《The Story Of The Shadow Hunters》Chapter 22: The Second Duel


Chapter 22: The Second Duel

As Jack and Ace Continue swinging their swords toward each other missing barely each time coming closer and closer, Jack would attempt to swing his sword the other way instead while dodging Aces sword he cuts Aces chest but not enough to be fetal, Ace sees some blood from his chest dripping downwards he smiles clearly enjoying the fight, 'you are not bad'.

As he takes a different stance toward Jack, clearly taking it way more serious now, as he even faster than before swings his sword from multiple angles toward Jack, as Jack tries to dodge as many blows as he can as the sword comes closer and closer he tries to deflect it so Ace might lose his weapon, but Ace was faster than before even getting faster by each swing, as all of a sudden he throws his sword at Jack grabbing Two smaller axes from his belt who were not visible before because his armor was hiding them, Jack easily dodges the sword thrown at him, as Ace rushes toward him swinging the first axe at his arm, as jack deflects that axe the other axe would hit him in the arm, as he drops the sword his holding clearly not able to take it up again as he is bleeding from the arm, as Jack screams it out of the pain, 'This is your best? heh, I take it back you are just a weakling after all', as Jack hears that he grabs the sword from the ground with his other arm holding the two-handed sword with one hand he attempts to swing it at Ace, who easily dodges all the attempts kicking Jack back, as he points his sword toward Jack, 'Give up', Jack smiles 'you already lost', as Grey out of nowhere appears behind Ace stabbing him right in the back, Ace turns around laughing loudly, as Grey notices the dagger did no damage, he had armor on the back with reinforced metal, making his attempt useless.


Grey quickly becoming surrounded by bandits tries to fight them back, as they grab him holding him down, with swords to his throat, 'Give up', Ace says to Jack, as Jack was about to, *horn noises*.

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