《There can be Darkness without Light》Chapter 14: The struggle and the confusion



*Rabbits and runners are no challenge for me at all*

Right now i was preparing the two runners that I hunted to take home.

Mom has been pregnant for 8 months, on mom’s 7th month of pregnancy, mom told me to take some time for myself and go outside and play, so I did.

It was also the time that I switched from hunting hunter rabbits to hunting runners.

At the beginning it was fun, it took some time to catch them.

But right now the runners show no challenge at all.

Two months ago my bracelets got fully charged so I was allowed to use magic.

Sadly, hunting with magic is no fun at all.


*Runners really are weak in their necks*

Cutting off the runners head I then tie both of their feet together and prepare to drag them home.

From hunting runners not much status was gained besides agility and stamina.

By running around and chasing all these runners I gained 13 agility and 21 stamina.

Those two were the easiest stats to gain while strength and vitality were not so easy anymore.

The total strength I gained in the past month is only 2, I also gained the same amount of vitality.

My status looked like this.

NameHisdram Van DirkasAge6 years and 10 monthsGenderMaleRacePure blood vampireRank4 stage martial apprentice 4 rank apprentice mageTitlesChild Prodigy, Skilled Butcher, The Original, The Fallen one....Strenght51Agility88Vitality41Willpower15Stamina118Intelligence???Wisdom???Luck-100---Wind5%Fire2%Earth0%Water5%{tr]Darkness∞Light0%[/tr]Void∞

Not bad I guess. Stamina is the first stat to hit 100.

It feels good that stamina is the first to hit 100 but I also want to train my vitality.

Stamina and vitality determine how long I am able to use my Void ability.

Putting the rope that holds the runners over my shoulder I then proceed to drag them.

The wood path is clear so dragging them home should be no trouble though some vines can get in the way here and there, other than that it’s super easy.

After 5 minutes of dragging I start to hear a weird noise.

I hear “Slurp””Crack””Shrck” it sounded like something was ripping the flesh of something else.

I drop the rope and quietly sneak up to the bush next to where i hear the sound from to see what’s happening and there I see it.

The monster is two times larger than that of a normal runner.

It has large claws on its feet and the feathers are gray not black like that of a normal runner.

I look above the monsters head and I see this.

Alpha Runner

* Alpha runner!! A rank 4 beast! *

Feeling excited I try to get closer.

This was my time to try and test myself.

Moving close the alpha didn’t seem to notice me.

When I got only 5 meters away from it the alpha suddenly turned its head my way and looked at me.

*Well, fuck*


The alpha runner released a very high pitched cry revealing its teeth.

The teeth looked ten times sharper than that of a normal runner.


The runner started closing in on me in high speed, I summoned forth my dagger while activating my enhancement.

When the alpha got closer to me, he opened his mouth and tried to bite my right hand.

The speed at which the alpha moved was really astonishing, I could barely react to his attack.

I realized that moving the hand out of the way was not a option, if I did that my chest area would be exposed, instead I deflected with my dagger in my left hand while only suffering a small after shock from the attacks power.

The attack was no weak in any way.

The alpha runner wasn’t like the alpha deer, the deer didn’t have this much strength in its attacks but it was able to wield magic.

This alpha had very powerful physical attacks and from the looks, it wasn’t able to wield magic.

I wanted to use the ignition spell on my dagger but I wasn’t sure if it would be of any help at this level that my mana pool is at.

Not just that but if I poured to much mana into it and plus using my vitality and stamina to hold the enhancement ability I’m pretty sure that the aftermath would be bone breaking.

The alpha stopped running and threw his left claw at me.

The claw was even faster then it’s bite attack, it gazed my left hand but I managed to counter with my right.

It was weird, I thought the skin would be harder but instead the dagger sliced right through and left a large wound on the alphas left leg.

*I see, so for the speed and strength it has no defense*

Now that I realized the ups and downs of my prey I was the one attacking.

I held my daggers tight and ran towards the alpha, the alpha didn’t seem scared of the sudden defense to offense change, no. Instead the alpha started running right at me.

He opened his mouth and tried to bite me but I crossed my daggers and its upper jaw was only a few millimeters away from my neck.

The alpha put even more strength behind his attack trying to push forth his upper jaw a little further

Sadly for him with my void enhancement my defense was solid.

The alpha seemed to realize that and the pressure loosened, I saw right through what the alpha was going to do next.

The alpha tried to yet again attack me with its feet claws.

Seeing through its attack I knew that he could not put much more pressure in its bite attack so I took my right dagger away from the defensive stance and aimed right for the neck while dragging my body to the right side hence dodging its left leg.

