《Jack at World of Syntaria》Chapter 15: Syntaria Central Academy
Going to Syntaria Central Academy, I use multiple teleportations to arrive there.
The academy is always full of life.
While walking in the City, many are looking at my because of my natural aura, everyone making a way, I see a guard patrolling.
"Yo! Sir, can I ask you something, where can I find the school headmaster office?" I said in a polite manner.
"Just go directly this way around 4km and you will see a white building then you can ask there, I suggest you hire a carriage" guards
"Thanks," I said then I walk to some alley then use teleportation.
I see a white building; this place is like a palace in Korean TV series,
There's a two people walking toward me, a human male with staff and a Lyzarda female with a sword.
The air change suddenly when I stretch my hand to wave at them.
The female draw her sword, in a form of shielding an attack, the male step back and goes to the female preparing to chant.
"Hi? Can I ask where the school headmaster is?" I wave my hand and ask
"Do you have an appointment?" Female ask me vigilantly
"Well, I don't have an appointment but I need to talk to him...." I said and he interrupts me then says
"The headmaster is currently busy, he has many papers to do you might come back if you have appointment!." the male said full of contempt.
"How about you cool down first, I need to ask the school headmaster but you look at me like I killed your father. " I said politely again.
"The headmaster is not someone you want to talk, you talk! Who do you think you are!?" He says full of disdain, the female look wants to stop the mage, but what the mage said also reasonable.
"We can't forward like this Sigh**!!" I said, the two look at me, and the man still full of contempt
Then I activate [[ Aura ??? ]] Skill
"DO YOU KNOW THAT IM ALSO SOMEONE YOU WANT TO TALK, YOU TALK, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO LOOK AT ME WITH THAT EYE OF YOURS IF YOU WANT TO DIE, JUST TELL ME I CAN GUARANTEE THAT EVEN IN THE FRONT OF YOUR HEADMASTER!!!" I said with my aura skill activate and the female one ground kneel while shivering in fears, while the man sits on the ground already pee on his pant
I close my aura then said "I don't know who you are, and I don't like someone sneaking up to me, I feel like they're going to assassinate me so I always kill them unconsciously" I said
"thump*! ... Interesting you even see me." He said
An elf with his white clothing (Batusai Himura clothes but pure white)
6,5” height, with a handsome man, slim body with a paper fan.
"So can I ask you?... can I talk with your headmaster?" I said,
"pfft!* you're really interesting, Pfft*! I am the headmaster of this school so what can I do for you" Saying playfully, acting like I'm his chess pieces.
"its.. you?. well I think it's better , less trouble, first actually I'm planning to ask you for a space... here in the academy, even there's no house it’s OK I can create mine, the second I will ask permission to go to library attend any class, third I don't know yet,.. I. have 2 childhood friend from my village planning to study here, I can pay their tuition and what else... I think just that and my name is Jack" I said to him and he narrowed his eyes and said
"Why do you think I will comply? Well after you done to my personal guard?" He said
"Well, first I can ask you, why do you think you will not comply, second your so-called personal guard doesn’t have a good manner, I'm asking politely he keep using words to attack me, that's is your fault for not teaching your subordinate, I heard a saying before ‘the trouble created by the subordinate is the responsibility of leaders ‘ or maybe I just create it, and lastly you already there when I wave my hands to them at first" I said
"hmm.. Well you're right it’s my fault for not teaching my subordinate and not stepping up earlier" he said
"Headmaster!!" the two want to say something but interrupted by headmaster by signaling his right hand.
"But I can't just give you a place here to settle down and you can use public library as student for free but I can't give you a permit to just go with any room you like having that pass, and I don't think I should like you here in my academy," He said
The whole city was governed by the academy all building is for rent only, the business here all required to have a permit, there's a lot of open areas but it's not allowed to just build a house.
"I didn't say the I will settle down here, I guess just 2, 3 years would be enough I just want to play with my friend cooking for them in my house, second the library I mean is the private one, about permit class I just want to be in same class with them at least once or twice a week, well they will be on a different class, but after 6months I might bring them to play in the dungeon so a class permit is not an issue.
But the last... its worst... sigh**, I heard this place doesn't advocate discriminations, it was just for a good publicity only tsk tsk. " I said disappointedly
"how do you know about private library only authorized personnel only know it," he raises aura raising vigilant like ready to attack me for any wrong word that will come out,
"Seriously??.. I said a permit to the library, you said a public library, of course, the public came from your mouth anyone in a right mind will get a hint from you.. and stop your suppression aura you're just too weak, the one underground there is little stronger than you... but still not my match.."
