《There can be Darkness without Light》Chapter 8: First fight (15% rewrite and lot of edit.......) LOT OF EDITING
The chapter has been edited and a lot of wording has been changed. This might be the chapter that i changed the most stuff it.
Anyway enjoy the chapter.
- Stone: Stones can't talk- talking
* Did i just poop myself?* thoughts
" Whop" "Chop" " Swish" actions
Colored words means that the voice either echos or it's creepy. Creepy will mostly appear in italic.
often wondered * Why does trouble always come to me?*.
All me and dad wanted was to find some food and here we are.
Fighting an alpha deer. A peak 3rd ranked monster.
*Ohhh, wait. We did kill 3 of it's children so no wonder this is happening.*
As i was deep in my thoughts the alpha deer released a fierce cry.
As the cry grew louder and louder i was forced to cover my ears with my hands.
*Shit, why is there a boss monster here? We are only 7 hours deep into the forest*
As i was wondering a thought hit.
* Wait! What if our house is already very deep into the forest? I mean we´re surrounded by peak rank 2 monsters.*
-Me: Daddy it hurts. My ears.-
-Dad: It's nothing. In the worst case you will hear the peep sound for a day or two.-
Fuck! I´ll have to let him concentrate. One mistake and things can go really wrong.
-Dad: Try to watch for an opening when daddy is fighting him. When you see that he's 100% focused on daddy run away!-
Dammit! He really thinks I'll run away?
Even if i can't use any good magic right now i still have void enhancement at my disposal.
And the death arts have a condition in order to be used, WHAT THE FUCKS THE CONDITION?
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
The choices.
A: Use just the enhancement and pass out after using it.
B: Try to blindly figure out the condition in order to sue the death arts.
C: Use void enhancement while releasing killing intent and hope for the best after....
I'm unable to think clearly, panicing to much...
Gotta calm down... Calm down... Clear thoughts looks like the lack of memory is effecting me after all...
Just as i started thinking for more solutions time seemed to freeze because i was thinking so fast.
Or so i thought.
-Dad: Take cover!-
-Alpha deer: Grrrrrr!-
The alpha deer suddenly looked towards the ground and the sharp horns on it´s head were pointed at us.
The alpha deer got down on all four and it´s human arms transformed into a deer´s forelegs.
It´s legs then started to make cracking noises.
After which they transformed yet again, this time into those of a beast.
Large claws grew and the muscles bursted forth.
The human face it had started to transform as well.
Long sharp teeth grew and the horns got even sharper.
The creature didn't look either like a human nor a deer.
Right now it looked like a beast, ready to jump forth at any moment.
All this happened in a matter of seconds.
We didn't have any time to react.
Even if we had, the transformation looked so fascinating that we were not able to take our eyes off.
-Dad: Fuck! It's a fully matured alpha.-
After my dad said that the beasts horns suddenly started to release that same strange yellow glow that it had during it's transformation yet again.
-Alpha deer: Dieeeeee!
A flash of lightning shot towards us from it's horns.
As the lightning was closing in towards us my dad tightly gripped his sword and shouted.
Dad moved in front of the lighting and large about of it with his body alone.
" Swish"
The rest of the lightning was blocked by my dads sword.
-Dad: Don't be afraid. I won't let that beast hurt you!-
You better not or it might cost you your balls!
Shit.. This is no time for jokes, but still...
You have to think straight without panic when you're in a fight and humor helps with that.
But this time it doesn't seem to help me at all. I can feel slight panic starting to hit me trying to come up with a solution to this problem. ARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH MY HEAD!
What's happening to me!
As the pain starts to fly away after i stopped my thoughts for a bit my dad looks at me and shouts with a worried expression.
-Dad: HISSE!-
The alpha shows no mercy and immediately gets into action after speaking some words.
-Alpha deer: Eye for an eye! Tooth for a tooth! Your child will die by my hands! And you will be the one to watch!-
Once again lightning shot out from it's horns.
This time the lightning looked a lot more pure.
A lot more mana poured into it.
-Dad: Dammit! Hisse close your eyes!-
When my dad told me to close my eyes i of course didn't do it.
What fool closes his eyes in the middle of a fight?
Well not me.
-Me: Urgh.-
And like that, dad grabbed me with his left arm while holding his sword in his right.
