《Jack at World of Syntaria》Chapter 14 : Time Skip
After 2 years and half years
At 71 floor Dungeon
"Creaakkkkk!" A Wyvern sad cried out while being petted by a boy.
A 15years old boy with the brush up golden yellow hair, 5.4" height, saying goodbye to the green wyvern going to the 70th floor, It was Jack.
Jack POV mode
"Thanks, little Verde, for playing with me" I said while petting it, I turn around to the entrance of 70th floor.
“I really need to go back now there so many things to do” After I go back I go 70th floor I simply open a space rune then I m already at 69th floor and so on.
Each floor is a different dimension itself, close space or small world.
I can’t use space magic to teleport to jump directly to another floor.
After exploring completely all 70 floors, I knew that.
1~5 floor 5km size
6~10 floor 8km size
11~20 10km
20~45 15km
46~60 20km
60~70 30km
71 50km
The 37th floor has safety area where adventurer and merchant stay since I discovered it, adventurer guild creates a small branch inside of the dungeon.
I cleared 37th floor after 8months and a half when I cleared 40th, I go back to resupply and report it to the guild, having this contribution the Guild Master talk to me and want me to be an adventurer on the spot, one problem is the oath.
You need to make an oath that once the Kingdom needs to summon you, you will be obliged to the summoned and help them to a certain task, that's the simple issue I asked if I can bypass it, and be a free adventurer. The Guild Master never complied, one thing finish our conversation is when I asked him.
What’s the kingdom gave to me? For me to swear loyalty and heed their command the moment they want? , I ask him to hide my identity, there's no damage if everyone knew it, I just want to know if he can do what he said.
Because of that even I'm 15 years old now, I don’t become adventurer listed in the guild.
The guild master here is a Lyzarda Race, named Komoro,
They race belief is they are the descendant of the dragon and they continue worship dragon god.
Kimiru became my personal assistance in the guild, she is the receptionist back there when I started entering the dungeon.
It happens when I rescue and healed her parent, At first, I hired her for 100gold a year. But not long ago, I allowed her to become my business adviser.
She’s already not a part of the guild but we have a personal room in adventurer guild, because of my merit discovering safety zone in 37th floor, and another merit is. I'm the only one selling an 8th-grade magic crystal which is at level 70- 79.
The highest magic crystal in the market can be seen in some auction is rank 7 it was hunted by group of veteran, rank 6-7 adventurer, almost 600k gold,
But when I first auction rank 8, it surpassed millions of gold.
The auctioneer always says that a mysterious group with 9th ranker in a party travels 3 dungeon hunting high-level monster beasts.
Because it's a common knowledge that Lvl10 monster beast required a group of Lvl10 party to kill it.
It became high price mostly when said its only one.
Since that day, I make Kimiru send 1 rank 8th Magic stone every month.
The adventurer guild, want to monopolize but they can’t sustain the price.
And because I have a way to get more, I make a deal 70% of the auction price, Limit 6pcs a year.
Rhea became Kimiru friend, she is the one act as leader of those I rescue at Goblin Village back at 5th Floor of the dungeon, She start a restaurant for adventurers, and 12 girls stay with their business, the guild became its personal protector and Kimiru always help her.
She gets almost all my needs, I even asked her about books and some understanding of other mages. I hate books of Mages most of them write they’re experience , “Literally” Example: I use always use light in one cave, I full my bath tab using water ball, I create a wind for drying cloth basically diary of using magic.... so rather buy we rent a lot of books then copy notes then return, I even hired someone from the female group I rescue for reading books and write in the piece of paper, if it's about an explanation of the skill or chant line, most of the book 95% useless diary of magician 5% usefull and you're going to look at 5% scarce inside of 100%.
I even gain title "Jack the Reaper" because of the 5th Floor event.
Even in the academy, many people knew my name.
Eraldine heard about the Jack the Reaper title and knew it’s me because of Mr. Riokita the instructor, back at floor 5.
12 years old, with golden yellow hair enter the dungeon with villager cloth with Pen and Sheepskin drawing map. And Kimiru already contact her, I make Kimiru arrange someone who can get Kara and Gin for this year.
Kimiru has a lot of connection, she even has in Syntaria Central Academy when I contribute the rough map of 1-5 to the academy, they are first doubting because the goblin hobby weakness, tactic etc is written clearly in the note.
But when they heard "Jack the Reaper" they convinced because even adventurer guild approved the map and notes from me, they want to get more data on other floors, but I just ignored them.
