《There can be Darkness without Light》Chapter 12: The Joy


All the bad stuff has been fixed on this one... I think. Well, enjoy.


-Hisse: Huff....Huff....Huff... Status!-

NameHisdram Van DirkasGenderMaleRacePure blood vampireRank4 stage martial apprentice 3 rank apprentice mageTitlesSkilled Butcher, Prince of Fainting, The Original, The Fallen oneStrenght43Agility62Vitality36Willpower14Stamina72Intelligence???Wisdom???Luck-100---Wind5%Fire2%Earth0%Water5%{tr]Darkness∞Light0%[/tr]Void∞

It's been a year since i gained my status.

Since then i started training like crazy.

On daylights i try to gain knowledge on fire so far i the first barrier and that is getting the middle knowledge of fire. Thanks to that i broke through 2 level in my mana cultivation. I haven't been cultivating so much this past year mostly training my body and trying to upgrade my fire which was easy and hard at the same time thanks to my knowledge. But now i can't seem to go up on it. I can't remember. Something is definitely wrong with my soul at the moment.

It's no whole.

But it we will figure that out later. Maybe it's for the better that it's this way. The upgrade on my fire made my fireballs three times bigger then the usual but compared to moms they are 10 time times weaker in firepower.

Training my body has made my control and access over the void bigger. Void basically drains life force and not mana. The more stamina and vitality one has the more one can use it. Sadly it seems that now that my soul has been chipped apart that my memories are all over the place. That's probably why my int and wis shot ???.

Right now i can use Void enhancement up to 5 hours and still be fine with no problems.

After 8 hours of using that skill i will faint.

So now i train void every day for 5 hours.

After using the skill i sleep longer, around 6-8 hours.

It's pretty much give and take.

I use it to upgrade my status faster while i lose 4 hours.

I'm also able to utilize more of my void now.

Not that long ago i got the skill Void Sense.

It senses the soul so you pretty much can't escape it. So now i use this and medium wave detection all the time.

It's very weak now from when i used it before. It was able to sense the whole universe.

Right now it's reduced to only 3 meters.

But still, i do feel kind of bad.

People train their whole life for a skill like this.

To be able to sense someone’s presence, no matter if they are strong or weak.

The 3 meters are better then nothing for having the most powerful detection skill in the universe.

But again.. I'm really cheating, am i not??

The older i grow the stronger i get.

I'm still unable to do anything with darkness.

When the time comes and i'm able to use my darkness again, The Astral King and the head of the DIrkas clan will suffer like no one before.

But for now i will just enjoy myself with my family.

-Hisse: Wonder if i'm almost out of mom's sense?-


Saying that a shiver runs down my spine and i don't go any deeper into the forest.

I've been running through the forest the whole morning trying to upgrade my stamina.

I did come across some hunter rabbits but with the daggers they were nothing.

The hunter rabbits are great when it comes to training.

They are fast, i usually just chase them around.

Because of the chasing and never giving up i gained a little willpower.

I did once run into a alpha hunter rabbit ( Something that leads the flock or basically the boss of it's kind) but i didn't want to risk it so i just ran away.

I know i might sound like a coward but i really don't want to get into any trouble.

Running back home wasn't that hard.

I have pretty much been everywhere around the house.

I remember every part of this forest that's around the house.

So far i have only once gone out of my mom's sense.

But it was worth it. Thanks to that i found the limit of how far i could go.

But i would never do it again....

When i arrived back home there wasn't much to see, dad was sharpening some knives that mom probably made him do.


-Hisse: I'm back.-

-Dad: Ohh hello little Hisse, how was your trip into the forest today?-

-Hisse: Fun as always dad. What's mom doing?-

-Dad: Go inside. You've been gone for 4 hours. She was mad so she made me sharpen the kitchen knives.-

-Hisse: "Gulp" Hehehehe. Dad?-

-Dad: I'm not doing it this time.-

-Hisse: Pleasssseee.-


After mumbling something he went inside the house.

After a minute or two i could hear something crash.

"Door opens"

-Mom: Hisse! This muscle head told telling you to go hunting!-

I look inside only to see dad laying on the sofa knocked out.

Hehe... Sorry....

-Hisse: It's fine mom. It's fun.-

-Mom: I know you're strong but don't get ahead of yourself! You remember the alpha deer? What if something stronger than that alpha deer appears? What then?-

Mom's really overprotective.

I don't even know how she lets me go outside knowing how overprotective she is.

The only thing that comes to mind is that she is doing something while I’m away.

She rarely goes outside.

The bit Void Rai that i have spread in this room long ago doesn't tell me anything.

It's only supposed to pick up blood of mom and dad, so that i know if something were to happen.

And dad is like a sealed book. Every time i ask why mom doesn't leave the house he changes the subject.

The more this goes on the more i get annoyed and poke my nose into it.

Sometimes i even sense pure mana in here. Pure mana is really rare.

