《Rebirth of Chaos by Lazyanona》Chapter 3: Unquenchable rage
Chapter 3: Unquenchable rage
Part 1:
At the brink of dawn we were confronted by the enemy.
An army of ice lizards, with a giant ice lizard was leading them. But none of them even entered my vision. All I saw was the man flying beside him.
Those gray wings were something I will never be able to forget.
A deep rooted emotion began to surface. Something tucked away, in a place where should have never seen the light of day.
That overwhelming feeling that controlled all my thoughts.
[Fate eater] emerged as my mind went blank.
It was unleashed. My locked away feeling. It was hatred, hatred so strong that it made me lose my mind.
An incomparably large killing intent seeped out of my body. It was so strong that some ice lizards were crushed by the pressure.
Yrilssa and Mira shuddered when they saw my change. But the most shocked was the man with gray wings.
“It can't be?!!! Why are you still alive?!!!??!”
The man was even more shocked as he turned ghostly pale.
A forbidden race that was exiled from the world like the primordials.
The name of the race that is my sworn enemy…The race I will exterminate from existence…The people who killed my mother…
“Kurogane Shin?!!!! This is impossible, you can't possibly be alive!!!”
He hysterically tried to deny reality yet couldn't since I was standing before him.
On the contrary I was smiling. Despite the fact I met my most hated enemy I was smiling. That was because I can kill them. I can kill, and kill, and kill until they were finally exterminated.
My smile made him shudder even more.
“Hmph! Why are you getting so worked over this small fry?”
Arctis snorted on disgust of the nephiliam's fears.
The man's face instantly grew bright when he remembered Arctis's existence.
“Hahahahahahahahahhahahahah! That's right! This is a god send opportunity! If it's now it's possible! Now that he can't use his full power nor use his sword. To think I, Raph would get to eliminate our races' greatest nemesis!”
The bastard fell into hysteria. As he spread open his arms countless magic circles appeared behind him.
I recognized the type they were teleport circles.
Behind him amassed an army of nephiliam. All of them armed to teeth, fully prepared for battle.
Along with them was boney skeletal figure. A lich I read about this race before. A lich was a powerful necromancer that resurrected their own body, obtaining immortality.
“Rise from your graves and strike down the living, Undead rise.”
With a simple chant an army of 50,000 undead was formed.
“Yrilssa, Mira-chan I am going to send you away from here in second.”
“No! Onii-san let us he—”
“We can't Mira, we would only get in master's way.”
Both of them were uneasy of leaving.
“Please I don't want to lose you.”
They instantly complied when I pleaded.
I sent then inside of and properly faced my enemy.
Badump.... Badump.....Badump......
All sound except my heartbeat left my ears.
Ah… what a nostalgic feeling......
Along with my hatred another thing was released. Something on par with it or even worse.
My insanity was freed.
I broke into maniacal laughter as the world lost its color. It slowly became void of everything.
Just a single thought entered my mind. The two who I couldn't keep my promise with. It was the single most greatest regret in my whole life.
It was something I will never allow to happen ever again. With that my mind went blank. When I opened my eyes again I felt completely refreshed.
Visible cracks ran across the air all around, seeping out of was darkness. Power was seeping out as I called a certain name.
At my call the sword of golden flames materialized in hands.
“Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Heavenly demon king manifestation.
Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Asura soul.
Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Immortal heavens.”
I activated three skills of my kurogane shomatsu-ryu without hesitation.
Heavenly demon king manifestation was an internal body modification technique, as well as a cheat ability. The skill was formed when I consumed the soul of demon king that strangely ascended to heaven. It changed my body to meet the specs of that demon king and enhanced to meet my level of training. My body turned into the body of a heavenly demon king that trained for the same amount I did, while keeping the strengths of my original body.
Asura soul was skill that morphed my mind. It made my mind enter a complete battle mode, with cognitive abilities of an Asura. My reaction speed, five senses, body functions were able to rival that of a three headed, six armed demon.
Immortal heavens was an energy morphing technique that changed my life force. The name itself was a lie to hide the evilness of this technique. Important heavens boasted my life force greatly by absorbing the life of others. It also purifies any negative effects forgiven life energy night carry, giving me only pure life energy. My boosted life energy gave me ultra high speed regeneration.
To go even further I changed my decision I made yesterday.
With a drop my blood hitting the blade I activated the ritual to give true life to it. If possible I wanted to avoid doing this. The future consequences will be immense.
“Damn it! Arctis-sama please stop him!”
The nephiliam turned ashen as he desperately begged the disgusted lesser ice primordial.
“What are you so afraid of? I thought the nephiliam were a proud warrior race that planned on ruling heaven and hell, not a bunch of cowards that get scared over a single crazy brat.”
His mocking words deeply wounded the nephiliam a heart but he still begged.
“Arctis-sama do you not understand what he is doing? That is soul magic, the vilest branch of magic in existence! Combined with the forbidden art of creation magic and the lost art of dimensional magic!”
This time even Arctis was shocked. The Lich was also taken a back.
“Soul magic, creation magic, dimensional magic?!! How us that possible, not even we the primordials know how to use them! How do you know so much about this boy?”
“It's not matter of using it or not and of course I'll know him! There is no nephiliam alive that doesn't know him! He is the for god's sake!”
Arctis had heard the name before. At the time he thought it was mere exaggerated legend.
The , whenever the name was mentioned the bravest of the nephiliam will go pale. It was the legend that entire race feared.
It suddenly happened one day, twelve years ago…
The human agents of nephiliam were being rooted out. Corpses began appearing everywhere.
