《There can be Darkness without Light》Chapter 10: The Ceremony and mr.UNKNOWN (95% rewritten)


Chapter has been like almost completely rewritten. Now what wish you guys would is to comment on how the changes are. If i made powers and affinities more understandable. Please try to give me feedback so that i know if i should improve this chapter, thanks! :)



-Dragon: I will be the one to rule the universe!-

-Hisse: What's the meaning in ruling the universe?-

-Dragon: The meaning? The meaning is Hisse sweetie.-

What?! Hisse sweetie!?

-Dragon: Hisse sweetie wake up. It's your big day today.-

Ohhhh.. I forgot this was a dream.


What kind of weird dream was that? I don't remember fighting such a weak dragon...

When i woke up i saw mom sitting on the edge of the bed.

-Mom: Did you sleep well sweetie?-

-Me: *Yawn* Yes i did mommy.-

-Mom: Go wash yourself and come to the kitchen to eat breakfast.-

-Me: Okay mommy.-

I got up from the bed and went downstairs to the bathroom to wash myself.

Standing in the middle of the Bathroom i noticed something while looking at the reflection of myself.

My eye pupils had gone red.

*Sweet, finally the big day is here as mom said*

After i was done with washing, i then put on the clean clothes mom choose for me.

After that I headed to the kitchen.

-Me: Good morning mom, dad.-

-Dad: Good morning little Hisse, come and sit down.-

I went next to him and sat down on the chair dad pointed at.

A few seconds later mom stood up walked of to their bedroom.

-Dad: You will finally get your status and go through the ceremony. How does it feel?-

-Me: I can't wait to get the status thing but dad, what is the ceremony?-

-Dad: Did you notice your eye pupils turn red?-

-Me: YES! I noticed it while bathing.-

-Dad: When a vampire turns 5 they receive their vampire traits. Your eyes will turn red on their own but you won't receive your special trait that you got from your parents or your older ancestors without the ceremony.-

I see. So i was right about the eyes. But does this mean i might receive some kind of a ability?

-Me: Special trait?-

-Dad: Let me explain we vampires life by the blood the the blood is the currency of life. For example you that your mother had the "Blessing of the first Dirkas"?-

-Me: Yes, and?-

-Dad: The first Dirkas was a vampire God and a True God at that. He has been dead for no one knows how long. Thousand, thousands or even millions of years yet your mom has his blood in her so she received his fire. There are many things unknown about the ancient old vampires. For example they were able to gain abilities from simply suck the blood from others which we the current generation are unable to do, if i remember one of the other families that used to be the allies to the house of Dirkas if i remember their family name is Vrutus. The main wife of the clan head gave birth to a daughter that received the original fangs from birth.-


I see so the vampires from my time have grown this weak? Micheal would be disappointed. To be honest i'm pretty sure that sack of blood is still alive.

-Me: Dad, what kind of ability did you receive?-

-Dad: My abilities are nothing fancy. I gained the wind affinity from my father, being a wind mage. I also got the warrior traits from my mother, she was able to sustain longer after drinking blood. Lesser affinity of the wind and lesser affinity of the blood. Unlike your moms ability mines really weak. After all blessing are really rare. This is basically how we receive our affinities, through blood, remember we vampires live by the blood. And blessing are pretty much modifications or some blessing give the use unique spells and then there are beings that are born with innate abilities. Such as God beasts or Divine and legendary beasts. -

WOW... That pretty much means being a vampire is a gamble. You pretty much get everything from the older generation or is that all there is to it?

-Me: Can't we gain affinities that have nothing to do with the older generations?-

-Dad: Yes, we can. But it's really rare. Usually those who do gain at most from 1-5% of lower understanding of it.-

Wow.. Dads very talkative.

Better use this chance before he turns into a muscle head again. And what does he mean lower understanding? I've never heard of something like that. Well let's use this once in a lifetime chance.

-Me: Lower understanding?-

-Dad: Ohhh, yea i kinda have to explain that to, don't i?-

-Me: "Nod""Nod" please do.-

-Dad: Curies aren't we? Well can't be helped... You're at the sucking in knowledge stage after all.... * WHAT DO YOU MEAN SUCKING IN KNOWLEDGE STAGE!?!?!* Stop looking at me like that.... Anyway lower understanding of a element means how much you understand it and how much you can use it. The more you understand a element the more powerful does it get.

For example i have 23% of lower understanding in the wind element and 63% lower understanding of blood. Blood is not an element but it does belong to Life. So instead of receiving affinity with Life i gained something like a sub affinity to Life which is blood.

All divine elements have lower branch sub elements. Blood only gives me more increased Vitality. I you are able to gain middle understanding in Blood you're able to control and move Blood.

The understandings divide into lower, middle, high, legendary, i have not met anyone yet beyond that so know nothing about what comes after those.-

Damnnnnn what the hell happened to dad? Who are you?

I already knew about the subs i mean even darkness has a sub. Shadows. They are made from light. They are the weakest kind of darkness.

But still what the is this? I know bout the understanding but who divided then into such things? This is something that was supposed to be profound and something that you had to figure out through only getting enlightenments. I mean if you can see the progress won't it do damage to the motivation.. Ahhhh~ Gaia i have some questions. I wonder what progress mom has made in fire.