I just tell him what's on my mind
Then he stiff for a moment, then he said: "you knew?"
"If you want to hide him from me, at least make him at least 2km away from me or learn to suppress his rank.. sigh*! and here I thought I will have a good result,.. if you're not gonna help from the start you should have told me earlier, you elves always hard to talk ...honestly you always like to manipulate others it's annoying" I said then turn around
"Wait!! What do you mean.. you have transaction with elves before?.." headmaster said
He was shocked because elves tend to isolate or do thing secretly most do not ask help mostly to human.
"Well it’s not a transaction, I just want to help so I inform elves queen in Elfinalde about the Spirit Dryad, just for sake of them knowing, then they want to make me have a transaction with it, they want me to deliver something, want me to escort someone then so on..., then I start to ignore them, at first in my mind elves is friendly in nature but all elves I met just manipulator tsk tsk" I turn around again then teleport..
He looks shocked then said "Elves queen transaction? Spirit Dryad?... Jack??.. Jack the Reaper?" then
Even the headmaster is not in Elfinalde he still has a good relationship with Queen of elves so he knows about the dryad, the elf kingdom inside the tower.
"You.. you wait I have something I need you to do…" Headmaster but I was already gone.
After that, I teleport to mountainside then set a teleportation rune, I can teleport freely but using teleportation rune set, I simply have coordinate saved, it doesn't need to calculate how I far I will jump north to south high and low, after setting runes more than 3 hours everywhere.
'Should I buy a house outside the city?’
I'm asked many inns, but it seemed most of the inn is fully book,
Then I remember Sister Era.
After while I'm walking to the city again I see a guard
"Hi sir, I just want to ask where the place of lady Eraldine Hilaros is?" I ask the guard.
"Oh you're looking for the youngest teacher here in academy, you go straight at direction after that you will see a big balloon there, there's the faculty House's, where you can ask again," the guard said
"Thanks, Sir" then I turn around to go to that direction
After that, I see e balloon that the guard saying and I ask again another guard, he then tell me again a direction.
When I am in front of a manor, I was remembering the first time we met, and the one week I ask her multiple questions. I was smiling happily because that day was so much fun then I start to knock on door
Then a door open, with a familiar face
An immature making trying to act as matured, with the aura of nobility which Is inborn trait of aristocracy
"Sister ERA!!,.. hi?" at first feel excited then turned awkward because I see her blushing on his back there's a man holding Era right hand...
"Ahm, Well sister era, this is my birthday gift to you, I've missed you're 3 birthday so I think of a good gift" I said then pass the [[ Kirlili Wand ]] with rune of speed chanting Rank 3, grade 6, I already decided to give this to Ms. Era after I got the [[ Dryad Blessed Wand ]] I even put a rune of speed chanting on to it., so it will be helpful to her.
"That is my gift to you, an apology gift because I left without saying goodbye...,
And for Sister Dina and Nina that I might visit again, I have someone to meet, so see you later it was good to see you again... " I smile then vow my head a little, I don't even know why I vow.
I turn around smiling then walk but I didn’t realize the tears falling on my face.
Era want speaks to me but I didn't give a chance, the man stops her to follow me.
While I just walk I’m not sure where actually I'm planning to sleep at Ms. Era manor even on the couch I will be fine...
Now I just realize one thing.... In this place, I don't have a place to call home...
While walking for the hour so, I see a river, I use [[ Clay Molding Lvl7 ]] to create a mini house.
Then inside only have a bedstone then I place my jacket on bedstone then I fall sleep directly..,
I never knew that after I fall to sleep I continue to cry.….
After a while a petite form with circle rune at her back go inside looking gently to me, she cleans the face of mine then after a while the form disappears.
Next Day
In the morning I only take a bath using magic, while taking a bath my mind was clearer than before and see many things I didn’t notice before, I eat the ready food in my storage, after that I teleport directly to the place I met the headmaster, I enter directly into it, my aura was increasing unconsciously many teachers looking at me because I'm heading to headmaster office.
When I'm near the door open
"Oh, you're early so what can I help today" In the door, the headmaster said while many teacher watching including Ms. Era
'How is he, maybe she's jealous of my brother' Era
"Well... It’s not a big thing forget all I said yesterday I realize, I don't need the other, what I need in place, I don't care if there's a house or just a land I just need the position." I said and everyone looks at us and shock because in their eye I'm just a kid commanding the headmaster of the school.
"Oh, you're different today than yesterday may I know the reason pfft*!" headmaster smiling.
