《There can be Darkness without Light》Chapter 5: Dads secrets ( Just edited)


So i might come back in the near future to patch this chapter up a bit everytime i read it i can't help but feel unsatisfied.

Please if you notice what it is point it out below in the comments cuz i got more chapters to do, Thanks! :)

- Stone: Stones can't talk- talking

* Did i just shit myself?* thoughts

" Whop" "Chop" " Swish" actions

When something is written in itelic+color it means that it sound cool. Just cool and awesome so ill leave that to you imagination. Just colored words mean that the words mean something and just italic im sure that you will notice its meaning. :>


After our 7 hour walk i have received only 6 stamina. But that's not all i gained. From all this walking with very short and little breaks i was pushing myself to keep up with dad, to the point where i almost used my void enhancement. Which wouldn't be so wise considering that the experiment back at home resulted that i could use the void enhancement only once per day. After that i would faint. Void enhancement doesn't use any mana or qi it solely uses the persons stamina. So this is also perfect for that.

Also the stats i gained was.

From pushing yourself beyond your limits and not giving up you have gained an new stats " Willpower "

I didn't see this stats on moms window, i might be on the more advanced version of it but for now i don't care that much about that stats, all i want to do now is some experiments to see if i can gain new skills or spells. But right now i can't do any of that. Because i'm very hungry.


I put my hands on my stomach hoping that dad wouldn't hear it. I don't want to stop us after all. But it looked like dad heard it anyway. He turn around and looked at me.

-Dad: Ya hungry?-

-Me: *Nod'*Nod*Nod*

-Dad: I guess we can set up the camp here then. It won't take long.-

-Me: Oke dad.-

And like that i went to set up the camp while dad was cooking some of the leftover hunter rabbit meat.


After setting up the camp dad called me that the food is ready. The daylight was coming to an end soon and night was coming to fall soon. After eating i'm going to sleep on the right side of the campfire, dad told me to only set up a sleeping bag for myself and nothing for him.


-Dad: Come, let's eat. Sit down.-

After i sat down dad pointed at the meat that was on the fire. I took the meat and started eating

While eating i thought i could use this time with dad to find out some stuff about him in the past since all in know is that he's a war criminal.

-Me: Dad, what were you before you meet mom?-

Dad suddenly stopped cooking turning around the meat that was on the fire and looked at me with a wry smile.

-Dad: Well, that's a pretty awkward story. Before i meet Rose i used to do some pretty bad things.-

-Me: What bad things?-

-Dad: I used to be an Astral solder. You know that we're in the Astral kingdom right now, right?-

-Me: Yeah, i heard you and mom talking about it.-

-Dad: Well then. The Astral kingdom is at war with the Trina Kingdom. They have been at war for 7 years now. After the Astral king Sirath Died his oldest son Samir took over. His son was very spoiled so when he took the throne he asked the Trina Kingdoms second princess to marry him but she refused. Not getting what he wants he attacked the Trina Kingdom. The Trina Kingdom has less people in it but they have different races in there. Such as orcs, green demons and also us vampires. The orcs were very strong when it came to strenght but when is came to intelligence they were not the smartest creatures. But orcs warn't the problem. The problem were the green demons, the green demons are a race that's very good with magic. Almost every other green demon is born with the mana of a 5th rank novice when they awaken.-

That's pretty strange i never heard of a green demon before? Did someone else experiment besides me and mistakingly created a new race? Well for now let's just assume that some weird ass race eloped and created the green demons, anyways, back to the story.

-Dad: The first two fights were the only two fights i was in. But it was enough to make me realize the wrongdoing of our kingdom. We killed innocent children, women and elderly. We didn't want to do it but the King ordered us to or else we and our families would be branded as war criminals and hunted down and executed. I had no family so i after the second fight my mind was on the verge of breaking down from all the things i had done. So before i lost myself in the madness i ran away. Ran away for good. Thanks to me running away i have you and Rose now. But my sins cannot be washed away so easily. The dreams still hunt me for what i have done. That's why i don't sleep almost ever.-


-Dad: That's also why we live in the forest. It's safe here. Away from all the tech and other things. Both me and your mom are hunted.-

As i listened to dad speak about his past i suddenly got angry. Both my mom and dad never did anything yet both of them suffer. Mom being hunted by her step brother and dad being forced to fight by the king and now being hunted.

Almost like me

As i think of that i get even more angry. It made me remember of what was done to me. Of what GREED has done to them.


For a princess you made my father suffer. I will turn you skin inside out

For killing those who my mom loved and respected. I will tear you apart

-Dad: Hisse!-

As dad calls to me i realize that a chain of dark thoughts have started running through my head and it's making me dizzy.

* Shit, my soul weapon and my power is starting to react to my rage, even releasing this bit of killing intent can be harmful to my current body*

And like that my eye lids start closing up and i faint.¨

Little did Hisse know that he didn't release a little killing intent...


Pov: Varmin. Dad of Hisdram.

As i told Hisse the story of why i am a war criminal he just sat there quietly.

He wasn't even eating his food anymore. I just sat there looking at him.

Seconds later.

Large amount of killing intent detected. Danger!

What? From where?

I turn around to look but nothing. But then i receive a chill from my back.

I then again turn around and see that the large killing intent is coming from my son who's just staring at the fire.

He doesn't even seem to pay attention to anything anymore.

-Me: Hisse!-

Nothing. He just looks at me for a brief moment then falls over to his side.

-Me: Hisse!-

As jump over to his side and pick him up i realize that he's just asleep.

* What was that? Can a four year old even release killing intent?'

After that i put him in his sleeping bag. As i go back to the fire i realize something.

* All the monsters in the 100 mater radius are gone! What happened?!*

Again i remember that chill and look at my son. What just happened?


Pov: Samir King of Astral kingdom

-Samir: HAHAHHAHA! More wine! More wine!-

- A girl that's sitting on his lap: My king you had enough let's go to the bedroom now-

The girl gives Samir a kiss.

-Samir: Yes! Yes! Let's do that..-

They walk to the kings chamber. Lay on the bed. The girl takes of her cloths while Samir is just sitting on the bad. After she takes of her cloths she goes to the king and starts pulling down his pants.

-Samit: Hehehe. Is that how your going to start?-

-Girl: It's not every night you get to blow a king.-

-Samir: Slutty, aren't you?-

-Girl: Hehe "Blop"-

She puts his thing into her mouth and starts slowly moving her head up and down.

-Samir: Ohhhhh yeaaaa. Go on, use that tongue of yours.-

" Slerp" " Slerp" " Slerp"

-Samir: FUCK YEA!-

Suddenly as Samir is receiving massive pleasure he gets the biggest chill of his life.

Moments later out of nowhere a voice echos through his chamber.

I will turn your skin inside out

As Samir hears the voice he gets scared. The voice sounded old yet young. First it sounded as an young boy talking then the voice sounded ancient.

Samit pushed the girl from his thing and wrapped himself in his bed sheets.

Scared for his life he didn't dare look out of his bed sheets.


Pov: Drikas clans current head. Printus.

Hmmmm i wonder where the whore hid herself.

I sent out my guards to find here but nothing for five years now. Maybe i should go deeper into the forest.

That whore has to die!

As Printus was thinking where Rose could be hiding he shivers.

* What was that?!?! *

I will tear you apart


Panic started to hit him and he shivered uncontrollably. Soon yellow liquid started leaking down his pants.

' Wwwwwwhat in the name of God Tiranax was that?!?!*

Moments later he fainted.

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