At first it looked like it was done by their enemies but everything changed that fateful day ten years ago. A demon god, who was the younger brother of their king, was killed. From then on there was one who could forget it. The unknown monster in human skin killed hundreds of thousands of nephiliam. Sparing no one.
It was complete slaughter as nephiliam and their allies were killed day after day. Their bodies piling up like hills, their blood flowing rivers. But that was not worst part. The tragedy exceeded their imagination they saw him using soul magic.
With soul magic he captured the souls of everyone he killed. Ripping them out of the cycle of transmigration. There was neither heaven nor hell for his victims. Only eternal oblivion awaited them.
He twists and torments the souls in his cruel experiments either draining them of all their power or eating them to strengthen himself.
Just a few months ago the monster and the nephiliam king who ascended to divinity had a death match. The battle was beyond imagination as both sides used enough power to destroy the entire world. In the end the nephiliam king was killed and his soul was ripped out of his body. It was only then did the monster let down his guard for a split second. It was miracle! Using up all his divine power the nephiliam king barely managed to kill the monster. Yet even that wasn't the end as the monster played its last card unleashing darkness upon the world, destroying an entire star. Hundreds of thousands died that day but the monster was finally killed
Now was the time of celebration! It was time for the nephiliam to regain their former glory. Yet now the dead man stood before them perfectly fine.
“Y-you! Just how did you survive?!”
The nephiliam asked like he expected me to answer.
What a dumbass. He wanted to stop what I was doing yet began eating his time with random questions. Even the primordial and lich with wanted an answer. He does realize that was trying to stop me, right?
“Survive? I have no idea what you are talking about?”
I played along to waste even more of their precious time. Just a little but longer and they'll be regretting this.
“Don't lie to me, you were supposed to have been killed by lord!”
He yelled in fury. He had mistaken my tone for insulting his shitty lord.
“That's what I meant, retard. I died that day.”
“Then how are you standing before and how are you HERE?!!”
He yelled in disbelief, despite he felt it was possible. The monster before him could not be judged common sense and logic.
“A dead man doesn't need to know. And retard, thanks for wasting your precious time.”
The golden flames around [Typhous] shined brightly.
“Soul creation.”
Following the blinding flash of light a small voice entered my head.
“Nya~ Master nice to meet you~”
[Typhous] said in a relaxed manner.
“I'm joking, I'm joking I'll take this seriously~ let me at 'em I'll take destroy all of master's enemies, so please give me a proper body later nya~”
She immediately apologized when she saw my deadpan look.
“You know you are a snake and not a cat, right?”
“Don't worry about that, its part of my character nya~”
Holding back my retort I simply ended this conversation.
[Typhous] probably sensed my intentions and stopped talking as well.
“Master can you please make me prettier then my sisters?”
She meekly appealed to me.
“I'll try.”
I gave her vague answer in return. Does she even remember that she's based off a snake?
“Thank you master!”
With her sudden boost in happiness the flames intensified.
I can't believe they just stood back and let me prepare, it was like some third rate villain waiting for the transformation scene to finish.
The argument between the lich, nephiliam and primordial was probably what bought me the most time.
I made my before they could finish.
Void step.
I teleported right behind the nephiliam.
Once the sword pierces his heart the flames reduce him to ashes.
Eh? The one who died was the retard from earlier, it was some random cannon fodder.
“You dare to use a sneak attack!”
Arctis roared as a large blast of ice shot out of his mouth.
“Burn [Typhous].”
“Yes! Master!”
With her roar a hundred flaming snakes shot of the blade, taking the attack head on.
The clash ended with both sides cancelling each other out.
[Typhous] clicked tongue in annoyance when attack was stopped.
“I'm nowhere near the level of onee-sama nya~”
She secretly grumbled to herself.
Arctis on the other hand was shocked that his attack was stopped.
“All forces enter formation!”
At the shout of the nephiliam general, who miraculously appeared behind his forces, the armies quickly enter a strange formation.
The undead were the vanguards with the ice lizards in mid guard and the nephiliam being the rear guard.
At my call the spear of light manifested in my free hand.
“Mow them down.”
“Yes, my master.”
Following the angelic voice a beam shot out of the spear.
With a swiping motion with the spear the beam it hit the entire frontline of undead, any undead touching the beam instantly turned to dust.
“Quickly fire back!”
From the rear the nephiliam began firing intermediate to advanced level magic at me.
Lightning, fire and ice come crashing down on me with incredible power. I was tempted with resisting it with my body but it was bad to take unnecessary risks for no good reason.
A massive greatshield manifests before me.
“As long as I'm here no one can hurt master.”
In a calm voice of a mature woman [Gaia] expands greatly shining lustrously. All magic attacks are effortlessly blocked and reflected back.
As I called her lightning wraps around, ready to be discharged at anytime.
“Let's make some havoc master!”
Completely full of energy [Aethier] cheerfully charged her deadly bolts of lightning.
“Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Behemoth stomp.”
Cutting off my acceleration I reinforce my leg muscles with as much energy as possible when I stomp down on the ground.
A ridiculous amount of wind pressure crushes enemies before me.
With a wave of my hand powerful bolts of lightning fire from the cloak.
I tore a hole open right through the undead army. With the skeletons blasted out of the way superior undead appear.
Dullahans, ghouls, skeleton mages, skeleton knights and even a bunch of skeleton lords. There were very death knights present as well.
At the rear the lich was in the middle of a large chant, it must magic of an extremely high level.
Temporarily throwing my other weapons in the air I grab the bow.
