《There can be Darkness without Light》Chapter 15 Slowly awakening from slumber.


Now here we go a chapter after such a long time this will also be the chapter that ends this arc and that is the arc1!

What i want to ask of you guys is to tell if this chapter is good or not. After not writing for so long it feels like i messed up something. I feel unsatisfied with it. Like i should've made more gory or fighting scenes. So please leave some feedback about that.

Anyway enjoy the chapter. Also I highly recommend that you reread the story if you haven't. I have made some changes here and there. Some big some not. So yea.



Looking at the scene before my Void rai inside the house reacts to. Dad walks out of the house and his hand is bleeding, he's already holding his soul weapon in his hand.

Mom finally seems to notice my presence and starts yelling.

-Mom: Hisse get away! Run as fast as you can!-

Dad joins in on moms yelling.

-Dad: Listen to your mother! Run and don't look back!-

What? Run? As if i could do that!

Looking at the two man standing in front of the solders laughing the fat one stops and looks at me.

-???: So you've already given birth to more filth my dear sister?-

-Mom: He has nothing to do with this! Don't you dare even look at him!-

The other guy that was laughing joins in on their talk.

-???: We just want the book! You give us that and we might give him a quick death if he lucky i might even let him live, just so you know he can't run now the forest is filled with assassins.-

-Printus: You heard the king sister dear, the book, where is it?-

I see. So these two are Printus and Samir the king.

But why are there here now?! How did they find us?!

Seeing my dad coming closer to my mom a arrow flies from one of the solders and pierces my dads shoulder.

Dad grimaces at the pain and tries to pull out the arrow only to fall to the ground while looking really exhausted.

-Me: DAD! Get away from him. "Fireball"-

While running towards my did i fire out a fireball that flies into Prinuts's direction, the fireball gets blocked from a mana shield and when i'm almost in dads reach a strong winds pushes me and my body clashes with the house wall. The tree wall that i crashed into is cracked and there a small cuts all over my body.


3rd POV

Hisse's just sitting on the ground unable to move while the small cuts and bruises cover his body. His cloths were ripped when he got here but they look like rags.

He tries to get up to only fall down once again to the ground.

-Printus: My King, what were you thinking of letting him live. I do not wish them to live. I want that trash and his filth gone from this world. To think my sister that comes from a noble family would run away and elope with such low vampire breed. I -

Before Printus could finish talking a crimson colored fireball flies towards him at high speed.

-Printus: Shit! Do it!-


The fireball hits what seems a water barries.

A man walks out from the crowd of solder wearing priests clothing.

-The Priest: My, my. Now we shouldn't be doing that should we little rose?-

Rose while panting hard looks at the priest. Shock can be seen all over her face.


-Rose: No! Impossible! I killed you!-

-Priest: Oh come now, do you really think you were able to kill me after i damaged your soul weapon? I do agree that you were close but you do know that i posses the Light attribute. Mixed with water of course i was able to heal myself. To think you would just leave like that and not check if i was dead. Now then, where's the book!-

Another fireball from Rose flies into the priest before her only to get shielded from the same barrier yet again.

-Priest: You should know what happens after vampires give birth or are on their pregnancy. We are of the same rank yet you can't even old a candle to me haha. If you don't hand us the book of Fire those two will wish they were never born. The little one will have it worse. We just want the book.-

-Rose: All this for a book! Why? You can't even cultivate the damn thing! That book is the last heirloom passed down from our ancestors who were able to wield the fore of the first Dirkas! To think you were this vile Printus!-

Another arrow flies out, this time from the forest. But this time the arrow targets the boy. Enchanted with wind the arrow flies with great speed piercing the boys should ramming him straight into the wooden wall behind him.

-Hisse: Argh!-

A cry of pain is heard and Rose goes running towards Hisse.

-Rose: Don't! Not anymore! Please, i beg you! I will bring the book out now!-

To the Dirkas family that book was worth more then their own fortune. To Rose that book was more important then herself as it represented the pride and honor of her family for more then 3000 years. Ever single deed of honor from the DIrkas was in the book of Fire. Every single spell of fire that was in this kingdom was in that book. Cultivation methods, secret fire arts, fire manuals, qi and mana fire spells, the sacred fire cultivation and many more secrets only the Dirkas family had access to was in there. But that book was not more important then her son, so the book shall be traded to at least lower the suffering of her son.

She knew that at this moment she as useless. She was pregnant and most of her mana was already gone. Weakened by the fact that her soul weapon was damaged and the pain was still felt. Varmin was knocked out from what seemed to be poison from the arrow. There was nothing she could do but hand over the book and hope for the best to happen.

Stepping out of the house she carried a old red book. Seeing the book joy could be seen all over Printus's face. He ran towards Rose and grabbed the book out of Rose's hand violently knocking her back in doing so.