Kimiru even has a connection now in dwarves Race and Elves Kingdom.
Because I am the only one who reaches the highest floor of the Dungeon.
Now there's a 4 major power contacting Kimiru looking at me.
Adventurer Guildmaster, -at first because there’s a report I was seen at 46th floor alone.
ELF Queen.
Dwarven leader
Syntaria Central Academy Headmaster is asking for more map info.
School Master I maybe student there but I didn't even stay a day there to meet him, which I plan to after this.
I never meet the Queen of Elves and School Master but I already have a connection with them, In Elfinalde forest said that they have spirit protector, Theory believe it was given to them by the god of the forest. But it’s been long since someone saw it. Other think it was already dead or left they’re Kingdom long ago.
But there’s another Spirit inside the Dungeon, It is a Dryad spirit at floor 65 already control 25% total place there, they already create same as the Elven Kingdom. The elf queen Contacting me for Dryad spirit living there which maintaining peace at 65ft floor,
Asking for the seed of Tree of life, which I can't get, I even help 3 Elves of Elfinalde to travel there but goes out after a month because I just bring them over because its convenience than me making the transaction there.
I even help the Dryad there for feeding it a Mana.
After that dryad gave me a two-handed wand made by the oldest branch of the tree of life,
[[ Dryad blessed Wand ]] which tier 5, grade 3,
And for helping Elfinalde Kingdom send their messenger to the 65th floor of the Dungeon, I received [[ Way of Rune Spiritist ]] book from the Elfinalde Kingdom.
The highest attainment alive now is Lvl5 in rune skill but many of elves knew it up to Lvl3, because it's already a utility skill which not given priority, but it’s very useful to me, it’s like the setting of Algorithm, input, output, yes/or no decision, process, what if condition, etc.. which one of my instructor teaching...
I'm planning to add rune to staff once I have high attainment to [[ Rune Enchantment ]]
And I buy all kind of different weapon that is available to their market using gold two of every kind if possible, they deliver it to my office at adventurer guild, they got dagger, sword, bow, spear, and wand with good quality around 3 tier, made by Mithril ore, and wand by good quality tree branches.
The dwarves race on mountain underground become my personal black Smith's because of Wanda' s( the dwarves she met on his departure of Kenatra Village) Uncle know their leader, at first I ask her uncle if he knew a good blacksmith who can Smith the scale or bone of the dragon, he was shocked because of the material, and ask his leader.
To make dwarfs leader work for me is kind of easy because one of his dream or he really want to do is to create a masterpiece which can be known to the world.
So I offer, so long as you create a good or not, my name will be still known to the world, so as for my weapon, I said
"Everyone will notice the sword you're going to makes because what you're going to create is a sword not to kill, is for slaughter, for the massacre!"
He thought I was crazy when I describe him the sword, no one ask for him the same description before
He creates Giant Sword, Giant Axe, even Giant Hammer.
What I ask him to make is a Heavy sword, the more the better.
Because of [[ Heavy Sword Mastery ]] it gives 6x damage maximum than 4x damage maximum using a two-handed sword.
Which I learned when I was at floor 42 because of the small build, Two-Handed weapon, considered as Heavy sword to me and for using it for a long time... I got Heavy Sword Mastery
At first, I thought using two, Two-Handed Sword from the left and right hand, but its failed, I can use it but the damage is not combining.
When I have 100 damage on left and 90 damage on right, when I hit my enemy with left it will damage 100 when I hit with my right hand, it's 90, can't be 190,
I thought I can be Kirito.
But by doing it I found flaw, by asking my little goddess about that she says
'The leveling system was given to you five when you leave your world, but the title "Summon Heroes" was given when you chose skill, and you’re not a summoned hero you have been considered as "CIVILIAN' restriction on the rules made for summoning heroes'
I have thought many about but one flaw I learned and proved to work is
I'm using Heavy Sword in one hand then One Hand Sword Mastery, Two Hand Sword Mastery and Heavy Sword Mastery continuous leveling.
I was planning to have a shield left hand but it's, annoying and not comfortable to move, I'm not even using armor because it restricted my movement, that's why I decided to use arm guard because it's easier.
I'm only wearing a V-Cut white shirt with a simple pocket on left chest, belt, black slim pants and a plain blue shoe, and my favorite blue jacket, for its floppiness.
The material made by Monster Beast, which simply allows me to use rune of cleaning and repair and Armor Enhancement /Enchantments Rune, which I learned from Elves books.
