《Terror infinity 2nd update.》Psyren chap 4


At the center of desert, a black radio tower was located, and 4 identically looking people were running towards it with the speed impossible for a human or at least for the ordinary one. When the distance between them and the tower became less than 200 meters 6 identical monsters appeared from the sand. They all had a human like body but had 4 hands, had 1 eye and were 3 meters tall with the orb at the center of their torso. And then 3 out of the 4 intruders started to move toward the monsters or taboo how they were called here. One of intrudes took out grenades and threw them toward taboo.


However, that did not have much effect and only one taboo was killed by the blast. While other 5 evaded it. But two other intruders were already waiting for that, and blades in their hands pierced through the orbs in their chest of a pair of taboos that landed near them. Two of the remaining 3 taboo lashed out to the intruders that just killed their brethren. However, when they reached them, the intruders turned into the clouds of smoke and the only pair of grenades were left on their place.


The only remaining taboo roared after the death of last two of his brethren. However, when he was going to attack the last intruder in his field of vision a huge explosion rang out. Then while taboo was destructed by the sound of explosion intruder momentary closed the distance between them and with the strike too powerful to be humans destroyed the orb in the chest of last taboo.

Azat’s shadow clone: “So the other guy finished his work. Well with that it is over for me too. Fighting with an opponent whose weak spot is always shown not so difficult.” Dispel.


With that words, the last intruder disappeared in the cloud of smoke.

--------------------------------------------- somewhere else-----------------------------------------

Side mission 1.Kill a wild taboo Reward 100 points completed X6

Total reward: 600 points.

Azat: “I just received the memories of my clone. So they finished their work. Well, I still have two more clones observing the situation and killing taboo if that possible, and I did kill 4 more taboo by myself too taking their cores and body parts for research. So currently I have 1300 points for killing wild taboo. It is enough to kill one newbie player if I am forced to, but I will prefer to not do so. Damn It, less than a month ago I was an ordinary person, but now I am calmly thinking about killing someone. Stop it is not the right time and place for self-pity.” Clare, Genghis my clones just destroyed one of the towers so we should start heading towards the Gate.

Clare: OK

Genghis: Understood.


In some unknown laboratory room strange three eyed midget creature was looking at the dashboard. Then it turned towards the long haired man in white clothes with a strange hybrid of helmet and glasses covering the upper part of his face.

???: Dholaki sama we just lost a signal from one of our towers in the west sector. Should we send an investigation team?

Dholaki: No need. I will personally move out. It was becoming boring lately, and there may be something interesting. Ke Ke Ke.

???: As you wish Dholaki sama.


Maxim: Damn it. Did you hear it?!

Alisher: Yeah, it looks like that guys made their move. What should we do?

Maxim: You continue hunting. After all, you are the fastest one of us so if there is a danger you will be able to run away. I will go meet up with Ruslan and together we will head towards the Gate.


Alisher: Do you understand that they likely prepared trap there.

Maxim: No it is too obvious. Both guy with blades and doggy are quite sly.

Alisher: Intuition?

Maxim: Yeah, my guts tell me that they did not prepare anything there. However, I feel some danger coming from the east.

Alisher: East isn't that direction of the Gate. There is only safe area there. And if your intuition is so good why it did not tell us anything about those guys that sneaked into our team Kazakhstan.

Maxim: Shut it up you know well that instincts became dull when your just finished transportation to a mission world. And the only way to get rid of that is to unlock the first stage of the genetic constraint.

Alisher: Yeah, Yeah. After all your instincts are the reason why we choose you as a leader. “Despite, the short temper of yours.” Breathes. “Sometimes I just want to turn you into some mindless puppet easy to control, but your backing is just too strong. ”

Maxim: I will move out then.

After saying that his left eye became black with the red pupil and started to run in the north-eastern direction with speed of the car.

Alisher: “Well, I also should start moving.”

With that thoughts his skin became green, his height became 2 meters tall and his muscles doubled or maybe even tripled in size. And then.


With just one jump he covered more than 50 meters of distance in opposite to Gate's direction.

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