《There can be Darkness without Light》vol2 Chapter 0,2


This is something that i have written fast. Like really fast so i will come back later and check it.

Right now it's not PR'd NOR edited keep that in mind.

Also i might come to rewrite somethings later as i said. I wrote this chapter fast and now i aint got no time to check it. But i think it should be good. Hope you guys are good and point out the things that make no sense or are written wrong aka grammar mistakes. :)

Also i won't be using the status much anymore. At least the MC won't be using it now that he knows it's not correct.

Mostly be used to inspect other people. Tell me what you think about that too please.

The chapter has around 1,9k~2k words.

Please enjoy.


How do i explain this situation? Arghhh.. My body still feels wobbly after being in a come for so long.

Anyway, in front of me there's a knight clad in black armor kneeling.

-Black Knight: My Lord, you've finally awoken. I've been blessed to directly serve you under the orders by the 8th. He said that he would love to come here and see you more then anything in the universe but he's unable to abandon his duty. The 1st and the 3rd said the same. They also said that they leave their daughters in you care.-

How did this happen? Can't they greet me normally?

Did she really have to kick in the door?

Or scare me enough to almost jump out of the window.....


10 minutes back in time. 3rd person.

In the green room near the window there was a boy standing there and observing the scenery before him.

The loud shouts from the training grounds and the beautiful city that laid before him.

I seem to be somewhere early in the morning.

The boy looked up to the sky and to his surprise he didn't see any moons like he did in the forest.

*Not even close to the forest so this isn't the Astral Kingdom* Thought the boy.

The boy clearly forgot that he was still naked... He was simply standing by the window naked...

His black elbow length hair fluttered as the wind flew through the window.

His red eyes still moist clearly showing traits that tears have been shed not too long ago.

But there was one thing that the boy still didn't notice...

Or more like he couldn't notice because to him this was already something he previously lived with almost since the beginning of time!

A tail!

A bit above his ass there was a tail! A black tail that was a bit less the 1 whole meter long.

Still standing there looking through the window, dazed from the gaze when suddenly the door gets kicked in.

The boy jumps to the corner and screams.

-Hisse: Kyaaaaaaa!-


-Hisse:"Has no idea what's happening" MY LORD MY ASS! You almost made me fall out the window!-


Back to present. PoV: Hisse

I still have no idea what's happening..

None. Zero.

Jasmine, Harold and Sr'Mil? Leave their daughters in my care?!

-Hisse: Cloths... please...-


The black knight finally sees my state and extends her hand.

A white light shines and white robs that perfectly fit me appear dressed on me.

*How does she know my size this perfectly?*

I'll ignore that question in my head.

-Hisse: Ahm... Now then, you know whom I am I assume?-

-BK: Indeed i do my Lord. Like i said before i was send directly under the orders of the current Clan leader. And yes i know the whole situation.-

I see. So Harold did send her.

I would really like to see them...

At least now i know who survived.

-Hisse: Care to explain?-

-BK: My name is Lucia no last name. Current rank King early stage as for magic only a Mage middle. I was sent here as the caretaker and the protector of the young mistresses. My main objective is to protect you from the shadows until you grow stronger then me. Current identity Lucia Goldwing, leader of the Goldwing household here in Core City and also a teacher of swordsmanship and martial art in the Hisrom Academy.-

Holy information.

Gaia, some help please?

Is this what you were talking about?

Please tell me it's this... No more surprises.

They even have a Academy named after me...

-Hisse: Daughters? They sent their daughters?-

-Lucia: About that.... Lord Harold would like to apologize for that, they each have sent one daughter to learn from you. Mistress Jasmine wishes you teach them some manners and to show her daughter, excuse me for the next part because this is how the Mistress worded it. " Maybe your arrogance will overlap hers, either that or teach her to stop being so damn high and mighty. This idiot daughter of mine might learn something from you. After all idiots attract idiots. Hmpf. Also i miss you". As for Lord Mil... Well..-

-Hisse: What? Just tell me even if it's something unreasonable. Never mind. Please tell me, that idiot always had something really funny on his mind.-

-Lucia: If you say so... He wanted you to marry his daughter Talia... He said that he wouldn't mind if she had to share you as long as you marry her... After that...-

-Hisse: After that what?-

-Lucia: The other two saw his idea as genius and also said that you should marry their daughters. Mistress Jasmine said that you owe them... If by the time they come here and you're not married to them Mistress herself will spread, her wording again "You should know that we found it, right? The spot you hid it got exposed after we sealed you. Do you want me to post holograms of it all over the universe?" If by ch-


Starteld Lucian stumbles a bit.

-Lucia: N n No my Lord, i have not.-


But just to confirm.

-Hisse: Do you know what it is by any chance?-

-Lucia: A...A book?-



-Lucia: My Lord.. Please calm down.. You're making a huge commotion. Also, it's true. i have not seen it but i have heard what it is.-


I see. I'l trust you for now.

For now...

