《There can be Darkness without Light》Prologue: Can The Giver take?


It was the year 2459. The four rules of the universe decided to take the most commune calender and that was the human one. Those beings came form an planet called Earth. Thought they were nor the strongest being nor the most intelligent beings their potential was the greatest of them all. But there was also a problem with the humans and that was their GREED. There were a lot of creatures in the universe and of course all of them had greed within then but none held as much greed as the humans.

The year 2459 was also the year when Hisrom was going to take over Deaths work.

-Death: When taking someones soul little Hisse you have too look deeply into it and see if the soul is that of good Rai or bad Rai. ( Rai aka. Mana or Ki or simply energy)

Death always treated Hisrom like an little brother he was very kind to him. But Death was also against Hisrom taking his post, as he knew how much suffering it could bring taking someone life. But Hisrom told God that he would do it and so God made Death give his post to Hisrom.

-Hisse: I know that. Stop treating me like i'm an little kid, did you forget that we're the oldest beings in the universe?

-Death: Ohhh shussh. To me you will always be my cute little brother.

-Hisse: Anyway how do i transport the souls to Heaven and Hell?

-Death: Oh yea that's right you still can't summon your weapon i forgot. I might be able to make an artifact that is able to do the job.

Suddenly Death puts his hands in front of him in dark light come forth. It took 30 seconds for Death to create an small dark ball. The ball was in a size of an fist. Then he threw the ball to Hisrom.


-Death: There take it. That ball contains a small amount of my Rai. It can transform into any weapon you wish. Since you won't be fighting anything there is no need to be thought any Death-arts.

-Hisse: Thank you. But what do you mean i won't be fighting anything so i don't need you arts? Do you sometimes have to fight someone?

-Death: While of course. Do you think that all beings will allow you take their loved ones just because their names are on Deaths list?

-Hisse: I can understand that but who can fight you? I mean i don't know how to fight nor have i ever taken an life before but i know how strong you are, so who is there to oppose you?

-Death: Little HIsse despite us being the strongest there are still creatures out there who are also strong. Creatures that Life has created by mistake, such as drag..cough.... demons, overlords and many more.

Death made an wry smile as he was about to say dragons. He knew that HIsse was an dragon. But he has never taken his dragon form even once since got the form of an human. Life told him that it was the easiest form to take. He had no choice to choose since he held little knowledge back then. He had his human form for so long that he had forgotten how to even turn into his dragon form. But Death knew that was not the truth. When God tried to inspect Hisroms Rai he felt nothing, yet Hisrom wielded Rai. So when Hisrom took on another form God sealed him in that form and never even once allowed him to turn back. God put many seals on Hisrom. Hisrom wasn't able to go out of Gods realm. He could only watch from the Well of Truth that Life made for him. It was from that very Well that he was able to answer prayers as the Divine Giver. Hisrom was only able to give he has never once taken anything from the beings bellow the God realm. That was also one of the Gods seals on him. God knew that he couldn't sense his Rai because Hisrom wielded more Rai then him. So he put an seal on Hisrom so that he was never able to take in Gods power or anything else, so God put an seal on him so that he could only give hence the name Divine Giver. God feared that if Hisrom wanted to take his post it would become an large scale battle that would damage the universe greatly, but he didn't care about the universe God only cared about his power and control over all beings. Death and Life both knew that but they couldn't do anything since they knew his power. God was able to give life and take it. They could only stay silent and treat Hisrom with care since they both hated God.


But why would God let Hisrom take souls now? Well that was because he wasn't taking them. Hisrom was only able to transport souls either to Heaven or to Hell. But still Hisrom felt happy, because now at least he would be able to see the universe with his own eyes. He would be able to out of the Gods realm. He felt excited that he would see all the beings in it and answer their prayers.

Still Death knew that this was wrong. Even if Hisrom wasn't able to take the souls he was still able to kill but that wasn't what he worried about because he knew that Hisrom was never able to even hurt an fly. What made him worried is how would Hisrom react when he saw the true faces of the beings outside. That not all of them were like the ones that he answered too. He made an wry smile and said.

-Death: But don't worry little Hisse, you should know most of Lifes protection spell such as shield of Life. With that spell surely not even the demon overlord will be able to hurt you. But still if something strong comes after you, be sure to teleport back to an safe place. Got it?

-Hisse: Yes big brother....


There we go second part of the prologue huehuehue. But worry not! There is still some more boring prologue mwhahahhaha. The real thing hasn't even started yet. As said this is just to see if it goes well as of right now i'm writing this in random i don't hold any future chapters. But if this project goes well then i will put a lot more time into it huehuehue. Anyway tell me whet you like what you don't like blablabla and so on. Cheers! (Also i know the chapters are short mwhahahha deal with it for now please, promise that i will work on making them longer)

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