He then started running into the forest again. Trying to dodge the lightning he ran sideways.
We were very far north from our original road so we were forced to run south-west.
The forest was empty the monsters had still not returned.
As dad was running at his max speed with wind enhancement through the forest the beast beast would shoot lightning hoping to hit us and slow us down.
But it didn't. Every lightning that was shot at us was skillfully dodged by my dad. Looks like he's really scared of losing his balls...
This time the glow from the horns went down to his feet and the deer got even faster.
It didn't take far too long before it caught up.
" Swish "
-Dad: ARGHH!!-
-Me: DAD!!-
We came to a halt and i saw what happened.
Blood was dripping down my dads hand.
The FILTHY deer dared stab my dad?
-Me: Dad let me down.-
-Dad: KEEP QUIET! This is something that can end both of our lives in seconds.-
I couldn't stand this. I wanted to tear that deer apart.
The wound was on the left with which dad was holding me.
The horn strike was aimed at me.
-Me: Dad your arm is hurt! Let me down!-
-Dad: Shut it! Tis' but a flesh wound ( SORRY I HAD TO). Nothing to deep.-
Dad and the deer look and each other in the eyes.
Both of them clearly angry.
But it was not just them that got angry.
I was burning with anger myself.
I realized that thanks to me my dad was forced to hold back.
If he was to let me down and fight this beast 1v1 the beast would without a thought go for me.
The beast is already going for me.
What do we do?
-Dad: Hisse?-
-Me: What dad?-
-Dad: Did mom give you anything before she let us on our trip?-
My dad said that as sweat was running down his face.
OHHH! That's right! The magic weapon that mom gave me!
-Me: YES! She did!-
-Dad: Then where is it?-
-Me: Let me d " ZWIIISHHHH"
-Me: AHHHH!-
The deer shot lightning at us yet again but this shot was not like the ones it shot before.
-Mad alpha deer:I had enough toying with you!-
The deer then went in front of my father who was maybe 3 meters from me.
He was wounded. His cloths were tattered. And his body was slightly twitching from the lightning shock.
-Mad alpha deer:I changed my mind. That last attack was for you. I came up with an even better idea. First i will kill you then i will eat your child slowly. Limb by limb! You will die knowing that your child will suffer a much painful death than you could ever imagine.-
My dad got chills when he heard that.
The deer had it's back turned towards me while being right in front of my dad.
Good. Perfect. I will show him what it feels like to be superior.
And he won't even see it coming.
Pov: Alpha Deer
They dared to kill my children!
-Me: You will go to hell. And you will never see your child again. Now die!-
Looks like the male fainted.
It surprised me. I was pretty sure he would die.
After all, that spell was a 6th mage rank lightning spell and he's only a 3rd rank warrior, he's not ordinary.
It doesn't matter if it was the first 6th ranked lightning spell.
It's power is still great.
The piercing lightning spear...
To take on a such fierce attack and only faint.
He dared to hold back on me?
It was because of the child?
Never mind. I changed my mind again.
I will eat the child in front of HIN.
Just because he held back. If he ditched the child he would be able to save himself but he didn't.
Noble? Arrrrrrhhhh. Fucking scum.
He loved his child this much yet he killed my.
I will make him suffer.
Tehe you're done for ~
Haa? What's this?
I've never seen anything like this before.
I'm done for? I see nothing that could harm me. The scum has fainted and only his child is left.
Wait. His child?
I turned around to look at the filthy little child but it wasn't there.
What? That can't be! When i shot his dad that boy got dropped here!
-???: You looking for me?-
-Me:Where are you, you little filth!-
I felt something hit my back.
THAT HURTS IT BURNS! That was no normal fireball! And how can a child shoot something like that!
The child slowly jumps from the tree down on the ground again.
-Child: Ohhh. You want more? HEHE. No worries. I have plenty more for you. We can go on for all day long.-
The child looked creepy.
Was that wrong to say?
It had a weird black purpleish aura around him.
His eyes no longer looked like the eyes of a child.
His smile was even more disturbing than that of the scariest monster.
Weird. Here i am. A high ranked monster. Or at least here i truly am high ranked.
Yet i can feel fear looking at this child in front of me.
What is this? What kind of fear is this?
