《Rebirth of Chaos by Lazyanona》Chapter 4: Mortal rank tribunal
Chapter 4: Mortal rank tribunal
Part 1:
Fucking lightning!
I glared at the black thundercloud, contemplating on how exactly to torture a cloud.
Mid crash my consciousness returned. Allowing me to reduce a little of the damage from the crash.
I was forcefully reverted back to normal from the damage, hence my entire back was burnt black.
If not for all the techniques I used and the buffs they have provided, along with my sturdy scales there would a gaping hole in my chest.
My dragon form was lost because I couldn't maintain it properly thanks to the sudden damage.
That and primary reason it emerged had vanished. Essentially it was a forced activation.
My dragon manifested due to my anger. Despite how wise or knowledgeable dragons are at their base they are a war loving species. Many dragons who have given into their desires are written as evil in history, like the evil dragon who hordes mountains of treasure or the evil dragon who kidnaps fair maidens.
My dragon form was along that basis, I who had given into my hatred then fell into my primal anger. Hatred against the nephiliam for their past sins and anger surpassing that due to them threatening the girls.
Hence once I wiped them out my dragon form was sustained due to a mere coincidence, that thunderbolt severed the connection completely.
The landing was also horrible. My arms, legs and chest were badly bruised. Thankfully minor wounds like this healed easily, unfortunately my back was not the same.
Yrilssa who saw the state my back was in completely panicked. This was the very first time she's seen me injured. Mira would've had the same reaction if she were awake, the impact rendered her unconscious.
In her panic she chanted several healing spells that began cancelling each other out.
The phenomenon she caused interested me. Her overlapping spells were out of sync thus cancelling each other out, but what if they weren't out of sync? It would be possible to stack effects of magic doubling the effectiveness. Theories about it existed but no one pulled it off efficiently yet. With my infinite time I could find away to do it, in fact I already have some idea how. Knowledge from a different world was very helpful. It would be like writing code or building circuits.
Seeing her spells having little effect Yrilssa began chanting high level healing magic.
“[Khione], [Thalassa] some help would be nice.”
I casually asked for some help from the water and ice spirit.
“ “Master don't die!” ”
Their response was over the edge. Along with all the other spirits they were all frantic with worry. I forgot that they were given egos not too long ago, so despite their maturity they had the intellect of a child.
After eventually calming their worry [Khione] and [Thalassa] began to treat my back. [Khione] created an ice pack while [Thalassa] applied healing water.
Combined with Yrilssa efforts, which involved a saint level healing spell, the damage was completely healed. Not even a tiny mark remained.
I decided to keep quiet about my regenerative ability and promised to reward all of them.
“Yrilssa do you what that cloud is? Also can I kill it?”
“Master you probably don't know since you came from a different world. In the distant, long before the war, there was group that is now known as the forgotten gods. Those gods observed how life grew for centuries with a passive stance. Due to this they noticed a problem. The mortals were beginning to get really strong, slowly advancing to their level of power. So the gods decided to invent a testing system.”
She was really cheerful knowing I came from a different world. I don't know at the time but Yrilssa apparently had used all connections to try and figure out my past. Making this piece of information valuable to her.
“The tests were named the divine tribunals. Mortal rank, beats rank, magic rank, trinity rank, immortal rank, dragon rank, Demi-god rank, divine rank, divine king rank, true god king rank are all the ranks. Every being starts in the mortal rank, even gods, though the gods tend to surpasses it from a couple of hours to a year after being born. The standard would after a century one would surpass god level and face the tribunal, this is why most humans don't face a tribunal.
Tribunals are not random events, the ones facing usually know ahead of time. In your case, master was probably caught unaware because you train in a different dimension not connected to this world. Master how many skills did you get to god level?”
“I'd say about over thirteen from the standard? I was tinkering with the crystal a lot, adding in stuff they missed.”
“There is stuff missing because this is still a work in progress. When we head back to the guild please show them your modifications. If its master I'm sure they'll advance by leaps and bounds.”
I wonder if I understated it a little. When I took break from training I gave the status magic thing a complete overhaul, practically changing everything. I made it similar to a system that I had seen in the games I used to play.
“Listen carefully Master your tribunal is special, because of your actions you have to face all those tribunals at once. That is why those thunderbolts were so strong. Tribunals carry really strict rules. You have to pass with your own power, no one can help you. If someone tries they become a target of the tribunal along with increasing the difficulty. Also the tribunal can target you anywhere. No matter where you hide or run to it will target you. Finally passing it will increase your rank giving a major boost in strength. These power ups are dependent on race. For example a magic rank human is still weaker than a peak mortal rank dragon. I don't what master is right now but I know for a fact you are extremely powerful. Triumphing over this tribunal will make you more powerful then you've ever been before.”
