《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 13 - Spare Pills? Let's use it.


Arranging the Sap of Beast-eater Plant at one side and the Zebra Stripe King Leech's Blood at another, Long Feng prepare himself to start producing the concoction of the Mystic Suction Pellet. Being treated as one of the most easier pills of all, apparently, this Mystic Suction Pellet is known to be one of the cheapest and lousiest pills around the market.

Due to the requirement of perfection in this pill is low, even the Lower-Rank pill contained a 50% stronger absorption rate and range, so this pill is usually given out as free to attract more buyers for the elemental tempering pills. Only for those that have money problem would resort to only purchasing the Mystic Suction Pellet to absorb the elemental Qi naturally.

First, Long Feng Mix both concoction together, and use his fire elemental qi to slowly cook the concoction.

As the concoction started to get thicker, Long Feng prepare them in a separated portion, depending on how big is the amount of concoction after it gets thickened.

Since this concoction is pretty straight forward to concoct and refine, it didn't require too much time, and within ten minutes, Long Feng successfully refine a total of 8 pills in his first try. Although all 8 of the pill is at Lower-Rank, this doesn't destroy his confidence in trying better in his next round.

"Let's try to make at least few among the remaining 9 portions of ingredient a few Middle Rank and Upper Rank." Long Feng motivate himself again and try better in the next refining process.

His second tries came out again in a result of 7 Lower-Rank pills. 8 Lower-Rank again at his third tries, 6 Lower-Rank on his fourth, 7 on his fifth, 7 again on his sixth, seventh, eighth, 8 on his ninth, and 5 Lower-Rank on his final tries.

"What is wrong with my concoction and procedures? I can't believe that I can't even successfully concoct a single Middle-Rank pill at all." his results came out with 70 Lower-Rank Mystic Suction Pellet, and he needs to deliver a total of 25 pills to the Mission Hall, so he will be able to keep a total of 45 pills for himself.

Since refining all 10 portions of the Mystic Suction Pellets only took him a total of 1 hour and forty minutes, Long Feng continued with the refining of Calming Spirit Dew Pellet instead.

And through this experience, Long Feng realized a fact that he must keep in mind during Pill Refining.

"Seems like refining the ingredient into a pill is not as simple as you think." Long Feng realized the importance of choosing the right time and period to refine pills.

But before he obtained more guidance from his master, Long Feng have no choice but to concede to the fact that his remaining 5 portion of Calming Spirit Dew Pellet results in a total of 32 Lower-Rank pills, and none of them successfully turned into a Middle Grade.

Through using all the ingredients provided by the Mission Hall yesterday, Long Feng successfully concoct a total of 55 Lower-Rank and 6 Middle-Rank Calming Spirit Dew Pellets in hand, and a total of 70 Lower-Rank Mystic Suction Pellets.

He did have the intention to try again on the Internal Flame Pill, but after a few consideration, Long Feng finally give up with his stubbornness and decided to heads toward the Mission Hall to complete his mission, and also to visit the Virtue Hall for his master's guidance.


"Oh! You completed the mission is such short period!" the staff is slightly shocked, in his first impression, he even thought that Long Feng maybe utilizing his own wealth to complete the mission instead.

But after looking at each single pellet actually came with a mark of pill master, he could conclude that all this pill is absolutely refined by Long Feng himself, and none of them is purchased or taken from others.

"Young Disciple, great job in completing the two mission. Since your requirement is only to complete one mission, we will convert the additional mission into points for you to exchange for materials." the staff pass a total of 25 points worth of gemstones to Long Feng to keep, and hinted him a little as well.

"Came back in next Monday, we will have some good stocks in the inventory." the staff finish his words, and turn around to continue his works.

"Thank you, Senior." Long Feng thanked the staff and heads to the Virtue Hall.

Entering the Virtue Hall, Long Feng heads towards his master's room to greet him before anything else and start completing his daily task before he returned to the room where his master is within.

"Master, Xiao Feng completed his daily task." Long Feng reported.

"Good boy, but seems like Senior Han won't be available to guide you in the Defensive Wu Sword Art today, as his enlightenment is still not complete. Do you have anything you want to ask master today?" Elder Tang Wen place the scroll he's reading aside and turned around looking at Long Feng.

"Dear master, Xiao Feng actually have a little question in mind." Long Feng stands up and started to explain what happened between yesterday and today.

Long Feng started with the fact during the day normally when he returned to his room, he started to have a concoction before he started with his daily meditation, and that on the first day when he is concocting the Internal Flame Pill, at night time, where his result is pretty bad, only a total of 3 Lower-Rank and 1 Middle-Rank is managed to be produced.

Later on the next day, he tried on concocting the Calming Spirit Dew Pellet at night, where the results are pretty normal, with a total of 23 Lower-Rank and 6 Middle-Rank is successfully refined, but on the next morning, the results are pretty disappointing.

Wondering where in the world he failed to notice, Long Feng have no other choices but to ask for his master's guidance and advice, so he could concoct the medicinal pills for better results.

As Elder Tang Wen hear the explanation from Long Feng, he already noticed the mistakes his disciple did. The main culprit, in this case, is due to the difference of Yin and Yang throughout the day and night. Most of the disciple that already within the hall for at least a year already understand the reason why, but since Long Feng is still a new disciple, so it is natural he doesn't know about this fact at all.

"Xiao Feng, the main culprit in this matter is the difference of Yin and Yang during the day and night."