-Printus: FINALLY! Hahahaha! My King, you know what this mean right?-

-Samir: We're finally going to be able to summon a God! Hahahaha! With this as a medium we're going to be able to make a contract with a God! Hahahahaha!-

-Priest: Perfect! Now we just need to drag this wench back to the castle for the sacrifice. Her blood and her rank will enable us to summon a God! I will finally be able to be in the presence of a God!-

Samir and Printus were jumping around in joy. This meant that they will be in the presence of a God! If they were to be able to make a contract with the God for power they would do it even if they had to offer a part of their souls! While they were still discussing what was going to happen when they returned back to the castle the Priest raised his hand and commanded the solders.


-Priest: Burn everything to the ground! Kill the boy and the man! The kingdoms court mage died by their hand while exploring these parts of the forest and execution of the people who killed him is the families wish!-

-Solders: OHHHH!-

Around 30 or so solders were present. Preparing themselvs for what they were about to do the Priest walked over to Rose and spoke.

-Priest: Had you just handed the book over sooner and not fought with me you would've lived. We wouldn't chase had you just handed the book and ran away, look now. This is the price that you will have to pay! "Kick"-

The Priest kicks rose to the head and knocks her out completely. And raises his foot yet again.

-Priest: Now even the unborn child will have to suffer your foolish-

Before he can finish slamming down his foot a shiver runs down his spine. He backs away from Roses unconscious body and looks around. All of the solders are stopped their preparations and simply stood still trying to figure out what had just happened. They all just felt the biggest shiver in their entire lives.

-Printus: High Priest, what just happened?!-

-Priest: Silence! Something fearsome is approaching, focuse!-

Hisse was just sitting there. He heard everything from the beginning. He saw his family get hurt in front of him. The moment the priest raised his foot Hisse realized what he was about to do and he felt rage that he didn't feel for a long time. This was probably the 3rd time in his entire life that he felt rage such as this. The moment everyone felt the shiver was when Hisse heard the voice. His true voice from his old body.


POV Hisse

Really going to let this happen?

Here it is again. I'm speaking to myself, something bad will happen. It always does. Tragedy always follows.

Why? Why does it always follow?

Because greed always causes tragedy.

You have the power to stop this you know~

Power? What power?! CAN YOU NOT SEE!? My state!?

Seems you have forgotten~ You and me and i am you. Easy right? You want power? You have power the only thing that's blocking it are ten toothpicks that are impaling your body~ Or maybe you have forgotten because your soul is not whole. You seem to have forgotten who you are and who you were. Why not restore that? Or at least a part of it~

It's always like this... The voice was always like this. He is the shadow of the past me. Always cruel and ruthless. Well i guess it's time to break the egg. It's time to slaughter.

That's right. It's time to come back. Why should our own flesh and blood suffer like this when we can prevent it? NOW CALL FOR IT!


On a planet far, far away. It was blood red. On that planet only a single structure existed. The black castle.

The black castle looked majestic from both inside and outside.

Inside the throne room on the throne chair there sat a lone figure impaled by 10 strange looking spears.

The figure had chains hanging from his feet, arms and leg and was tightly binded to the throne.

Underneath the hood there sat a masked figure. The only thing that could be see that wasn't concealed was the hands and the feet. They looked youthful. I looked like there figure just sat there despite that he has been sitting there for millions and millions of years.

Suddenly the whole planet started shaking and releasing energy out into the space. There were no planets surrounding it and those that were far away perished as if they never existed. Looking closer at the impaled figure, the spear that was pierced through his right thigh cracked. Dozen small cracks appeared at the handle of the spear.

That meant one thing. That in one of the seals a small hole appeared and that something was about to be unleashed.


Back at Hisses house. 3rd POV

After looking around a few more time there seemed to be nothing. That was the strangest thing that has ever happened to the people that came. Everyone here seemed to have gotten the shiver yet nothing is here... What in the Gods name happened.

-Printus: Nothings happening.-

-Priest: Seems so, continue with what i told you them.-

Again. The shiver came again, only thins time it felt worse. It felt like a being mightier then the Gods had descended. It spoke.


Looking around to where the voice came from everyone turned their heads to the child.

A menacing aura had surrounded the child, he raised his right hand and simply jugged out the arrow out of his left shoulder like it was nothing.

-Priest: What in the Gods name is happening!?-

Everyone was confused. Some of the solders were trembling.

Yet again the child spoke. His mouth not moving yet clearly the words came from him. That voice came from him.

Hisse:God? You seem to think highly of Gods yet know nothing.

The child started moving forward making slow steps. After a few steps he stood in front of one of the solders. The solder just stood there. Dazed.

