《The Story Of The Shadow Hunters》Chapter 23: Unexpected Reinforcements


Chapter 23: Unexpected Reinforcements

The Horn noises would get louder and louder coming closer, as quickly over a hundred horses would appear nearby rushing toward the bandits, as the bandits all went into a defensive stance, but it did not matter the men on horses rushed all over them slashing all the bandits down who came in between them, Ace who clearly already won over Jack now turned toward the horses yelling his commands to kill all of the men on horses, while clearly outnumbered, his men still committed to it, as one after each other got cut down, even the few bandits still holding grey got scared and ran away, as over forty bandits got killed, the last ten fled into the forest nearby, Ace who is yelling curse words and that they have to keep fighting would turn back to Jack thinking he might be able to finish him before they try to capture or kill him, as he turns around Jack would already be up again still bleeding from his arm but now holding Aces Giant sword in his other hand clearly swinging it toward Ace before he could notice it would hit his neck cleanly cutting it, as Ace looks at Jack clearly a little confused as he feels blood on his hands he notices its coming from his mouth, as he drops on the ground, coughing a few times before the life leaves his eyes, as one of the horse men comes closer, 'I see we made it in time to safe at least a few of you, we are sad too see so many died', as he looks around at all the dead bandits and guards, as grey comes closer not trusting the man, who quickly notices his suspicion as he introduces himself, 'I am Robert, we got message that you were under attack by bandits, but we got the message late since the bandits trapped your messenger before we could, it was pure luck we were going out as we saw the bandits having some men not looking like bandits captured nearby our road', Jack smiles to him 'Glad to have you here', as he faints, the bleeding and the last strike taking any strength he had left to stand.

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