《There can be Darkness without Light》vol2 Chapter 0 Meeting, answers and sorrow.



So here's pretty much something like a prologue of the new arc.

Yet again, please remember that i write simply what comes to my mind i do not have future plans for the story. I come up with the story as i write it. So even if it's crappy i will still put out because that's what came up in my mind at the moment and that's how it's going to be. I still regret deleting the original chapter 14... I really do. Pretty much lost motivation because of that to even write this story. So what i want to say is that from now on there will be no more reader interactive. I will be the only one who comes up with the story.

But i will listen to the advice of the readers. And from time to time i will ask for suggestions. Of course you can still leave your suggestions and they will be read. But! If they are put into the story that's another thing.

Now then, please tell me what you think of this chapter. Em i making a progress in writing? I'm i doing a better job at making the plot?!

Please point out all those things in the comments down below as it is greatly appreciated.

3,2k words that i hope you will enjoy so please go ahead and read and leave some feedback!

Also point out the mistakes ofc... Not Edited/ Not Proofread


So here I am. Sitting alone in my own space unable to do anything. Unable to go back to my real body because of the seals placed upon me nor am i able to go back to my other body because of the overuse of my power.

Back there i had broken a small piece of the seal and got some control over some things but not much. The curses that i used on those three pretty much went more then over my limits, which pretty much put me to the state that i'm in.

I know for a fact that i'm not dead yet. I can still feel the link, the connection, it's getting stronger. If i could guess i would say that i've been within the Void realm for about 2 to 3 months. But sadly, time can be tricky in here. It could be more or it could be less.

So far i've been floating around, playing with some of the things that are in here. This is pretty much like a bag that has infinite storage and i can feel every inch of it. It would be nice if i could bring out some stuff out of here once i awaken from my unconscious state. There are some pretty good elixirs and some other stuff in here but mainly weapons, gold and stuff that i thought looked fun back when i was destroying worlds.

-Hisse: Meh, i probably won't be able to pull out a rock even with so little power. Fucking bullshit. This feels like wanting to eat cake and you can see the cake. But there 40 dragons, over a 1000 barriers and 10 spears that could destroy the fucking universe protecting the fucking cake. So you pretty much have to give up on it.-

Floating around some more i start to get a feeling that i haven't gotten in a long, long time. A small half moon crest appears on my left arm.

-Hisse: What the hell? Someone even remembers how to summon me? Are you serious?-

A summoning... Something that i almost can't even remember. I haven't been summoned since i was the so called "Giver".


This is either someone really powerful and really really realllllllly old or someone who has access to the Library of Truth.

My guess is on the first because even if someone did figure out how to get into that stupid library i'm pretty sure there would be an endless amount of books in there. If there are even books in there.

But would this even work while i'm in this state?

-Hisse: Hmmm.. Well not hurting in guessing. "I accept thy offer"-

And like that i think that my soul got pulled out of the Void?


Pov: Gaia

That should do the trick.

A piece of the Holy tree burning. Check.

A drop of blood of an innocent and pure. Check.

A part of the summoner. A string of my hair burning in the bowl with the tree. Check.

And the finale piece, something that would satisfy the summon. A cake. Check.

Now all I have to do is wait for him to accept. He probably won't able to resist the cake. And i'm finally going to meet him!

-Gaia: I've waited so long for this moment! Hehehehehe. Wonder if he can even guess who's summoning him? He will probably think that it's some old powerful figure.-


Ah! Here he is! FINALLY?

Walking towards the light i hear him yell.


Pfffft. Still pretending to be some kinda of a evil dark lord.

After the light fades away in front of me's a short boy who can't help but look around himself. Black hair down to his shoulders, red, a cute looking face and around 130 cm tall. On his face there's an impressed look on it.

* Hehehehe. Impressed? Of course you would be! This is my home unlike your ugly looking castle. *

Right now they are inside of "Gaia". But that's mainly the core now. Standing 5 meters apart from each other in what seems to be a endless land of mountains and trees. The beautiful blue sky and the sun shining down on them. The only thing that is not natural is the pink house that's behind Gaia and 3 meters from the door there seems to be the table that was used to preform the summoning.

-Gaia: Impressed?-

He finally starts looking at me...

* Yes! Now be even more impressed! *

A small blush could be seen on his cheeks before it quickly disappeared and returned to his serious expression.

Wonder when he'll realize his appearance~

* Hehe. That's right, that's right! *

-Hisse: Well not really what i was expecting.-

-Gaia: What were you expecting.-

-Hisse: An old grumpy guy screaming " I have finally succeeded in summoning the most powerful being in the universe! " something like that.-

I knew it! He's still on about that last summoning.

-Gaia: Well sorry to disappoint you. Anyway, can you guess who i am.-

This time he comes closer to me. Only standing 1 meter away from me he starts to look at my body up and down. After a couple glance here and there he shifts his face up and looks directly at my face.