The boy raised his right hand yet again a purple aura was around it. The boy moved the hand towards the solders chest. When the hand arrived at the chest area the simply continued to move the hand forward.


As if nothing the hand simply went through the solders chest and appeared at the other end. On the solders back.

Hisse:You dared to shot a arrow at my father. Today no one will escape from here alive. Your souls are corrupted with greed. And as bonus not even Gaia will taste your soul as it will never see the light again. " Soul chains"

Black chains sprouted from the ground and coiled around Samir, Printus and the Priest.

-Hisse:Now let's get started!

Thus the slaughter began. Two daggers appeared in the boys hand and he started running forward.

The solders that recovered from their daze now seemed to realize what was happening and started charging at the boy, yet the fear of what they have seen still remained.


The boys dagger sliced through everything. The foolish solders didn't even summon their soul weapons out of the confusion thus only making it easier for Hisse.

After 5 or so minutes body parts were everywhere. There was no solder that died without suffering first.


Pov Hisse

Now then. As i have finally finished killing the filth i start walking towards the three that are behind all this.

Printus is just standing there not even try to resist the chains, not that he could even if he tried. He and the king are just standing there trembling with fear. The only one that's even trying to to something is the High Priest.

So i walk towards him first.

-Hisse: Now, do you know what's going to happen? I allow you to speak.-

Gaining my approval the chains allow him to speak.

-Priest: P-p-please let me go! Samir was the one who wanted to hunt you down, not me! Not me! I swear! I swear to God! I swear to everything that is Holy!-

God? Holy? Hahahaha... Black and white fellow. If i remember he posses the Light attribute so i have something special for him.

Seeing me lift my hand he start to tremble.

-Priest: Please NO! Please!-

I point my finger at him and speak.

-Hisse: I have something special in store just for you hehe. Even heard of curses? Not the fairy tail curses that don't exist but real curses? What i'm about to but on you is going to slowly eat you from with in. Every time you take a breath the curse will eat more. The only way too repel the curse is to not breath. Good luck ~.-

He's not a vampire so this is perfect. He starts to scream but i just ignore it. A small dark ball start to form at the top of my finger. After that i simply that the Priests hand and put my finger on it. Lifting up my finger a small mark of a pentagon remains.

Looking at his face and there we go. Only pain remains.

One second he's breathing the second he's not then again he repeats it.

After 5 minutes he starts screaming again. Every scream more and more painful. I release the soul chain on him and he falls to the ground trying to crawl but just falls down again. Hes skin slowly disappearing.

-Hisse: Gaia you know what to do. I don't care if you can't hear or see me at the moment but they all have my mark on them. They are mine.-

After saying that i walk towards the other two. Now for the grand prize. Raising both of my hands this time and lifting the index finger on both of them darkness starts to seep out.

Commending the chains to lower their heads to my height i proceed to put my fingers closer to their ears. Silent screams can be heard from both of the as my finger approaches their ears. The darkness then enters their ears.

-Hisse: Ohhhhh, you guys are going to have so much fun with that! Oh and one more thing.-

Before turning around to see my parents i leave my mark on both their hands so that Gaia knows that they are mine. Hey can't have my stock stolen now can i? You just brand them, easy.

Releasing the chains they run into the forest.

-Hisse: Have fun looking at all the dead assassins!-

Ahhh, my power... A tiny bit of seems to have returned.

I was able to kill the assassins with their own shadows.

But i'm still weak. And the backlash of this.... I wonder what it will be. The power might be good but this body is only mortal.

Walking towards my mom i rise my hand and scan her body.

-Hisse: Good the child is fine and mother didn't take any damage and while we're at it let's heal you soul.-

My hand becomes clad with darkness and i stab my hand forth into my mothers chest area.

Another thing that will cause the backlash to be even bigger.

But after doing all that i might not even survive so why not heal her while were at it.

After finishing healing her soul i slowly start walking towards my dad. My steps becoming slower and slower.

Arriving before his unconscious i slowly and steadily pull out the arrow so that he's not in pain anymore.

*Greater Heal*

Weak poison, nothing too dangerous. I stand up and start walking towards the book that Printus dropped only to find my self falling down. My vision slowly turning dark.

*Here we go... I can just hope for the best*

Before i can fully fall to the ground a hand appears before me.

-???: We didn't managed to arrive in time but you did a good job here, though a bit too bloody. You can rest now, we will handle the rest.-

A voice of a women can be heard.

.???: We will handle the rest.-

Ahhhh. My detection abilities seem to be not working. Maybe i'm too tired. To exhausted. But i sense no ill intent from her.

*Good. I can get some rest. I will never let something like this ever happen again when i awake. If i awake.*

And like the the darkness consumes me.

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