《Jack at World of Syntaria》Chapter 17: Reunion with Childhood Friend
In the morning three is already preparing a meal playing with new kitchen tool,
"""Good morning Jack (little jack!!) """ the three said (Era Dina Nina)
"Good morning! So have a comfortable sleep?, At your new room?" I said
"Um, I really like the bed, I feel like the wanna stay there forever " Nina
"So you're friend gonna come today right?" Dina
"Um... I really wanna meet them, according to sister Miru, If nothing happen, they will be here at late morning" I said cheerfully
After breakfast, take a bath, wearing my normal attire a plain V-Cut T-shirt with small pocket on left of my chest side, most of my shirt is like that only different pale color, with one black lining on right arm, brown belt, slim flexible pants and blue plain shoe without lace, with plain white on the side, I brush up my hair and start posing on mirror.
"Jack, I always see you in that outfit, only the colors keep changing" Nina said
"Well, I like it simple and don't worry even I'm inside dungeons I'm wearing this pft*!" I said half-jokingly but it’s true.
"Yeah, it’s so simple, which makes you stand out ... everyone trying their best to show off" Dina said
"Well, do I really look that bad? " I said
"No it’s not that you look bad, you simply like you're not around here, your golden yellow hair and natural aura makes you like a royal prince..., no your aura simply telling other that you're .. above.. a king..?" Dina said
"Yeah are you sure, you're a villager? And look all these tools you create, I'm sure it’s not from you're village too" Era
"Yea yea .. I'm a King and I'm gonna make you three my royal wives hehe" I said smile and wear my blue jacket then said my good bye.
After that, I go to the inn near the entrance of the City, where carriage from the City of Denoso will stop.
"Hi Sir, what can I help you?" I waitress ask me when I enter the Inn.
"Can I sit inside I'm waiting for the carriages from Denoso City can I wait here? I’m not sure the exact time but it should be at least late morning" I said
"OK sir, if you want hot tea or anything you can just ask me" The waitress wink at me before leave
"Sure thanks," I said smiling, I want to cough but I might offend her...
I sit on the side of the window, after waiting for half hour, a carriage stop at the side of the Inn and then I saw familiar faces. A black hair, youth with fair color skin, with a sword on the back and have baggage, and still, wear a villager cloth.
A young girl from silver wolf race, slender body, with normal b cup size, have bow in the back, a dagger on waist and have a baggage holding, with their villager clothing too..,
When I go out the Inn toward them, the two stand still staring at me while walking in front of them like normal people who walk in the sidewalk, pretend that I didn't know them after I pass them around 5 meters,
Kara hugs my back
Then I stop walking
Gin was scared because he's not sure if it’s me
After 3 seconds I turn around and look at her
"It’s been longtime, Kara" I said
"Um" She almost like going to cry any moment and hit me again with her fist on my chest, I patted her head while she's hugging me.
"Yo! Gin how’s the life?" I said
"Huh! It’s really you... I thought me and Kara mistaken and I was scared when she hugged you.." Gin worriedly laughing,
"Hmmf. It’s you only mistaken, I have never mistaken Jack.." Kara said proudly
I laugh then both of them look at me.
"Why you didn't call us earlier and pass us by?" Gin said
"No, I just thought you already forgot me Hehehe, and I think its fun, " I said
"You never change.. you... I always think of you..." Kara said while starting to really cry now...
"Stop, don't cry, wait… come on follow me today I’m the host" I hold the hand of Kara then trying to pull her.
"Wait... my baggage. " Kara said and stop to cry...
"Oh, here, wear this, this is I create specially for you, you drop a blood first into it, come on"
I said while wearing to finger of Kara, she was started to blush,
I throw also give gin a ring and after they drop a blood after I explain how to use it.