The alpha held more intelligence then other runners, it attacked me with its wounded leg hence when my dagger was about to pierce through its neck it jumped to the left side but it lost its balance while falling and fell on the ground.


-Hisse: Pant…Pant….Pant… Aren’t you a hefty fella?-

Right as I was about to jump on the alpha not giving him a chance to attack the blue screens blocked my view.

For your thirst after battle you’ve gained a new status: Fighting spirit

For your thirst after battle you’ve gained a new title: Battle maniac

-Hisse: ARGHH! Away with you!-

These status screens are staring to annoy me now.

When the screens finally disappeared I once again was about to jump at the alpha but my instincts told me not to.

I stopped and looked at the alpha only to realize that it had a red aura around him.

*Not magic. Is it going berserk? Haha….This just keeps getting more and more fun*

And it seemed as my thought was right. The alpha did go berserk.


This time its voice was even higher.

It truly did sound as a voice of a mad beast.

-Hisse: What’s wrong? Going mad over a flash wound?-

The alpha stood up and started to charge at me at even greater speed then before.

Only this time you could clearly see that it wasn’t thinking at all.

When the alpha got close to me it started attacking madly, no break to retreat from its attacks at all.

The attacks it threw at me only 60% of them were on me while the other missed.

It didn’t even aim anywhere specific and thus small wounds started to appear all over my body.

*This can’t go on for much longer, I’m switching to magic*

I had to use magic, the body of a 6 year old is unable to take on something with this speed sadly.

-Hisse: The earth beneath my feet hear my voice and respond to it: Earth binding!-

You may use some of the Death arts as the condition has been meet


After saying the chant you could see the ground raise up and coil around the alphas right and left leg.

The binding wasn’t really that strong so it was only a moment of time before the alpha broke free from the binding so I decided to use this chance to my fullest.

I deflected attacks with my left hand which was more wounded then my right.

With my right hand I made the dagger disappear into the void again and decided to finally test something.

*Here it goes*

I poured a very large amount of my qi into my right hand.

And with high speed punched the alpha below its neck and jumped away now that I had my chance.

I felt the muscles in my right hand rip apart.

*To soon…. Should’ve just stabbed it… This pain was not worth whatever the result might be*

The alpha didn’t move now, the binding was already broke but the alpha just stood the.


After a second or two the area where I punched the alpha slowly started to decay.


Finally the alpha fell to the ground with half of is body missing, the neck was barely attached and the feet were gone.

-Hisse: Never mind… This was worth it. But still using the Death arts is still too soon. I don’t even feel my right arm anymore.-

The aftermath of using the death arts was truly too big.

After going close to inspect the alpha It was rather disgusting to look at.

The insides that were not decayed were slowly gliding down from its stomach.

*Shit…I can’t take it home now*

I faceplamed at that thought.

I was originally planning to take it home and make mom and dad proud.

-Hisse: Ohh darn… Well at least the head is still in one peace.-

Right before I was about to bend down and cut the head of a large amount of blue screens appeared.

Strength: +3

Vitality: +3

Agility: +8

Stamina: +11

Willpower: +5

Darkness passive activated. Drained the stronger foe of it's power and due to use of large amount of qi you've broken through the 7th stage martial apprentice


What?! Darkness passive?! Draining the power of the stronger foe? I've never heard of this! Have to think things through when i get home.

But still… 7th stage martial apprentice should be really high at this age.

But I’m pretty sure if I didn’t take the break I would be a solder by now.

After calming down I then returned to the cutting yet again only to see the entire FREAKING alpha already decayed away….

Too bad monsters can’t use healing magic.

At this level I’m pretty sure that you can revert the decaying or if you have a mana shield around yourself the mana shield would take the attack on instead and decay.

Feeling disappointed and happy for the stats I gained I deactivate my enhancement and use the most basic water healing magic.

I take the water flask of my belt and pour some water on my right arm.

-Hisse: Basic water heal!- (AN: As you can see my naming is still the same hehe.)

The water on my right arm disappears and I’m able to move it now but the pain is still there.

*Good, the bruises are gone*

I do this with all my bruised body parts.

After that I return back to where I left of the two runners from the start and proceed to drag them home.

The closer I got to home the stronger the smell of something burnt started to appear.

In panic I dropped the runners and look to see what was going on.

When the house was finally In my view I saw something rather disturbing.

My mom was outside and in front of her were two burned corpses.

The house was surrounded with soldiers that were clad in blue uniforms.

In from of the soldiers two men stood there laughing.

In my mind I could only as myself.

*What the fuck is going on!?!?*


Tell me what you think about the fight. DId i do it well?

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