《There can be Darkness without Light》Prologue: The Eternal Monster
Chapter: 0 The awakening
Pov: Hisrom?
Here I am. Lost in my own thoughts. Why would father betray me? I have never sinned. I never did anything to displease my father. I always listened and obeyed. Father never truly said that he loved me, but he was the first to treat me kindly. Yet he would always give out harsh orders. Big brother and big sister hated father. Yet i loved everyone. I didn't want to be left alone, But i wish that he at least once showed that he cared about me.
If he never showed you love then why do you obey?
Because i didn't want to be hated. Big sister and big brother always treated me with care and that's how i was raised. If i'm kind to others, they will return the same kindness.
Pffft is that what you truly think? That the universe works that way?
Yes, i do. It always worked in the Gods realm. I always treated them kindly and they treated me with care. But what have i done to deserve this? Did i not give enough? Am i supposed to give more?
To whom? To those greedy creatures? Have you not given them enough? Day after day, wish after wish. GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE
But then what am i supposed to do? My work was to give! I had no choice! I'm the Divine Giver that's loved by everyone!
Loved by everyone? PFFFT don't make me lough, let me show how much they love you
Suddenly i see an image. It shows a women. An women of pure heart that has made the magic circle to summon my attention.
-Women: OHHH hear me the Divine Giver. I ask of you to give me wealth so that i may spread your kindness to others.
I remember this women. She asked for money. She told me that she wanted to help others. I felt that her heart was pure and her soul was clean.
It may be so, but greed can change hearts even of the most pure creatures
The voice said that. I didn't understand what he meant. I always gave pure people what they wanted. They all wanted to spread my kindness. I even answered to those in need. Even if they held greed when fear comes in place their greed washes away.
That doesn't mean that it shall never return
Again the voice said something unknown to me. And who's voice was this anyway? As i continue to watch the image.
The image seemed to be after i have given her what she has asked for.
-Women: What?! A a all this gold. ha haha hahahahahaha. I'm rich I'M RICH. hahahahaha
Her laughing turned to that of an insane person. Shortly after her pure core melted away and only darkness remained.
What?! Wwwhat, but how? She got what she wanted? How did her soul turn unpure? WHY?! Should she not be happy?
Yet again the image turn and shows.
-Women: HAHHAA does he just give like this? HAHAHA What kind of an foolish creature is he? And he asked for nothing in return? With this much gold i can make 1/5 of this planet mine. I CAN RULE HAHAHA. ALL THIS GOLD MINE MINE MINNNNE!
Tears run down my face. How is this possible? How did it turn like this? She was pure. One of the purest souls i had ever seen. Yet this happened.
Do you see now? This is what those creatures are, nothing but filth. Give them a finger and they will take the whole hand
But what should i do? Is this why father hates me? Because i gave life to impureties? No. It can't be that. Father would have said something. He knows everything. Father is all knowing. But why would he let me do this then? Father knew my kindness. If he knew that my kindness was treated like this he would have told me to stop.
The so called God you call father didn't care about you. He feared you power and sealed it. Didn't you notice? He waited till you could give no more. The more you gave the more power you lost. He even gave you Deaths job so you could waste even more mana. Death didn't even need to go down form his post. He was created to take souls?
Wwwhat? But why? I never even tried to hurt him. Fear my power? WHAT POWER? I can barely give anything now. Why am i treated like this? What did i ever do to father do deserve this? WHY?! And you, the voice. WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU INSIDE MY HEAD?
ME? hahaha well. I'm you. And you are me. We are and the same. When God sealed your powers half of you was still asleep. So he sealed the knowledge within you. As for why you ask? It's simple really. YOU ARE WEAK. A MARE WEAKLING. You never even once stood up for yourself. You who is supposed to bow to no one. But the seal will break soon mwhahahha and we shall be one soon again.
The last few words the voice said in an voice that echoed in my mind. That was the most abnormal voice i have ever heard. The last few wards it said felt like all creatures of the universe could hear it.
So here I lay. Betrayed. Thrown away. The fear of being alone. Where is it? Why do i not feel any fear no longer. Where did the voice go? Why haven't Life and Death come to rescue me yet? Why can't i wake up. Why am i not able to wake up?
Pov: Life and Death
Said Life while tears were running down her beautiful face.
-God: What are you talking about?
-Death: You know who shes talking about. TELL US WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM. I knew we shouldn't have given him my duties. YET YOU. YOU WANTED HIM TO BECOME WEAKER AND WEAKER TELL ME WHERE IS HEEEEE?
Death didn't look calm like he always did. He was shaking. The aura of death was all around him. He was no longer looking for peace with God.
Just then Gods eyes shone and he looked at Death and spoke in an voice that came from all areas and that echoed trought the universe.
Suddenly Gods hand began to shine and a weapon came forth. A trident that was made out of pure light. Death did the same and an large black sward appeared.
-God: Shut it you foolish women!
-Death: Life stay out of this i will finish this once and for all. I've had it with him. How dare he hurt Hisse!