-Hisse: Not sure really, can't remember if i ever meet someone like you. If i had to guess then the only thing that comes to mind is Gaia. After all, i'm but a soul at the moment and now that i finally put some pieces together souls can't roam around freely. So we're either inside Gaia's core or I was summoned into a plane that i do not know about that's able to contain souls. Which should be illegal, the ancients but that law after i experimented on some souls.-


Even with his soul torn apart he still has some knowledge to him, the fact that his soul has the appearance of a 7 year old clearly shows how his soul is not whole.

But still, I wanted him to be a bit more shocked after he saw my beauty...

-Hisse: So, did i guess right?-

-Gaia: Indeed you have.-

-Hisse: Hahahahaha! Look at you!(start running around Gaia again inspecting her) Blond hair, blue eyes, ahhhhhhhhhh! Gaia what happened to you? When did you become so beautiful? What happened to that large ass core that was ten times bigger then the largest star in the universe?-


While Hisse was still running around Gaia, see simply lifted up her arm and gave him a chop to the head.

Hmpf. That should calm him down. Even thought i would love for this to continue we're running out of time.

-Hisse: What was that for? That really hurt...-

Slowly getting up while rubbing the top of his head with his hand he starts looking at me again. Good.

-Gaia: Trust me, i would love for us to have a real talk for the times you've missed but now is not the time i have some really serious information for you.-

He stops rubbing his head and crosses his arms and starts looking serious.

-Hisse: What could be so serious that you would need to drag my soul here?-

-Gaia: First let's get right on to why you were born on that planet. It was not really planned but there was a 10% chance that it would be the one you were born at. Did never ask yourself why high quality and quantity of qi and mana were on that planet?-

I really wished for him to be born on that planet... I can't tell him that the chances were actually 40%.... I even bestowed that women Rose with the pallet of high quality darkness bead.

More like i put it in her food while she was eating... The reason why i have little energy left now is mostly because of that and because i'm holding the status screen constantly.

-Hisse: Now that i think about it i do kinda progress fast even with out that much cultivation. This soul thing is really annoying.-

-Gaia: And about that why don't you have a good look at your body at the moment.-

A mirror appears before him and he starts looking at it shocked.

-Hisse: Sigh... I see. To think my soul would be torn to this extent.-

-Gaia: The only reason that vampire body is even able to take that much is because your constantly adjusting it to your soul with Void and on that last fight of yours you used Darkness as well. So you should have 10 times more souls power then people your age, that's why you are sucking in mana and qi subconsciously. Your talent is very, very high.

-Hisse: Well the soul part, there should be no helping it. While i grow older i should gain more and more of my soul back. My memories as well. So? What's the second thing then.-

-Gaia: Now then, the second thing. That planet is pretty much created for creating strong warriors. The so called "status screen" is something that i created to motivate people and i'm currently holding it up with my own power so it's not permanent. Therax is the only planet in the entire universe that has this feature added to it. So yea, the high quality of mana and qi, the status screen and another thing you will discover is waiting for you when you awaken.-

Scratching his head for a bit and looking confused he yet again speaks.

-Hisse: I see, and why do all this? I don't think that you would this all just for me.-

I would...

-Gaia: Well now for the third part.... Don't freak own now please... You remember the corruption, right?-


Suddenly his face takes a drastic change. From that of confused to that of sad and finally angry.

-Hisse: NO! No no no no no no no no! That can't be! I destroyed the corruption! I couldn't be! NOT NOW! When did it even start!?-

-Gaia: Calm down, please..-

-Hisse: Clam? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE CORRUPTION EVEN IS?! Do you know how long it even took me to clear it?!-


-Gaia: Calm down so that i further explain!-

Finally he starts to calm down a bit.

-Hisse: Go on...-

-Gaia: The corruption began to open a rift 3 million years ago. So far I and a couple of Primal Ancients have been doing our best to seal it or at the very best contain it. Containing it is pretty much what we've been doing for the past 3 million years. Now and then some corrupted monsters managed to escape but they are dealt with quickly. But lately the outbreaks of monsters have been becoming more and more frequent and they started coming out in hordes.

100 years after the rift started opening we came up with a plan and that play was Therax. A planet that has produced over a thousand Lesser Gods in the past 2 million years and from that of those 1000 only 56 managed to become Full Gods and only 12 became Over Gods. No Overlords yet. 2 are close to breakthrough. Therax so far has become the core of this universe besides the " Stupid red piece of shit". Please don't ask about it now.. The ancients voted for it to be called so... It was either that or the " Sleeping Idiots planet.-

-Hisse: I don't care what they call it really, but you do realize that so far your so called God creating planet has done nothing then created a few more front line solders. You know that right? Or do you want me to try and pull the recording of how I battled the corruption with me the next time you do this? Those front line solders are not going to last one wave once the corruption starts to fully open it's rift and starts spreading. After all the Corrupting War was a long one.

