《Jack at World of Syntaria》Chapter 13 : All out for once
After two more days, spending on the fifth floor, I met 7 more groups of Goblins,
There two type of groups of Goblin
First is the party of Giant Sword Group like the two hand sword user before, which consist of
2 archers, 2 Swordgobs, 1 with a dagger
And the Giant Axe group with 5 archers.
I already got Two-Handed Sword Mastery Lvl1
While playing with arrows of the enemy I even get
"Skill Learned: Evasion Lvl1"
That’s adding 1% chance to my evasion?
Now is already dark, around 7 pm, when I'm planning to sleep but I see the village. A village of Goblins, around 500meter area. There's wooden wall surrounding it, which made up of tree branches around 1 meter high.
There's even a four 5 meter height watchtower in each corner of the village and one in the nearby mountain.
Here have 8 with Giant Sword, 6 Giant Axe, 44 Goblin Archers, 28 Swordgobs, around 70 with dagger or so…
There is a big hut which looks like as their Main Hall in the middle and many mini huts around it.
I'm sure if I jump there in the middle its dead end so I'm planning to clean to kill all archers first.
While observing around 3 hours, spending large Mana by concentrating and spreading Mana Sense to whole Goblin Village, I notice that there are two to three goblin goes in and out in a cave on the mountain around hundred meters from the village.
When I spread Mana Sense there are around 19 small fluctuations of Mana which is not belong to the goblin signatures.
There's a 2 goblin archer in the tower which inside of cave entrance and 2 Swordgobs in the entrance and 3 more Goblins inside the cave.
I simply take a rest first, because once the fight starts, I know that it will be continuous.
After 5 hours recovering my Mana, I already regain 85%, but I still wait until its full, because I'm sure I'm gonna goes all out, after more than an hour I stand and take a deep breath.
“Today I will strike to kill” While grinning but still I don’t know if I’m gonna be excited or scared.
“"ARRGGH!!!"” Goblins.
I know that sneaking will not be helpful, in this place full of Goblin smell of blood will be hard to hide.
I use [[ Body Enhancement Skill Lvl3 ]], [[ Lightning Field Lvl1 ]] then I charge toward the tower near the cave without holding anything so it will be faster for me to run.
There's a two archer inside the tower which around 5meter high,
I jump on it then the greatsword appears in my hand, I slash the archer, because of force and weight of my sword it passes through to the next archer, then everyone’s become alert.
I jump down the tower, toward the two Swordgobs.
I slash downward, using the force of falling; I killed the two guards.
I go inside the cave its big around 30 cubic meter space inside I see, leader type goblin unarmed, and two goblins with a dagger.
They stared at me and not yet response then
"Puchi*" I slash the unarmed goblin leader, and he tries to grab my sword but he failed
I look at two Goblins with a dagger.
I throw a dagger at the head of one goblin then I stab the other one.
As I thought this is place is where captured female adventurer is.
They are on one corner; their hand is tied on some wood planks.
"Sob*!, Sob*!, Sob*!, Sob*!"
"Leah eb dlihc rouy tel sseddog ho,"
I invoke "[[ Heal Lvl5 ]] trying to make a wide scope of it
"Skill Learned: Mass Heal Lvl1"
“Leah EB ereh dlilc er'uoy lla tel esaelp dog ho, Mass heal!"
I invoke [[ Mass Heal Lvl1 ]] to them, many of them are crying, but other just out of themselves.
"Wait... sob*!,Who.. are...you, please help us.." Female
"I’m Jack, I here to help you can go run outside but its better if you only wait from here," I said then turn around,
"[[ Clay Molding Lvl2 ]]" I create a three consecutive door which the lock is on their side so they leave if they want or stay close there.
Even it’s called clay but its solid enough compare with normal stone.
I go out the cave with my two hands sword then opening my [[ Mana Sense Lvl5 ]] because of the lightning field in my body I get the attention of all goblin in the area.
"Bang* Puchi* Puchi*".
I started to slash every goblin in my front while charging to archers, every goblin charging at me but most of it is I ignored.
A leader type block my way, he slash his great ax and I dodge but the next moment I see a great sword coming to me planning to corner me because I was surrounded except for jump charging through is only way out.
"Bi! Bi!" I expand the lightning field for 10meters which paralyzed all nearby Goblins near me.
3 leader types slow their movements but still can move and try to attack me.
"Bang* Puchi* Puchi*".