Now I'm motivated. Possibly more than I've ever been when facing a test.
My conventional method for training is "taxing", plus seriously time consuming. Despite my strength I am horribly talentless in anything involving combat, my talent for magic and martial arts are practically nonexistent. A method to increase my power with using a shitload of time was something I was searching for. Shortcuts were always welcome.
Take for example my sword mastery. My training is something that would even scare off high level swordsman. For ten years straight swing down at 90° angle. Every decade move 1° clockwise until you finish the full 360° circle clockwise, them repeat this time doing it counterclockwise. Then repeat again while moving. Once you're finished practicing this while doing every type of movement this you can finally move onto the next step.
Due to this my sword can strike perfectly from any angle, in any position. It has reached epitome of the formless sword.
I possessed godly skills at combat that came at an ungodly amount of time. My body wasn't strong enough to use my skill to the fullest. A chance to increase my power like this was highly appealing, to the point I feel like purposely triggering tribunals.
“Master please do your best!”
Giving me a light kiss on the cheek she backed away, her face was dyed red.
Seriously, when you do something like this how am I supposed to not overdue it?
Containing my happiness I glared at the thundercloud. When the next strike came I was ready.
I kept all the spirits in passive mode to buff my defense and summoned Mugen. After making the spirit weapons I kind of forgot about it, so this was the first time it would see combat.
A second thunderbolt shot down from the heavens, clearly stronger than last.
“Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Sky slayer.”
My very first experimental technique that combined my martial arts with magic was unleashed.
Wrapped around in burning hot winds the sword shot up like an uppercut, bisecting the lightning in two. The second thunderbolt was defeated.
As if angered by my success the thundercloud up above rumbled loudly, firing off three thunderbolts at once.
Gripping the sword with two hands I filled it to the brim with mana.
“Burst x10!”
With a single heavy slash I destroyed the trio of lightning bolts. Burst augmented with many buffs held greater power than before. With the metal element manipulation the swords abilities increased according to the number of burst used.
The thundercloud rumbled again, this more loudly and fiercely. It flashed purple as the next thunderbolt was about to come.
A big one was coming, the next shot would be unlike the other four. In the mortal rank tribunal you are supposed to overcome 4 thunderbolts to pass. Since I have a thirteen in one package I have to survive fifty-two thunderbolts.
“Bring it on!”
I had the perfect weapon to use in this situation. Grinning evilly I awaited the thunderbolt.
A massive purple thunderbolt shot out of the cloud wont out warning. The dual charging must've taken place inside to delay my reaction.
“Burst x100!”
With a heavy swing using my full force behind the blow I intercept the thunderbolt. Gritting my teeth I forcefully bring out more power from my body.
At the cost of all my remaining mana and by surpassing my limit I repulsed the thunderbolt.
I underestimated it.
Without enough mana I can only rely on pure physical abilities to survive now. I was tempted to use a spare mana core but felt I would feel cheated if I had to rely on that. I could try using ki yet I felt that gambling on an unknown power while you still had options available wasn't a good idea.
I had to face attacks that could potentially kill me in one hit another twelve times with just my body…
Challenge accepted!
All my previous used techniques were unavailable, it was due to a cool down time as I called it. Manipulating your body on the cellular level was down thing you could do consecutively without stopping. Though if you use a different technique it was okay, this was one of the mysteries of the kurogane shomatsu-ryu. Even though I created it I had no clue why this happened and I never bothered to find out.
Defense techniques wouldn't work for me right now, no matter how high defense if the thunderbolt is destroyed this will never end. What I needed as an even stronger offence.
Most of the techniques I have used so far were balanced. Now I was going for pure offensive ability.
“Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Kishin will.
Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Corpse walker.
Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Sutr's blaze.”
Kishin will was a really messy technique. If defense had a value it would be reduced to zero, that also includes your natural body toughness, leaving you with flesh as strong as an average human's. In exchange for this loss your raw power and regenerative abilities skyrocket. Essentially the technique turns you into a semi-immortal berserker that can only attack.
Corpse walker was another energy morphing technique. This death with stamina instead of life force. In abut shell in exchange for the draining the surrounding earth of its nutrients, turning it into a barren wasteland, in exchange I get infinite stamina and endurance resembling that of an undead.
