《Jack at World of Syntaria》Chapter 18: Jack Death?
When all girls go to master bedroom, Gin and I left behind,
"So gin, what kind of weapon do you want?" I ask
"Well, I'm not really sure all I can use is the sword at village" Gin ask
"So you're not sure... Come before you sleep I'm gonna show you something...follow me to training hall" I said
After we got to training hall , I show him many kind of weapon, which I get from monster or buy to Elfinalde Kingdom made by the Elves or from Dwarves made by Oricholum with gold it might look useless for me but not to other. I make a weaponry then all of the weapon I have duplicate can be seen here, on the middle is the old and tattered Heavy Sword which is made of Orichulum and Mithril material , because it’s too battered,
"What this?" Gin pointing to all weapons in his front
"This is I got from my journey , getting from the monster weapon or buy all kind available at Elfinalde Kingdom and Dwarves leader or even in the kingdom of elf inside the dungeon".
"That huge sword?" Gin pointing to the Heavy Slanted Sword which look like a trash..
"Hehehe that... that is my weapon before" I said
"Huh! That's your weapon, cool how can you hold that, and where's your new weapon? " Gin ask
"This, this is the drake heavy sword made by the true dragon material I also thought it’s cool so i use this sword" I said
"That weapon, how heavy is that can I try?" going said
"Sure can you hold 3600kg?" I gently put the sword on the ground then he tried, it doesn’t even move.
"Hahahah this is the first time I realize what the dwarves leader is talking haha I'm really abnormal...
so you pick a weapon, I'm just in meeting hall, so go there if you want to ask something or you better sleep after picking you're weapon , its already 9 haha" I said then go to workshop only here
This night i make a 50inch round table and create two soldier, 12 inch size, with 15 kind of moves and 15 kind of defense which can negate the attack, powered by rank 2 magic crystal, like watching a simple play, when the “A” statue attack, the “B” statue defend, once statue defend next move will attack until they do 15 times from Slash Stab Swing Jump attack etc.
After that I start tailoring, create 50 kind of simple clothes from the modern world, with rune of cleaning and repair, based on the body of my five house mate, I make it stand in the hall, like and army hehehe,
After that I create a pendant, directly from magic stone and put some rune.
Pendant of protection: Can create light shield for 5 minutes, at least can block full attack of rank 5, or maintain it for 5mins with continuous attack of rank 3
Bracelet of strength: can increase your strength arm at least 10minutes every 12 hours, body enhancement technique.
Bracelet of Escape: Jump 1-10 meters away from you, a mini teleportation device, can designate target, 5x a day
Shoe of speed: can increase your 30%moving speed for 30minutes cooldown 12 hours, body enhancement technique.
Time usage can be lengthened but you need to use your own Mana to supply
I create 5 set of it,
After doing it
"Skill [[ Rune Enchantment ]] Level Up! : Lvl8"
'After creating this whole house, appliances, setting 15 moves to soldier, and putting my skill to object , its help me to increase my rune comprehension, its look like need to create more complex rune to level into 10'
Having [[ Rune Enchantment Lvl8 ]] I'm planning to create a communication device,
It’s already 5am,
"I think I'm gonna cook some breakfast for them first then continue" I
After 40 minutes I already done cooking, rice, omelet, fried fish, and some soup, then I prepared it at the dining table then I make a cover, after that I go back to meeting hall, to create a communication tool
Eraline POV
We four ladies almost yawn simultaneously, because we stay for some girl talk it’s already 8 am.
"It’s already morning so we should prepare now..." I said
"um I'm sorry Lady Era, I should be preparing food now" Dina said while feeling sorry
"Wait.. Why does there's a 'Lady' again can't you really remove it Sister Dina.. Because I feel like I'm an outsider" I said while I feel sad because I heard that word again from my supposed to be intimate person
"I'm sorry Era OK it’s my wrong for doing it again, it’s just subconsciously response because I make mistake" Dina said while smiling
"OK, we almost sleep around 3 I think, so can't be help pfft*" I said
"Then Kara remember what you’re going to do? " I look at ask Kara
"Um.. I can't make her pet me, so he can realize how important to me?" Kara said
"No,.. well its one.. but once we go out you should restrain yourself, you also need to consult your parent because like Jack said he might have many girls understand? " I said while thinking he already reach Heroes Domain, already rich what else can look for…
"Um. Because great men never lacked woman right.?." Kara said
"And make him promise never to promise woman again to marry if you will join to him, to restrict him to stop marrying more woman understand?" I said..
