《There can be Darkness without Light》Chapter 14ish: Side story


In Germany ATM next update might take some time! Enjoy the short side story. If i have time i might only be able to write another side story. Hope you all had a nice school ending! Now i'm free.... there are no strings....ON ME!


Pov: Hiritos

I was sitting on my throne looking over my part of the universe.

For the past million years there hasn’t been much going on.

After the great war of the Gods the universe finally calmed down.

The war really did put many of the Gods who didn’t respect the old system to shiver in fear.

The FEAR of those that respected the system.

Even we did it out of fear, a fear that HE might return.

Just thinking about him makes me shiver.


The door to the throne room suddenly opened and my son Th’croz came in.

-Hiritos: What is it? You do not come nowdays unless you need something.-

-Th’croz: Oh come on father, don’t be like that.-

-Hiritos: Speak!-

-Th’croz: “Sigh” An Overgod is after me and I being only a Greater God am in need of some assistance father.-

-Hiritos: Fool! What did I tell you! How long you plan to play around like this!-

-Th’croz: I wanted his daughter to be mine, sadly she refused so I did the things my ways and besides father, what do you have to fear? After all you’re one mightiest beings in the universe. An Ancient!-

*This son of my, a fool he is*

-Hiritos: Son…. Even if you are the most powerful there is always something in our hearts that we fear.-

-Th’croz: Really? Then what do you fear if I may ask?-

-Hiritos: Me? My fear is something that is long gone yet still remains in another shape.-


As Hiritos said that he suddenly felt a chill go down his fear.

A chill that he had long forgotten.

It was the same chill that only HE could give.

-Hiritos: Haha….hahahaha….-

His son looked at his father dumbfounded.

This was the first time he saw something like this.

His father was laughing but his facial expression reviled both fear and respect.

-Th’croz: F-f-father? What’s wrong?-

Hiritos looked up to his son and said.

-Hiritos: Haha… Looks like my long gone fear is now back. HE has returned. HE, the one that beings like me fear the most has returned. Now get out of here and deal with your own troubles I just got my own.-

The two sentences where he mentioned the HIM were said in an ancient voice. The voice that seemed full of wisdom and intelligence. When you heard it you would think that every being in the universe heard him say it.



Th’croz was shocked. He knew that whatever he came to his father for he would get it, this was the first time his father even told him that he would kill him if he didn’t do as he wanted.

Th’croz couldn’t help but think.

*Who would an Ancient have to fear? An Ancient is a being that even the Overgods have to bow to. Even the almighty Dragon Gods have trouble dealing with them. Maybe it is a Dragon God?*

Thinking that and how he would get himself out of the mess Th’croz left the place.

Hiritos still remained on his throne while looking down on the floor.

*After 4 trillion years he’s finally back. That [i]Monster[/i[ has returned. I can feel it, his anger, his wrath!*


Hiritos was laughing madly at his throne.

He then again spoke in his Ancient voice.

-Hiritos: Wonder what fool hath wronged him to release this much killing intent. THE ETERNAL MONSTER HAS RETURNED!-

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