“It's not like I came because I wanted to. I just had no choice but to help you out.”
She dropped a genuine tsundere line as the ice converges around the manifested arrowhead.
The arrow flies at high speed tearing the air around. Everything it passes by is frozen over.
Though much of the power was lost due to the ice lizards the arrow slammed into the head of a nephiliam healer with such a force that it ripped it off. The trajectory was changed because it had gone through so many people.
Swiftly sheathing the bow, I grab the airborne [Typhous] and [Hemera] and continue my charge.
“Black heavens lightning strike.”
Using [Aethier] as an amplifier extremely power lightning strikes the undead at my sides.
When I see the lich almost finish chanting I fire another arrow with [Khione], but it can't reach him due the undead acting as shields.
Muttered the wind dagger as she manifested.
I swiftly threw [Eos] at the lich, once she left my hand she turned invisible.
The blade flew with no air resistance, it only got faster and faster.
Just as the lich was about to cast his magic [Eos] pierced his chest like a speeding bullet.
The damage interrupted his chant and caused a mana reflux, damaging him and dissipating his magic.
“Assassinate [Eos].”
“As… you… will… master…”
From within the wound several wind blades are fired in all directions, heavily damaging the lich.
Using the chain on [Eos] is pulled back into my hand.
I calmly began to walk forward. Taunting everybody to try and attack me.
A death knight desperately swings its axe at me, I dodge the blow and counter [Hemera]. When a skeleton mages fire dark magic at me, it's blocked by [Gaia]. Enemies nearby me are stunned by [Aethier] constantly discharging a pulse of electricity. [Typhous] and [Hemera] deal with nearby enemies while [Khione] takes out the healers in the rear. [Eos] prevents the lich from using any big spells with a barrage of wind blades.
Nonetheless there are too many undead. No matter how many I destroy the lich in the back is reviving them at a breakneck pace, though barely keeping up with my speed in destroying them.
Sighing inwardly I prepare to wipe out the undead for good. I've been meaning to test out this nice for a while no but I didn't want someone to see me use it yet.
“Bring forth the end flames, the wonderful holy flames of chaos. O' great and almighty creator of fire. Send down the blazing bird of prey to spread holy apocalypse upon this land. Deliver to this land the immortal flame bird of the end. Supreme Phoenix of the golden heavens!”
In the air there was a magic circle, an extremely large magic circle. The inscriptions were so complicated even an archmage would be dumbfounded. Only someone with god-level understanding of magic and a shit load of time would be able to decipher it.
A massive amount of mana was being drain from me at an alarming rate. This spell was one of my ultimate spells that I recently created. It only took a mere couple hundred years in the to make them.
My target was the lich. I had to abstain from experimenting on him because of his unending army of undead, so I'll settle for his soul.
From the magic circle in the sky appears a majestic phoenix covered in holy golden flames. Its wing span was over a hundred meters long.
With a fierce roar all lesser undead turn to ashes. Just a mere flapping of its wings created whirlwinds. Mini tornadoes threw many undead and ice lizard into air. Sending them falling to their deaths.
Just the pressure from the phoenix caused the faces of the nephiliam to change greatly. I can't tell if Arctis or the lich went pale cause the former is made of ice, and the latter is an undead without any flesh.
At my command the phoenix truly attacked for the first time. Soaring highly into the air the phoenix nosedived towards the lich.
Seeing the flaming death descending upon the lich activates as much defensive magic as possible. He even raises an army of undead to shield him. Dodging was not an option.
“Ultimate darkness manifest before me. Bringers of doom, killer angels give me strength so I can smite the holy. Demon spear!”
Saint ranked dark magic! A massive black spear was thrown by the lich.
“Ignorant fool.”
My cold voice pierces into his mind. He shuddered as my words ushered in his death.
“Your paltry spell could never match the majesty of my magic.”
The phoenix dissipated the spear by just by glaring at it.
“N-no… w-way…”
His voice was cracking up as he watches death crash into him.
Those were his last words as the flames burned him into ashes.
From the centre of impact erupted a massive pillar of flames that pierced the heavens. Flames erupted in all directions wiping out the undead and a chunk of the ice lizards. Only the nephiliam took minor losses, because they had already ran out of the blast radius.
One down. Two to go.
At that time I didn't know that the lich was actually a famous figure among necromancers and was a rare talent that was approaching ruler level.
His efficiency in this battle was nowhere near his full power due to the constant attacks of my unfathomable spirit weapons. If this was in a more ideal location it probably would've turned into a tough battle of attrition.
With the dark magic user out of the way my job became easier.
“Ma-Ma-Mawster I'll he-help y-you— ah! I bit my tongue again!”
While stuttering the kusarigama manifests in my hands
I didn't use her earlier because the lich may have a use for the dark element that she is made of.
“[Nyx] I'll be relying on you.”
“…! Wawawawa ma-master th-thank y-you.”
In my head all I can see is a shy loli blushing whenever he speaks. Following that inspiration her future body has been decided!
“Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Absolution field.”
I calmly stepped into the ice lizards' line. Everything around was either smashed to pieces or cut apart.
Anything that survived a hit or was only skinned by it was hit by a shadow immolation spell that was embedded on [Nyx].
In the skies above a group of several hundred nephiliam throws spears of light down. [Gaia] intercepts the spears, taking only minor damage. Spear of light was a specialized lift magic used by angels, so the power was strong enough to give minor damage to [Gaia].
“Reap [Nyx].”
[Nyx's] blade emerged from the back of each nephiliam and cut off their heads.
