《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 14 - Poison Concoction.


Early morning.

Preparing all the equipment and ingredients he required, Long Feng get himself readied at the table he converts into a refining station so he could start refining the Internal Flame Pill.

But before he started, he injects a small amount of Essence Qi within the YinYang Dial, and have a look on the indication, and as he expected, the Yang Energy within the atmosphere is very strong, due to the current day is still in its early morning.

He processes the ingredient similar to the method he uses during his first attempt in refining the Internal Flame Pill and start creating the concoction. Without any delay, he goes straight to refining, as the earlier procedure is easily completed by him.

As the end of the refinement is near, Long Feng pray in his heart, before he releases the concoction into the Spring Water, allowing them to separate into equal pieces.

"Dear Heavens, please bless my luck on concocting this pill."

The concoction is released into the Spring Water!

The burning hot concoction goes into the water, and start evaporating the liquid, giving out a loud noise to be heard within the room. As the concoction keeps getting itself cool off from the water, very soon, a crack could be seen within the cooling off concoction, as it quickly separated into a total of 6 different pills this time.

As the water completely evaporated, Long Feng tried to softly lift the still warm pill, and inspect the pill condition.

He slowly rubbed his finger on the pill, to separate the layer of impure scums that produced during the cooling off of the concoction.

"Success!" Long Feng grabbed the pill and raise his hand up above his head, to indicate his effort is finally succeeded. In this attempt, he successfully concocted a total of 6 pills, with all of them in Middle-Rank.

But this does not create complete confidence in Long Feng's mind.

He understand the fact that all kind of changes and difference could happen in between each concoction, and as how his master teach him yesterday, this created a stronger mind of a pill master within Long Feng's mind, and allow him to be as cautious, and as detail in each attempt of concocting a pill.

So for the next round of his attempt in concocting the pill, Long Feng check at YinYang Dial once again. Although the time currently is still rich in Yang Energy, the Yin Energy surrounding the atmosphere is slightly denser currently, perhaps it was due to the rain is going to fall soon, maybe in another hour time.

So Long Feng goes along with his preparation, and start concocting once again with the Internal Flame Pill. But in this second-time attempt, his results came in with a total of 4 Middle-Rank pills, and 1 Lower-Rank Pill. Understanding slightly on this changes of differences in the YinYang essence concentration would affect the results of his refining, he decided to stop for today and goes to the Mission Hall to check for any other mission that is suitable for him to accept.

After all, the current time is not suitable for him to visit the Virtue Hall, as his master is busy handling his daily elder works as well.

Within the Mission Hall, some senior and junior are gathered together in groups to take a look on the mission board, but none of them manage to select any of the mission, due to certain difficulties or other matters. When some of the juniors saw Long Feng is within the hall as well, some of them did think about approaching Long Feng due to his good skill and good results during the entrance exam but hesitates as they know Long Feng's eccentric and anti-social attitude.


Actually, none of the rumors is true, but unfortunately due to his selection of master actually gone to Elder Tang Wen, who is well known to be eccentric as well, due to his habit of not hiring any disciple from the Inner and Outer Division to help him in his Virtue Hall, the rumors managed to grow a root into the other disciple mind, and make them not sticking up with Long Feng.

"The others are evading me, I wonder what happen. Did I happened to forget shower today?" Long Feng, clueless about the other's attitude, have no intention to be bothered.

He looks at the Mission Board, and after 20 minutes of scanning the slips, he ends up with two selections.

Yellow Heart Poison Concoction

Requirement: 10 Yellow Heart Poison Concoction (1st Grade)

Due Date: 1 Weeks upon accepting the mission.

Payment: 200 Pieces of Spirit Bronze Coins

Golden Crippling Powder

Requirement: 50 Golden Crippling Powder (1st Grade)

Due Date: 1 Weeks upon accepting the mission.

Payment: 1000 Pieces of Spirit Bronze Coins

"Senior, can I have this two mission ingredient please ?" Long Feng handover the slips to the staff on the counter.

"Young junior, are you sure you want to take this two mission? This is Poison concoctions, if you are not careful enough, you will end up poisoning yourself and disrupt your own cultivation for a short while." the staff gives his concern notes to Long Feng, in case he doesn't understand why this mission is not taken by the others especially the senior disciples.

"I understand, please do not worry senior, I will be very careful during my concoction period." Long Feng replied.

The staff has nothing else to say, as it wasn't his position to comment too much about the disciple's decision. He registered Long Feng's request, and Long Feng left after all the procedures is complete.

Next, instead of walking directly to the Virtue Hall, Long Feng head towards to the Exchange Hall instead. With the 46 points he has in hand, he decided to check for what he could change before he heads to his next target, the Tower of Knowledge.

"Senior, can I have a look on the exchange list?" Long Feng talked as he gets close to the counter with a staff attending it. Coincidently, this staff is the one that told Long Feng to came for exchange on Monday.

"Here you go, why are you exchanging today? New products will come in on Monday anyway." the staff being nice, as he saw Long Feng just yesterday.

"Dear senior, I am just interested in looking for some antidotes in case my concoction refining is not going too well." Long Feng politely answers.

"Oh... That's why. Here you go." the staff pass the list with all the item available to exchange with points, and leave Long Feng to slowly goes through it.

"Seems like the point system within the Hall is slightly better than the one from Myriad Ingredient Pavilion." Long Feng says in mind, as he goes through the list.

