《There can be Darkness without Light》Chapter 6: Fun times ( Edited and changed)


Hmmm the flashback has no been changed i had fun reading it tbh... Feels weird.



Pov: ???

-Solder: General are you sure that we can defeat this monster?-

-General: You dare disobey the Kings orders? If our King sent us out here to fight that wicked monster then we shall fight!-

-Solder: But sir, haven't you heard the old time rumors about the Serpent of Demise sleeping within that mountain?-

-General: What kind of rubbish are you speaking? The King said it's just a normal dragon. And what's more the King told us that he has been slumbering in the mountain for millenniums, injured trying heal it's wounds by replenishing it's energy.-

-Solder: But sir, what if hes already healed and just waiting?-

-General: Waiting for what? For us to come? For all these years? Bwahahahah. Get your ass out of here before your head rolls of. We have 3 lesser Gods with us yet here you whine. Do you have no honor? GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!-

-Solder: Yyyyyes sir!-

The so called General walks out side his tent.



In a matter of minutes suddenly thousands of solders stand shoulder to shoulder. All staring at the mountain.


Seconds have gone by the solders thought that there was nothing within the mountain.

But their thoughts soon crumbled when the mountain started shaking and n creepy voice echoed forth.

-???: You creatures have sure taken you time. Another ten years and i would have grown tired of waiting.

After hearing the voice some of the solders pissed themselves. Some started to tremble.

The 3 lesser Gods that the army had with them were currently the strongest in it.

The first lesser God to step forth was a women. She had blond long hair reaching her waist, slim and curved body. nice tanned skin and her face truly resembled that of an Goddess.

She was what others would call a stunning beauty.

-The Goddess: Hear me ohh mighty one. All we ask from you is to leave this mountain. We ask for no trouble. Find another place to continue your slumber and we shall bother you no more!

-General: What's wrong with you! We have to kill that creature! It has tainted out history of taking one of our treasured places left to us by our ancestors!-

-The Goddess: Silence you pig! Do you want to die? Have you not seen the pressure from just it's voice? Not even me and the other 2 lesser Gods are able to do that!-

-???: Ohhhh so you want your little mountain back? And your asking me to give it to you nicely. Haha no way. Do you know how long i have waited in here just for you loot to come?


After the creepy voice finishes it's sentence atop of the mountain a large hole appears.

The hole was so large yet only the 3 lesser Gods were able to notice it because it was so high up in the mountain.

All that the solders saw was large pieces of the mountain falling on them.

Luckily the second lesser God steps forth.

The second lesser God looked enormous. He was almost 3 meters long. Muscle could be seen in every inch of his body.

He was bold and looked very much like an monk.

- Bold God: Shield of the Weak!-

Suddenly all the mountain pieces crash into an invisible barrier and disappear.

- Bold God: " Exhale" Woooh that was close. Everyone fine?-

-Solders: " What was that?" " What just happened?" " Where did the rocks disappear to?" " I thought i was dead for sure."-

- Bold God: Good, everyone's fine. Now then. * Inflicts some mana into his voice' You up there! Don't you want to come down and greet us? We would like to solve this the peaceful way!-

-???: Pfffft. Are you deaf? Have you not heard my last sentence? I said that there is no way that i'm giving you this mountain in an peaceful way. Also bring more Gods and i might come down.

Suddenly the same thing happened again. Rocks started falling everywhere. But this time an large blue hand came out of nowhere and stopped it. It grabbed all the rocks and just crushed them like it was nothing.

The solders knew that there were only 3 people amongst them that could do that. They all turned around only to see the third lesser God holding his fist up in the air. The fist looked like the one in the sky, like it was crushing something.

The third lesser God had all blue armor on him. He was much smaller then the monk but he looked much more serious.

After he was done with his stone crush he slowly brought down his hand and spoke.

- Serious God: You two are too soft. Can you not see that this creature had been waiting for us. And why are you asking so nicely anyway? We are taking back what's rightfully ours. We are 3 lesser Gods here and 650 000 solders. Even if it was a fully healed dragon we should be able to kill it.-

- The Goddess: We might not die but think about the solders.-

- Bold Guy: She's right.-

- Serious God: So what? They will die with honor. They will die in taking back our Golden Mountain! And what's more, they will die fighting a dragon! Is there no greater honor then dying in a such way! ISN'T THAT RIGHT SOLDER!-


- Serious God: * inflicts mana in his voice* NOW COME OUT YOU FILTH! GIVE US BACK WHAT OUT ANCESTORS LEFT FOR US!-


Then out of nowhere a black haired youth appears in front of the army. The youth looked around 17-19 years old.