"Nothing yesterday while sleeping a river, I just realize, In this place, I don't have a place to call home here, do you know that yesterday was of the saddest moment of my life," I said while smiling
"So because of it you just decided that you need to create a place here for you?" the headmaster said while narrowing his eye
"yah, kind of ... I hate the feeling of being left alone In the Dungeon I have something to vent on but here is different, so as I said yesterday two of my childhood friend will study here because of me, were you planning to suppress them too when they come? The way you're doing it now? Is it because of me?" I said smiling
"I'm not sure about what you’re saying pft*, but if I? What will you do pfft *!"
"How about I paid you a million gold for a place to stay, or I can just give it to you so long as you promise they just live a normal student here" I said smiling while started to have vein my forehead.
The other instructor was scared about the amount of gold I said, even Ms. Era think where should I get it, something's not right.
"You have a good offer a place to stay for a million of gold, but about your friends I can't promise except if...." headmaster is trying to play more checking my limit then
"BooM!!!* In the ground created a pit, while the whole building shakes.
A Giant Heavy Sword appears like a two grown-up human size.
"OK... It’s enough... you're a threat to my friend.... you don't need to exist.." When I'm planning to kill the headmaster.
An old foggy appear in my front ....trying to hit me with some Mithril sword but it was defended by my armguard.
Everyone scared to the flow of event...
"So an old foggy, a rank 10 trying to act tough in my front," I said it then activate my aura to the fullest then everyone feels like want to run but can't move, just sit in their on the ground.
""""Rank 10?"""
A top player in the whole kingdom...
"THEN IT DECIDED," I said full of anger
Then activate [[Lightning Domain]]
"Bi! Bi!*!”
Having a Lightning Domain, and full of Killing intent…
“Goodbye OLD PROTECTOR!!!” I shout
"WAIT!!!! STOP!!!" old foggy shout
Then he kneels, after he feels the difference... no... he can't feel the difference of the enemy on his front, its only means it’s a higher rank but he is already rank 10, in this world does have rank 11 exist?
That is what running in his head.
I was planning to continue when
"STOP*!!!!" Era shout then goes near to me.
"Stop! Please stop these..." Era has tears in her eyes
"I can't ... sister Era..." I said trying to disperse my aura around Era
"PLEASE STOP WE WILL DO ANYTHING if you want a place here, I will give you the best" old foggy kneeling
"FUCK you old foggy!, does all Elves is this shameless... until now you still playing with your word, acting like a victim tsk tsk.. " I said angrily
Everyone can see clearly, whose trying to suppress who... but no one speaks...
Our distance around 20meters then
"Defend all you want, In 10 second I'm gonna cut your left arm in 10..5.4.3..2..1..."I count then
The left arm falls down the ground, no one know what happens, no one sees..
Every one turn paled
"Next ... your... Head.. 10… 5... 4.. 3..."
Everyone looks at me scared and think the same
"""""" Where the fuck! Where did he learn that counting!!! """""
"THUMP!!**" The Headmaster kneels to the ground then shouts...
If the protector can't do a thing and died, the next target will be he.
Who will think 15years old, can pinch to death a rank 10 top dog of the Kingdom, that's is his biggest mistake...
"What are you saying!" old foggy
"According to report, I got.. that kid is the highest dungeon floor conquered, the report says he alone conquers already 70Floor, the highest floored clear now is not 57... he supply rank 8 magic crystal in all auction house, even the queen of elves asked for his help, not only that the newest full set dragon armor of dwarves leader material is from him, he's earning a yearly income of this academy for a month.
I told most of the business here in this city to not accommodate him, no inn or any business making transaction to him.
I see him as a naive child that can be easily suppressed...
but... it does not work he can simply live alone in a dungeon for 3 years,
so I decided today to use his incoming friend to threatened.
But I didn't know he will notice earlier trying to negotiate,
I'm planning to corner him,.. to work for me..." The headmaster paled while saying all the truth,
"Bang*! “"Bang*! “"Bang*! “"Bang*! “
The old foggy punch him until he's unconscious using his "one hand"...
"PLEASE, stop this I only heard that you're trying to create your own territory here, create a foundation which will be a threat to the ownership of the academy in the future," the old foggy said
While looking at Era I simply Sigh…
"Just let my incoming friend live as a normal student... which is they deserve... and we’re good" then I turn around and left...
Everyone is silent
After I leave, I go back to my hut in the river. Thinking how my mood to change I remember my little goddess to changed my mood.
After a deep breath
I hold the [ Goddess Pendant ] and input some Mana into it.
"Wang*!!" a light envelop me then.