"It’s quite convenience to use it, I never heard of it before, is it common things here?" Gin said
"No, actually even I never heard about this before, its I created, I only give it to three people, and your e 4th and fifth who have it…" I said
"It’s you create?" Kara said
"Yeah with some elf rune and space magic" I said
"" You are mage? "" The two said
"Chopped*!!" I chop the head of two
"Don't think too much, common let's buy some clothes" I said
After that, we are walking toward market direction, while I'm holding the hand of Kara
"Why there's so many people here looking at us..." Kara ask
"Well it’s because you're adorable" I just simply shrug my shoulder
"I think because we look like a villager.." Gin said
"Chopped*!" I chopped the head of Gin
"AARRGG! Why you always do that..." Gin
"You must learn to read the mood... Kara don't mind them , remember never think that you're inferior to them , whatever you wear you're beautiful , understand?. .. " I said and Kara starting to blush again and nod.
"You too Gin.. OK?" I said
"Um. I get now why chopped my head hehe sorry...." Gin said because he realizes that even he doesn’t care about his clothes, Kara might...
"It’s, good that you understand, " I said while smiling
"And remember no one’s allowed to bully you, so you should tell me sooner if something bad happens OK?" I said seriously
After that we buy some clothes, then a lot of silk, they try many clothes and also doesn’t like the Aristocrat clothing, which like you're going to party anytime, so I decided to make them some, create simple design after that, hire someone to make it for more extra for them.
While we are going to my place.. ( manor?, building?, base?, condo hehehe)
When we go to my place we heard a lot of people talking about, "Land of Miracle" created by "Wise Sage"
".. Hey jack they are keep talking about Land of Miracle? What's that and can you tell us about the Wise Sage too?" Kara said even Gin is curiously looking at me
"Well it’s my first time heard about the Land of Miracle, and I never heard someone has a title with Wise Sage here in the academy maybe, they invited someone with high skill, I'm not sure, well I only got here 4 days ago..." I said
""What!!?"" the both shock and we all stop walking
"Yeah, It’s only 4 days since I got here...many things happen… pfft*!" I said while laughing
"But you left the village 3 years ago didn't you said you're going to academy to study? where did you go?" Kara said
"Well actually I registered here 3 years ago, after I registered I see a carriage going to a dungeon.. So.. I go along.. then stuck there for almost 3 years .. I just got back 4 days ago.. " I said while explaining to them.
Kara looking at me worried that there must be bad thing happened.
"Don't.. worry look I'm fine nothing will happen to me, I'm strong... " I said and we continue to walk
"You need to explain what happen to you or.. you.. I will tell auntie and mom you bully me..." She said
"Yea, by the way Auntie is good, we always visit her missing you.. You didn't ask for them don't you miss them?" Gin said
"Chopped*!" I chop his head again
"Who would not miss them... but I'm planning to see them after a month" I said
"Af.. after a month you're going to leave?.. But we just..we just got here." Kara said then I path her head
"Don't, worry you two can go too we three can meet them, I have my way to go there within a day , then after that within a minute we can go back and forth" I said.
“Day…. If you have that way why you didn't visit?" Gin said
"I said I was stuck at the dungeon for almost 3 years and I'm kind of busy, studying many things" I said
"Come on it's gonna be late for lunch, I tell Sister Dina that we will have a lunch, and you're going to live there so you need to know you're housemate, let's go" I said
When we are front of my place,
"Is this where we going? Isn’t it looking like a weird place? "Kara said and Gin nod
"Huh! Weird? Where is it look like weird? It's my first and proudest design," I said look defeated
“After creating this and planning to show off to my friends only tell me its look weird” murmuring to myself.
"No, I didn't mean that way, Wait jack... " Kara said flustered
"No, I know its I create a very strange place,.. look" I stand at the front of lion statue at the front door
"Yo! high five!" I said and raise my arm in front of statue, the two looking at me talking to stone
"Jack I'm sorry, it’s not weird, .." Kara trying to cheer me up but...
The lion stretches its arm the give me high five.
“Huh! It’s really weird! That… isn't it stone? won't it bite us?" Gin and Kara scared
"Hahaha don't worry it’s only the arm will move if you knew what's the rules on it.." I said while laughing
"Haha it’s I create to make fun of the new comer, you're the first victim Hahaha, you try to raise your hand with the ring for 2 second at the eye level of the tiger " They both try and find it amusing after that I open the door then said "I'm home!"