He had worn out cloths that looked like rags. But the army didn't care about that.

What the front line of solders that could see the youth clearly was focused wasn't how the youth looked like nor the pair of 6 blood red wings on his back.

They were focused on his eyes. The youth eyes gave everyone a chill. The red pupils surrounded with darkness and atop of the darkness, small red pentagons appeared that surrounded the pupils. The eyes were terrifying.

Slowly all the solders started screaming in terror, even those who couldn't even see the youth. They all started running around going into madness. Only the three lesser Gods stood there with eyes and mouths wide open.

They trembled in fear yet didn't dare to move like the solders.

Shortly after the youth said.

-Black haired youth: Bow before me.-

Only the 3 lesser Gods bowed. Everyone else was still running around, pumping into each other. Some even killed themselves from the terror. Seeing that no on else bowed the youth slowly raised his hand and slashed horizontally.

And then smiled.

No sound. No energy. No nothing. The lesser looked at what the youth did yet nothing was happening. But slowly.

" Thud " " Thud " " Thud " " Thud"

Only now did the lesser Gods realize that the solders were no longer making any sound. When they looked around them there were only bodies split in half laying around them. In shock and terror they didn't even dare make an sound.

Only now had they realized what they have done. What they have lead their solders into.

- Black haired youth: Are you happy now that i came out? You couldn't even look at my true eyes yet you speak of killing me. Tell me you there, the one with the blue armor. Was it worth it?

- Pissing himself not so serious anymore God: M m m m my Lord. Please forgive this lowly bug for offending such someone of such high status. We were told that a injured dragon was in that mountain.-

- Black haired youth. No need for the formal speaking and ass licking. I will kill you anyway. So don't worry. I just wanted to see how you were going to react to my answer.-

- He pissed himself so much that his blue armor turned yellow God: Mmmmmy Lord! Plese d-

" Thud"

The now half yellow half blue armored Gods head fell of from his head like it was nothing.

The 2 other lesser Gods didn't even dare look up to see what happened, all they knew was that their companion was dead.

- Black haired youth: You two. You will live long enough to make a stronger generation of solders and Gods. I will give you give you this task you like i gave it to your ancestors. You have 5000 years from now to prepare. After 5000 years i want you to send them to do the same as you did here today and also don't be late. Only i want them to be stronger then those who came here today. If you fail, then i will come and kill you. Now that your ancestors have lost the game i will go kill them. Did i make myself clear?

- Bold sweaty monk God and the pale as paper Goddess: Yes my Lord. Within 5000 years we will have the forces ready.-

- Black haired monster: Good, now you're the ancestors of the Durandal Empire. Bye bye ~.-

The black haired monster waived his hand while smiling innocently.

As the monster left the monk looking God and the Goddess were shocked. They both thought.

* This was all just an game for him? How many times has this been repeated. And now i'm on the line?'

- The Goddess: Iiii thiiiink that weee shouuld betterrr start planning.-

- Monk looking God: Yyyyes.-

Flashback end.


I see. I'm back in the void. i must have fainted after my soul weapon and darkness reacted to my anger. It seems that releasing that much killing intent can cause to much harm to my body.. Enough to send my soul to the void.

And that flashback right now? Good times. Back then it was very boring so i had to come up with something to kill some time. Good times indeed. Of course until the ancestors i left killed themselves and there was no one to train the next generation.

And i didn't feel like kidnapping Gods so i just destroyed the whole planet and just found a new one.

Ahh back to the subject now. Looks like after i had fainted i ended up in the void. This sucks...

But soon i hear a " PING" sound and a blue screen pops up.

For releasing a large amount of killing intent that could be felt from miles away you've gained an new skill " Curse of the strong"

Wait. Wait. Wait. I can receive these in the void? Does that mean what i think it does?

As i thought of that i stood up and started doing some martial arts stances.


Every move sharper and sharper. Every strike deadlier and deadlier.


After some time of doing some of the martial art stances i remember i gained something that shocked me.

For not just understand but also performing perfectly you have gained the following masteries and skill " Deaths Stance" " Bare hand fighting" " Deaths punch"

" Deaths touch " Has been added. Conditions have to be meet in order to use any of the " Death " marked skills until the person has acquired stronger cultivation

Cultivation? But i have none so far. Is there something i'm missing so far?

Anyway the are looking pretty good so far. This is going to be very fun hehe ~

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