Is she refining mana? Can't be.. She's only a master mage.

And if i remember no one below emperor rank is able to refine mana into pure mana.


Unless she owns some kind of a really and i mean REALLY powerful artifact...then it's impossible.

I've been living in this house for 7 years.

Been to every corner of it never found anything.

Pity that mana refining artifacts don't need souls to work otherwise i would be able to find it with my Void sense.

-Hisse: Don't worry mom i won't stay for so long again, i promise.-

Special skill: Puppy eyes! Feast your eyes upon me!

-Mom: Hehehe, look how cute you are. Don't go out for too long, one hour then come home and report then you may go again.-

WHAT?!?! It didn't work? In fact it had a negative effect.

Last time it was 2 hours.

Mom really is made from iron.

-Hisse: Oke.-


After getting scolded by mom i went to my room.

I went and sat on the edge of the bed.

-Hisse: That stupid Gaia... Making me wait for 4 more years.-

After that day i haven't heard anything more from Gaia.

It seemed like she wasn't lying. 3 months ago i sensed the link between us.

But it was like a string, too small.

That's also one of the reasons of this insane training.

I thought that growing stronger would increase the link, but it didn't even grow a tiny bit.

That did make me wonder what's going to happen when i reach the age of 10.

So far neither magic nor body improvement strengthen the link.


I summon forth my Void daggers and look at them.

-Hisse: I should focus on getting this body stronger. For now i'll stop with the magic training completely. Having this much Fire, Water and Wind should be enough. I need to grow stronger to unlock my Void more. Need these two babies to be able to devour.-

But the thing that i worry about the most is what the cost of it will be.

If Void enhancement has such strong effects on my body after using it then what's devour going to cost?

It's something that eats almost anything.

Even the sharpest blade in the universe would bend in shame if the rustiest blade was to be enhanced with Void devour.

Void devour can not only be used on weapons but on body parts as well, but i'm guessing for me to do that i'll need mostly 10 years. Even after that i might only be able keep it up for an hour.

That's why in this life daggers are my weapons of choice.

They are small. When Void enhancement is applied on them they will slice through anything.

More like eat through anything, but still.

That's why i'm going to focus on agility, stamina and vitality.

Of course i will focus on strength too but not as much as i will on those three.

Intelligence and wisdom are still locked for thanks to my soul.

Darkness and Void are infinite yet it feels like i have nothing.

But this is fine. This kind of life is perfect.

A happy family that cares a lot about me.

I don't regret restarting one second.

And with those thoughts i fall asleep.

When I woke up it was already nighttime.

I went downstairs and saw that no one was in the bathroom, living room or the kitchen.

*They can’t be sleeping… They never sleep at night*

Then I heard something.

-Mom: AHHHH~-


What was that?

-Dad: Pant…Pant…Pant… I … Can’t…Keep..Up..-

-Mom: You’re a warrior, where’s your stamina? I want another child so Hisse won’t be lonely.

I’m out of here!

I run outside of the house.

My face feels on fire for some reason.

When I ran enough into the forest I stop to take some breaths.

-HIsse: “Pant””Pant” They’re making a child! I’m going to get a sibling! HAHAHAHA! YES!

I start dancing around in joy.

I mean I’m going to get a brother or maybe even a sister!

What grater joy is there?

In my past life I had some people that I called siblings but those were not blood related.

This time I’m going to get a real sibling!

This calls for a celebration hunt!

I run down to where I last saw that alpha rabbit hunter.

I look around and it didn’t seem it was there.

I go in a little deeper and hear something.


I look to the side to see what it is and I see two normal hunter rabbits sharpening their horns.


I summon out my daggers and jump out without making any noise.


I stab one of the rabbit a bit from his horn and my dagger run straight through his skull.

The other rabbit jumps in alert and gets ready to thrust forward with his horn.

-Hisse: No you won’t!-

Before he jumped at me I rushed towards it.

I open both of my arms and swing in wards.


The rabbit´s head falls down on the ground and its horn sticks on the ground.

It almost looked like it got impaled.

-Hisse: Hahahaha. Can’t wait!-

I look around to see if there are more rabbits but sadly there are none.

*If only my Void sense was longer I could hunt with no problems*

Looking around for a bit more I found nothing.

I go back to where I killed the other two rabbit and slice of their horns.

-Hisse: I don’t remember the last time I had this much joy. First I get born into this kind of a family and now I’m getting a sibling! Pity my range is small otherwise everything inside this area would be dead by now.-

Feeling full of joy I start going back home.

It’s been almost an hour since I left so they should be done by now and my time limit is also almost over.

When I got inside they both seemed to be asleep.

This would be the perfect time to see if there’s a mana refining artifact around but sadly if mom was to hide something like that she would probably hide it is their bedroom.

Feeling very happy I run upstairs to my room and bring out the two horns.

-Hisse: Time to make a artifact!-

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