moving up and with my petting skill Lvl8,
"kya*!, " I hold a little tight her tail then she opens her mouth, so I attack it with my tongue inside, playing inside, then she starts to play with her tongue, after a while, her knees go weak almost fall down if I didn’t catch her waist*!
"haa*! humm*!" Mirna was grasping for breath
"Mirna, from now on... you are my girlfriend pfft*" I laid her to bed then I look at era
"thump*!" I step forward
"thump*!" she step backward
"thump*!" I step forward again
"thump*!" she step backward again
"Sigh*!, I know... Sister Era, Let nature take its course, I'm gonna cook some snack ..." then I turn around to cook
"Wait!!" Era hold my left hand
"You know sister era, nature will not take it course, because the moment I born, I never let my life to nature course, I never want to save any of you because that means you're in trouble, if you are waiting for a day you will be in life and death situation then I'm going to save you like a prince in a story, I'm sorry it will never happen, and I will not allow it to happen, no one will bully you because im strong, if you just want to stay with us...., I can declare now in all god in heaven that you are my adopted sister and me will be your little brother forever, even if , high physical pain endurance mind resistance, high defense, I’m still human, just little high,.... so stop hurting me ok" I said while dejected and having tears falling to my cheeks patted her head a little, go to the kitchen
In the room
"Sister Era....sob*!... Please stop hurting jack... sob*!... I don't know what did you do... sob*!... but this is the first time I see his tear... sob*!... " Kara
"Brother Jack is right... sob*!... there won't be a day where you will be in trouble ... sob*!... if there's a day.. he will solve it.. without you knowing.. sob*!.." Nina
"Right, sob*!... remembered you told us... Jack attack the academy threatened us without we knowing" Kara
"Era.. you said was going to be his girlfriend, I thought you already decided, so I pulled you, I'm sorry"
Dina hug Era, because Era simply standing there,
"Era, I know you don't mean to hurt him, so let me ask you do you want to be his girlfriend or not"
Then tears starting to fall on her face
"I.. sob*!... I like him but..." era
"but?... if you want to stay together he is right you can adopt him as a little brother is that what you want?" Dina
"no... I like him, I supposed to confess ... I don't know why it turns out like this " Era said while crying
"You know, I think Jack is a little emotional because you reject him before, when you subconsciously step back, maybe he thinks that you will reject him again" Dina
"But, ... sob*!!.. ." Era
"Even though I hate you for hurting him again, actually it easy to solve..." Dina
"You hate me.. sob*!!... easy to solve?" Era
"Of course I little hate you because you’re hurting him, but it doesn't mean we're not gonna be sister understand?" Dina
"um.." Era
"So how we are gonna solve this?" Mirna
"Not we, is only Era, just confess that's no more but, go,! I'm sure after he cooks he will ahead of his plan... and if you didn't make it clear it now, he will close himself from you for sure... so you better go now" Dina
"um.." Era
While cooking
"sigh*! should I hate to be rejected again by era?, if I kiss her first I guess everything will be smooth, somehow I become oversensitive with my first rejection?" I
After a while
"Jack.." Era
"mm. Sister Era are you hungry I can make .…." I said but Era hug me
"I want to be your girlfriend, I don't want to be your sister understand!!" Era kiss me then start to control the game, but when I hold her left breast her stop and then I use [[ float ]] in myself the attack her mouth while playing with her breast, I start to go downward...
"no... not here...haah*!!
We will be seen by other..." Era
"How about in your room after you eat a snack?.." I whisper in her ears
"No." Era trying to protest
I continue to play, I enter my hand inside her shirt
"Fine.. later tell them you’re going to sleep, I'll teleport to your room.." I whisper in her
"um.." she nods shyly
"From now on, you'll be my girl, only mine pfft*! " I said
Then I started to cook make some snack which I left at the sala, then I go outside,
First I create a small train path then create a train above it using the rune to strengthen it then i make a whole train riles beside the octagon post, 8 twist path 4 small to big 360 turn, with confirmation from every sitter occupied to start, well what else a roller coaster, after finish testing and everything I let everyone sit and let them press start if go, Nina doesn't want but Kara pulled her, Dina and Era think I have a bad plan, so only four sit.
"hahaha speed!!! Faster... “ Mirna
after that
"STOP THIS!!!!!!!" Nina
"......" Dina simply close her eyes
"WAahahahha , it seems like they are enjoying it, " I said
"I feel sorry for Nina " Dina
"Really... you really have a bad intention, it good we didn't come up.." Era
"huh? , look my intention is to lighten up the mood, I become emotional if I didn't something the situation will turn awkward, why my good deed became bad intention ... I think someone needs a family discipline later right Dina? pfft*!" I said
"The newest girlfriend received a family discipline, it really lucky one.. pfft *! " Dina
"What is family discipline?" Era ask
"Later after this, you go to sleep I'm gonna teach how my family discipline works, pfft *!" I said teasingly
She’s looking at me having not a good premonition
"OHH.. guys what can you say? about this and.. who bully my little Nina??"
