《Master of Jade Cauldron》Book 1 Chapter 15 - Poisoned!


"Master, Xiao Feng greets master, how are you today?" Long Feng immediately look for his master as he entered the Virtue Hall.

"Senior Han, how are you today?" Long Feng turned to another side, and greet Han Feng Xian who seated by the side of Elder Tang Wen.

"Oh, Xiao Feng, today master have something new for you to do, I will bring you to have a look later. For now, go and have your sword practice with senior Han first." Elder Tang Wen speaks and looking at Long Feng's happy face as he sees that kid smile because he can see something new today.

"Senior Han, please." Long Feng invite Han Feng Xian to the practice room to start their sword art daily practicing.

Perhaps it was due to the lack of practice for two days, Long Feng skills started to get a little rusty. But during their practice, Long Feng is still managed to keep himself on the feet, managed to defend himself much more compared to last time.

In the same time, Han Feng Xian as well looked at Long Feng with a very happy expression. The moment their practices is over, Han Feng Xian started to tell Long Feng what's on his mind.

"Xiao Feng, I will be leaving the Hall tomorrow morning." Han Feng Xian starts the talking.

"So early? Did your internal injuries healed totally?" Long Feng is slightly shocked, but he did know that Han Feng Xian will be only temporary residing within the Hall, as he is injured previously from the ambush by the cultivation beast.

"Yes. I'm about 80% healed, and I need to return to the Xuan Wu Sword Clan because of some important matters." Han Feng Xian explained the reason why he needs to return earlier to the Xuan Wu Sword Clan.

"I see, Senior Han, Xiao Feng wish you a safe journey and always be in health as you leave the hall and return to the Clan. If the fate is there to bring us together again, Xiao Feng will absolutely greet Senior and thanks to senior for your kind guidance on teaching this junior the Defensive Wu Sword Art." Long Feng politely kneel on the floor and thanked Han Feng Xian in his kindness on teaching him the Sword Art.

"Ha Ha Ha, I actually have one more little treasure to give you. Take this as the gift for giving me an enlightenment in the sword art two days ago." Han Feng Xian put his hand into his waist pouch and grabbed a piece of stone within to give to Long Feng.

"This is the refined piece of Clearness Jade Gemstone. Although it's just a really small piece, this piece of treasure really bring me loads of luck I needed. I even believe it was due to this treasure, I'm able to meet with your master and you over here." Han Feng Xian passed the piece of Jadestone to Long Feng, and force him to hold it tightly.

"Senior, Long Feng will make sure to keep this safely in his possession and won't!" Long Feng speaks and suddenly, a shock came into his mind.


Even Han Feng Xian is shocked, but from the way he senses from seeing Long Feng condition, it is not any major issue, as the condition of his shock is more to some enlightening shock, and not any cultivating mistakes.

In his mind, Long Feng ventured into the world that seems very traditional, old and mysterious.

The roof of each house is not in a triangle look, but it is more to a shape of a cone.

Their roofing is made from Haystack that is tied up together with some sturdy but prickly rattan vines, and the wall of each house is made from a mixture of clay.

In this places that looked like a middle of a village, Long Feng flew around like a spirit, looking at all the people doing their daily works.

At one side of the village, an old man is seated on top of a huge piece of log, and in front of him, exist a cauldron that burns with a fire with green in color. On his left hand, a small table with few different ingredients is placed nicely, waiting to be refined within the cauldron.

On his right, a beautifully carved Jade piece of Wine Vessel and Wine Flask is put together, with a silky smooth milky liquid is within waiting for that old man to taste them in his mouth.

On his back, A piece of Long Ruler, shaped like a sword but with no sharp edge, is seen. That piece of a long ruler is made totally with Jade, and in the middle of the ruler's body, a piece of Medallion, golden in color is seen flashing all the time.

"Ha Ha Ha, I would never imagine, that through mixing this few ingredients within, will allow me to successfully create this Golden Jade Holy Pill."

"Reincarnation... I know you are there, so remember the ingredient, because soon you will see them in your life too."

"Listen to me well. This Piece of a ruler is my first treasure, I called it the Shennong Sky Jade Measuring Ruler. This ruler allows its owner of each life to grow the medicinal plants into each stage as he wishes, and destroy all martial abilities without touching."

"This Vessel and Flask is my beloved piece of treasure too, I spend a total of hundred thousand years on refining each of them, and by owning it in your life, it will surely make your life become more beautiful. The Shennong Moon Jade Flask will absorb the Dew from the Moonlight to create its Shennong Moon Dew. The dew is the world most refined holy wine, that's demanded by the God for its effect of instantly increase one stage of cultivation upon consumption."

"and the Shennong Sun Jade Vessel is a treasure that could make the liquids within to become antidotes that could destroy any poison in the world. The liquid too could enable the person consumed it to heal from heavy injuries and internal injuries, but remember, it's not an immortal elixir, there is a limit of its ability."