As Life was crying at the side God and Death clashed forth with their weapons. The whole universe started shaking. God casted Lorde ranked lightning spell. From all the leeching he had done from Hisrom. God had gotten even more powerful. He knew that. He casted the spell and suddenly millions of lightning tridents that looked like his came on Death.
Death held his weapon in his left hand and casted a God ranked spell. The Reapers dance. When he casted the spell thousands of black shadows appeared that look just like him.
The battle went on and on for 2 long years. Death and God have been fighting while Life tried to protect the universe. She casted her highest level shield around the battle so that no harm may come. Yet almost 1/4 of the endless universe got destroyed.
-Death: Pant. Pant. Pant. Let's end this you bastard.
Death was almost out of his energy almost none remained.
-God: This shall end now. Good bye you lowly being.
Unlike Death. God had more energy. He casted a God ranked spell called The Gods Wrath. Deaths eyes suddenly widen as he knew that he was keeping this for the final battle.
-Death: You bastard that's what you've been waiting for!
God didn't speak he only appeared behind Death before Death could even think. Just then Death felt three thing pierce through his chest. It was the trident. Death was weakened.
* So this is how it ends? I'm sorry Hisse i couldn't save you. But worry not he will never hurt you again*
Just then the Gods realm darkened and all of the darkness went on God. God felt weakened yet again.
-God: What have you done too me? What is this? Why am i unable to heal!
-Death: HAHAHAHA You shall remain like that forever for your sins. Life shall be over you but she is unable to kill, You will wait for the rest of your pathetic life for someone to grow stronger then you and take your head.
And like that Death was no more. He disappeared. Only Life and God remain. Life lost 2 of her dearest people. Her eyes were lifeless and if you looked at her face she no longer shed tears. She looked just like an doll.
And like that God took Life and started repairing his God realm. He didn't even look at the universe that he had destroyed.
Pov: Hisrom?
How long has it been hahahahaa. This void is my home. I like it. There is no one to bother me. To ask for wishes.
I like the darkness. It feels warm and nice. And it obeys. The darkness has never betrayed me. It's funny how the darkness was always mine yet that SCUM didn't allow me to have what's mine.
This void is my come. No GREED no HATE no BETRAY and no one to ORDER me around. I shall bow to no creature.
Inside the void. There was a creature. No one knows how long it has been trapped inside. Not even the creature himself. Yet the memories still remained. He couldn't sleep inside the void. But he didn't care any longer. For the first thousand of years he wanted out. But now he didn't even care.
After his mind broke apart. The seals broke and what his body now looked like was...... just a monster remained. His body was of the lenght that couldn't be described. He was made out of pure darkness. Darkness that covered over all the light that once was inside the cage he was in. He tried killing himself many times but everytime he just woke up yet again. After killing him self so many times he didn't even feel pain anymore.
When the seal broke he received knowledge that the voice was talking about. After he received the knowledge he could go out of this cage now, but he didn't care any longer. This void was his home. Outside only this that he hated were there.
But after many years he had finally decided that he will go out and kill obliterate everything.
-Hisrom: Finally the time has come Hisrom the eternal shall put his wrath upon this wasted space.
On the cage cracks started appearing everywhere. And then krsshhhhh. The cage broke. And the monster was free.
Pov: A women on an random planet.
-Little girl: Mom mom look it's an flying man.
-Women: Ohh Drana my little girl there is no such thi-
Suddenly in front of a man fell from the sky. The man had jet black hair and his cloths were all rags. But that wasn't the thing. The mans eyes were.... Scary, The only word to describe them. And it was scary. His eyes were black and red, With many pentagon around the pupils. They looks very scary. Suddenly the women out of fear bowed and said.
-Women: Ohh Great Lord what honour it is to have you before me. What have i Vhilmah Dhrako done to deserve such an scary look.
Then she looked at the man but he said nothing. But after a while he spoke.
-Scary man: Rhak shama dirth sakul.
Then out of nowhere an black scythe appeared. And sweesh. The little girls head was in the air.
-Vhilmah: AHHHHHHH- sweesh
Vhilmahs head was in the air.
Countless galaxys had fallen to Hisrom. Countless people killed. His realm was made of blood and bones. His realm was like an nightmare. The endless sea of blond and the castle of bones. In the middle of the bones stood a large throne, and in it was Hisrom.
Pov: Hisrom
-Hisrom: Finally the time has come for that scum to fall before me.
In the Gods Realm sat God in his chair.
-God: What creature is this? What kind of monster.
He then looked at Life that was chained in the corner of his throne.
-God: Rebuild it. NOW YOU BITCH DO YOUR JOB.
The lifeless Life held up her hand and green light started to shine and the destroyed universe started to be restored but it was only an small portion of it.
Suddenly a figure appeared before them. The figure was clad in black rags and his face. They had seen that face before but his eyes were that beyond of this entire realm. That moment Life eyes gained some color and tears started flowing from her eyes.