"Oh you're back, is it you're friend, Hi I'm Dina, you can call me Dina or Sister like jack if you want, and you’re Kara right?... You're really beautiful I thought little Jack only likes to brag ..." Dina
"Um, thanks, I'm Kara, Jack friend.. can.. we really call you sister Dina?" Kara said
"um. why is there a problem?" Dina ask curiously
"Well, I heard many rich people looking down those whose from villager.!" Kara said
"pfft*!! hahha I told you Sister Dina you're beautiful, you're beautiful than some aristocrat there hahaha" I said
Kara was shyly looking at me then
"pfft,*! why do you think I'm an aristocrat?, don't worry even though I am, you can still call me sister Dina , as long as don't shut me out" Dina said
"That .. Thanks sister Dina" Kara said smiling
"This is Nina she always shy so please take care of her too*!" Dina said
"Hi I'm Nina , please.. Advise.." Nina said
Gin and Kara look at me
"Why are you looking at me..." I ask
"Nina does Jack bully your ears and tail?.. " Kara ask
Dina and Nina look at each other then
"um, how did you know?" Nina said
"Grr... you.. you idiot.. I tell you never bully other didn't I... " Kara pinching my waist
"Wa..wait .. it hurts... its only happen once no.. twice.. thrice?.. but sister era and sister Dina banned me for doing it because I might be jailed.. Stop .. " I said pretending it super hurt then raise my hand to surrender...
Dina and Nina looking funnily to us
"Hi I'm gin please, just tell me there's anything can do to help... and we know that jack might bully Nina because... the fluffiness " Gin said
"Fluffiness?" Dina said
"Well ... Jack like fluffy things.... back in the village, almost all those have ears and tail looks fluffy has been petted by him, one of them is the tail of kara’s father.. " Gin said
Everyone laugh then Era came in
"Oh this is the friend of little Jack, you must be Gin and you're Kara, I'm Eraldine Hilaros you can call me Era or Sister Era if you want, Kara you're so pretty.. if anybody bully just tell me understand .... Even its jack OK?" Era said happily hugging Kara
"Why! Am I always the bad one" I said
Everyone laugh..
"OK, come let's eat it’s good that Nina and I just finish preparing the food"
"um.. Jack , after we eat you must tell us what do you mean about stuck inside the dungeon, OK or I'm not gonna talk to you..." Kara said
"OK after we eat come on let's first eat, when Sister Era is hungry he always like to eat Silver Wolfkin" I said
"Huh*!" Kara already like going to cry
"No.. no don't cry little Kara .. he's only joking to you.
"real!?" looking like asking for mercy
"Real!, in the name of Hilaros family I will never eat Kara" Kara said flustered seeing Kara crying
"How about my father?" Kara said seriously
".. No Kara I never eat demi-human and human, I only eat normal food.. Jack only kidding you" Era look defeated
"um. you... jack always tell me that grr... Sister Era never eat me.. She only eat normal.. like..like frog.. right Sister Era?"
" ... Frog.…..., no I eat normal food .. I never eat frog.. ., jack you explain or else" Era didn't know what to say
Everyone laughed again and after that, we eat and it almost takes an hour to eat because of talking.
After we eat we all sit on Sala I started to narrate things happen to me...
After 4 hours summary of things happened, there are many questions like
"You fight a hundred of Goblins alone" Gin ask
"um.. it was , that's was a good experienced,", I said
"You.. enter a wolves den just to dodge for 5 hours?" Dina ask
"Yea that help to increase my Agi, it’s related to my reflex and evasion," I said
"You let you self to be whack, and destroyed your whole body?" Era ask
"Yea that's help me increase my vit, HP, defense, and there's a lot of time my hand rip off , or leg disabled, hundreds of times, thanks to [[ Body Recovery Skill ]] and [[ Heal ]], even though its kind of bloody." I said
"You... you see a Kingdom of Elf inside a dungeon? Dryad Spirit?" Nina ask
"Yeah, there's a lot of strange fruit there, I even get a good wand after that". I said
"You defeat a Dragon, have a wyvern as a friend called little Verde? Discovered safe zone at 37floor, 59 and 71 you became the highest dungeon conqueror and already at 71ft, what else didn't you do?" Kara said
"Make you as my pillow?" I said and shrug my shoulder
Everyone started to blush
"What? Do you have a fever?" I ask
I put my forehead to forehead of Kara the she becoming redder,
"Your quite hot, I think I should look for a doctor about you?.. let me check .." I ask sincerely
""" NO """ The three ladies shouts,
"Fine makes sure your always healthy… I'm gonna make a good soup for you and waits already night, Gin choose a room on first floor, Kara choose on fourth floor" I said
"Why on fourth?" Kara ask
"Well Sister Dina, Era, and Nina is there, you can walk at stair or use teleportation rune there, and Gin I'm gonna teach you first how to use the bathroom and can I ask someone to teach Kara? Or no! I think it’s good if I explained it" I said
""" NO """ The three ladies shouts again.