Blood rained down everywhere as the headless bodies splattered on the ground below.
I gave the timid [Nyx] a break to help calm her heart. [Nyx] was really shy and was probably close to fainting by now.
“Yo~ master nice to meet you~”
A totally relaxed voice came out of the rigid looking mace.
“Actually I have favor to ask of you.”
“Sssssure~ ask away~”
“I'm going to use a difficult skill with you, so you might feel some discomfort.”
“No problem~”
With her consent I began waving the mace around like wand.
“Blood magic: Tepes's mist.”
All blood on the battlefield gathered around [Thalassa], forming a red mist around her. When swung I [Thalassa], a huge wave of red shot out, swatting more nephiliam out of the sky. I used [Thalassa] to control the water in blood which acted as a bypass to let me use blood magic. Naturally there was a decrease in power with this method. It was also rough on [Thalassa]. The mist that hanged in the air was deadly poison.
Air superiority was secured by me. Know to crush the crippled ground forces.
“Sing [Fysis]”
“Master~ I'm so happy so called~”
A masterpiece wooden flute manifests in my free hands.
Unlike the others she spoke seductively, as if there was no battle going on. Ignoring her advances I began playing.
A sweet sound spread out on the rampant sound. A calm, relaxing melody. Accompanying the noble music was blooming of plants, followed by an air of tranquility.
Even Arctis the strongest present was affect by the melody.
Slowly both ice lizard and nephiliam lowered their hostility… And began committing suicide.
Nature magic: lost mind.
Normally it send out hypnotic fragrance found in some rare plants but is limited in effect.
With [Fysis] I could steal their sense of self and make them to kill themselves. The tranquil music that brought about peace was a melody of horror that only brought death.
With only nine weapons I destroyed over thirty percent of their forces. At this point most armies would retreat or surrender.
I could only smile as I was watched the blood drain from the faces of the survivors.
Killing always felt good.
Part 2:
“[Typhous], [Aethier], [Thalassa], [Eos], [Nyx], [Fysis], [Khione], [Gaia], [Hemera] change to passive form.”
“As you wish master.”
All nine of them replied as they transformed into rings on my fingers. Leaving only the ring finger on my right hand unoccupied.
I had switch to passive assistance cause this battle was surely taxing for them. They were only given life a while ago and now were used to their max capabilities. Thus I elected to give them rest and keep them ready for any surprise situations.
Over 50,000 undead, 2500 ice lizards, and 2,000 nephiliam were killed so far. 0 undead, 10,000 ice lizards, and 3,000 nephiliam remained.
Arctis managed summon the reinforcements that were supposed to be used for the occupation large cities.
They were reduced to such a manageable number now. Magic certainly is wonderful.
“Kurogane Shin! How are you able to use magic?! Humans from there should not be able to use it!”
The nephiliam general that always disappears whenever I attack starts complaining. This guy was like a roach, annoying an undying. Also what was the point of asking this question now? I had already used a numerous amount of magic already.
“What do you mean "should be unable to use magic" explain brat!”
Arctis's was confused over what the nephiliam was saying again. From his eyes I proficiently just used god-level magic, how can someone say that I should be unable to use magic.
“That is because he is from a different world. Not like our world with different realms. He comes from an independent world that may as well be from a different dimension. In that world magic does not exist and it is dominated by humans. It is a world that pursues science to the extremes where humanity can now live in space and can effortlessly travel the stars. Thus being someone from such a world how can he possibly use magic on such a high level?!!”
A different world…
The very prospects of it were stunning. It was something that speculated but never actually discovered until very recently.
Only the nephiliam possessed the rare ability to travel through dimensions. It was what made them powerful yet also the reason they were banished.
They could enter any realm at will with no problem with security. Fearing an attack both heaven and hell banished them, hunting down all those who refused.
Through aimless travelling though out the countless dimensions the nephiliam found Shin's original world.
An ignorant world they could rule from the shadows, eventually attempting to become the true kings of the stars.
Arctis changed the way he looked at me. His eyes gleamed with interest.
“I fully understand now. When I finish killing the brat I will enjoy dissecting his corpse.”
“That is also the deep wish of my race as well.”
The nephiliam expresses his interest in my corpse as well. Doesn't remember what happened last time they tried this? Or did those turn into repressed memories?
Arctis roars at the sky. A large scale magic circle forms above him.
All the ice lizards crumple into piles of ice, which is all absorbed by him. I see… absorbing his spawns to dramatically increase his powers.
His appearance bears no change yet his higher has increased several levels.
With the sacrifice of 10,000 ice lizards only one powered up primordial and 3000 nephiliam remain.
“Kurogane Shin, be honored that I Arctis, general of the primordial vanguard, shall face you personally in battle.”
Everything around him slowly freezes over. Using [Khione]'s influence the ice and the cold simply don't affect me.
“Rather you should be honored lesser primordial Arctis. When I extract your soul for my experiments I'll make sure to destroy your will and utilize your power. In fact I may as well damn your entire race. There is no salvation for those who team up with my enemies no matter who they are. You can watch as I slaughter everyone you've ever known. Watching the despair you fall into will be simply ecstatic.”
I was rather cheerful as I spoke. Having such a powerful soul will further my currently stalled research. After that I could use it for forging or reinforcing equipment, possibly stuff I haven't even tried yet…
So many possibilities…
I could feel the drool leaking from my mouth as I thought about them. As long as he doesn't piss me off I will have a good harvest.