"ARGHHHHH!!!" the 2 was beheaded, then one was flattened, it’s not that I increase speed, they just slowed down, I kill most of the Goblins surround me then straight to archers.
"Bang*!" "Bang*!" "Bang*!" "Bang*!" "Bang*!" "Bang*!" "Bang*!" "Bang*!"
After killing all archers many Goblins still following me, after an hour I'm already here inside the village of goblin.
"Clang!!!" I was thrown to the biggest hut in the middle, then every single goblin stop...
I stare at them while holding my giant sword, and increase my vigilant, after 5sec the small Mana fluctuation inside the hut starting to grow rapidly.
"Bang! Bang!" smashing all table in its front.
I giant blurry form stand from his throne almost 2x height of this who goblin with giant sword or ax with full muscle green body having a metal knuckle on fist, only wear rug short pants and having a broken horn!
Then charge at me
"Booom! *" I was thrown again outside the hut.
When I see the whole body of it....
"Fuck you hulk!!!! Why are you?!!!...." I angry shout to it then it started charging to me again.
It was an Orc…
I increase the Mana in my hand, using body enhancement then,
"Bang*!" I hit blow by blow with my sword to his fist.
We both back 3 steps
'I think peak of 3rd rank but had the strength of 4th rank I initial ' While I'm calculating my enemy
"Bi! BI!"
I notice some of the electricity flowing in my sword but disperse in an instant.
I focus all 20-meter lightning field into my sword then the whole sword cover with lightning
"Skill Learned: Weapon Enchantment lvl1"
When I read it.
Weapon Enchantment: Enchant element to the weapon, special effect defend on the elements imbuement, add damage depend on (Weapon enchantment Lvl × element level)% of attack damage, the weapon material made of a good conductor of Mana, is easier, and consume less Mana to activate.
I heard good news, even its just 1% but I learned one thing, it’s the weapon material...
'Fuck, why I didn't realize that before!!!',
That's why I can't flow Mana to my weapon before, because of the material...
The lightning enchants to this crude steel two-handed sword, consumed 25% of my whole Mana, and the whole Nature Mana I'm using at the 20-meter lightning field...
I gotta find a good weapon later....
Then I try one more thing...
"Bi! Bi!"
I open lightning field again then focus it on my body.
"Bi! Bi!"
"AARRGG!!" I spit blood by doing it, its reduce HP more than I was hit by the Orc.
"Skilled learned: Body Enchantment Skill Lvl1"
"Bi! Bi!"
My whole body flows with electricity.
"Skill Learned: Lightning Domain Lvl1" Lightning Domain : being one with the lightning element, increase atk DMG, speed, by 30% , add 10% per level, max level of this skill is 5, imbued lightning into my weapon, body, and 2 meter field around the user, near the user will slow the enemy by 25%, paralyze those weak being for some time..
"Hahahaha..." I laugh out loud while having a blood on the corner my mouth, every single goblin look at me look like a madman...
" [[ Lightning domain !!]] " I use my new skill
"Arrrg**!!" the Orc shout then in next moment.
I cut the left foot of the Orc
"Bang*!!" the Orc fall down to the ground...
Everyone doesn't have a time to response
Every single goblin shouts!!
I cut the arms of the Orc.
"YOU WILL ALL DIE TODAY!!!!" I shouted then the Orc shout too and all goblin seems like crazy charge to me I started to slaughter them after continuous fight more than 30 minutes, only 15goblin left alive
They look at me then started to run in different direction
I didn’t let anyone escape and after couple of minutes again I already kill all of them except the Orc
I'm already Level 22 and the whole goblin village stench with the smell blood.
"Leah eb dlihc rouy tel sseddog ho,"
I cast [[ Heal Lvl5]] to myself and then I go near the Orc.
"yo! little hulk how's the fight pfft** pfft*!" I'm laughing while talking with it
"ARGH!!" it is still full of hatred to me, which I didn't mind,
I sit on its back then start recovering...
After 15minutes a group of female walk toward me scared with the pale face...
"Y..You.. you.. did it all... " The female speak while scared to talk to me
"Yeah, it's so much fun pfft*! pfft*! " I chuckled while talking which makes them shiver, like looking at a monster.
"No... I don't wanna scare you, It’s just this is the first time I'll go all out
"c..can you help us go out to the dungeon.." The female said
"No, I'm planning to map out this floor and advance forward," I said
They look down and they feel despair, scared of being caught by the goblin again.