Sutr's blaze was one of the rare few techniques that didn't use body modification. It was a hybrid technique between creation magic and soul magic. Using an artificial flame devil soul to create fire worthy of the leader of the fire giants. This unworldly fire was used for weapon enhancement. They held the power to burn down the world tree which housed the nine realms.
The molten flames seamlessly wrap around the sword, as if they became part of it. These flames will be used to counterbalance the heat and force of the thunderbolts.
All defenses will be left to passive mode spirit weapons.
A second massive bolt shots down, this time a lot more powerful and fiercer.
“Gombarai master!”
Yrilssa was cheering me on from a safe distance away.
I softly smiled to her before viciously clashing with thunderbolt. The heavy pressure tried to crush me into the ground but I resisted with superhuman perseverance.
“Burst x1000!”
I used burst in peculiar way this time. I noticed that the characteristics of me skill resembled gravity magic. For example increasing the weight of the sword for heavier hits is similar to increasing the power with number of hits in one.
So this time I decided to try using it 50/50 dispersion. Five hundred was used in the typical strengthening feature but the other five hundred had a different purpose. They projected the blow upwards. Attacking the thunderbolt with force of five hundred slashes. They weakened the thunderbolt so the burst 500x could destroy it. All in all this a pretty risky move.
My arms made an unpleasant cracking sound once the thunderbolt was dissipated, it was not a problem my regeneration can take care of it.
With that the second thunderbolt was conquered. Only two more remaining……
“Is it me or are the thunderbolts getting a bit too strong?”
I asked Yrilssa since she has more information about this then I do. Even I who never knew about thus saw it as weird.
“Master your divine tribunal is very strange. There has never been a case like this in history. My guess would be that you must have caused a bug in the system, since these thunderbolts are stronger then ones in even the hardest mortal level tribunals recorded.”
She happily replied not worried at all. In her eyes there was no chance I'd fail.
I held up my sword again awaiting the next strike. Oh? The last attack chipped the blade, despite the fact this thing was enchanted on molecular level to be near invincible.
I heighten all my senses awaiting the third shot…
Pivoting with right foot I swiftly turn around and swing for my life.
The third thunderbolt came from behind, flying parallel from the ground.
Shit! My position was not good. The thunderbolt was slowly sliding on the blade towards the hilt. If it reaches I can count my hands good bye.
I have no choice…
“Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Void fist.”
Releasing the sword mid clash I punch the thunderbolt with all my might.
Using the spilt second delay bought by void fists space manipulation, I gather all my power in my right fist.
“Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Goliath force!”
A technique that gathers all the power of all the bodies muscles and compresses them into a single point.
All the veins in my arm were throbbing like crazy.
Planting my feet firmly on the ground I unleash the fist containing all of my physical strength.
“Burst x5000.”
A sonic boom echoed behind my fist as it collided with the lightning.
An explosion of blood erupted from my arm as the third thunderbolt was conquered.
The skin over arm was completely singed and ripped apart from the force. The damage was so extensive that even the bone could be seen at one part. Blood flowed down like tap water.
The strange thing was that my blood wasn't red, well not perfectly red. There was a constant trace of black inside the red.
My arm didn't stay limp by my side for long, as it regenerated at high speeds. You could visually see the skin put itself back together, erasing all the burns.
In just under a minute my arm was perfectly fine again, the speed was abnormally high because of Goliath force. Having all that power concentrated there made healing a lot easier.
With arm fully healed I grabbed my sword again, more careful this time around.
I was told that the tribunal could target you from anywhere, but I never thought that it would use that to launch a surprise attack.
Let's see what it'll try now that I'm watching every vector.
The rumbling above intensified, to the point that sparks flew everywhere.
Here it comes!
This thunderbolt surpassed all the others combined! The last thunderbolt was fired!
“Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: secret technique: Absolute Kaiser Blade!”
Absolute Kaiser Blade was one the strongest sword skills I possessed. Meaning it was also one the most dangerous as well. The technique was something forcibly evolved a sword to the highest level, and sacrificed everything for destructive power. Just for an instant it could make poor quality weapons on par with divine weapons. The stronger the sword the higher the upgrade. After one strike the weapon will turn to dust and I will need to pay a toll. So far only one sword in existence was able to withstand this technique.
“Burst x10,000.”
Combining Kishin will, corpse walker, Goliath force, absolute Kaiser Blade and finally burst gave me, for just an instant, destructive power stronger than that of a high ranking gods.
Veins burst in my arms, legs and shoulders sending blood flying everywhere, my body was not at a level where it could withstand this kind of force. In my prime condition this would be different but now I am still recovering from the backlash of the previous battle.