"I have more treasure to show you, but I guess that's all you could know now... See you again..."


"Oh! And one more thing. I am Shennong. You too." with this last word by that old man, Long Feng's vision immediately turned into a whirlwind of visuals, and returned back to his own world.

"Xiao Feng, are you feeling sick anywhere?" Han Feng Xian is holding Long Feng in his arm, as Elder Tang Wen is focusing in reading Long Feng's pulse.

"Master, Senior Han, I am alright. I'm sorry for making you both worries." Long Feng wakes up and stand by his master and Han Feng Xian side, and bow down to apologize.

"Master was worried to death just now. What happened?" Elder Tang Wen asked, while his eye is staring at the piece of Clearness Jade Gemstone.

"Xiao Feng's mind is in a different world just now. I don't know what makes it happened, but in the dream, Xiao Feng saw an old man who introduces me a treasure." Long Feng explained.

"Do you know what is that treasure called?" Elder Tang Wen questioned.

"Yes, master. That old man in the dream tells me to memorize the ingredient as they will come into my life in future. That pill is called as the Golden Jade Holy Pill." Long Feng explained.

"Golden Jade Holy Pill? Did you just mention that name?" Elder Tang Wen is shocked.

"Yes, master. What is that pill?" Long Feng answered, and questioned as well.

"Xiao Feng, let senior explain it to you. The Golden Jade Holy Pill is a treasure that hunted by all cultivators within this Continent of Yan."

"Although it is just in rumor, from what they say, the Golden Jade Holy Pill allows the one who eats it to assimilate into one more additional elements."

"In the world, one that has a single element compatibility is normal, while those with two element compatibility is special but widely found within the continent."

"Those that have three element compatibility is rare, and those like you, who have a Sky element within the three elements is even rarer. But from words, there is those that compatible with four elements, and five or six."

"If you have seen somebody with more compatibility than you in your lifetime, it is for sure they are being treated as one of the treasures within their sect, and expected to lead the clan or sect in the future."

"But imagine if you could have that pill, and everyone that could have compatibility with 5 different elements became normal?" it will make the world get into disaster, and even the whole continent will turn into a war zone." Han Feng Xian explained.

"And one more thing." Elder Tang Wen continued.

"The Ingredient of the Golden Jade Holy Pill is no longer exist in the world. So even if one wished to recreate the pill, they might face difficulties, and even life-threatening danger due to the mistake in concoction as results."

The three of them finally speechless, and have nothing else to discuss due to the randomness of the topic. But the day ends with Han Feng Xian depart from the Bronze Pill Hall, escorted by Elder Tang Wen and Long Feng to the entrance of the hall, and also Long Feng returned to his room afterward.

"Remember to come earlier to the hall tomorrow. Listen to master, do not do your poison concoction first." Long Feng remembered his master's word before he entered his room.

Within his room, Long Feng opened the parcels containing the poisonous ingredients he received earlier ago and checked their quality before that, but he resisted himself from continuing to concoct the poison concoction, as he remembered his master's word.

Placing all the ingredients aside, Long Feng withdraw the piece of Clearness Jade Gemstone from his pouch and inject a source of Essence Qi into the stone. The stone flashed slightly, and in the same time, Long Feng felt a sense of shape within the stone he is holding.

"This gemstone gave out the sense of it being a Flask." Long Feng speaks in his mind.

Next, he withdraws the piece of Impure Azure Jade Rock to inject his Essence Qi as well. After a short while, he felt the shape of a Ruler in his hand.

"I guess that this Impure Azure Jade Rock contained a slight power of the Sky Jade Measuring Ruler as well."

"Let's use today time to cultivate instead, and see how things would go for tomorrow."



early in the morning, Long Feng wakes up from his rest and quickly went to the Virtue Hall to meet his master.

Remembering his master's word, Long Feng can't help himself, but keep guessing the type of medicinal plant his master would allow him to tend this time.

But in his mind, he does know that his master already knows that he will be concocting the poison concoction soon, so perhaps his master would allow him to learn more about the poison art, so he would not refine it in a wrong way and injured himself in the end.

As he entered the hall, Long Feng is shocked with the poisonous fumes within the hall, and quickly create a Shield of Essence surrounding him, so he could enter the hall and check on the reason why there are poison fumes within the hall.

But Long Feng cultivation is still too low to completely defend against the poison fumes, and very soon, he falls into the side-effect of the poison, which causing him to feeling strengthless to move around. His heart and cultivation started to go wrong, as his control of his Essence Qi started to get disrupted.

"This is?"

"Yellow Heart Poison and Golden Crippling Powder!" Long Feng speaks in his mind as he finally noticed the strength of that two poison.

But knowing the poison doesn't mean he has the way to remove the poison immediately!

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