"But I know who can help you go out this Dungeon," I said, they eyes shone feels like grasp a straw of hope.
I jump down to the body of Orc.
"Arghh arggh.." Orc start to shout, which make the group of female scared.
"Arghh arggh.. you stay too much with goblin... you should say oink-oink you bastard...." I kick it and it stops moving.
I go near one of the goblins which are using ax, then
I beheaded it, then throw the head near to the forest.
The group of females looks at me strangely.
'Fuck not again' I whisper in my heart
"Bi*! Bi*!"
I used [[ Lightning Field Lvl1 ]] I created aura 12 inches around me after I count on three.
"WAIT!!!.. STOP!!.. We are not you're enemy" The instructor shout
'That counting again....' the instructor whispering in his heart
Then they walk toward me, they are the group of student and adventurer.
The student and some adventurer look tense because of the battle they witness and I'm not even deactivating my [[ Lightning Field ]], but not the instructor, leader of adventurers and another 2 adventurers.
"The last time I said I hate someone sneaking on me...." I said smiling
"Hehehe, you know it’s not that we're planning any scheme against you" the Instructor, smiling trying to light up the mood because I smile at them while speaking and my body is still a child so I look like a monster than a cute boy.
"Hope that this is the last time because the next time I see you sneaking up to me I will cut you down without question without mercy, I promise it in the Name of your Goddess of Hope, Goddess Selica ..." I said seriously.
"Silence~~~" Everyone shivered to the bone when I make an oath in the name of their goddess.
But the group of the female is staring at me full of awe yet feared.
"Cough*! We know it’s wrong were sneaking, but it’s not were sneaking to you... and we haven't done a thing to you..." adventurer leader said, then every one of their group starts to nod.
"Yea your, right, you’ve done nothing, before I rescue them,... I already see your group, I've been fighting here for more than 2 hours, you really did nothing...." when I said the fact with full of disdain everyone silence with shame because its true they watch the whole process but they never think to help a bit...
I go to orc then raise my sword.
"Congratulation: You're now Level 24!"
It’s really easy to level up killing those who are higher level than you, but the danger is also higher.
I killed the Orc and get the Magic Crystal I see that's it’s a medium size.
"If you help, a little I might not have a bad opinion to your group, I'm not sure but I think the reason you're here might save them.... sigh** fine about this. I want to hire your group.
You process everything here 30% is in your group 70% give to this female group and you need to escort them back, it’s a fair deal isn't?" I said other shone their eye.
"Waits it’s not fair deal," Adventurer Leader
"So 40%?" I said
"No, what I mean is we didn't do anything and there's adventures quest for killing the leader of this goblin" Adventurer Leader said
"The adventurer quest, tell them that you kill it, I'm 12 not passed to be an adventurer, that why sneak to enter here, give 70% reward to their group and 30% you shared, they need something to start over so, but if you have salt I'll be thankful" I said
"sob*!.. Thank you, sir Jack sob**" the group of female start to cry…
I go near the female who acts as leader, and I give her a hug because she higher than me she cries on my shoulder.
"You need to be strong, I didn't mean you go to the dungeon to level up... but strong enough to live, this it’s yours " I hand over Magic Crystal to her, everyone look at me.
"You can all start a new life, out there you can set a small restaurant hired some beginner chef or you group and make small business, or even look for husband settle down, you're all beautiful so you don’t have to worried about the past, just keep on.. and on..., if anyone tries to bully you out there you just look for me, I will be your backer from now on" I'm trying to make her calmed down I'm not sure what to do, this is my first time calming down rape victims... so I simply clean her face with the free uniform I get from the academy. Its good no one notice and ask where I get it.
"Um... thank you.." The female said
"I'm jack, maybe now, no one knows me but 3 years later you can contact me to go Syntaria Central Academy, and after 2 years I can register as an adventurer at that time, I will make my name resound to the world, so it will not be hard for you to look at me.
May I know your name?" I asked
"Rhea" She already stops crying and starts to smile at me.
"See you're beautiful" I smiled back then turn around, look at the group of instructor
"Do you have salt or other seasonings?" I ask then they give me they’re salt.
"By the way, if you met sister Era, I mean Lady Eraldine Hilaros can you tell that I might back in forth here in the dungeon for 2 years and 6-month thanks for passing the message" Then I left continue mapping out the whole floor.
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