-Hisse: No promises made. If by chance it happens, it happens. If not, i dare then to show that to anyone. Now, how long have i been out?-

-Lucia: 4 and a half months. A lot of things have changed. If you are curious about your family, they live here now in the mansion next to this tower. They are both doing very well, though we did have some problems about getting them to live in it, they simply wouldn't accept it but you will find out about that later. Your father has started to train with the rest of the Clan and has gone up three level in cultivation and you mother is extremely happy that her soul weapon has been restored. Also congratulations my lord.-

-Hisse: Congratulations for what?-

-Lucia: Your mother gave birth to a baby girl, Lea. 3 months old at the moment. We sadly didn't do anything special for your birthday since you were in a come.-



My birthday? Who cares about that!

My sister has been born! Hehehehehe.

-Hisse: Take me to see her! I wanna see her now!-


-Lucia: I don't recommend that my Lord. It would be wise if your parents got to see that you have awoken first, after that you will get to meet your sister. First we need to hide that tail.-

Tail? What tail?

Taking my hand behind my back i grab onto something and grip it tight.


I see..

Letting go of it i move the tail before me.

No wonder i didn't notice it. Looks just like my old one, feels like it too.

But how? My race is vampire, did i evolve maybe?

Maybe me breaking a part of the seal helped me evolve?

My cultivation also increased... Imma Rank 4 Solder now and rank 8 apprentice mage.

Some progress made at least in that. I can feel that i'm about to breakthrough again.

Closing my eyes i start to draw mana towards me.


There we go, rank 9 apprentice mage.

-Lucia: Congratulations my Lord.-

Pulling in my tail underneath my robe i coil it around my right leg.

Luckily the tail is not so thick it should be unnoticed.

-Hisse: Oke, i'm ready, the tail is no problem. So what do i call you in front of my parents? Is Lady Lucia fine?-

She starts walking towards me and her armor simply disappears.

What is underneath the armor is an elf girl that is roughly 20 years old by appearance.

Green hair all the way down to her ass, green eyes, rather tall around 180 cm, very slim.

If someone else saw this they would ask themselves how can she walk around with that huge armor?

-Lucia: My Lord.. If you don't mind...-

-Hisse: Oh! Sorry, how rude of me. Can't help it but admire beauty when i see it.-

A small blush can be seen on her face.

-Lucia: I don't mind... Please take this pill, you've been drinking blood for the past 4 months. Also Lady Lucia, big sister, little sister, darling, honey, dear-

-Hisse: STOP! Lady Lucia! Please let me call you lady Lucia!- "Throws the pill into his mouth"

Tastes good.

-Lucia: Boring...-

-Hisse: What was that?-

Did i make a misjudge her personality?

What happened to that shy sounding girl behind the armor!?!?

-Lucia: Nothing. Let's go, i want to show you something first.-

What now?

Lucia takes my hand and starts walking all i can do is follow.

After walking down 8 stairs we start going to to the basement or in this case the underground prison.

We walk down till the end of the cells and stop.

And i can feel the darkness energy seeping trough the air.

Looking clearly into the cell i see two people inside.

One of them is a skinny man who is rotten all over his body.

His left eye is missing while the other is still wide open and his mouth...

In his mouth no teeth remain and he keeps mumbling about something.

The other is in no better shape the only difference is that he is clearly more rotten.

Heh~ The fool tried to fight it.

-Hisse: Hello there Samir and Printus. Doing fine i see. How did you even find these to?-

-Lucia: We found them on our way back home. I saw the marks on their hands so i picked them up. The curse you placed upon them is something i never wish for anyone. Never being able to sleep, never losing your sanity, can't eat nor drink, neither dead or alive. But if you put this on them then they deserve it. In the beginning they kept on mumbling about how it's going after them, after we placed them in the cell all they to is stare in front as if something is there.-

Hah. The curse of Darkness is not an easy one.

And there is indeed something there how can there be nothing? Darkness~

Darkness is always there. Covering all the light. Never allowing them to do anything and will never be able to do anything.

Slowly eating away their life. The ultimate torture/death curse. This is the reason i went over the board and slept for the past 4 months.

These 2 are the reason. The Priest got it easy.

-Hisse: Leave them here, no need to do anything special to them. Now then, I take it we can go and see my family?-

-Lucia: Of course my Lord, let's go and see them. They should be in their room right now.-

Yet again takes me by the hand and we start walking for a good 10 or 15 minutes.

I have the idea that she's showing me around...

Finally we enter the mansion and head upstairs.

-Lucia: Right behind this door little Hisse.-

She let's go of my hand so that i can open the door on my own.

I feel kinda nervous to be honest.

After all now that all the trouble is gone we can live normally here and enjoy ourselves without looking around the corner.

Breath in~ Breath out~ Breath in~ Breath out~

Finally i push the door open.


It will be in the middle of Vol2 or early stages of Vol3 when this FanFic turns serious. For now it's not that much.

I want to make the MC to have as much fun as possible before dealing with large obstacles. Hope you enjoyed the chapter~ Cheers!

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