《Terror infinity 2nd update.》Psyren chap 3


???: Hello my name is Matsuri let's go down to others and I will explain to you what is happening.

After that words Half-ghoul, Hulk, and swordsman left the room.

Azat: “So mission has started.” Clare, Genghis are you finished. Let’s go.

While saying that Azat followed after them and left the room. Remaining people also did not stay for long and followed after him.

On the first floor of the abandoned building, more than 20 people were gathered.

Matsuri: Hello again and welcome to Psyren. To be frank I am not happy with what is happening around. It is my third time being summoned there. You all have your psyren cards. If you bring it near your head you will be able to get the basic information on what is happening. From there we can learn that we were sent to the future and ….

Mob1: Stop it, freaks show and now time travel. I had enough of that I am leaving and you guys also should stop wasting our time.

After that man’s words, he and 15 more people left the building.

Azat: “So newbie player was the first who could not withstand the pressure. And he dragged non-players together with him too. Well, he can’t be blamed for it being transported to the unknown place and being told that it is a world of some manga. On top of that, most of the people from Psyren world are just an ordinary people that also were transported to the unknown place.

Just as they left a broken stationary telephone started to ring.

Matsuri: I will take it.

At the next moment when she took a phone an image of another broken stationary phone along with the female voice saying “Those seeking Psyren should taste power and despair. Those who reach Psyren shall be granted the world. There is only one exit in this Game. Those who searching for the exit from this world. Find the GATE.” was transmitted to the head of the everyone in the room.


Matsuri: As I said we are in the future and in order to go back to our time we should find that phone.

After saying that she pressed the phones memo button, and a map of the surrounding area appeared on the screen.

Azat: “So that is map. X record it. Zone highlighted by red is dangerous. And show the fastest and safest route as well as most dangerous that passes near the towers shown on the map.”

X: The map is recorded Task is complete.

After that notification, the Map appeared in Azat’s head. With his location shown as a Blue dot. The Safe route is shown as a green line and dangerous route shown as a black line.

Matsuri: The area shaded in red is danger zone if you want to live don’t go there and especially don’t go towards the siren.

Maxim: Are you Matsuri Yagumo?

Matsuri: Yeah, are you are my fan. But now is not the time for that.

At the next moment, Maxim momentary closed the distance between him and Matsuri, and send a punch towards her face. Matsuri dodged but at the next moment Ruslan appeared behind her back and knocked her out with a strike on the back of her head.

Clare: What are you doing morons?

Maxim: Completing the mission for you. We get a negative score if only she dies. So keeping her unconscious till the end of the mission is the most effective way to avoid getting the negative score and being erased. And you girl don’t dare to die from some nonsense. I am the one who going to kill you.

After that Maxim, Ruslan and Alisher left with the Matsuri on they hands

----------------------------20 min later--------------------------------------

Azat: “X is there any signs of their presence"

X: Answer is negative.


Azat: It looks like they have left so It is time for us to start to move too.

Genghis: Do you have a plan?

Azat: Not a plan but something like that.

After saying that Azat made series of hand sign. And 6 identical clones appeared.


Clare: Hey, You did not tell us about that !!!

Azat: They could have overheard it, and I did not hide my physical abilities because they should have already deducted it from the short exchange that we had. Now about my plan. It looks like that they have been sent here by some organization from the real world. That means that they can’t just finish the mission because people backing them will not be satisfied if they just pass mission with obtaining only base reward. From that, we can conclude that they are likely gone hunting taboo, but then there is a risk of Matsuri’s death so at least one of them should be guarding her. Taboo usually inhabit the red zone, but who else lives there?

Clare: WISE!!

Azat: Right, they all are strong psychics, and they also hunt after surviving humans. So What happens if some of their towers get destroyed.

Clare: They will search for culprits.

Azat: Right, and the closest humans to them is those guys because clones can be dispelled after they finish the mission.

Clare: So you want to incite WISE to attack them!

Azat: Yeah, and when they understand that they are in danger they will start to retreat towards the Gate.

Clare: Where we will be waiting for them.

Genghis: As you said is not a complete plan because there is a lot of holes in it. Starting with increased possibility of Matsuri’s death, and finishing with the possibility of them luring WISE towards us. And they could have hided some of their abilities from us just like you did.

Azat: Yeah you are right. The more steps in the plan, the higher the likelihood that it will go wrong. So for now I just propose to let my clones to attack the WISE’s tower and watch what will happen next. After all the reward in that dimension is proportional to risk. And we already made one of the organizations in outside world our enemy by provoking their team. So we also need to get as many points as possible.

Clare: It is a reckless and stupid idea, but you're right we need points and ranked rewards so I am in.

Genghis: I am too. But there is one more question left what to do with remaining newbie players?

Azat: Oh, I will take care of that.

After saying it he took out 5 liters of bottled water, piece of paper and pen from his storage ring.

Azat: “X assist me in drawing the copy of the map and show the safest route on it.” Take it, it is the map that shows the road towards the Gate, the route shown on the map is the safest also take that water with you. Genghis, Clare are you fine with us doing just that?

Genghis: Yeah, that is all what we can do to them. They survival in that dimension is on their own hands.

Clare: Fine by me. Let’s move out now.

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