I hug her stroke her hair gently
"JACK... sob*!.. you bully me..," Nina
"Why me .. kara pulled you ... sigh*! Ok sorry, it’s my fault how about we go together?" I said
"No!!!" Nina
Everyone laugh
"He He Era, Dina come on you try" Mirna said happily
"No, I pass look at Nina pfft *! " Dina
"I'm gonna take a nap, so I'll pass " Era blushed while speaking then leave
"Haha after the battery is out it will not work again, until tomorrow, you can use it up to 10x a day, " I said
"There's a food at sala so, you can eat and continue, I have something to do so ..pfft*! , later Dina remember ok?" I said as a reminder
"um.." Dina nod then I left
Warning: Sexual Content
"kya!!" Era
"So where we left off... oh I remember now, I'm gonna make you my woman right?" I hug her waist then start kiss her lips, after several second we both use our tongue,... after several second I let sit at my lap and starting to undress her, while kissing her neck, then I play her nipple
"umm*! haaa*!! " Era
"Now you know why the soundproof is important ... I said it then I laid her to bed
"Era.. you beautiful pfft*!!" I said teasingly
"Don't stare my body too my much.." era said while blushing which makes her more attractive
"I want to record you carefully in my mind, " I said sincerely
Then I remove almost all of my clothes except for the boxer, then I go on her top, kiss her lips again, then go down to her neck... cleavages,
"umm*..! ahh*!!, " era
While playing in my right-hand goes downward until I reach the entrance, then start to use my good attack speed again, to vibrate my finger, outside entrance,
Then Era start to raise hair stomach, opening her leg then
"Haa*!! humm*! ahhhh*! , I'm... I'm cumming.…" Era feel the climax the breath heavily
I remove my boxer and let her see my buddy, it's already erect,
"Do you want me gentle or do you it memorable .." I whisper in her ears while grinning, we not laid down on the bed yet
"Do what you want.. don't ask me a question like that.." Era said bashfully
"oh ..,won't you angry with me .. If I do what I want?... " I said playfully
"We already reach this so... whatever " Era said
Then I and she float near the door I let her back on door, while she floats, holding my shoulders I point my buddy at her entrance teasing her
"Are you ready... pfft*! I said
"Just do it..." she said angrily
"I want to do it memorable so.," I said
"knock*! knock*!"
"Oh, some people knocking ... Should I answer?" I said
"No don't speak. I'm gonna remove soundproof you’re not allowed to speak understand?" She said then I nod
Then I make my buddy head enter the entrance, just the head back and fort
"Knock*! knock*!"
"Yes...um...*! She answers to the knock, but I hold her two breast fondling it,
"Sister Era, Do you want to eat snack" Kara because Dina make her ask Era
Then I entering my buddy slowly, Era Shooking her head, give me assign to stop, one of her arms in her mouth
"No, thanks, I want to take a Nap..." Era
"Are you really sure, the snack really delicious..." Kara
Then I go all the way in one go...
"umm*!! haaa*!! " Era
"Sister Era are you okay?" Kara
Then I increase my movement.
"umm*!!, I'm ok.. so.haa*! later .. I'm gonna take nap..ahh*! now.. " Era
"Ok, later I make jack cook for you.." Kara
"Haa*! ok ... thanks karaahhh*! " Era then she activate soundproof again
Then she held my neck tightly synchronized to my movement
"haaa*! humm*!! ahh*!! I'm cummming again!!ahhhh**!!" Era
"umm*!! , haa*! let's go together..." i said then we both reach the climax
"haaa*!! ahh*!! haa*!" we both breath heavily while we floating into the bed from the door
"pfft*! So is it memorable enough*! " I said
"You.. you're so bad.." Era said
Then I started to play with her breast again
"So about the round.. 2" I turn her around make her butt my front.
"Ha.. This," Era wanna protest
But I already holding her waist and start.
We play more 3 rounds, after cleaning the room and her, she sleeps until dinner
After that I cook for dinner and Kara said Era must be sick or something, so I wake her up to eat dinner, go into dining room we are holding hand so everybody is cleared our relationship, but still, I introduce her as my woman, not a girlfriend, only Dina get it. After we eat dinner and everyone is going to sleep I go to play with Dina.
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The Ascension Age
The Big Bang!It’s the phenomenon known for being responsible for the Universe’s birth. Except for those who were religious fanatics, most people had already come to at least partially accept this theory.As years passed, more proof that the Big Bang was the phenomenon that gave birth to the Universe continued to appear. At some point, religions ceased to exist as the claims of science simply couldn’t be refuted anymore. Humanity had finally accepted as a whole that in this Universe, such a thing as gods didn’t exist… or did they?However, humanity would soon find out that the Big Bang was just part one. That infinitesimally small point where the Big Bang originated… was still there! The Second Big Bang, which had a purpose unlike the first one, was about to begin.
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