Sadly that will never happen. Inevitably he will make me snap. With [fate eater] I could tell that future is set in stone, something even I can't overturn. At the very least I will enjoy this battle.
“Face me you arrogant brat!”
Arctis roars as he lunges at me. The massive living chunk of ice comes flying at me.
“Bring it on you overgrown ice sculpture!”
Lightning step.
At the very last second I dodge him. As soon as Arctis lands he fires a rigid beam of ice at me.
Dodging the beam I counter attack with a heavy kick to his right foreleg. There was a gong like impact as his body pushed back several meters.
“Don't get so cocky.”
From his mouth comes out a barrage of ice spikes.
“[Amaterasu form 1].”
White flames wrap around me like armor. All the ice that get nears me vanishes, the temperature was so high that there wasn't even any steam. If he used water magic we would be having continuous stream of steam explosions.
“Tastes the wrath of the flames of the sun.”
A small fire forms above my head. Released from the tiny blaze was a colossal torrent of white flames.
The flames ate away at Arctis's right foreleg, disintegrating it.
“You dare!”
His roar drowned all sound in the area. Torrents of ice are fired at me from multiple directions.
With a slight flick of my wrist all the attacks are intercepted by white flames. As he fires more ice I counter with even more flames.
“[Amaterasu form 2]!”
The blazing white armor vanishes, along with all light in the world. The world was robbed of its light and was plunged into temporary darkness.
Only I could see now.
“Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Titan core.”
With the physical strength of a titan I kicked Arctis with my full body weight behind each blow.
I sent him flying up into the sky only smash him down into the ground again with another kick. Grabbing his tail I repeatedly smashed him into the ground like a rag doll.
Arctis roared in anger firing ice spears indiscriminately in every direction. He forced me let go even at the risk of injuring himself.
“You dare to humiliate me the great Arctis like this?!”
Arctis activated his god level magic.
Above him was a bloody iceberg the size of a large city. Since he can't see me he's going to destroy everything around him.
“You think I'll let you do something like this?”
I gathered a large chunk of my remaining mana and retaliated with another one of my god class magic. Unlike most people I have several god level spells.
“Gather under the banner of the true king, O' glorious knights of oblivion. With our swords will purge all sins in the world. With our shields we will resist the ends of time. For we are the harbingers of chaos, the knights of the end and infinity. Imperial spirit knight legion of oblivion!”
Another immensely large and complex magic circle appeared. This time behind me. What I was summoning was an army.
5000 heavily armed knights riding with grey flames covering their armor.
Each knight individually is very strong, in terms of raw power the lowest at saint level the highest at the peak of emperor level, together they are in an entirely different dimension of strength.
All knights bowed to me, awaiting their orders.
I gave the assault order.
With a large shout the legion charges, leaving a huge dust storm in their wake.
Surrounding Arctis from all sides they barraged him with countless attacks. Each attack ignored his defenses, delivering only critical hits. Arctis's prized body was no different from paper before these knights.
Arctis who had his vision robbed from him could neither dodge nor defend. He could only fail about like toddler. Uselessly expanding his stamina as swords cut up his sides.
With the barrage his concentration was dropping, his god glass magic was losing form. Before long it would dissipate only making lose his precocious mana.
“Cripple him.”
With my command all knights raise their swords to the sky.
“We call on the legendary god of swords to deliver us the blade of infinity. The sword to banish sin from this world. Give us the blade forged in oblivion and annihilate all who oppose our king!”
From the sky descended five 100m long swords.
The swords pierced all of Arctis's remaining limbs, his tail and torso.
When I gave the final order a fanatical light appeared in the eyes of the knights. Their target was changed.
Grinning like maniacs they charged at the remaining nephiliam, who were trying to stay hidden. My emotions had leaked into the knights, giving them my insane hatred, all that hate was given to five hundred along with a kill order. The knight's mindset shifted to that of suicide bomber.
Now with the nephiliam being dealt with I could finish off Arctis with any hindrances.
“[Amaterasu form 3].”
Light returned to the world so fast that all who were slowly growing accustom to darkness were blinded again.
A pillar of fire crashed down on Arctis.
“With this it's the end.”
With a wave of my hand it began to rain fire. Stellar flames from beyond the heavens scorched the earth.
Like meteors, flames rained down where Arctis was. The crippled primordial could only watch in anguish as he was bathed in stellar flames.
“Experience true pain.”
We're my last words to him. I was unaffected by the flames so I calmly walked up to him. Calmly stretching my arm out, I touched his melting side.
This ice was amazing, it resisted my flames for so long. I pulled off a small sample and tossed it into the .
Now for my real objective. I touched his side again but this time my hand phased through his body.
I had activated my prized soul magic. I slowly searched around until I found the object I was looking for. My hand had grabbed his soul.
Arctis screamed loudly in pain as I began the excruciating process of ripping out his soul.
As a strand of resistance tore he felt an impossible amount of pain. The pain so bad that he lost consciousness only to regain it from even more pain.
As I dragged his soul out his body I grabbed a few other things as well, mostly his insides which he surprisingly had.
When I successfully ripped out his soul his body fell limply to the side. Turning into a puddle and evaporated by the now stopped torrent of fire.
Today was a good harvest. One lesser primordial soul acquired! I could dance for joy but I finally got to the main course now.
With the rampage of the knights only 1000 nephiliam were remaining. They couldn't finish off the rest because I needed preserve my remaining mana.
It was now 1000 vs. one. I reduced them by this much since the battle started. By now even my mana reserves were running low. Using two god class magic spells in row was really taxing.
I suddenly felt an intense pressure behind me.
