《The Story Of The Shadow Hunters》Chapter 17: The Truth Of My Father


Chapter 17: The Truth Of My Father

I would be kind of creeped out knowing they were there the whole time even last night in the shadows looking over me, as the leader of The Shadow Hunters asked me if my father's name was 'Ned', I nodded, as Jack nodded back thinking silently for a moment how to tell me what he wanted to say, 'your father, was one of us a long time ago, he was one of The Shadow Hunters', in disbelieve I looked at Jack who continued, 'he was one of the best until he found his wife, she was the love of his life after she got pregnant he wanted to quit this job, becoming a farmer he wanted to live in peace, having a normal family, with his wife Rose, and you'.

'But he knew the risk attached to this job, the creatures like the one who attacked your family do not forget very quickly, we checked the blood and we are sure it was him... The Shadow King, a long time ago, when your father was still with our group, we had more members, we fought the shadows a lot until The Shadow King joined in, we lost almost half our group, in the last few years others have joined and left, we are just us four now, against The Shadow King and his army'.

'We are sure your father must be alive still if they wanted to kill him they would have finished the job right there in the house instead of taking them with them, we do not know why or where they have taken them yet, but we are working on it right now', as someone knocks on the door.

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