Bleeding heavily all over my body with grievous wounds on limbs I overcame the final thunderbolt.
The mortal level heavenly tribulation was finally conquered.
This entire ordeal sent a chill down my spine. My sword's blade had turned to dust leaving only the hilt behind.
The last thunderbolt………there was only a minute difference between our powers, if it was a little bit stronger or my sword was a little weaker I would be dead.
Completely exhausted and suffering the consequences of using so many techniques and powers in one day I lay down slowly drifting off to sleep.
Yrilssa took this chance to give me lap pillow, as she blissfully stroked my head. Water and wind magic was already used to clean up all the blood. She even used healing magic to speed up the super fast healing process
I looked at her blissful smile one last time and then fell fast asleep. I entrusted myself to her.
Little did I know of her internal discord as drool was leaking out her mouth after I fell asleep.
She carried me to the carriage that somehow miraculously survived the destruction. After putting me down and erecting several barriers around the carriage she went sleep while embracing me like a hug pillow.
Mira, whom regained consciousness, simply watched all this happen with a complicated expression.
Part 2:
It been a week since I disintegrated the mountain and reached beast rank divinity. We finally got back to town after another boring carriage trip. I was secretly shocked that the horses survived and didn't run away.
When we got back I immediacy dealt with the problem that I created, namely Mira's fear.
Unlike Yrilssa's blind devotion and love she was normal, so as a normal person my utter disregard for life scared her. Of course this didn't mean I was going to throw her away.
Even though she is scared of me, Mira still looks at me as a pillar of support. Though her love for me did wane greatly. I decided to send her on a solo journey.
Mira was only a fifteen years old girl, her world view and beliefs were reflected by it. This I decided I to let her explore the world and broaden he horizons. She needed to do some soul searching to help decide her future.
Since I was sending her out on a journey I took several quests from [guild HQ] and gave them to her. All of them involved traveling all over the world.
Giving her some money, food, equipment and survival guide I sent her off. She took to the idea surprisingly well considering she broke down crying when I was back home late once.
Just in case I gave her a special ring. If she was ever in mortal danger and exhausted all her options, she could call me to help. The ring acted as summoning vessel. As long as it was with her, no matter of what condition it was in, I could save her whenever she wanted.
Thus Mira set out to mature and explore the world.
Now it was just me and Yrilssa, whose emotions were somewhat unstable. I spotted her drooling while watching me several times already when I was changing.
Right now I was having a rare moment when I was alone. Yrilssa had headed to go buy ingredients for tonight's dinner.
Rolling out a map of the world I procured I began my personal study session. There was still way too much I didn't know about this world. Beside the map I placed several large history books, only books that Yrilssa claimed to be accurate were gathered. I trusted her opinion because of how she knows the world, I didn't want to read some biased crap written by some random fool.
I was really curious about those old gods who created the heavenly tribunals. Since they were called the old gods that must mean there were new gods as well. History of various races was also high on my priority list.
The more I studied the more I realized that this world is big place. Based on my estimates from the world map I conclude that this planet is at least two times bigger than the sun back at my world.
On this super planet existed several Pangaea like supercontinents that have all been connected with artificial passages, essentially forming one mega continent. Surprising a large chunk of this mega continent was still unexplored.
Based on what I read the monsters that inhibit these areas are all extremely powerful, the weakest being at beast rank. What's more the tribunal system was different for monsters. At the end of each tribunal based on unknown condition monsters gain the opportunity to evolve into different species.
Along with that was the dungeon phenomenon. A rather peculiar space time anomaly caused by an impossibly saturation of mana in an area. It is widely known that the most dangerous places in the world are dungeons. Despite that many dream of clearing them. The rewards for conquering were so great that just conquering one dungeon gave you enough money to live for several lifetimes Along with that were precious materials and highly valuable equipments, along with the scare possibility to acquire a divine level weapon. It is no wonder why thousands of adventurers threw themselves into these death traps.
But above the ordinary dungeons were the great dungeons. They were extremely difficult to challenge, at the level that even the dragon kings are wary to challenge them. The rewards in great dungeons compared to normal dungeons if like the difference between heaven and earth.
Dungeon diving does sound like something I would like to do in the future. I planned raiding several if given the chance. Yet right now I was too busy to indulge in my desires.
Now back to the world map before I digress again.
On this planet existing countless kingdoms and countries yet only has really large empires. All small empires either quickly became huge or were eradicated. These large empires were also placed I wanted to visit. Maybe I might make my empire.
