《There can be Darkness without Light》Chapter 7: First hunt ( big edits and small changes)
Another fun one to edit :)
- Stone: Stones can't talk- talking
* Did i just poop myself?* thoughts
" Whop" "Chop" " Swish" actions
Colored words means that the voice either echos or it's creepy. Creepy will mostly appear in italic.
When i woke up dad was staring at me.
I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my dad.
Looks like the after effects of that is my body feeling slugish and dizzy.
Also i feel itchy all over my body. Must be from all the things i did in the void during my sleep.
-Dad: Hisse, are you alright? What happened to you? You suddenly fainted like that, was there something wrong with the food?-
Nice, i just woke up and i'm getting bombarded with questions.
But i know the reason behind dads concern.
What parent wouldn't be concerned for his own child.
But how do i answer to his question? I can't say that there was something wrong with the food.
He might feel bad. Ohhh, i have the perfect reason.
-Me: No dad. The food was great. I was just tired from all the walking we did.-
-Dad: Thank God it wasn't the food. Rose would chop of my b... *Cough* *Cough* I mean thank God that your fine now and that nothing worse happened to you.-
What? He's that scared of mom. Also would mom seriously chop of his balls if something were to happen to me?
Never mind.. I'm pretty sure she would...
Scary... Super scary...
Poor dad.
Also it doesn't look like i slept for that long, it's still day.
Almost night from the looks of it. So i didn't sleep for so long.
-Dad: Are you hungry?-
-Me: Didn't we eat not that long ago? Before i fainted?-
-Dad: Hisse, you've slept the entire night and the whole day today. Are you sure you're feeling completely fine?-
Well that can explain the itchiness i feel.
From the hunger and thirst. No wonder i woke up feeling a bit dizzy.
-Me: * Grooowl* Hehe, if it's like that than i'm hungry.-
-Dad: Give me 10 minutes and i will cook rest of the Runner meat that's left.-
Dad walked next to the fire to make me some food.
When he was cooking the meat i was staring at the fire when i thought hit me.
" Wonder what my affinity is. I mean darkness and the void were created from me to begin with. So that means i should have a affinity that is either wind, fire, earth, water or maybe i will be pulled towards some of the greater elements? What if i gain the affinity to death?"
It didn't look like either mom or dad were able to use any other affinity other then wind or fire and they never mentioned any of the greater affinitys.
Mom was a mage and dad was a warrior.
Mom used mana for her attacks while dad used qi.
My mom uses fire magic while my dad uses wind sword arts and warrior qi arts.
So my guess is that i will maybe gain high fire affinity from my mom and a bit of wind affinity from my dad.
But that's just me guessing.
-Dad: Hisse come. The food is ready.-
-Me: Mmmm looks great dad.-
-Dad: Thanks. Also don't faint this time or at least do it after the food is done. You know that i will have to report everything to mom. If you faint again while eating she will really think it was from the food and chop my b..
Never mind, just don't faint please.-
..... He's really scared. Mom what have you done to dad?
Was it the title? Ruthless Rose.
Scary.. Even moms title sounds scary.
After i was done eating i started to think. It's night now and i have wasted the whole day sleeping.
It's already the 5th Juni. I have very little time left.
But still, from my sleep i learned something very important.
That you can gain skills and spells and even masteries.
Which opened more options in my training.
From my sleep i gained the Death arts mastery but sadly they have a condition to be used for now.
And most of the skills that i did. Nothing too fancy only the basic ones. Don't know if i should laugh or cry that i picked Death arts as my first... At least now i know that they need stronger bodies and cultivation in order to be used. So no skills above normal warrior/mage for now.
But no hurry after all i have everything inside my head but still something feels weird... Almost like somethings missing in my head. Memories? Must be because my soul is incomplete so no surprise. Pretty sure large portion of my soul is still stuck on my main body.
But still the are something that i could never forget. Even if my memory was to be wiped clean.
I also gained something that i didn't quiet understand. The " Curse of the Strong".
I wonder what it does. The name sounds cool.
-Dad: Hisse i have something to tell you.-
-Me: What is it dad?-
-Dad: Well, we have to go hunting. Were out of food. That runner meat was the last food we had. Well mostly for you since i drink blood and can hold out for a couple of days with out drinking. But you eat normal food so you will mostly grow hungry within a few hours.-
Does he want to die? If he takes me with him to hunt then mom will not only chop of his balls.