"um.. I understand once we married him we should restrict him to get more right?, we should monopolize, right Nina were gonna be sisters from now on your my little sister and sister Era, and sister Dina is our big sister were gonna have same husband..." Kara said and hug Nina
"as..same husband .. I.. I'm not ready yet.." Nina said
Then I started to blush...
'Why does its, always get into this point when Kara start to talk..' I keep thinking to myself
Because of the promise of jack to them, Kara keep pointing it out.
Then I saw Dina starting to blush too
"Sister Dina, I'm gonna help you come on let's prepare food" I said
"Yea.., I think it’s better to cook now this talking getting messier pfft*!" Dina said
"Yea we will right little Nina,"
"Please Kara don't call me little, please I'm 17 now, in fact I'm older than you I just look like 12" Nina said
"You're 17?" Kara said
"Now that I think about it... I should call you little Kara from now on" Nina said grinning
"No .. please I lose a little sister, I'm now the little sister.. " Kara and Nina now change suppression
"Haha you Nina and Kara why don't you join us to prepared food" I said when we turn around
"Right! Does Jack look for 13 years old to marry so I can have little sister right?" Kara said because right now she is only 14.
"""" No! """" we three shouts and Kara scared
"You should never ask that to Jack understand?" Dina said
"Right... are we not enough?.." Nina
"Huh! Kara you're mission is to stop jack getting more girls not to add understand.." I said
She nod, and we left the room.....
After we left the room we saw Gin look like just awoke..
''good morning Gin," We greet Gin
"Good morning Sister Era , good more Sister Dina and Nina good morning Kara yawn*!" Gin said trying to familiarize the house custom,
"Gin you just awoke? What did you do last night?" Kara ask?
"I .. I just can help myself to pick a weapon.. because there so many" Gin said
"Many weapon?.. Where?" I ask ,
"Well jack create weaponry at training hall, and you will shock because it almost hundred different kind of weapon, he said most of it is all made by the some ore .. jack is precious metal it called Orichulum and Mithril I thinks that’s the name of the ore if I'm not mistaken.." Gin said
"Orichulum, Mithril hundreds of it?" Dina and Nina said while shock..
"We should look at it first before cook I think?" I said
"Well I don't think we need to cook breakfast look at dining table" Dina said
"Yea there’s a prepared food I think Jack cook" I said
"Come let's look at training hall first!" I said
When we go to training hall everyone’s mouth open wide, because it’s like a collection of best treasure in the Kingdom, not even the kingdom doesn’t have this kind of weapon, Mithril material is hard to get, because elves doesn't sell it to outsider the Dwarves supply weapon but not all is Orichulum material, at most they give the Kingdom when there a big event, but not as many as this.
"Oh there's so many bow I'm gonna get one after I ask jack later, I will promise him to play with my tail for five minutes" Kara said like her tail is the most precious gem on other eyes
"No.. You remembered our talk.." I said I feel like she wants to be petted by jack than jack want to pet her....
"um. right I cannot.. so where’s Jack? Gin do you know where is he?" Kara said
"Before he left me yesterday here, he said he is going to meeting hall? But he already prepared food so I'm not sure..." gin said
"I remember you said the mini map on the center of this place can indicate?" Kara said
"Yeah come on" I said when we check the map we see that meeting hall has a light indicate there someone in there.
We go there and see jack there a group of the different dress, there a lot of dress even the simple one is adorable.
"Wow there so many different dresses here" Nina said
"Yea is it what he all night? There so many dress here, where is Jack?" I said
"There! On the that side of the wall " Gin see jack then when we go to him, we saw shoe pendant bracelet , small like stone , and what's more jack sleeping on the floor...
Once you see him, you will know that he stayed up all night...
Jack POV
"Hi? Good morning is it still morning?" I said
When I wake up, I saw them looking at me dearly,
"You why did you sleep here, what time did you sleep?" Dina ask
"Sister Dina why you look more blooming today" I said
"Stop changing the topic answered us.... "Era everyone is narrowing their eyes on me...
