《The Story Of The Shadow Hunters》Chapter 28: A Week Later


Chapter 28: A Week Later

Time went by quickly the stress levels became higher and higher as the reinforcements were not there yet, Robert discussed what they should do with The Shadow Hunters, they concluded the bandits might have blocked them and they could be dead, or the troops were captured by any other gangs hanging around, which was not very likely since the guards do not look like people who can not fight, with their plate armor and swords with shields, one of them even had a crossbow, as they also discussed what they should do about the bandits still hanging around with over eighteen hundred men nearby ready to invade them at any time, even more, likely since a week passed, it should not take long for them to attack us, Robert looked around the group while discussing, 'i thought they would have attacked by now especially if they captured our men or killed them'.

Suddenly a guard of Robert runs in, 'They are here!', Robert being a bit confused 'who is here?!', The Reinforcements! Robert calming down a bit, as he thought it would have been the bandits attacking, 'How many are there?', One... before he could finish Robert would interrupt him 'Only one?!', as the guard tries to continue what he was trying to say 'one thou-', 'We will never win with only one', as the guard looks at Robert 'one thousand!', Robert not wanting to look bad simply lets out an 'Oh, go back to your position, and tell them I will come very shortly!'.

The guard leaves back to his position telling the men who just arrived that Robert will be there shortly.

After a short while, Robert came to them discussing the situation and that there is a place on the wall for over a hundred men to keep watch at all times, they could set up camp all around the gate as well to be even faster and tighter defendable, as they agree they set up camp, as noises from the forest arise coming closer.

*The Reinforcements*

5 Guards (returning from the mission to get reinforcements)

300 Crossbow

700 Horsemen

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