《Terror infinity 2nd update.》Psyren chap 2


Maxim: How dare you?!!

At the next moment 3 more tentacles came out and his left eye black with a red pupil,

Azat: “So he is half-ghoul.”

The girl did not wait and tried to cut the throat of the swordsman. However, she failed. The green veins covered skin on his neck and the knife broke to the two when hit it. The swordsman tried to use that opportunity to kick her, but I did not let him, using the created opening I sent him flying to the other end of the room with kick strengthened by magic.


Azat; Guys, I know it would be great to kill each other, however, we are in the mission world were any wound may cause a death later on so let's make it a draw for now.

Alisher(Hulk): I agree, it is not worth it.

Ruslan( Swordsman): Same here so Maxim finish you shit and we need to prepare, there is not much time left till the mission’s start.

Maxim: Damn it!!!! GIRL Next time I will kill you!!!!

After that two groups that just fought moved to the opposite sides of the room, while the remaining 7 people were standing in awe unable to comprehend what just happened

Azat: “ X watch out for possible attacks.” Hello, we are in the same boat now so maybe we should introduce ourselves to each other and come up with the way to survive this mission. I think none of us needs are an explanation to what is happening.

Girl: Well fine by me. My name is Clare Frei .19 years old. I am a former assassin from European clan of assassins but I left that job because it didn’t fit my personality. I know about that dimension thanks to my father he has been there. Unfortunately. I did not inherit any power from him but thanks to the medicine that I took in childhood I am about 4 or 5 times stronger than normal human.


Werewolf: I am Genghis. I am Rank CC werewolf. That is all you need to know.

Azat:” I could tell that she is not from Kazakhstan from her appearance, she looks like a heroine from anime. But that guy on other hand looks like ordinary kazakh, half asian half european face, black hair, and brown eyes. His look is so ordinary that if he did not transform I would not have suspected him to have any powers.” Well, now it is my turn. My name is Azat. I am a veteran player and that is my second mission. Physically I am a little bit weaker than you Clare but I can double my stats for some time. I was an ordinary person before entering that dimension. “They don’t look like bad people for me, especially Genghis, abandoning his cover to help a person that he just met is admirable. However, I should save shadow clone jutsu and Overdrive as a secrets for now, after all we just met, and the guys from the other side of the room may overhear our conversation.” Now let’s look at the content of the mission.


Difficulty: 13 person

Main objective

Reach the Gate together with the psyren drifters.

Side mission

0.Explain the situation to the newbies 100 points

1.Kill a wild taboo 100 points

2.KIll an intellectual taboo 500 points


1.Negative 1000 points for killing a New Player

2..Spoil plot to the anime characters negative 10 points per Sentence.

3.Death of the important character- Death of Matsuri Yagumo Negative 5000

Total Score: Pending.

Azat: “Matsuri! Isn't she something like a teacher to protagonists that have cleared her psyren card before the plot even starts. Fuck it looks like knowledge of the plot will not help me much” Do any of you know the plot? Or should I explain?


Clare: I know.

Genghis: I don’t.

Azat: Then Clare may you please explain the plot to the Genghis. Also if it is possible to explain the situation to newbies

Clare: Are you giving me free 100 points?

Azat: I don't want to attract more attention than needed. People that are at the center of attention likely to be attacked first. You are one who started that mess so you are already in the spotlight.

Clare: What!? Don't you want to protect beauty like me? I even may go to the date with you as a gratitude.

Azat: Yeah, you are beautiful, maybe even the most beautiful girl that I met. But I don’t want to die because of it. After all I still have free human creation and I can just make your copy with it.

Clare: It was cold. Ok, Genghis I will start explaining the situation to others and you may listen the part where I tell about the plot of manga Psyren.

After that two of them moved towards the remaining part of the group that just started to recover from the shock.

Azat: “If I remember correctly there are two types of danger in psyren. First the most common taboo, they are monsters created by W.I.S.E. They come in all shapes and forms, and they are strong. Some of them have an intellect and can use psychic powers. The second ones are Psi users from Wise all of them are monsters with a cheat like psychic powers. I am not even sure in our victory if we combine our powers to fight with Dholaki and he is the weakest shown Star commander. At least we have Matsuri on our side and as I remember she is strong psi user with telekinesis as a main ability.”

*Crack* *Door opens.*

???: Oh. There are more people here.

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