"Fine .. I just sleep a little here look me tea still hot... why you always bully me..." I said ask innocently
"OK what are you doing all night, why there so many clothes here?" Era said
"Well, actually yesterday I buy many kind of silk, because Kara and Gin doesn’t like the aristocrat clothes so I plan to create for them, while but I also like to give you three that's why I create 50, ten for each even though I’m not a good designer at least I still want to give you, after than I create this for you protection"
I said then explain them about the ability of each item,
"And forgot about this, look" I show them the two soldier fighting
"And then I trying to create communication device, I already create some test but the problem is i need some kind of signature signal which indicate who you want to talk to, not like this one you activate both this two will receive ..." I said while they are looking to me
"You... do you know what you’re doing?" Nina ask me then everyone look at Nina
"Yea, right now its possible talk to you I think as long as you’re in the city..."
"Huh*!!" all of them was shock
"No... I mean what you're doing can change this world works... its revolution" Nina said
"Yeah if we think about this, all your work doesn't work from normal, yea you're not normal" Kara said
"Are you telling me, I'm abnormal?" I said then everyone laugh
"Well first you get what yours, all dress there have rune of auto repair, auto clean using Mana of the user to activate it.
The man clothing of course its Gin next is for Kara and next Nina then Sister Era and Sister Dina hope you like and this you get one set for each of you then Gin, and Kara before the ceremony of the school at the end of the month I will go home for a day do you want to come?" I ask them
"Um" They both nod
"and you all can get what you like at the weaponry, if is destroyed and cannot be repaired just returns it there a get a new, and Sister Dina I forget to tell you, your ring and Sister Era has permission to the treasury so you are free to spend it all" I said
"Huh*!!" Dina and Era was shock.. Era salary per month is 40gold, 480a year...
"Well btw Kara and Gin if you want I can boost you to level up"
"Huh! Jack wait!!! " Nina said
"Why?" I ask
"You… you let me process first, I'm going ... I think I'm going crazy...." Nina ask while take a deep breath
"What do you mean? is there anything weird to what I say" I ask
"Huh*!... don't over act it’s just normal" I said
"YOURE ABNORMAL!!!, first all you do is not normal, at first auto repairs, auto clean is still passable can be bypass, you create water at bathroom, strengthen the wall, make adjustable fire to the kitchen is passable can be bypass.... you're weaponry can be bypass, you're communication tool kind of difficult to believe, but because it’s you I believe you can do it, the two man? And those fighting soldier on the table? Are you... are preparing for war?...." Nina said
Era and Dina think of it, then yeah.. all of this thing is ... if you're objective is army? all things I do is on the right track, so Dina and Era turn pale
"Well, Nina you're too great... right?" I said then hug Nina excitedly
Everyone's shocked
"P....put down me..." Nina shyly says
"You... you put her down jack, never bully Nina... yo.. you can only bully me.." Kara said
"Cough*! I'm sorry I just realize something...
Well, first of all, it’s right Nina deduction is really possible, you look at this point of view, if I create a 3meter soldier or so...
Around rank 10 Magic crystal, using rune I can create a group of rank 10army..., speed, using space will touch the limit, with strength I can make a Heavy sword, Lightning element, Body Enhance, Body Enchant and Rune Enchantment... it’s not impossible well you think.. more profound... I can create a dragon...,
if you think about it.. This whole place.... is all I created.. I can create,.…..." I stop
All idea come up to me.. like my mind become clear, like I was drugged which boost my mind…
All is waiting for me to speak but after minute…
"You can create what? ." Gin ask
"Look thinking serious and forget about us tsk.. tsk" Era said
"But let us wait maybe he's thinking away to bully Nina..." Kara
"pfft*!" Dina simple laugh on their conversation
After 10 minutes of their talk.
"What ..." Era still not finish speaking then?
"Argh!.." I put my hand on my chest,... because... my heart ... stop beating...
Then I black out...
Everyone shout my name and then everything's turn black.
Before jack falls down the ground I catch his body, he kneels down, I can feel his breathing, I put my hand on his pulse, then on his chest...
