《There can be Darkness without Light》Chapter 9: Skilled Butcher ( Edited... make it stop...)


Violence will be used in this chapter

- Stone: Stones can't talk- talking

* Did i just poop myself?* thoughts

" Whop" "Chop" " Swish" actions

Colored words means that the voice either echos or it's creepy. Creepy will mostly appear in italic.


Pov: Unknown

As i was flying over the forest i happened to hear some noise.

Below me i could smell the flesh being burnt.

As i descended i hid myself in a tree.

Concealing my presence.

I looked down to see what was happening.

In the corner there was a man laying there.

It looked like he was unconscious.

Red eyes and pale skin.

* A vampire *

In front of the man was a alpha deer. A matured one at that.

Things were not looking good for the man.

As it seemed that he was about to become deer food.

Suddenly i sensed a presence from the tree infront of me.

The presence was strong yet weak, full yet empty.

I never sensed someone like this.

The presence on the tree showed himself just seconds later.

It was a child. And the man on the ground seemed to be his father.

The fight between the child and the alpha didn't last long.

The child showed no mercy. I have never seen a child that strong at his age.

He did everything perfectly. Like it was all accurately planned.

After the short fight the aura around the boy could no longer be considered that of a child.

It was cold. Cold enough that even i felt a chill running down my spine.

But it was only then that i saw the child's true colors.

After the child had beaten the alpha he went towards it.

He had two weird black colored daggers.

When the boy got close enough to the alpha he stabbed the two daggers sideways under it's skin.

He then proceeded to slowly skin the poor creature.

Slice after slice.

The boy looked like an skilled butcher.

The alpha screams echoed throughout the forest.

After he skinned the poor alpha it was still alive.

I wanted to kill it with my earth magic out of pity but it was then i felt something.

What if i anger the boy?

Sudden fear struck me out of nowhere.

I remembered the aura around the boy and felt true fear.

* What kind of aura was that?! A mere child shouldn't be able to give out such a menacing aura that even a rank 2 master mage would fear it!'

That kind of aura was not of this planet,

I then continued to watch what happened to the alpha.

The boy slowly and skillfully sliced chunk after chunk from it's body.

He sliced all the meat on it's limbs making the bones visible.

He then proceeded on to it's face.

The alpha no longer released any screams.

It had already passed the limit of pain it could bear.

Still releasing small weeps the deer´s mind had already been broken broken by the unbelievable amount of pain.


I started to sweat from just looking at what was happening in front of me.

*That monster can't be a child... For someone to be able to do such a cruel thing is impossible.*

When the boy was done with the face the poor alpha died.

I have no idea how it even lasted that long.

Why didn´t it just use it's own energy to blow itself up?

After the boy was done with the alpha he went towards his dad.

Suddenly the aura around him disappeared and he started to lose his balance.

Moments later the child fell down on the ground and fainted.

* This child.. Was it perhaps some kind of a awakening? Don't all vampires awaken their inner power at the age of 5?

The boy did look like he was around 5 years old. Did he awaken from fear of losing his loved one? Whatever this child´s power is, it will be feared in the future. I must get rid of it!*

I jumped off the tree and got really close to the boy.

-Me: Sorry but your power is to fearsome to exist!-

I was about to cast "Ice Spike" when i heard someone speak to me.


Instantly a woman with red hair stepped out of the surrounding bushes.

-Me: Who are you and what are you doing here?-

-The women: You have no right to ask me that. You were just about to hurt my son! Now be ready to pay the price!-

*Her son?*

-The women: Die!-

I didn't know her rank but i could see she was strong.


The women didn't say any chant yet 8 crimson fireballs appeared.

* CHANTLESS?!?! She has high mastery in magic!-

The ice shield only blocked 2 of the 8 crimson fire balls.

The rest went directly for my body.

The fire balls didn't explode instead they just went through my body.

I thought i was safe but then i noticed.

My flesh was melting away.

The parts of my body that got hit by the crimson fire balls started melting.


And like that i felt my life force disappear from my body as only darkness was before my eyes.


Pov: HIsse

When i woke up i couldn't move my body.

But i already expected that, in fact i expected much worse.

My finger seems to be healed.

The pain in my body and my healed finger didn't surprise me, what surprised me was that i woke up in a bed.

*What?! A bed?*

The room looked like my room.

So i assumed that i was home.

*What happened? How did i get here?*

As i was thinking how i got here i heard voices of my mom and dad in the room next by.



-Dad: We needed food! I never knew that there would've been a alpha monster there!-

-Mom: Alpha monster?! It was an mage! He was about to cast magic on him!-

-Dad: WHAT?! I was fighting a alpha deer! Not an mage!-

I see...