-Child: Ohhh mister deer. I will give you a very special treatment. After all. I will only be returning the favor of what you have done to my father. Now be ready to get skinned alive.-
After he said that the small knife that he held in his hand suddenly formed 4 fire balls.
But the fire balls didn't fly immediately.
These were no normal fire balls.
They had some kind of a weird mana in them.
The mana felt rich and pure and what's more it felt ruthless.
I tried to run before he shot them and i succeeded.
But then i realized that this was his plan.
He wanted to scare me away from his dad.
The fire balls flew at very high speed.
Almost impossible to dodge.
Two fire balls hit me while the other two missed.
My left back leg was unable to move.
Shit! Shit! Shit!
What now?
I turn around to see what that noise is as it doesn't sound like the fire balls.
Behind me was the boy.
In the boys hands he held two small black daggers.
Two scary looking daggers.
He was gliding the dagger against one another and slowly moving towards me.
The boy was closing in.
Right my leg had already healed and could move but...
The fear.... The killing intent.
It barely allowed me to breath.
In the middle of the night. The red moon was shining.
As the boy came closer and closer he got illuminated more and more by it.
He looked like the Reaper.
It felt as if Death himself was coming for me.
It was the first time that me, a beast, had such thoughts.
Had such fear.
-Monster: I hope you're ready to repay for hurting my father.-
That was the last sound i heard before i felt the two daggers run deep under my skin.
Pov: Hisse
-Mad alpha deer: You will go to hell. And you will never see your child again. Now die!-
On that moment i activated my void enhancement.
I felt pain strike throughout my body.
I Jumped up atop of the tree looking down on the deer and pulling out the dagger from my belt.
Suddenly the deer turned around as it was looking for me.
I will skin it for what it had done.
-Me: You looking for me?-
-Soon to be skinned deer:Where are you, you little filth!-
Ohhh that's how he wants it?
I shot a fire ball towards it.
The fire ball hit it's back and did a extreme amount of damage.
* So this is the dagger that mom made? It feels very pure. Yet at the same time cold and ruthless. No wonder the title, moms fire is no normal fire*
The deers scary expression turned into an expression of pain.
I jump down from the tree and the deer just stars at me.
* Must be the void enhancement *
-Me: Ohhh. You want more? HEHE. No worries. I have plenty more for you. We can go on for all day long.-
Now to start the game.
-Me: Ohhh mister deer. I will give you a very special treatment. After all. I will only be returning the favor of what you have done to my father. Now be ready to get skinned alive.-
I summoned 4 more fireballs to scare it.
To make it move away from my dad.
And it worked.
As the plan worked perfectly i proceeded to fire of the 4 fire balls that were in the air.
Hahaha. Two missed and two hit.
The two that hit, one hit to the leg the other on the back again.
Perfect. This is just perfect. Now i can toy with it however i wish.
I then out of anger forcefully break go beyond so called limits i go even beyond that i force my void to make 2 daggers.
* I wonder what the price for this will be... *
Putting my worries aside i go towards my newly made friend.
The daggers were not in the perfect shape, but hey! They are still sharp and can be used to skin something!
As i walk towards the wounded deer i cling my daggers one on another.
Like a butcher sharpening his knives.
The deer turns around and the expression it has is priceless.
The expression doesn't contain might nor anger nor concern over ones dead children nothing of those feelings.
Only FEAR.
it's face was full of pure FEAR.
The deers body was shaking.
*Perfect. Perfect indeed. You will suffer. I´ll throw you´re soul into the deepest pit of hell when i have contact with my 10 siblings again.*
Again. I cling the daggers.
His face turns even darker.
As i have enough now and just want to end this to take care of my father i say.
-Me: I hope you're ready to repay for hurting my father.-
And like that i cling my daggers one last time.
And start with the process of first skinning then killing him.
Everyone who hurts my family will pay the same price!!!
After i was done with the deer. Ohhh i had my fun with him...
Thinking that i went to help my dad but before i was able to get close to him i felt great pain all over my body.
*Shit. Looks like the price was not little*
My vision started to get blurry and i started to feel more and more tired. I also heard a * Crack * sound coming from my left hand. Looks like extreme fatigue and a finger was the price. Or at least i hope.
-Me: Must.....Help.....Dad " Clop"-
I fell to the ground with my eyes slowly closing.
And moments later i found myself in the void again.
-Me: Well fuck...-
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