-Life: Hhhhisse. Is that you?
Hisrom looked at her chained up and suddenly felt even more angry. Then he looked and the SCUM sitting on his throne.
-God: Impossible. How did you escape that. I made that core with my own Rai!
-Hisrom: Hello there SCUM. What have you done to Death?
-God: Death? HAHAHAHAHHA. Death is dead. I killed him myself.
Suddenly God felt an burst of energy come from Hisrom. Second later he was looking at his own headless body.
* Howwww impossible. To be killed by such low creature. Noo-*
And God was no more. Hisrom just stood there. Hold the SCUMS head thinking what to do with it. Life looked at him.
-Life: Y-y-you did it. Hisee you've done. You've freed us all from that monster.
Hisrom went and freed Life. Then they spoke a bit about what had happened. Life cried tears for Hisrom and what had happened to him. He was the one that was destroying the universe. How could such an gentle creature become such an monster.
Moments later Life said to Hisrom.
-Life: What now are you going to stay here and govern the universe with me?
-Hisrom: Govern? hahahaha surely you jest. After i'm done with the universe there will be nothing left of it.
-Life: WHAT? WHY? God is dead! There is nothing that can harm you now? Why go to such lenght?
-Hisrom: Why? Let me tell you. Why do you cry at night? Every night you cry for the very creature you have created. You spill your own tears for them. They are not worthy of you tears. Their GREED is not worth of your tears. They are only worthy of darkness and that is the eternal death!
-Life: No.NO.NOOO! Not you too. This is all my doing! If i had created perfect being the universe wouldn't have been like this. God wouldn't starve for power. And you wouldn't end up insane. I'm sorry. I will fix everything which i have made wrong.
Suddenly bright lite started to shine from Life.
There it was. Finally he was alone in the gods realm. Life killed herself and with her went all the life that she created.
Yet Hisrom felt sad. Is this what he wanted? Now he will forever be alone with only his darkness. NO.
He wanted more thing to destroy. His wrath had not yet ended. Moments later. The same light that shone from Life shone again. A core. Of the size of an planet started to shine brightly.
Hisrom understood immediately Life had done. Life had created an never ending core. It would create universes and give new life. Everytime someone would die the could would feed of it's energy. It was like an never ending cycle. A true masterpiece of Life. GAIA was born. The never ending Giver.
Hisrom was there. He cried tears of blood. He was truly happy. Now he could destroy to his hearts content.
Years have past Hisroms name was know in every end of the universe. They called him The Eternal Monster Hisrom. The Original. The fallen one. He had many names but The Eternal Monster HIsrom was the most common one.
Hisrom had destroyed so much that he grew tired of it. His wrath has ended long ago but he still went on. He wanted someone to be on the par with him. The new Gods he didn't want to fight. No matter how many he kills new Gods just come. It was fun fighting them, they warn't weak. But the balance of the universe would sometimes get affected. Sometimes it would get affected to much and Hisrom would have to wait for to long for it to be reborn.
After such an long time Hisrom grew tired of this life. He had lived for so long. He had created and destroyed to much. He created something that would change the universe for ever. The weak were able to devour the strong. While the strong were able to crush the weak. He created Mana and Soul Weapons. And now it was finally his time to rest.
Hisrom sat on his throne in his True Realm. Around him were the 10 Lordes. His own people he saved. You would think that after all that time he would be to cruel, but there ware people that had the same fate as him. And gifted them power and life. He treated them as brothers and sisters while they treated him as their brother but foremost their Lord.
The 10 Lordes cried as they were looking at Hisrom.
-Denja: Brother Hiss why do you have to do this, isn't there an better way.
-Hisse: hahaha don't worry. I had lived for far too long. And now i wish to see the world in different eyes. It is my time to be reborn. Go ahead and do it use the core crystels that i gave you. They hold great power and they should be able to seal this body of mine. Now do it and good bye my brothers may we meet in my new life.
-All 10 people: Good bye Brother may you have an happy new life!
The 10 Lordes took out crystal out of their robes and started to chant.
Soon the realm started to shine and the crystals transformed into black spears that stabbed throught Hisroms body on his throne. The 10 Lordes went out of the realm and watched. The realm transformed into an planet. A big planet covered in red. That was Hisroms seal. As he awaited for his new life without suffering.Or so he thought.
PEEEEEFF I'm done. Damn that took a lot of time... I'm sweatin. Now as you read this you will realize that the end is a bit rushed. And that i made an ass ton of mistakes. So i hope that you will forgive me huehuehue. Anyway the prologue is now done and the real thing will start. So wait for it. I will have 2 chapters ready tomorrow or the day after. Any way point out what you hate so that i can fix it. Show some love as well huehuehuehue SHOW IT! Lost myself a bit there... But anyway DO tell what you hate and like. Or if maybe i should redo this chapter of prologue into 2 different parts. So that i can go into more details not rush it like this. Cheers AND SHOW SOME LOVE!
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