Something happened after i passed out.

Luckily i pulled the ribbon when i was on the tree.

But they are fighting now..

I stood up from the bed while my body was telling me not to.

I opened the door while skahing and looked at my mom and dad.

My dads left arm was wrapped in bandages while my moms eyes were full of tears.

-Mom: Hisse!-

Mom jumped and hugged me.

-Mom: Thank God you're alright.-

-Dad: Thank goodness.-

-Me: Mom it hurts...-

-Mom: Ohh, sorry honey i'm just glad to see that you're okay.-

-Me: Mom?-

-Mom: What is it honey?-

-Me: Dad wasn't lying. A alpha deer did attack us.-

-Mom: Then what happened to it?-

-Me: I killed it.-

-Mom and dad: WHAT?!

-Me: I killed it with the dagger that mom gave me.-

-Dad: See! I told you! Hehehe well done my son!-

-Mom: SHUT UP and drink the healing medicine! I already used the fresh herbs on Hisses finger! Hisse, honey are you feeling fine?-

-Me: Mom i'm feeling a bit dizzy and my body hurts but i can handle it.-

-Mom: Good, could you please tell mommy what you did with the dagger?-

I went to my room to look through my old cloths and picked up the dagger.

I went back and gave the dagger to my mom.

My mom placed her hand over the dagger and her hand shone red for a second and then looked at me again.

-Mom: I see 5 fire balls are missing. Well done. You've protected yourself when me and your father couldn't.

But where did the alpha disappear to?-

The alpha....

Didn't i just leave it there?

What happened to it?

-Me: I don't know.-

-Mom: It doesn't matter as long as you're alright. It was your dads fault for going that deep into the forest.-

Well it was mostly my fault..

I was the one that scared of all the monsters..

At least she didn't go into further details.

I can't let them know about neither my void nor darkness.

I have still wasted 2 days in that forest.

I have done nothing. Gained nothing. The death arts are kind of useless right now..

But at least now i get to ask some questions.

-Me: Mom? What were you doing while we were gone?-

-Mom: Hehehe. You will be turning 5 soon. So i was forced to talk with someone to get the things for your 5 year ceremony.-

-Me: Ceremony? What ceremony?- * My awakening ceremony? *

-Mom: You will find out soon enough.-

My mom told me with a warm smile while dad went to feast on some animals so that he could heal faster.


After that incident time flew by fast.

And i was only 3 more days away form my 5th birthday.

I have trained a lot the last few months.

Gaining 7 strenght, 11 agility, 6 vitality and 22 stamina.

I did mostly train my stamina after that incident because i noticed that when i use my void skill it drains a crazy amount of stamina.

I also tried to increase my void power.

After using my void skill at least once before i go to sleep for the past 2 months i'm now able to use my void skill and not pass out.

But i would still feel extremely tired after using it.

I can also make it last longer.

But at most i can hold it for 4 hours.

After 4 hours i will pass out.

3 hours is the recommended limit.

I was still able to summon my two void daggers.

They couldn't devour anything but i was still able to train with them.

What i gained from my training with the daggers was dagger mastery, knife mastery, Basic Kridom dagger art and Basic Hisroms Void dagger arts. The Kridom are kinda low leveld but i don't recommend to use my own arts any time soon.. I just did some basic movements and gained my own arts....

It felt kind of weird when i saw my own name.....

But at the same time i was happy about it.

But now i can at the very least defend myself from danger.

-Mom: Hisse! Dinner is ready!-

I went out of my room and sat myself with my family.

And started to eat the Trapper bird that mom cooked.

-Mom: Honey, you know that your birthday is soon coming up?-

-Me: Yes mom.-

-Mom: This time we will hold a ceremony. The ceremony is something every vampire must do at the age of 5. So i want you to be ready.-

-Me: I will mom.-

-Dad: Is there anything you want me to make?-

-Me: Would be hard to make a wooden shield?-

-Dad: Wooden shield? Why would you need one?-

-Mom: Of course he can honey. Right dear?-

-Dad:Yes... You will have your shield ready on your birthday.-


Mom is still angry at dad for what he did.

But at least he got to keep his balls....

If i told her everything....

After dinner it was already night time.

But this time i didn't feel the need to sleep.

The closer i got to the age of 5 the less i felt like needing to sleep.

Right now 3-4 hours of sleep were enough to energize myself.

But i would usually sleep when it's day outside.

I find it much more comfortable to train during the night.

To train in the darkness.

With those thoughts i went to my room to train some more and wait for the upcoming 5th birthday.

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