《There can be Darkness without Light》Prologue: Slowly turning dark


It has past 600 years since Hisrom took on Deaths job as well. Things were going smooth at the start but it slowly drained Hisrom from his Rai being both the Divine Giver and the transporter of soul. Not just that but Hisrom had seen too much. You would never know what a prideful person could do or even worse one of those greedy creatures.

Hisrom never understood. No matter how much he gave people still wished more and more. Now that they knew he existed he received bi break. Wished from everywhere and souls needing transport from everywhere. Hisrom would sometimes cry when he was alone. Those creatures never stopped bothering him. He just gave and gave and gave with no end. Now finally he know how Life felt. Life was almost always locked in her room creating new stuff. But it was worse for her. She could feel the emotions of her own creations.

Now i know why i could hear her weep and sob sometimes. I always thought it was because of the old man(GOD) but it turns out i was wrong. Why are those creatures like that? They kill each other for little land. Mothers kill their own children while the children have the purest soul. I always thought that souls would just be doing nothing and be ready for transport. But it turned out that i don't see the "normal" kinds of souls, i'm able to see them in their form that they died in. Unlike big brother who can only see round head sized objects with Rai pouring out.

When i arrive to transport a newly killed child it breaks my heart. They cry and speak of all kinds of things. Their thoughts turn dark in matter of seconds. I can understand that, the one whom they trusted the most suddenly turned on then. The one whom gave them birth treated them like a dog since birth. That's why childrens souls are always first on the list. Their crying always makes me drop a tear or too. If no one will cry for them then i will cry for them.

But i have also realized that i'm getting weaker and weaker.

Right now i'm unable to answer big prayers. I can cast the small ones without trouble but for the medium ones i drop an sweat or two. I told this to the others but their responses kind of left me confused. God smiled happily and said (It's fine it's fine hehe) and turned away while laughing which looked very weird. But when i told Life and Death about it they both made sad smiles and i could see Life run into her realm. Death didn't say anything, he just turned around and went to his realm. Again... I could hear Life crying from her realm. But this time it's worse, wonder what the creatures did this time. BOOM :SHAKE: BOOM.


The whole realm world suddenly started shaking. I found out that big brother was training. He was casting large scale spells in his own realm. I wonder what ticked him of...

Pov: Life

Why. Why. Why. Why. Why. Why.

Why am i so weak. How long does he plan too continue doing those thing to Hisse.

Hisse is kind and caring yet that bastard only cares for his powers. He had not even once cared about Hisse yet Hisse treats him like a father. Me and Death tried to do our best to stop him from giving Hisse the role of Death. But no. That old bastard, had planned to give Hisse the role of Death for a long time. Death getting tired of his job?Hmph. He was created to take souls! There is no way he can get tired of it!

Yet that old geezer gave the role to Hisse. Every time Hisse transports an soul he losses a portion of his Divine Rai.The seals... He put so many seals on Hisse. Even me and Death combined are unable to break them. We once tried breaking the seals but HIsse only dropped to the ground screaming.

But also lately i can see that the pure Hisse has gotten an crack in his soul. His soul looks like an round object that his a crack in the middle of it. I have never seen anything like that. I have never seen someones soul breaking.

I asked Death about this matter but he said that Hisse might be evolving. Since unlike us when we were born Hisse had not evolved even once.

Pov: end.

Pov: Hisrom

I was now on the planet called Earth i had 67204 souls to collect on it. I had both hate and love for the humans. Humans held the greatest potential yet their greed was over the top. With their potential they could do anything if they truly put some work in it. Yet every time they don't even try. Wish after Wish.

As i went down to transport the souls of Earth. I was walking through an town. The town wasn't that large. I didn't know what the towns name was and i didn't even care about it's name. Right now my mood was the worst mood i ever had.

I started to hate the greedy creatures. The more the greed in the universe grew the more and more i heard Life cry and Death trained harder and harder in his realm.

As i was walking down the street i suddenly heard screams coming from the alley. The screams seemed to belong to 2 women that were surrounded by few men.


(WARNING MEH MEH WARNING PLUS 18 or read at your own risk, well we all know your going to read it anyway....meh WARNING)

As i looked closer. They were having sex. But it looked like the two women screamed in pain. They were sweating and panting. So i turned around to leave them in private. Suddenly.


Suddenly the man that was having his way with her turned around and looked at me. While looking at me he slowly pulled a knife out and stabbed the women in the stomach.


As i thought that the same thing might happen to her to by the two man that were on her i ran towards her. The man that killed the first women slowly turned to me once again and ran at me with the knife. I casted protector of Earth to protect my body but suddenly the man leaked something purple and teleported right next to me and stabbed me in my left arm.


The man that was giving of purple light suddenly smiled at me and spoke.

-Man: Ohhh we have someone with the divine energy here boys. Dumb the bitch and come here Ter'hiz and Marek'o.

-Boys: '' Yes Great uncle''

Soon after the man in purple was in the middle and so called Ter'hiz and Marek'o were on lift and right by him. I didn't even notice them come, when i looked over at the women i realized that she had no longer an head. Again he spoke to me.

-Man in purple: Who are you? SPEAK!

-Hisrom: My name is Hisrom and i'm here as the transporter of souls. And who are you? You just killed two pure souls!

-Man in purple: Pure? You call those bitches pure? kahkahkahkah, And you are the so called Divine Giver that took over The Reapers job?

-Hisrom: What? How do you know about me?

-Man in purple: Those with power have the right to know everything. And now tell me why didn't you dodge?

How does he know? There is no way that Life or Death have told him. Damn my Ral i very low. I can't cast any of the high shield spells. DAMMIT. What do i do. I couldn't even save two pure souls. I have to talk my way out of this then ask big brother about them.

-Hisrom: I was never tought how to fight. Only protection spells.

-Man in purple: Death sent you out here with no knowledge of any of the arts? HAHAHAHAHA. So foolish.

-Hisrom: And who are you? And how do you know about me and big brother?

-Man in purple: I am Sard'ial and i rule over the Krag'nasa zone.

Suddenly the shock hits me. KRAG'NASA!? Big brother told me about that zone. Creatures that have existed almost as long as us live there. Creatures that were created at the beginning and never disposed of. Dammit what are they doing on a low planet such as earth?! First time since i was born i started to feel fear. In front of me was the man that big brother said that was able to kill immortals. What do i do? For now just don't do anything stupid.

-HIsrom: I see. Sorry to bother you then but i must transport the souls now.

I was just trying to get away as fast as possible from him.

-Sard'ial: Boy, where do you think you are going? That bastard said he would lift the seals of my children if i capture you.

-Hisrom: What? What do you mean? Wai-

Suddenly Sard'ial appeared behind me. I felt an burst of pain on my neck,

Sard'ial: Now all i have to do is kill this boy and my children will be free. HAAHHAHAHA,

And then i fell forth losing my consciousness. But not before i had an chain of thoughts.

But that was also the start of Hisrom breaking free. Hisrom didn't understand. Who would betray him? What has he ever done to be betrayed? Only three people knew him and he know neither Life nor Death could ever harm him. So there was only one person left.


As more darkness fell before me i completely lost consciousness .


The next chapter will be the final prologue chapter and it will be the longest chapter until now longer that all three chapters together! SO if you like the story so far look forward to it. Cheers. Also do post what you think about it so far and what can be done so that the story can be improved. Also do post what you hate.

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