One side fighting the corruption while there were still idiots in this universe who thought that that time would be just right to reek havoc. You will not only be fighting the corruption once it's opened, you will be fighting at the very least 1/6 of the universe with it.-

As thought. Even though the souls is this damaged he can still remember that much. He was after all the one who slew it last time.

-Gaia: I know that... But hope has come. We've been trying our best to decrypt the books on how to summon you while you were still in the Void and decrypting the books in the Library was our best option. It even took us 2 and half million years to just figure out how to get into it.... Luckily for us you finally managed to be reborn and it was on that planet too. Now that you are here we do have some hope left in protecting the universe. Beca-

Suddenly he interrupts me.

-Hisse: Like i said before, you do know my situation, right? Even if i were to die i would only get back to the Void to get back into the birth cycle. The seals on my body are preventing me from returning to it and i doubt you guys can even get close to that planet to pull out those spears.-

-Gaia: There must be a way to get you body back.. Right now we need you, the more time goes by the more and more the rift grows. At most we would be able to contain it for another 200 to 400 years and that is if i were to drop on maintaining the status screen which i plan on doing. Even though the status screen shows you your power it is not always true. You can be either stronger or weaker. Such thing as clearly displaying the power like the status screen does is impossible and it is. In one more year the status screen will go and i think the panic it will bring forth will be on a massive scale.

On your last battle you broke through a part of your seal. The destroyed planets it left behind after getting broken will clearly show the power that returned to you when you get back. You must grow stronger.

As much as i would like you to live out your dream of living a peaceful life i cannot do so, right now we need you, so please. Grow stronger. I beg of you. I don't want this beautiful universe to be rebuilt again and i'm sure neither do you.-

-Hisse: Sigh.... Why must there always be something to ruin my fun... Well i guess my luck really is bad.. I will try my best. But i will do so for the people who care for me on that planet. Mostly for my mom and dad and my unborn sibling. Now that i have the chance to ask you how are the others doing, are faring well?-

-Gaia: "Long pause" Only three remain.... They've been hunted down... I'm sorry.-

Pulling my head down and looking a the ground i can feel a tears go down my cheeks.


Pulling up my head to see what's happening only to see that the ground is releasing smoke. Hisse has his down and clearly he's crying. But every tear that falls out burns the ground like it's acid.

After a long silence he finally pulls his head up and starts speaking again.

-Hisse: I see... You have nothing to apologize for. I left them for my own selfish request. But you will tell me who did and at the time when i grow in power again their souls will be mine.

I'm happy that at least 3 managed to survive.

So, is there anything more you wish to tell.

I wish to have some time swallow this all down.-

I see. Even he can make a expression like that. At least it puts me to ease that he's not broken like he used to be. After all Mistress did create me solely for him...

But sadly i cannot allow him drown in sorrow now.

-Gaia: There will be no time for you to return to the Void. I will forcefully awaken you back in your vampire body. Do not let this bad information affect you to much, please. Try to become stronger but try to be happy to. Know that i'm always here for you and that i always will be. Now return.-

Going towards him and grabbing him into my embrace i kiss him on his forehead. I can feel that his tears still remain because the hot sensation on my chest. The tears burn so much... Hope that this will not bring him into despair once more. He lost 7 people that were precious to him more then anything...

Like that he start to shine and fades away.

-Gaia: We will meet again soon enough, only next time i will bring you no sorrow and i hope that you will be happy with the surprise that the three remaining left for you.-


Pov: Hisse

Argh.. It hurts... Feels great to be back only if it would hurt a bit less.

Slowly opening my eyes i find my self in a unfamiliar room.

The run is green all over the place. The bed that i'm laying on is much softer then the one we had in the forest. The stuff within the room also looks high class. The chairs, the tables, even the closed door looks good.

" Where am i? *

Slowly uncovering the bed sheets i find myself to be naked and to that i feels water drops fall down onto my body. Lifting my hand up to my eyes and touching it i find myself to be crying.

* Serious information my ass... More like sad and really really bad information *

Wiping my tears away and standing up i notice that my hair has reached down to my elbows.

More then four months i guess.

Looking around the room once again there seems to be no one in it. On the table next to the bed there seem to be some herbs. High quality ones at that. At least in this realm of power.

My detection is still weak and unusable...

Making sloppy and wobbly steps towards the window i see something that shocks me.

The room that i'm in seems to be a tower which is at the very least 30 meters tall. Or at least the room that i'm in is that tall.

Down below to what seems to be a training ground. And not only that, there are people on it. People from ages 15 to 20 are training on it...

And around a hundred meter radius there's a 5 meter tall wall that surround the buildings within. Outside the wall thanks to the tower you can clearly see a city. A high ranked city at that.

Just by looking at it you can see it. Sadly all i can look through is this window right now... But still.

-Hisse: What the fuck is going on?!-

Also please tell me if the grammar has improved. I've been trying to make it as simple as possible to read so that i don't have to use any advance or more difficult English words. ( Just a excuse because my English is bad)

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