"Listen clearly, let master guide you through this part. We are all living in a world where the Yin, Yang and the elements are all different throughout the day and night, and every single day."

"In basic understanding, Pills such as Internal Flame Pill, Metal Morphing Pill, Thunder Spirit Pill is usually refined at the day time, because the Yang energy during the day is slightly stronger than normal, so the success rate on concocting the Male Branch Pills is higher than normal."


"While for those such as Spiritual Water Pill, Earth Forming Pill, and Wood Fragrant Pill is more likely to be successfully refined during the night, because of the high density of Yin Energy during that time. But one thing needs to be monitored, such as during some special day where extreme Yin or Extreme Yang is filling the whole day, causing difficulties and even direct failure due to the lack of one side of energy during refining."

"Keep this YinYang Dial. Each student should possess one, although the price is slightly steep for some people to own it. Inject your Essence Qi within each time you intend to concoct some medicinal pills, so you will know what is the energy rate during the time you intend to concoct the pills."

"This is also one of the reasons why some Mission that could be completed in a single day, could be extended into few days, or even weeks and month depending on the requirement. Make sure you don't take the pill refining knowledge too lightly next time you refine a pill."

"There is no unused ingredient, only useless pill masters. If you failed to understand the importance and usefulness of one ingredient depending on its age, time, harvest method, condition and specialty, then you are at the most a second rate pill masters, and won't have the chances to step into the first rate pill masters that are well versatile with the ingredients no matter how difficult they could be." Elder Tang Wen finally finished his teaching and looked at how Long Feng is doing after listening to all his explanations.

After being taught with such a deep lesson regarding concocting the medicinal pills, Long Feng's opinion toward the profession had deepened into a new level. His appreciation and also the urge to understand more about the ingredients and the recipe had deepened, and his interest in concocting the ingredient in the correct time had even perked up his interest in trying it as soon as he could.

With this mindset in him, Long Feng quickly went back to his room, and start cultivating with the help of the Mystic Suction Pellet that he have in hand. After eating the pellet, Long Feng instantly felt that his capability in absorbing the nearby Essence Qi increased, and allowing him to even feel some more minuscules Essence Qi that he couldn't felt earlier before he consumed the pill.

Unfortunately, that single pill only works for a total of 10 minutes, no matter what rank that pill could be, so Long Feng continue with his consumption, and finally finished all 45 pills in a total of 450 minutes, an equivalent of 7 hours and 30 minutes.

In his mind, his cultivation is getting close to breaking through the early Earth Refinement Tier, but since he is out of any Mystic Suction Pill at the moment, he decided to stop and started to take a rest, before the sun rises from the east.

In the same time, one more small pieces of plain rock fallen off from the Impure Azure Jade Rock.


Meanwhile on somewhere not too far from the Clear Jade City, is where the Bronze Culture Hall is located. One of the most popular areas within this hall is the opened to public visits spots, the Culture Market.

Within this market, all sorts of special ingredients, foods and preparation weapons or treasures could be obtained within, and due to this matter, many cultivators would come to the culture hall no matter which city they visit, to check on the treasures and special items placed on sale before they visit any other establishments.

One of the culture hall specialty is Procurement. To the culture hall, nothing is more valuable than money. As long the item could be sold for a price, the culture hall will definitely have their own methods to obtain the products in demand.

In an example, Medicine pills that specially concocted by the Bronze Pill Hall Assistant Master, Pill Master Liu Yi Long himself. The medicine that was sought after is often offered at a good price and always came in a set of few dozen to allow one cultivator to cultivate without worries.

Other than that, the culture hall is also specialized in Metalworks. Many cultivators that specifically required weapons or equipment, tools or special item, usually send a request to be accepted and completed by the culture hall, before it will be delivered. Of course, the price tag is quite humongous, so only very wealthy cultivator could really afford their exorbitant products.

But today, a very special guest appeared within the hall to order a specialized tool for his adventure.

"Ha Ha Ha! Who would imagine that one of the commanders of the Brilliant Jade Kingdom Military Division will visit this lowly Bronze Culture Hall for its production?" The Culture Hall master happily laugh as he talks with the commander.

"Xu Si Lang, stop joking around. Can you make what I just request from you?" the commander raise his voice slightly, but based on the way he chose his words, one could see there is some friendship among this two.

"Of course, Commander Meng Yun. Let me make sure this custom equipment could be finely made, so you could equip them into your Shadow Gate Scouts, am I correct?" The Culture Hall Master Xu stopped his funny persona and changed into a different person as the discussion goes to a more serious part.

"Make sure this is hidden from any of the Kingdom's officials knowledge. The Shadow Gate operations should be never made into any records, and I want you to make sure no others could possess the same Pill Vest." Commander Meng Yun continued.

"Place some faith on me, old friend. I will personally oversee this operation, and how about the rewards I'm asking?" The Hall Master Xu replied.

"Hmph! You are quite the greedy fox aren't you?"

"I will personally make sure the three Ten-Times Refined Dragon Blood Pellet(3rd Grade) to be delivered to you, and protect you during your attempt to breakthrough into the Early Human Elder Tier." Commander Meng Yun continued.

"Then that's a deal between us. Come back in two weeks, I will make sure 50 sets of it is readied when you are here." Hall Master Xu continued, before both of them split and Commander Xu exit via a secluded back door.

"Ha Ha Ha, when I finally entered the Early Human Elder Tier, that will be the time I lead the Culture Hall Experts to attempt the White Tiger Cave."

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