My new equipment is
4 Tier, 6th grade Drake Heavy Sword the weigh is 3500kg
Drake Arm guard 200kg made by the scale, and fang of Earth Dragon at the 60th-floor boss.
When I start playing with it the dwarf leader ask me how I can use it freely with one hand comfortably while he can't I said directly.
”Because you're low level is too low… 84 right?”
When he heard I say his level he knew one thing.
I'm already above him…
'This brat.... I'm a rank 9, and one of the top dog of the Kingdom' Dwarves leader cursing me in his mind.
So after that, we have a deal every time I will get a new and stronger material he will craft it for me.
And I also buy all available kind of their weapon two of every kind if possible which can be bought by gold in their market, and I get Dagger, Sword, Two Hand Sword, Axe, Two Hand Axe, Hammer Two Hand Hammer, Spear and Cross Bow, with good quality around 3 tier too, made by Orecholum ore, which is one of the strongest ore of their Kingdom and delivers it to my office at adventurer guild too.
--- Outside the dungeon
Every time I go out the dungeon, many people looking at me because the way I walk, is like a King walking in my in the castle, because of my golden yellow hair, my blue jacket.
One more thing is [[ Aura ??? ]], it’s a skill when I get when I turned 90 it was nice, after all, Monster Beast below 20level to me was suppress like thinking one is inferior.
Like the little Kingkong Lvl54, I met at floor 47th, it was a hostile monster, but when I activate my [[ Aura ???]]] It’s starting to shiver and never dare to attack me.
It’s like the king of the jungle, fight me then perish...
But even I didn't activate it, my natural aura already evolve...
I’m not sure yet if it’s a normal skill to get when turned to Lvl90 or it's a skill I get for living like a monster beast inside the dungeon and kill tens of thousands monster beast.
I directly walk to the receptionist and show my dungeon permit.
Every time you go in and out the dungeon you must make sure it's recorded, at least this way one will know if you're still in the dungeon or not, it helps those family member to identify if their relative still inside the dungeon or already left.
After that, I go directly to adventurer guild to look for Kimiru.
----- At the Adventurer guild
I enter the room with the sign strange drawing
Bunny ears at the skull with two big front teeth.
'Little Jack the Reaper!' written above it
'Little Office' is written under it.
"Yo! Sister Miru, so any new development here?" I said
"Little Jack, how are you," Kimiru a human race, 19 years old, with long hair black hair, 5.6"height, higher than me, b cup size.
"You've come back!!" Rhea a catkin 26 years old, but look 18 years old, 5. 4" height, c cup
"yo! Sister Rhea, does anybody bully you?," I said then remove my jacket.
"Hmf... as if I allowed others to bully her.," Kimiru said and Rhea laughed.
"Sigh*!, I thought I can show off some of my manliness, look I gained some muscle, " I said while lifting my arm showing to them with my childish voice.
"pfft*! , pfft*!" the girls laughing at me
"sigh*! , why you always bully me... by the way there's a weird thing again added to our door" I said
"What weird thing... we collaborate carefully for that you called it weird.... Even you have a good sense of clothing; you don’t have a good sense of art..." Miru proudly said
"Art... First, you set 'little Office', because I'm little jack, Second you put 'little jack the reaper' there's the little again, I think it should be 'Little Miru the keeper of the office' now its look like a comedian pirate in the sea." I said
"What... comedian pirate... Do you know we spend a week to think about your logo, this logo describe you thoroughly, a skull because you're the reaper, but a bunny skull with bunny ears ... it is because you like fluppy isn’t?" She explains carefully like a professional instructor at university telling history, if she had eyeglass it will be perfect.
"Let me ask you if I said that I like meat... would you put meat on its mouth bitten by two big front teeth?" I said then I see Kimiru shone eyes.
'Are you a grade schooler..' I whisper in my heart
"Hmf even you don't have .. sense of art yet... you learning fast," Kimiru said.
"pft*! pft*!" Rhea
"Ok I'm gonna cook something, Sister Rhea you should eat lunch here, just wait a minute," I said and go to kitchen,
"Of course you’re highness, pfft**" Rhea and Miru giggling.
"You're highness? Please stop making fun of me ... when I became your highness..." I said like defeated thoroughly.
"hmf... It’s your fault because you're starting to send… some strange aura..." Kimiru said
"Maybe it’s just aura of my handsomeness. " I just shrug my shoulder then go to kitchen direction.