“You really don't know when to quit do you?”
An ice spear flew by head.
“How are you still alive?”
I asked Arctis who somehow miraculously revived. He was clearly weaker than before.
“That's really strange. I ripped out your soul and destroyed your physical body, there should no way you could be alive. Is this a racial trait or ability of primordials?”
My curiosity was ignited by this strange event. This is the second time someone whose soul I ripped out got back up again.
I also wanted to know how he reformed his body. Should capture him or kill him? Research or mission? This was quite the dilemma I have fallen into. What would be more beneficial living or dead?
“Secret formation: disruptor.”
Unbeknownst to the nephiliam had set up a peculiar formation. It was the fruit of their long research to counter me or any of my possible successors.
“Kurogane Shin you are really formidable. You wield an unusually high number of techniques and powers, but your downside is we know about them as well.”
It was that nephiliam general that was acting as the leader, weird I was sure he would be dead by now. How is this roach still alive?
“Your main three magics are lost techniques, your powers are created using the powers and legends of the Japanese gods, your weapons bear the names of the Greek gods. Your techniques are created from the bodies of monsters or demons of myth.”
“Your point is?”
I was getting annoyed with him.
“We can now disrupt all your powers.”
He spoke coldly as a flash light swept across the battlefield. Mira and Yrilssa whom were watching from the were dragged out. Those two stood on the battlefield totally dumbfounded.
The nephiliam laughed like a maniac as his forces swiftly surrounded the two girls.
“Retaliate and they die.”
Arctis approached me from behind ready to crush me with his claws. I watched as their weapons were pointed at them. I could feel my blood boiling in fury. I knew this would happen… Now the harvest will go to waste.
I'll cut my losses and settle for their deaths. Never will I permit anyone touching my women.
A dangerous light emitted from my eyes.
I see…
I thought to myself, as I smiled evilly. I still had this in reserve. I wonder why I only noticed it now. It was such a surreal feeling.
My mouth opened and out came a strange incantation. It was something that just popped into my head yet felt nostalgic.
[I am the dragon god of the end and the beginning. The dragon king of destruction, chaos and rebirth. I am creator the immortal flame and the infinite darkness. I am the true dragon lord. And I shall feast on all creation!]
A cataclysmic pillar of mana erupted from my body. My entire body was turned into magic energy.
My skin was replaced with abyss black scales tinged with a blood red color around the edge. My teeth turned into fangs, my nails into claws, my eyes turned cross shaped, massive wings sprouted out from my back and I even grew a tail. In addition to that I grew several tens of meters in size, reaching the height of fifty meters.
Just one thing rang in my head as the light diminished.
Dragon transformation.
Part 3:
Everyone, including even me, was shocked with my transformation.
My body stood at an unbelievable fifty meters of height, and it was covered in strangely nostalgic black scales that were tinged blood red at the edge.
Just from a glance I could tell that these scales were ridiculously hard. To the point even I would have difficulty destroying them. My fangs and claws were also immensely powerful. Their strength was on par with artifact level weapons.
Despite this being the first time transforming I have complete control over my body.
This was probably a side effect of the kurogane shomatsu-ryu which is all about manipulating the body.
This was strange, really strange, but now I have something else to experiment on! I need to know the limits of my dragon body and how far I can take it.
I was always a researcher at heart. The unknown and forbidden always intrigued me.
This was only a piece of it… I wonder what else did my resurrection do to my body?
I roared at the top of lungs. This was a dragons' roar, an absolute power that made all lesser beings tremble in fear. Only a being of equal power would be able to resist.
I got distracted.
I turned my head towards the petrified Arctis. He was trembling in fear. Even the primordials fear the power of dragons.
I condense the mana in my mouth. This was something I always wanted to do.
Dragon's breath!
A peerless attack capable of causing large scale destruction. The signature move of dragons.
A beam!
My breath attack was a beam!
That was so awesome!
Several tens of nephiliam were vaporized.
I fill my mouth again but this time more condensed. I fired up into the clear skies.
Dragon's breath rain mode.
The massive beam slips into countless tiny lasers raining down on the nephiliam.
With pin point precision the rain of lasers kill every nephiliam near Yrilssa and Mira, not harming a single hair on them. My on the spot improvising had impressive results. I'm glad I stole that prototype laser artillery in the past.
Yet again the nephiliam leader managed to slither out of the kill zone. He just won't die.
If I recall correctly Raph was the name of the general who managed to conquer mars. I'll declare him to be a subspecies, hence the first ever cockroach nephiliam.
Once again I charge up my breath, but this time I fire dark red flames. Somewhere in my memories I remember being able to use more than one breath attack. First was the laser, second were molten flames, and third were black flames of the abyss.
I read about this in a book once. Certain levels of beasts have hereditary memories that give them access to countless techniques. Apparently my dragon form came chock full of them.
Putting that aside for now I shall rampage.
I pick up Yrilssa and Mira with my wings and out them on my back. It was the safest place here. Sending them back into the was a viable option but since the nephiliam could disrupt my powers it was not a good idea.
Their distortion was very minor, almost minuscule, but targeted vital parts of the powers. No matter I'll update them in future to get rid of the weakness.
First I had deal with a lesser primordial who refuses to die and several hundred nephiliam that will sacrifice everything to kill me.
Honestly right now Arctis was the most annoying. Even burning into vapors wasn't enough to kill him.
I guess I'll use a stronger power then.
“I am the Shining Heavens born from the left eye of Izanagi, the creator god. I am the absolute ruler of the sun and light. Now repent for your sins by facing the wrath of the sun.[Amaterasu final form]!”
