《There can be Darkness without Light》Chapter 11: The truth (done rewriting and enditing)


Huh.. A lot of work on this one, mostly a lot of rewriting. Anyway have fun reading.


After thinking for 2 hours what to do about my status i still couldn't figure out anything that could work.

I was still deep in my thoughts when my mom walked into my room.

-Mom: Good morning little Hisse, the effects should be off now, how do you feel?-

-Hisse: I feel just fine mom, but my arms still feel a bit itchy.-

Like really itchy... And the parts where my new fangs grew out still kinda hurt. Luckily there is no almost no difference between normal and original fangs, the original fangs are harder and sharper i can tell that for sure. They also have some effects that apply when biting someone but we'll get to that part later.

-Mom: Don't worry sweetie, that will disappear soon as well.-

-Hisse: Mom, what kind of blood was that? To do things like that to me.-

-Mom: That was nothing special sweetie, that happens to every vampire upon his first feeding. Anyway sweetie now that you woke up come down to eat breakfast. After breakfast i will explain some things to you. Every child should learn this after becoming 5.-

-Hisse: What things?-

-Mom: Things that you should know. I can tell that you are more intelligent then others at your age and i've seen many kids your age. .-

See that status system! My mom knows that i'm smart yet you can't tell me shit!

I see. Even if i tried my best to behave and act like a child it didn't work.

But still, it's not too bad. They only think i more intelligent, then those of my age.

-Hisse: Sure mom.-

After putting on clean cloths i went downstairs from my room.

When i got down it looked like dad was already out and doing something.

Mom was still there sitting and eating her breakfast.

-Hisse: Where's dad?-

-Mom: He went outside hunting. As you know the winter is coming soon, we have to prepare. Come sit and eat while it's still hot.-

While eating mom didn't say anything.

After we ate mom looked at me and asked.

-Mom: Did you try and look at your status?-

Shit.. What do i do now?

Tell the truth? I'll go with that for now.

-Hisse: "Nod""Nod"-

-Mom: And? How was it, what did you receive?-

It took me some time to think.

Why didn't she just ask me for the status directly?

After thinking for a bit i just answered.

-Hisse: Fire, water and wind.-

-Mom: I see. That's very good. Looks like you got fire from me and wind from your dad. Our blood within you is strong, water must be your own element. Could you show mommy your status?-

And here it is.

What now? How do i get out of this one?

It's fine, show her


-Hisse: " Grasp"-

What was that? It's fine, show her?

Want me to do it for you?

I see. Gaia?


-Mom: Hisse? What's wrong?-

-Hisse: Nothing mommy! Here. Show status to mom!-

I went ahead with my instinct.

Something within me told me to trust the blue screen.

The only one that came to my head creating something this powerful is Gaia.

So only she comes to mind when the screen started talking to me.

After yelling for my status to come out it did.

NameHisdram Van DirkasGenderMaleRacePure blood vampireRankNoneTitlesThe child prodigyStrenght5Agility7Vitality5Willpower???Stamina7Intelligence29Wisdom16Luck5---Wind5%Fire15%Earth0%Water5%]

Wow. This is...

All of my worries just went puff.

All that thinking for nothing.

Thank you Gaia. If this is you of course.

You're welcome. And yes, it is me, Gaia. We will speak more when you're alone or text i guess. Right now focus on you mother.

I guessed right.

I always knew that Gaia had a will of it's own.

After thanking Gaia in my mind i looked at my mom.

My mom looked at the plate amazed.

-Mom: Th-th-this is wonderful! My son's a genius! Hahahaha. At least you didn't receive the knowledge of that muscle head.-

My mom was still staring at my status in ave.

Geez... What would happen if i showed her my real status?

And is having so little intelligence to be considered an genius?

-Hisse: Mom?-

-Mom: Hehehe my little Hisse's an genius.-

.... I'm grateful and all but why couldn't you just make me stupid?

Do you want to be stupid?

Like dad? Hell no!

And why CAN'T i see my real intelligence and wisdom!

Shut up and be happy i didn't gave you some worse title. Also even i can't see that! So no questions about that!


You're even scarier then mom..

Please keep it like this!

And what do you mean no questions!?!?

No response...

-Hisse: Mom!-

-Mom: AH! Yes, what sweetie?-

-Hisse: What's so amazing about having only 29 intelligence?-

-Mom: Hohohoh. It's not just the intelligence sweetie, it's the wisdom as well. Usually children at the age of 5 when they receive their status have 5 in everything. Some children in other races have max 20. While children from Gods or other powerful beings can reach up to an 100 at the age of 5. Considering that we're just pure blood vampires having 29 int and 16 wis at the age of 5 is to be considered a genius! Not just them but you have 7 in agility and willpower is already unlocked!-

-Hisse: I see.-

-Mom: This is great! I can't wait to see your dad's expression when he sees it.-

-Hisse: Mom?-

-Mom: Yes sweetie?-

-Hisse: You were talking about explaining me some things this morning, what things?-

-Mom: Ohhh, well, you see sweetie you received the message saying that the rest of the status will be unlocked when the requirements have been reached, right?-

-Hisse: Mhm.-

-Mom: That requirement is unlocked when you reach the age of 10. When you reach the age of 10 you will be able to see your true rank, your skills, your spells and much more. Also say inspect while looking at me.-


-Hisse: Inspect!-

A screen appeared

Name: Rose, Age: 27, Race: Pure Blood Vampire

WOW.... Awesome! And i guess the younger look that she has is from the Master Mage perk that increases longevity.