"Yo!, what's up my little goddess? here's your fluffy bear… how many attacks you receive this month pffft *" I said while teasing, well the attacker is herself so she knew how many attack or when it will attack,
Then I give her a big bear double her size then start to get ingredient in my storage,
"yes this bear looks cute, next time create fox, and what are you going to cook today?"
"I’m gonna surprise you, or you want goblin meat pfft* "
"How about I give you a new skill, a human inborn with goblin face pfft**" while raising a hand
"Well if you do that, I'm gonna rape a lot of women and create a legion of human with goblin face bloodline, then I'm gonna teach them to worship you ..pfft pfft**, you're gonna be the goddess of goblin face," said while laughing
After eating, talking about the event in Academy I feel more relax and then playing game and joke... for some time ...
"Yo! so I think I'm going to leave now, " I said
"Yeah, it’s almost, how about you create castle there."
"I don’t, like castle doesn't feel like home, I rather stay here with my little goddess pfft *," I said
"Just go away... " Selica,
"Thank you, my little goddess" I pat her head while smiling then light envelop me…
If Jack only saw the image at night before, he can easily tell it was Selica.
Almost every month I’m telling Selica what happen to me, which she doesn't have a choice because I'm the only one she can talk there.
When I open my eyes, I'm here in the small hut.
Well two days before Gin and Kara arrive so I have more time to prepare while testing rune inside the small house.
After an hour someone approaching my hut, I didn't mind it and wait for them to the door, then there's a familiar female at door looking at me.
"It’s been a long time, Sister Dina!!" I simply smile at her
Then she hugged me and said, "Why didn't you wait for us yesterday… "
After a minute
"It’s ok it's nothing," I said
"You... why didn't you say to me you don't have a place to stay..." Era said
"Yo! Sister Era, I don't know, I'm planning to ask you but when I see you have a visitor, I realize a lot of things..pfft*! " I said while smiling
"And what is that.... care to explain, depend on what you're going to say I might forgive you.." Era
"First I realize you're a tsundere.." I said seriously
"tsu.. tsundere.. who's tsundere.. you! Do you hit your head enough or I can help you" Era
"Hahaha, I'm just kidding Sister Era," I said laughing then change the tone
"To be honest I just simply realize it’s sad to be alone, I spent almost full 3 years alone inside the dungeon I think deceiving myself become a hobby, even others taking advantage of me I always thought there's a way to around it, or it's just because itsconvenientto do so... looking for a place to stay do you know you're my last option yesterday, but when I see that you have a visitor I might not have a place ... so I’m afraid to be rejected, I then I realize I'm not from around here , I only know this place less than a day, then I thought I was lucky.. lucky that I have someone to look for while thinking about how about Kara and Gin, once they here I don't have a place to shelter them then I realize it’s not all Inn is fully booked someone messing up with me, When my friends arrived will it be same because of me? If in this place have someone trying to bully my friend, why does he or she need to exist?" I smile at them while asking.
Era simply hugs me too "Stupid, you just need to tell it to us, is it that hard to do..."
After some time ...
"And why the old foggy is here?" I said asking
"Cough*! first, to apologize again, we already set a big place for your house, a…and I am want to ask you how 15 years old boy became strong... cough*! " old foggy said
"First you don't have to apologize just don't become a threat to me again and were good, and I will not apologize for your arms, you attacked me with intent to kill without getting the side of mine,
the second I already realize I don't need a house if you can't give it to me, that's why I offer a million gold just let my friend here study and live like normal student.
3rd it’s should be better to ask why, because "how" is simple it's just no one is doing it,
Just kill 100 monster Beast 10 Level above you solo and you will continuous leveling...
Have a better effect if not one on one, its one vs hundred fight,
I learned before, when I enter the dungeon I'm only Lvl2, I clear, 2, 3, 4 and on the fifth floor, I see a village compose 120+ goblins I jump inside the village, every single goblin want to kill me, there's even 4th rank Orc as leader…" when I said "how" the 3 scared, from Lvl2 clearing one to the fifth floor within 2 months alone, they almost not believe, if you do that and you don't level, stop and live an ordinary life it’s not meant for you. That's what running on their head then I said.
"on 'WHY?' I can tell you… only if you promise that it will never go out" I said seriously
"Tell me why, little jack I promise will not say to other" Dina says
"Um. I promise in the name of Hilaros Family" Era
"I promise in the name of goddess of forest that what you're going to say will not have the second person will hear it from me! " old foggy
Everyone look for me seriously.
"Sigh*! Because of the Heroes Arrival…" When I said this three shock because no one thought this is what I will say.