At first nothing happened…
A small white flame manifested in front of me. That flame burst creating a blaze that consumed everything around me. All the fire was absorbed by my body.
The final form of [Amaterasu] or any of my powers were different from all the previous effects.
It was pseudo divinity.
In my insanity in the past I researched the depths of soul magic. Researching anything I could find about the soul be it myth or fiction. I would harvest souls in the battlefield and then use them in my experiments. After making breakthrough after breakthrough I reached certain level where I decided a certain experiment. I did the one of the three ultimate forbidden acts in soul magic. I began mutating souls.
Using the power of one soul I would strengthen another or use them to equalize the power of two separate races. The soul of a human and soul of demon were quite different after all. I spent countless years researching this in the , to the point years turned into centuries. Then I reached a certain plateau. I wanted to create artificial souls. I challenged the taboos of soul magic. Real souls had a race restriction. My collections of human souls were numerous but I was severely lacking in higher level souls like those of demons, angels and nephiliam. If I could create souls using the one in my collection… And so I tried it……Over and over again, until I finally succeeded. I usurped the authority of god.
With the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of souls I managed to create a god soul or a soul on the level of a soul belonging to a god. With numerous modifications and testing I began to create artificial souls of the major Shinto gods. When I consumed them I create the powers in the image of certain a myth or what was recorded about their abilities. And I left the final form as pseudo divinity.
Entering god mode with all their powers for a limited amount of time. Divinity was something that was more powerful if your base was higher. A divine snake and divine human are world apart in power. And that was why I chose to do this now that I was in my dragon form. A divine dragon nearly trumped everything in existence.
This power's drawback was the massive drain of stamina and it left you weak for a couple of days. That restriction could be bypassed with a dragon's abilities. As long as too much power was not used.
I shouldn't dawdle any longer. I don't know how much longer this form will hold. I can't take the any chance now.
Yrilssa and Mira's life was more important. I was going to end this for good in the next attack.
I swiftly take to air flying for the first time. Controlling my wings felt totally natural. Now that those two were out of blast radius I could let loose.
With just my thoughts I could unleash a horrifying number of deadly attacks.
I used the flames of the sun that were augmented with divine power. Fire rained down from sky incinerating several on the spot, those who dodged from consumed by the pillar of flames came out of the ground.
I used massive flaming stakes to pin Arctis to the ground. He was whelping like a lowly mutt as he looked death in the eye.
“Bring forth the end flames, the wonderful holy flames of chaos. O' great and almighty creator of fire. Send down the blazing bird of prey to spread holy apocalypse upon this land. Deliver to this land the immortal flame bird of the end. Supreme Phoenix of the golden heavens!”
My voice rang in the minds of everyone present. In dragon from I lost the ability to talk but I could simply communicate with telepathy.
“No way…”
A nameless nephiliam said as everyone looked up in horror. The god class magic that could wipe out an army of 50,000 was coming again.
This time equipped with the flames of the sun and they were augmented with divine power. What's more there were three phoenixes now!
“I call upon the origin of ice to bestow absolute protection upon me.”
Arctis roars an incantation to strengthen his defenses. Black ice rapidly creates a shell around him.
My body was glowing red as I shouted the next incantation that came straight from my hereditary memories. It was the first large scale destruction spell I found.
“I desire chaos and destruction, O' legendary flame of beginning. Send down the force of nature. Bring down the infinite death from the stars above to ravage this world. ••••••••'s wrath.”
Half of the name came out in an unknown language but the spell still activated.
Flowing the phoenixes was an endless stream of white stars.
This was not a meteor shower but a barrage of unstable stars from the sky above. They all explode on impact with 1/10 of the force a supernova produces. And to make it even more overkill I fired my breath at full power as well, using up almost all my remaining mana.
Golden flames mixed with flames of the sun and exploding stars and followed by a full powered divine dragon's breath hit the lesser primordial and nephiliam.
A massive explosion engulfed the mountain a massive vacuum, shockwaves, and resulting tornadoes destroyed everything outside the blast radius.
This was not the level of a nuke, it far surpassed that. Because the explosion was controlled the blast radius wasn't as big as it could've been. Most of the energy was sent upwards. Yet it was still strong enough to reduce the mountain and everything around it to ashes. All my enemies were atomized. Even I was in awe of this destructive power.
There was no need to confirm anything. It was guaranteed 100% that everything on that mountain or around it was dead.
Part 4:
Yrilssa's point of view.
I finally got to see the true face of master, and it was absolutely captivating.
He was more ruthless, more bloodthirsty, more cruel and most of all more evil then anyone or anything I've ever seen. Even all his incantations vow to spread annihilation to this land. Just like his nickname he was the very incarnation of chaos.
He was so breathtakingly dreamy… So handsome as he fights the world…
Who cares if the world will reject him and fear him. Even if it is only me, I will forever stand by his side. As master said before in life and death I solely belong to him.
I didn't matter how many taboos he committed or has yet to commit. I will easily choose him over anything else.
I was such a bad servant. Desiring my master so strongly. Even in my dreams I want him.
That night was still fresh in my mind.
I want to kiss again. I want him to bully me like that again. I want to do everything with him…
There is still so many things he has left to do to me.
It was both fortunate and misfortunate that he was still in his dragon form.
Fortunate because if he went back to his normal form my rampaging emotions will go out of control, and I will attack him. Misfortunate because I lost that opportunity.
I can just imagine him turning the tables on me, and then having his way with me. I didn't know which option I preferred more.