-Mom: You've see it, right?-

-Hisse: Yes.-

-Mom: When using Inspect on someone it will only show if that some one allows you to see that, some people who have higher cultivation then you are able to see that information without you allowing them to. For example guards at higher ranked cities have a artifact on them that allows them to also view someones information with out the other party allowing them. Some people are even able to see more information. For example ranks, last names and some beings are even able to see your complete status screen but for that you would have to be a much, much higher rank then the other.-

I see. This is interesting. So someone might be able to check me out and i won't even notice? Bleh... We have to change that.

Ranks? Hmm i wonder how much those have change, i see that the normal starting ranks are still the same and Master Mage is still here.

-Hisse: What are the ranks mom?-

-Mom: Ohhh, ranks are pretty much how everything works. The higher rank you are in cultivation the stronger you are.-

-Hisse: And how do they work?-

-Mom: Well let's see, first we have people who cultivate qi. Their ranks divide in martial apprentice, soldier, warrior, master warrior, True warrior and then Warlord after those i do not know that ranks come in the qi section the highest we have in our kingdom is Master warrior and that's the Kings right hand who was if i remember correctly he only just broke through into that rank after we started living in the forest.

As for beings who cultivate mana the ranks are apprentice mage, mage, master mage, grandmaster mage, True mage, Archmage and Saint i do not know what comes after those ranks nor can i imagine what comes after that. People who have reached Warlord and Archmage should be at the peaks of power in some of the worlds largest powers and sects i think. I have never witnessed power beyond Warrior and True mage. -

So the ranks have not changed at all from the time i made them? After Warlord it should be Kind and lastly Emperor and as for after Saint it should also be Emperor.

What can i say... I was lazy at the time and Emperor was all that came to my mind was emperor.

Anyway this means that my mom should be pretty strong to these standards, right?

-Hisse: That means that you're pretty strong, right mom? -

She puts on a pain expression and starts speaking.

-Mom: Not at the moment. Even thought my rank is Master mage after my last fight my soul weapon got damaged and my cultivation has slowed down a lot and the purity of my mana as well.-

I see... That's pretty bad. Getting her soul weapon damaged must mean that she fought someone who is much stronger then her or someone used an artifact that should not even exist on this planet.

Anyway, we'll have to fix that and for that i need to use my soul power which i kinda a tiny bit power over. But still, my soul feels really strange at the moment. I can't tell why.

And we'll also have to find out who hurt my mother. I will be sure that he doesn't even get reincarnated.

Getting you soul weapon damaged is like losing a limb almost because you infuse your weapon with a part of your soul and getting it damaged would be pretty painful... Really painful, she's probably feeling pain even now. Yet still has a smile on her face. Really grateful that i got reincarnated into this family.

-Mom: Anyway sweetie that's all mommy wanted to explain to you, more complicated stuff will come when you grow older. Now go outside and play or go to your room. Now that you have reached the age of 5 you are free to go outside anytime, just don't go too far. If you go out of my sense i will go there and get you, after that you won't be able to go out side for the whole month, understood?-

Again.. She has that scary expression on her face.

-Mom: Understood?-

-Hisse: Yes, mommy.-

I sit up from the chair and quietly go over to my room.


When i got to my room i shut the door closed and spoke.

-Hisse: So you finally spoke, heh?-

Mamas boy.

... Dammit....

She really does see everything.

Of course i do, hehe

-Hisse: And you can read thoughts, isn't this just perfect?-

Well for me it is.

-Hisse: Anyway, why reveal yourself now, why not sooner?-

Because the link was too weak, the link between me and you. When you reached the age of 5 i was able to see and have contact for the first time. But i won't be able to keep this up for too long

-Hisse: I see. Well i'm happy that you contacted me and i'm also very thankful for the help. -

You already thanked me. Why are you being all gentlemen right now?

You... You really don't want me to be nice, do you?

No. It just sounds like you're trying to seduce me

You're a core.... I saw your birth..

Back then you didn't even have your own will and now you're thinking i'm trying to seduce you?

Nice way to spoil the fun.... Anyway the link is getting weaker now, i´ll have to leave you

Wait! i have some questions!

I will answer them when you reach the age of 10. The link should be a lot stronger by then. I will also put your status on self evolving, so you don't have to worry about that. Bye~Bye~


No response.

-Hisse: GAIA!-

Shit... This is just great. I should have gone to the questions directly...

FUCK! My one chance to ask if they're alright.

I guess i will have to wait for 5 more simiths.

Better use this time wisely.

After all that i had to go outside and release some of the built up anger.

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