She will fry them instead with her fire magic and then let them fall of. And i'm pretty sure that if i drank blood this wouldn't happy but sadly children are not allowed to drink blood till they awaken.
-Me: Errrr, dad,?-
-Dad: What?-
-Me: Would mom allow you to take me hunting with you?-
-Dad: No.-
-Me: Then why are you taking me hunting with you?-
I really don't wanna hunt... I would but dad will 100% lose his balls.
-Dad: Because Rose won't find out.-
-Me: How can you be so sure? You know how scary mom can be.-
-Dad: Don't worry. She won't find out. Or at least i hope she won't...-
As i sigh in my mind i look at my dad and ask.
-Me: How did we run out of food? Didn't we bring a lot of food?-
-Dad: No we didn't. I was planning on hunting the monsters around us while you were sleeping. But when you fainted something happened and all the monsters within 100 maters radius ran away. I don't know what happened but the 100 maters that my senses can cover are empty.-
WOW. The he just tell a 4 year old that he was going to sleep alone in the forest while being surrounded by monsters?
What kind of an idiot is he?
-Dad: What? Why are you looking at me surprised?-
-Me: Nothing. Nothing at all.... When are we going to hunt and how?-
I'll just pretend that i didn't hear anything.
-Dad: Well.. I will be the one hunting of course. * NO SHIT! * All you have to do is keep your distance and watch so that answers one of you questions as for when we're going well we're going now of course.-
-Me: Wait wait wait. Why now?-
-Dad: Because it's night time. We vampires are creatures of the night. We're faster, stronger, feel and see much better at night. The night is also perfect for hunting monsters because most of the high rank monsters sleep at night.-
I see. They are strong so they hold no fear of being feasted upon.
It's smart. But still, i have a bad feeling about this.
I don't want to go further away from home.
-Dad: Go pack up the thing again were going further into the south.-
-Me: Oke dad.-
After walking further into the forest dads senses started picking up something a bit north from our original road.
After turning north we found a lake.
Th lake was very long.
Dad said that he never heard of this lake but it didn't surprise him since he knew that this forest was large and mostly unexplored.
The lake looked very pretty at night.
The red moon was reflecting on it.
The water looked almost like blood.
I found it very pretty. So pretty that i wanted to take an swim in it but i knew that dad wouldn't allow it.
When we got very close to the lake we saw what we have been looking for.
At the other side of the lake there was a flock of unranked deers.
Deers were not monsters but animals. They were harmless.
And therefor they were unranked.
-Dad: Deers? This deep into the forest? Hmmmm something doesn't sound right.-
-Me: What's wrong?-
-Dad: Deers are animals that shouldn't be in this forest. This forest is full of monsters so there should be no deers. Even if there were deers in it they wouldn't go out into the open like this.-
I don't think my killing intent passed this part of the forest. My killing intent went north and west.
-Dad: Let's get closer.-
Dad grabbed mt arm and pulled me with him.
We went around the lake moving behind the trees and the bushes so that the deers wouldn't be able too see us.
After getting really close to the deers i realized something.
The deers of this planet looked very cute..
They had red lines from their necks going down all the way down their tails.
Their horns looked noble. And they were very small.
Much smaller then the deers that come to my mind.
They were so cute that i wanted to catch one just so i could cuddle with it.
Wonder what they taste like?
" Drool "
-Dad: Wipe your mouth and keep quiet.-
-Me: " Wipe " " Wipe " What now?-
-Dad: Watch and learn.-
The next moment my dad quietly brought forth his soul weapon. The sword he calls " Nemir".
-Dad: Come forth my other self, Nemir.-
The deers heard the sword getting summoned and try to run, but sadly, dad activated his wind enhancement and jumped really fast towards them.
" Swish" " Swish" " Swosh"
And like that. 3 headless deer corpses were laying on the ground.
Again... If mom knew he allowed me to see this he would lose his balls for the 4th time today or was is 5th?
I lost count....
But still. I don't mind. I like the fact that i was able to see his approach.
It was fine. A assassin like approach.
But a bit more aggressive approach would fit more.
Just jumping out while summoning his sword would be much better.
Like this the deers had some head start when thy heard the sword summoning.
i give him 2 out of 10 points. There are much easier and smarter approaches that would allow him to take the whole flock down.
Why go back with only 3 deers when you can go back with all 12 of them.
He could even use his wind slash to kill them all.
-Me: Daddy, you could have killed them. Why did you only take 3?