We are destined lovers. Lovers who would've met no matter what. Spirit elf or not I'm certain that master would love me unconditionally.
I loved him so much that I'll even forgive his future cheating. No matter how many flock to his sides I'll forever love him. In fact it just shows how attractive master is.
When I looked at Mira I could easily spot her change. I was both overjoyed and disappointed. Overjoyed that I clearly loved master more, disappointed that something like this was enough to shake her feelings.
From the start I always looked down on Mira. She treats master as her pillar of support yet she dares to get scared so easily.
My feelings against her were biased. As a spirit elf I knew what hardship was. She on the other hand was just a human that was merely abducted by bandits.
Her feeling could never match mine. I am easily surprising to her, but u will never say to her. If master hears he won't be happy.
And if it's for master I could do anything.
I seriously loved master so much!
Part 5:
Mira's point of view.
I loved onii-san ever since he rescued me from those bandits.
After travelling with him for month we met Yrilssa-oneechan.
That was the first time onii-san would cheat on me. He knew my feelings, yet did such a thing so casually.
Eventually I forgave him and he thanked me with kiss. My feelings for him had grown slowly over time but Yrilssa-oneechan only had to meet him once to be so passionately in love with.
They were even kissing when I was asleep. Even so I forgave him when he promised the same treatment when I grew older.
But then came the battle on the mountain.
It was here that I learned about onii-san's past. I also learned about what he did. Coupled with that I saw how he fought.
Yrilssa–oneechan was completely captivated by onii-san and panting like she was in the heat.
I on the other hand was scared.
Though I hated to admit it my feelings for onii-san were definitely weaker then hers. The fact she could love him so pure heartedly despite his faults was amazing.
I on the other hand was scared of his faults. I was scared by that indifference to life and death.
I fell in love with onii-san when he rescued me from those bandits. To me he was a heroic figure that I treated like an older brother but love as a man.
I wonder why I didn't notice it before. From the very start onii-san's view on life and death was different from mine. Many times during our journey to the city onii-san acted strange.
Only now did I understand he was suppressing his desire for blood. If I wasn't there a lot of thins would've died beige he got to the city.
Onii-san was someone who could kill thousands of people and not bat an eyelash. To him it was something normal, something he's been doing his entire life.
Maybe onii-san noticed my subconscious thoughts? Or did Yrilssa–oneechan notice?
More and more often they drifted into their own world together. The more I thought about it the more splintered my thoughts became.
The most important fact would be onii-san said that he liked me but he told Yrilssa–oneechan he loved her.
From the very start there was difference in our relationship.
Just what am I going to do?
Part 6:
When I regained my composure I landed on the edge of the crater and let Yrilssa and Mira down.
As I looked at the crater all I thought was “my dragon form is amazing!” To create an explosion of this magnitude without having to use life risking techniques was something that I've always wanted to do.
If this could be achieved in dragon form what could do with the other ones? Were they like this or were they specialized in their uses? There were so many questions that I wanted answers to.
At least this transformation made up for the losses I faced. Arctis's soul was severely damaged in my rampage.
It was only half usable in experimental use at best and for absorption it would only give the boost slightly more than that of a normal human soul. It wouldn't even increase my power by a single percentage.
I need to capture more primordials, a live sample would be best. I need to test the limits and boundaries of the race.
Still my dragon form is awesome, and that chant…
I feel I heard it somewhere before… yet it felt slightly altered…
I could feel that it was vital to figure out the mystery behind my dragon form.
After we turn in the quest I'm going to find those fake guards and bust out my (torture) interrogation skills.
Also meeting with dragons of this world was now a top priority. From the information I gathered the black dragon king's kingdom is the closest one.
The future of the guild was fresh in my mind. With it I could travel the world and be rewarded along the way.
When I found down suitable land in going to build a house there for me to live in and a base for our guild. Having a base would be really nice. Though the is really efficient having stuff placed in base just felt better.
That and I wanted to upgrade my workshop. Moving it out of yet keeping it there at same time. I wanted to influence it with the mana of this world.
There was also the matter with Yrilssa, her attitude was guaranteed to change now that I transformed into dragon.
I was completely lost in thought so didn't notice the changes in the environment. Above me an extremely dark thunder cloud formed, that held an abnormally large amount of power in it.
Alarm bells screamed in my mind. Instinctively I concentrated all my remaining mana on my wings spiking their defenses.
Without hesitation I immediately covered both Yrilssa and Mira in wings, leaving my body exposed.
As if on cue a tremendously powerful purple thunderbolt struck full force my undefended body.
My consciousness faded as I crashed into the ground.
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Lu Chen used to be a ranker of the most popular VRMMO game, Spirit of Grief. After a car accident turned his dreams into dust, his disability left him incapable of escaping the pit of mediocrity he was thrown into. Helpless and defeated, his story ended.Two years later, the Eternal Moon Corporation launched a new VRMMO called "Heavenblessed", and Lu Chen stumbled into another terrible accident that left him in a complicated situation far beyond his ability to handle. That won't stop him from rising to the top, however. Not again.Come witness the rise of the sword-wielding zombie and the relationships he makes during his journey to the apex! For riches and bi- ahem, for career and love!He wields a demonic sword from Hell, he dons armor shining with Heaven's light. His boots stride across the sky as his helmet devours the souls of his enemies. On his left side sits the Goddess of Death. On the other, the Angel of Beauty.From the land of ice and death, a generation of Asura Kings rises, their roars reverberating throughout the world.Tremble in fear, noobs!
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