1st Grade Cultivation Pellet Ingredient (10 Portions) for 10 Points

Cultivation Pellet

Boost Stage Pellet

Refinement Pellet

Blood Refinement Pellet

1st Grade Tempering Pill Ingredient (5 Portions) for 10 Points

Metal Morphing Pill

Wood Fragrant Pill


Spiritual Water Pill

Internal Flame Pill

Earth Forming Pill

Thunder Spirit Pill

Wind Storm Pill

Poison Essence Pill

1st Grade Poison Concoction Ingredient (5 Portions) for 10 Points

Yellow Heart Poison Concoction

Blood Clotting Concoction

Yellow Leaf Pill

Blood Flowing Pill

Golden Crippling Powder

Destructing Qi Powder

Wild Pill

Qi Recovery Pill

1st Grade Meditation Ingredient (10 Portions) for 10 Points

Calming Spirit Dew Pellet

Mystic Suction Pellet

YinYang Cleansing Pellet

1st Grade Medication Ingredient (10 Portions) for 10 Points

Blood Dragon Ointment

Mind Returning Elixir

1st Grade Cultivator Weapon (Hand) for 50 Points

1st Grade Cultivator Weapon (Range) for 60 Points

1st Grade Cultivator Weapon (Long) for 75 Points

"Senior, can I make an exchange for a mix of Yellow Leaf Pill and Wild Pill ingredients?" Long Feng tried to obtain a mix of both Antidote concoction ingredients.

"Of course you could. Did you take both of the Poison Concoction requests from the Mission Hall?" the staff agreed to allow Long Feng exchange for mix ingredients and also tried to guess the reason why Long Feng need both ingredients suddenly today.

"Yes senior, this junior just took the two Poison Concoction Mission today, so I need to prepare some in case I accidentally inflict it on myself during refining." Long Feng answer the staff question politely.

"That's good. At least you know to prepare the antidote before making the poison. Hear this from my experience before... Take the Antidote first, before you concoct the poison. If you are not poisoned during the refining, it means your Poison is not effective, and you need to make it stronger.

"If you are poisoned, that means you are good in the poison, but make sure you take double dosage of the Antidote next time after your concoction is completed, and thoroughly remove the poison from your body before you rest." the staff share his experience with Long Feng, as he pass the ingredient to him and receive a total of 10 points worth of gem for the exchange.

"I understand, thank you for sharing such information to this junior." Long Feng politely say thanks to the staff, before he excuses himself from the Exchange Hall.

He went straight towards the Tower of Knowledge, and quickly reach the bottom of the tower within ten minutes. Outside of the tower, he noticed that an old man is sitting in the middle of a Pavilion just directly outside of the tower entrance.

Knowing the etiquette of asking for permission before entering a building, and there is no reason why an old man is sitting outside of the tower without doing anything, he approached the old man.

"Elder, can junior enter the tower to get some guidance?" Long Feng politely ask for permission from the guarding elder.

"Em... What is the meaning of cultivating a plant?" The old man questioned without opening his eyes.

"Dear Elder, it is to grow a being to complete yourself. The better you are in cultivating a plant, the better you are in cultivating yourself." Long Feng politely answered.

"Em... What is the meaning of Cultivating yourself?" the old man continued.

"Dear Elder, it is to improve oneself, and to reach higher heights." Long Feng answered again.

"Em... You may enter. You can only visit the Halls up to the Hall of the Fortunate." the elder answered, and continue to meditate.

"Thank you, Elder. Please excuse this junior." Long Feng politely bowed to the elder, and enter the Tower.

Within the tower, the interior is basically very simple and every room is labeled with a special word.

The outermost of the Room is called as Hall of Beginning. Long Feng quickly run through the books within the shelves and found out that most of the books, scrolls, and tomes are all related to basic knowledge such as Poisonous Plants, Medicinal Plants, Cultivating Plants, and Nutritious Plants.

He entered the second room that is slightly bigger, and it is called as the Hall of Yearning. Within this room, books related to Pill Essence, understanding Concocting, Issues in Pill refining and Medicinal Practice. Some additional books such as Tomes of Hundred Medicine and Records of Specific Cultivation Planting is also available within.

The third room is where the Hall of Fortunate is located. There is one more room within before he is allowed to enter the second floor, but at the moment, this is the deepest he could enter. Within this room, a total of 16 pieces of work is placed, and each time one student withdraw a book from the room, he must leave a total of 10 Points as the deposit, in case the book is damaged or missing some of its content.

Although there is only 16 pieces of work is placed within this room, a total of 10 pieces of work had already been borrowed by the other seniors. This also indicates that cultivator with similar experience and cultivation like Long Feng is not little within the Outer Division.

And that six remaining piece is;

Poison Concoction Knowledge by Poison Master Gu Cao Xun.

Medicinal and Healing Scroll by Elders of Bronze Pill Hall - Twinkling Jade City

Tempering Pill Guidance by Pill Master Tie Shan

Medicinal Concoction (1) by Elder of Ointments Master Tang Wen

Medicinal Concoction (2) by Elder of Ointments Master Tang Wen

Total Refining by Pill Master Ao Luo

Looking at the six piece of work, Long Feng noticed two of them actually written by his master directly. Wondering that could he actually understand his master deeper, he has the urge to take both books to return for study, but after a little consideration, Long Feng selected the Total Refining Scroll by Pill Master Ao Luo and also the Poison Concoction Knowledge by Poison Master Gu Cao Xun instead.

One of the reason is that he is soon to be refining the Poison Concoction soon, and also he wishes to understand deeper on the Total Refining knowledge.

Taking the two books in hand, he proceeds to his last destination, the Virtue Hall before the day ends.

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