"Hey, Jack what's happening.. Jack.. wake up! .. gin put him to the bedroom and Sister Dina call a healer use your bracelet of escape to help you, when you're going back use the ring function please ... sob*!. faster Sister Dina" I said while I'm in tears , because I know.... subconsciously.. that....Jack is Dead
Gin bought jack to his room with Kara, Dina goes out for healer, in all of here Dina is the fastest, , Nina and I look at each other...
'He's not breathing...., doesn't have a pulse...., his heart is not beating...
He is.....' I'm thinking of the result when I check him and it's only one conclusion, 'he's dead?' while thinking in my heart...
'What, happen he's just happy hugging the Nina a moment ago..' I think...
"Sister Era... did i ask something wrong... did.. did I ask something he cannot say... did.. did someone put restriction to him… am I ... am I the reason...sob*! .. sob**" Nina started to cry too..
"Restriction.. right... is it.., is it possible that... like that day... but what.. and who...even the strongest in the academy can't do a thing to him.."
'It is the one who gives him the information?... Thinking about it back then....is... it’s a god?' I shivered when I think it...
He tell us he knew heroes arrival, he knew since birth.... who has the ability to do that to let new born have the knowledge of heroes arrival .. Except for godly ability I can't think of anything else .... if a godly being put restriction to you.... breaking only means death.... I think I should talk to Sister Dina about this
"No Nina it's something.… something not related to you so don't be worries OK..., I have an idea and Sister Dina will agree to it, but the reason I cannot say understand?" I pat her head....
"Why... I want to know...sob*.. please tell me sob* " Nina still crying and I don't know how to reject her so I said
"I cannot.. please nina.. dont ask.... this I can never and even Sister Dina you can't force her to tell you.. please listen to me" I started to cry again but i force to stop it,
"Please,.. if I don't know the ..truth ...sob* I can’t forgive myself.." Nina said, with determine eye
"Nina.. sob*..please stop.. sob*... if you .. continue to ask..sob* sob*.. I might tell you..sob*... but I will also die..sob* so please.. " I see Nina full of shock.. I can’t help my tears anymore.,. because ... what mess did we get into... why did... I know this..
"sob* if .. if Sister Dina tell me… she might die to..???" Nina ask
"um.. so please don't ask her..." I said
"um.. I'm not sure... what it is.. but .. but iwil not ask sister dina I promise.." nina said
"thanks.." I said
After 15 minutes Dina come one of the faculty member, a teacher from church..
"I heard its emergency where is the patients..." Healer
"On fifth please step on the Magic Circle" I said then I activate it and he vanish
The healer shocked then I guide him here..
The door is open, so we directly inside then jack is there laid down on bed already pale
Kara on the side stand on the back of Kara
"Here, please do anything you can ..." I said
"Let me check him.." Healer
The doctor is frowning, before he get near because even he didn't check it’s obvious for those who study medicine, but he still check, his breathing, pulse in neck, the heart, but when he check the hand, the feet, he so that something eating the flesh, it’s starting to corrode not in the noticeable manner but if you focus you're eye on it, it’s fast enough to maybe 1hours or so, whole body will be eaten by it., he stand up.
"What happen …?" I ask...
"He doesn't have, pulse..., does not breath, doesn't have heart beat, already pale, and started to corrodes this is the first time I see this case.. I'm sorry to tell... he's already dead.. I can't do anything" Healer
"NO!! YOURE A LIER...!!! sob** JACK IS JUST SLEEPING!!!, sob** HE WILL WAKE UP!! WE ARE JUST laughing .. sob* ... so please ... sob* .. tell me.. tell me you're wrong..." Kara started to cry
Gin also crying in side...
"I'm sorry , but may someone lead the way to me out..., sorry Ms. Eraldine “ Healer
"Please ... follow me.." Dina lead the way out the healer
Then go back at room...
Now in the room... Everyone is here, but the aura is gloomy...
"Jack... please wake up.. sob* .. I will allow you pet me.. as long as you want... I will allow you.. bully nina..sob* ... I'm gonna allow you marry them.. sob* just please... sob* wake up..." She continue to cry
"Sister Dina... sob*! can we talk.. a little.." I said... then we are out in the room near teleportation circle
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