"Why you are starting to synchronized to bully me," I ask innocently
After I teach Gin about the room, we start cooking, eating and cleaning
Nina and Era like playing chess,
I, Dina, Gin, and Kara is on the sofa, Kara is laid down at my lap, and I start to stroke her head while speaking funny joke with her the and suddenly said.
"Next time, you need to bring us to dungeon, Understand," Kara said
"That's .. Don't worry you can settle here first, you go to school if you need anything you can ask just us, and.." I said but I was interrupted
"No! You.. are you planning to go to dungeon alone again.." Kara said
The other started to listen to us talking.
"It’s not. it’s just. Sigh*! Fine, tell me what you and I will support you, even if you want to look for your Prince and live a happy and peaceful life, buy you a castle give 100 royal knights, so what?" I said
"I.. I want .." Kara said after a few seconds,
"Don't mind them you continue..." I said
I am staring at her while smiling and she started to blush while looking at me, she still on my lap keep stroking her head
Kara takes a deep breath and continues.
"I.. want you to take me to dungeon,.. No I want you to take me with you... Forever..." She said while covering her red face with hand while still on my lap
"""" huh*!! """" the other four shock, because a good talk became sudden confession,
"pfft*" I laugh a little but still everyone heard,
"Why are.. you laughing... am I rejected... after.. I. put my great effort to say.. " Kara tears started to fall on her eyes.
"... stop crying I never said I reject you... " I said
"Then" Kara want to say something but
"Chopped!*" I chop her head
"How about you let me finish OK?" I said gently stroking her hair again
"um.." Kara said
"I know that you need a big courage to confess, first of all, I like you too, so you don't have to worry about anything... , you might like me now but only like, once you fall in love with other you will realize the difference...
And I'm an idiot so there's a lot of time, that you will cry because of me, ... and when you became mine, you can only be mine but I might not be only yours , so in our situation, it’s you have only allowed to reject me, so you don’t have to worry that i reject, you get it?" I said gently
"No!" Kara said straight
"How can I say this... once you became mine, you will not have a freedom to left I will only make you mine... but I can't promise to be yours only, I can promise that I will love you forever, take care of you , even you became old, you can be my wife and I'm your husband , but there might be other become my wife, do you understand?" I said explaining more easy to understand
"Why will you have many wives?" Kara said
"Do you know there are already five girls I promise to marry?" I said
""""" Five? """""
The five shock to what I said
"Why? Is there a problem?" I ask
"Here I thought you’re matured enough explaining to Kara something adult would do but.... I think I'm wrong you’re the one need a lecture" Era is narrowing her eyes
"Why? It’s your fault not mine I just trying to help!" I said
"Why it’s me? Did I tell you to promise five girls to marry?" Era said like going to bite me to death
"Yea remember I said to you three , if you never find some boyfriend you can look for me, but once you become my woman, I will be the only one allowed to take care of you, I will love you three until you get old so you better think about it, because once mine always mine..." I said
The three blush...
"Who..who will became your woman.." Era said
"Yea I know I'm not good enough for you three but, I only said if you didn't find... well look at you three who will believe that you can't find a boyfriend" I said
Then I look at Kara
"So you.. You better think of it carefully, understand? if tomorrow you still have the same answer of course I will be happy ... Sister Dina, Sister Era and Nina, mind if you talk with her, you know some girl talk, maybe she just impulsive , and regret it later .." I said
"Who will regret..." Kara mumbling to herself..
"Where gonna make sure she understand so you better not think too early right Sister Dina, Nina!" Era said
"Um..." Nina and Dina
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