-Me: How far has mom gotten into understanding fire?-

-Dad: The blessing of the first gives her easier enlightenments early in fire so she's 19% middle so far.-

I see so you still have to work hard hah? That's good, makes me happy.

After my dad tells me that my mom comes from the bedroom.

She carries a medium sized box.

-Me: What's in the box mommy?-

-Mom: Things necessary for the ceremony honey. After we're done with breakfast we will proceed to do the ceremony. By the way did dad explain to you everything about the elements and affinities?-

I turn my head and look at dad only to see him looking at me with pleading eyes.

* Well that explains why he's been so chatty today... Scary *

-Me: Yea he did but i still have more questions.-

-Mom: Sure but after the ceremony is done for now try to endure the excitement and daddy will answer all of the questions, won't you honey?~

-Dad: " Doesn't look his wife in the eyes so he turns his head to look out the window " Of course honey, of course i will hehe.-

Great.. He's losing it. Hahahahaha. This family, thank the kind fate that i got born into this type of a fun family.

-Mom: Now come and eat breakfast after that the ceremony will start.-

I went and sat down and begun eating but still.



After being done with the breakfast we went outside.

-Mom: Hisse, since you've turned 5 you will need to drink blood for the first time in your life.-

After that she opens the box and takes out something that looks like a blood bag.

And i'm guessing that's not animal blood.

-Me: What kind of blood is that?-

-Mom: Nothing to worry about sweetie. It's just normal blood.-

After she said that she poured the blood into a cup and handed it over to me.

-Mom: Here sweetie. Don't panic and just try not to pass out. If you feel like something is wrong tell mommy, ok?.

Is this not safe? Errrr for now i'll just have to go with a yes.

-Me: Yes mommy.-

Mom then handed me the cup.

I took the cup and stared at it.

The blood looked delicious. I wanted to drink it all so i did.


After i was done with the cup nothing strange seemed to happen.

-Me: Nothings happ- GAAAH!-

Suddenly i fell down om my knees and my hands were on the ground.


-Mom: It's okay sweetie. It will only last for an second.-

I felt pain all over my body.

After i few seconds the pain lessened and i saw a large amount of screens appear.



Strong Affinity to Fire

Lesser Affinity to Wind

Lesser Affinity to Water

Status gained

Title: Prince of Fainting

Title: Skilled Butcher

Title: The fallen one

Title: The Original

%&¤"=#¤ "#=¤ acquired, process 7 hours in order to obtain the transformation


What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Ahhh, i'm starting to lose my conscious again.

Truly befitting of the Prince of fainting title. Never even heard of that one before.

And like that i pass out... Yet again.


Yet again i woke up in my bed.

This time both mom and dad were sitting on the edges of my bed.

-Mom: Sweetie, are you alright?-

-Me: YyyY. MMMMM!-

I couldn't speak.

My voice didn't seem to come out.

-Mom: It's fine sweetie. Seems like you got something special so you will have to wait for your body to get used to it, i'm sure it won't take long.-

I see.

So i can't see my status yet?


My mouth.. It feels strange, my teeth feel strange. I can feel pain...

-Mom: Me and daddy are going to let you sleep now. We just wanted to see if everything was fine after the ceremony.

You should sleep. After you wake up you will be able to speak again and we will see your status, alright?-

-Me: "Nod""Nod"-

Mom leaned down and kissed me on my forehead.

-Mom: Now sleep well my little Hisse.-

After she said that both of them went downstairs again.

The ceremony had very weird after effects.

After thinking that i went to sleep yet again.-


After sleeping for longer than normal i woke up on my own.

Looks like mom let me sleep a little longer.

But finally it was time.

-Me: Open status!-

And boom a blue screen came forth.

NameHisdram Van DirkasGenderMaleRacePure blood vampireRank3 stage martial apprentice 1 rank apprentice mageTitlesSkilled Butcher, The Original, Prince of Fainting, The Fallen oneStrenght34Agility42Vitality28Willpower10Stamina45Intelligence???Wisdom???Luck-100---Wind5%Fire15%Earth0%Water5%{tr]Darkness∞Light0%[/tr]Void∞

I stared at the status with my mouth wide open.

The hell?! What's ??? supposed to mean?

After waiting for so long intelligence and wisdom isn't even unlocked.

ARGH! Does that mean i'm stupid? Dammit... That must be an trait from father.

And i'm already a 3rd stage martial apprentice and 1st rank mage apprentice!? Not only that i'm also able to use both mana and qi... Thank goodness, it will make it much easier to fuse them later on so that i can refine some Rai.

Original Fangs acquired, gift from " UNKNOWN "

Rest of the status will be available when the requirements have been reached

Wait!?! There is even more!

What the hell, and there i was waiting for the whole thing.

Turns out this is just a teaser.... Not only that did it just say that i have ancient fangs?! OHH HELL YEAH! Hmmm thought this does trouble me a bit, the gift from "UNKNOWN" part.

What i weird name. Who would name his child unknown...


NAME! Give me a name dammit!

Now is not the time to be disappointed.

I have to think of something to hide this from mom and dad.

The titles are revealing... And my fangs kinda stick out..

And Skilled Butcher? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

I didn't even butcher anyone in this life... Oh wait..The stupid deer...

And like that i was stuck for the rest of the morning thinking how to hide my stats.

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