"Narcissism" both girls said in one voice...
After that I cook a big fish caught at 71 floors, I fried it with the seasoning I get from the 65th floor then cook rice, after we eat, we talk a little then I said goodbye to them.
I tell that, I will go to academy to study and I'll back here once every two weeks, before I leave, I set a rune of teleportation in one corner then check my status.
Level : 97 Tittle : Civilian Name : Jack Age : 15 Years old Str : 156 + 9 Atk Dmg : 22555 Agi : 151 + 8 Atkspd : 190 Movement spd : +15m/sec +Evasion/Reflex NoWeapon Vit : 147 + 11 HP : 26607/26607 Def : 15666 Int : 154 + 9 Mgc Dmg : 20333 Mgc Def : 15249 Mana : 34709/34709 Dex : 150 + 10 Luk : 97 + 2 Crit Chance : 39.6% Crit Muliplier : 2x
Atkdmg : 22555x 4.26(drake heavy sword)+ 49%(weapon enchantment lightning) + (body enhancement) +50%(Lightning domain)
Atkspd : 190 with heavy weapon o.5 sec + 50%atkspeed (lightning domain)
Defense :15666 x 1.8(drake armguard) + 50% defense(lightning domain)
Class : Level Bonus Mage High 1800Mana 270HP, 6Int 3Dex Priest Expert 90HP, 600Mana, 4Int Assassin Expert 90HP 4Agi 4Dex Swordsman High 1800HP 6Str 3Agi 3Dex Hunter Expert 90HP 4Agi 4Dex Nature Spiritist Expert 600Mana 4Int Merchant Apprentice 30HP 30Mana 1Int 1Str Skill List Level Stat point set to auto a location: every level+ 1 to all stat NoLvl Storage NoLvl Identify NoLvl Class restriction off NoLvl Language of Syntaria Kingdom NoLvl Cooking Skill Max Healthy Body(Unique Skill) Max Mana Sense Lvl7 Mana Manipulation Lvl3 Mana Ball Lvl4 Petting Skill Lvl4 Heal Lvl7 Mass Heal Lvl7 Light Barrier Lvl7 Body Recovery Lvl7 Steal Lvl2 Sneak Lvl5 Sword Mastery Lvl10 Two-Handed Sword Mastery Lvl10 Heavy Sword Mastery Lvl10 Perseverance Lvl6 Bow Mastery Lvl2 Animal Skinning Lvl7 Multitasking Lvl5 Body Enhancement Lvl7 Body Enchantment Lvl7 Weapon Enchantment Lvl7 Rune Enchantment Lvl7 Mana Control Lvl7 Mana Recovery Lvl7 Fireball Lvl7 Memorized Lvl3 Fire Magic Lvl7 Wind Magic Lvl7 Earth Magic Lvl7 Water Magic Lvl7 Lightning Magic Lvl7 Light Magic Lvl7 Space Magic Lvl8 Nature Magic Lvl7 Gravity Magic Lvl6 Aura ??? NoLvl Flying Lvl5 Float Lvl5 Smith Lvl3 Wind Blade Lvl7 Lightning Ball Lvl2 Lightning Field Lvl7 Clay Molding Lvl7 Wood Crafting Lvl7 Water Ball Lvl7 Tailoring Lvl5 Armor Smithing Lvl3 Teleportation NoLvl Gravitation Pressure Lvl3 Lightning Domain Lvl3 Interspatial Storage: A large space room where you can put non-living things.
Interspatial storage, Upgrade from free storage skill which can contain small space, so using space magic, I try to create a bigger inventory but when I start to comprehend the law of creating a room, storage evolved into interspatial storage for a bigger space.
High Int or high Mana capacity is required for comprehending magic,
High comprehension with low int or mana will take 10× or 100× the difficulty to mastered magic skill
But high int or high Mana with low comprehension will still make you Lvlup magic skill
That's why here even fire mage doesn't know oxygen which required the element to boost fire, they can still level their fire magic skill.
When I first use fireball, what I'm trying to boost is the oxygen around it and make a meter of fireball but other try to boost is the fire itself.
I'm not sure if its base Int or Mana or but I think, its base on Mana because when my mother teach me [[ Heal ]] I still have low int, but high mana
Maybe if I have a billion of mana, I can simply master all kind of magic.
Because of my basic knowledge of my first life which can consider a high comprehension on a certain element, after my Mana increase using certain elements once or twice, the element mastery is leveling.
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