-Dad: That's true. But what will you do with 12 deers? How are you going to carry them? Do we just kill them and just leave them here to rot?-
-Me: Daddy is strong. I'm sure you could carry all of them. After all daddy's a 3rd rank warrior!-
-Dad: Listen now my son. That's true i could carry all of them but what do we do with the rest when we have to go home? Do i carry all of them home with me? What if something were to happen to you? I don't even want to take the chances and we have enough food at home. Listen! Never do meaningless killing! The deers have families of their own! Even if they are not one of the intelligent races that can talk do not think of them as just food or any other things! They are living beings just like us. The only reason we eat them is because they are bellow us on the food chain!-
I see. I never thought like this. Meaningless killing? HAHA! I've done that my whole past life.
-Dad: So never do meaningless killing! Do you understand? I'm sure you will grow up to be strong so i want you to promise me that you will never kill just for fun, money or just to do others some favor!
This is a hard promise.. One that i might not be able to keep. After all, i have killed more then anyone. Even if everyone in the whole universe who killed someone got together i would still win. I have long lost count.
Will i be able to keep such a promise?
Promises are not something i'm good with and sadly this will probably be one of those that will be broken. After all i did change but some of my ways have not. As the saying goes "A tooth for a whole mouth of teeth, an eye for an head" or i'm sure that's how it goes anyways.
-Dad: Promise me son!-
-Me: I promise dad.-
* Sorry dad *
-Dad: Good. Life has other meanings that just fighting and killing. Even if the world we live in is ruled by the strong and decided by ranks you can still make a living without fighting or killing. Don't become like me. The war is a terrible monster. It will make those who are pure into sinners and beasts. Innocent children get killed, women get toyed with and the solders only come home to see their loved ones look at them differently. War is the greatest most that has ever existed and that will ever exist.-
* Again sorry dad. but i'm not so sure about that *
-Me: I see.-
When he was telling me that i looked at the ground.
Good thing they don't know about my past life.
If they think that war is a monster.... Then what will they think i am?
I also now see that my dad is not an pure idiot. He has seen much.
So much that his limit almost broke and almost got to the point of madness.
He's the type of idiot who would help a total stranger. Just to reflect on his past.
Yet here i am. The Giver who turned into The Taker.
Hahahahaha. I really feel bad now.
Dad looks at me looking at the ground with a pained expression.
-Dad: Hahaha, enough now. You're only 4 years old. You have your whole life in front of you. So cheer now and go grab one of the smallest deers and carry it.-
I lift up my head and look at my dad.
I then replace my sad expression with an cheerful smile.
After all i don't want my dad to think he said something wrong and change the theme.
-Me: But can't you just carry all 3 of them?-
-Dad: Yes i can.-
-Me: So w-
He cuts me mid sentence.
-Dad: So why should you carry a deer? It's easy. Training. You will soon start training. As soon as you turn 6 i will start training you. When you turn 5 we will see your affinity so that we know that you're going to become in the future.-
-Me: But what if i become a mage?-
-Dad: Does that mean that mages can't train their muscles? The stronger and faster you are the better. Most mages have speed but not the strenght. Well some do.. But still, it's never too early. So get to it.-
True... So that brain of his is not that small after all, he just refuses to use it.
And here i thought i could slack of. If i were to carry that deer back now i would become tired and unable to train.
But maybe this will give me a lot of strenght.
-Me: Oke dad.-
As i was about to pick up the small deer something jumped out of the forest.
The thing looked almost human except it had sharp horns on it's head and strange deer yet a lot stronger looking legs.
-Dad: Shit! It's an alpha deer! A primary rank 4 monster!-
Wait! A alpha deer? The fuck? And it's a boss ranked monster?
-Dad: Fuck! No wonder the deers were out here in the open. We stepped in it's territory. Hisse! Get behind me!-
My dad pulled me back and placed me behind him.
-Dad: Don't move! When i yell RUN, run as fast as you can towards our old camp and pull the ribbon!-
-Me: But what about you!?-
-Dad: Don't worry about me i can take care of myself. Just be sure to run when i tell you to.
Fuck! Why does this have to happen? A rank four monster! A warrior can at most fight up to peak ranked 2 monsters at most rank 3 primary! What the fucks a rank four doing in a forest like this?
As i was thinking that the monster looked angry at my dad.
-Alpha Deer: You were the one who did this! I will make sure to return the favor with you child!-
Suddenly the alphas horns started to give of a strange glow.
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