"Heroes Arrival!!????" the 3 in one voice
"w…what do you mean about Heroes Arrival?" Era
"Since I was born, I knew the heroes will arrive..." I said seriously
"When… How??" old fogy said
"I'm not sure how...
But where...I think it will be at the castle like in history,
When on 27th day, of 3rd month next year, the kingdom will summon new heroes,
Four new summoned heroes will arrive,
Remember you can't tell anyone most of all old foggy!! you can't change a thing, you just go with the flow..., I know summoning heroes arrival but I'm not sure what calamity will arrive, that's why since I was a child I'm training! If you change a thing and the summoning heroes failed we are doom to face calamity without heroes understand??" I said then old foggy sweat on for head starting to increase... then he nods
"So you’re planning to join hero’s party? That's why you’re training hard" Era said then the two nod
"Do you really want to know my objectives? If yes put your hand on this rune, if not you can leave just remember you never heard anything, you can prepare goes all out to level, but cannot divulge anything I say" I said again seriously, I create rune on the table and then the 3 put their left hand and simple electric flow into the body of two female and dark aura flow to old foggy.
"Since you accept the contract of death, it will simply kill you if you try to divulge what I'm going to say"
They become stiff looking at me
"I'm planning to save the incoming heroes!" I say
"What do you mean by saving?" Dina say
"Summoned heroes, is simply a normal people in their own world they will be force to summoned here in our world, they will get a special ability, but they’re still child, they live in a peaceful place, they didn't know how to fight never see a monster, never had experienced what is magic, because in their world doesn't have Mana, but they have high comprehension about element , that's why they can easy to learn it more than we do, well that’s the basic common thing in all summoned heroes" I
They are shocked on truth, because when says heroes it was omnipotence, powerful being
"That can't be... "Dina
"Yea if all heroes will just a normal people, living a world without Mana how can they survived here" Era
"Some of what you say is I heard, from special ability, and high comprehension but never sure about the other things you say" the old foggy
"First summoned hero, is basically random people kidnap to fight here in our world
Second, they have different way of leveling, so survive here is not a problem
Third, they are doom to failed" I said
The three scared when I said that the heroes were doomed to fail, first it was supposed to summon five, second Selica change the flow of event the heroes don't even know where to begin because didn't the heroes manual guide like I do. Third and why they are to fail is because I decided to enter the game in the angle, not as heroes but powerful 3rd party.
"I'm planning to put the heroes under my protection, not all heroes like to fight and send here against their will, that's why I ask for a space here at first, but someone target my friend so I try to make a place for them to stay before the heroes, and look for the other place for heroes, I will not let any influential parties use them, and I'm planning to send them back from their world"
"Put them under your protection? How will you do that" Era
"Actually its simple, right now within any race living here, no one is stronger than me... in history, the highest attainment I read is 10th rank, no one enters Heroes Domain... so simple no one can defeat me..." I said
"You.. you mean there's a higher rank than 10th,... this heroes domain what's the difference?" old foggy
"Let me asked you, do you think I'm weapon class or mages class?" I ask then of 6 kinds of element ball floating in my front.
"You.. you really enter heroes domain... without class restrictions in the legend " Old Foggy
"The heroes doom to failed, so I will shelter them until they got strong, I’m not planning to force them to fight, if they don't want, when they doom to failed why they need to fight?, I'm planning to solve the calamity itself, if it’s about killing a million high-level monster, I only need to be more stronger I will not ask you to believe, because I will not tell you how I know or who told or what"
"And it good that you ask me to stop old foggy, you know when I go there I was really planning to set this city into ashes to set my prestige, to make the world know I have the ability to put heroes under my protection buts you ruined my good deed pfft**" I chuckle and then the old foggy turn pale.
"nruter efil god siht fo mra eht tel!! " I used [[ body recovery Lvl7 ]]
"Leah eb dlihc rouy tel sseddog ho!" [[ heal Lvl7]]
I heal the arm of old foggy then,
"It’s ok, 2 more days before I met my friend, then can I sleep now?, it felt good , that I said it to someone pft*! pft*!, do you know that this is the first I said it to other, I keep it secret since I was born, and keep training since I was two hehehe , so can I sleep now I just feel like i would have a good sleep today Yawn!*" I said and laid my jacket to stone bed then sleep...
The 3 trying to process the information they got, then when they responded they look at me already sleeping peacefully,..
The old foggy said his goodbye, then Era sits down there on the side of the stone bed then gently stroking my hair with her finger.
"Who would think that a little boy, was planning to shoulder the responsibilities of four new summoned heroes and end the calamity itself... it was laborious of you..." Era
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