Surprisingly [guild HQ] allows any guild with sizeable achievements to create their own territory and possible start a country or kingdom. They adopt a hands off policy, letting you fend for yourself. Many ambitious guild masters were crushed by their ambitions this way.
As I looked through the map I slowly memorized everything. Then cross referencing the historical texts I marked down several location that may hold lost treasures. There was a likely chance that someone has already raided these locations but I was willing to take the risk. At the very least I'll enjoy the trip.
A location I really wanted to visit was north east from here. Marked in big black letters was Shadowscale kingdom. The kingdom of the black dragon king.
The next topic would be about the gods. What I learned about the gods in this world was truly bizarre.
The gods of the old were the ancient god who banished the primordials from this world. After that they simply faded out if everyone's minds, leaving behind the heavenly tribulations. It was speculated that in the great dungeons the legacy of the old gods lay resting, until they would be would be found by someone worthy.
Since there were old gods naturally there were new gods. The new gods were more active than the old ones, they interacted heavily with every race. But even they did not know what happened to the old gods nor did they even remember their names.
Strangely enough many churches dedicated to the gods of old still exist. Since the names were lost they identified the gods of old by their major traits, for example god of war or goddess of knowledge was they called them.
Churches were more prominent on the western side of the contingent while shrines and temples dominated the eastern side.
Also due to the heavenly tribulations if one reaches demi-god rank they will be recognized as a proper deity, and be given a permanent position in the divine realm. The divine realm was accessible by anyone who was passed the first tribunal.
The divine realm was another place of interest for me.
After studying up on the gods I began to research weapons and other equipment. Low, average, high, Magic, rare, unique, ancient, artifact, legendary, phantasmal and divine were the grades given to equipment.
Low grade mostly consisted of decorative swords, tree branches from ordinary trees and other misc items. Normal grade was the average stuff made by beginner blacksmiths. All in all they were normal weapons but nothing amazing. High grade was equipment created by good blacksmiths they tended to higher quality and whole lot better than normal grade weapons.
Magic grade actually has only slight difference from high grade, the difference being the weak enchantment it has. Rare grade was nearly the same as magic grade but had a stronger enchantment. Unique grade was where everything changed. These weapons have powerful enchantments and were made of rare hard to find material, they were highly expensive and powerful.
Artifact grade weapons were on completely different level from those grades below it. These are weapons and equipment found at the end of dungeons. Artifacts are believed to have been created with the lost arts of the era of the gods of old. Legendary grade weapons are weapons used by heroes in myths and epics from the ancient past. This category also included weapons used by whatever evil these heroes defeated. Most of them are also believed to be from same era as artifacts. Others were conferred upon the heroes by the gods themselves. Phantasmal grade weapons are the ultimate creations of all races. These weapons are the strongest class made from the most rare and strongest material. Phantasmal class weapons can only be found at the depths of the hardest dungeons, though there is a really small chance of finding them even if you succeed. It is speculated that these weapons from the old era were crafted of the use of Demi-gods, minor gods, archangels, demon kings, dragon kings and other pinnacle level existences.
And finally there are divine grade weapons, the absolute ultimate weapons in existence. These are weapons used by the gods of old and most powerful of the new gods. The only place one is able to procure a divine grade weapon would be in the divine realm, and that is if they are lucky.
I pulled out several books on ki, which went hand in hand with books on aura. But to understand ki one must first have an understanding of the concept of mana, since many people's end to mix them up.
Mana is an invisible energy that exists everywhere in the world. When mages use magic they take in mana from outside their body and concert it into magic power, then activate the spell they intend to use. For normal mages 99% of the mana used us gathered from the outside, only 1% of their own mana is used. But that 1% takes a toll on their mental strength. The one percent represents the conversion rate from external to internal. Increasing your mana pool basically reduces this ratio to make it more balanced. When external mana. Is used more the chance of failure increases, along with longer casting time and decreased effectiveness of the spell. A balanced ratio is more ideal. Since it gives the perfect consumption rate and effectiveness. Most higher level beings, such as myself, use internal mana instead of external. My internal mana pool is large enough to use several god-class magic before I run out. The ratio do me would 99% internal and 1% external. My magic is ridiculously powerful in exchange for a higher cost. External mana is also subject to the environment, making it hard use in certain area's of the world.
To grow your mana pool is long process of exhausting your internal mana, and then refilling it with external mana. This is repeated until you reach a suitable level or until you are satisfied.
Essentially the absorption of external mana is training method to prepare your body to became a proper mage.
Absorbing external mana and transforming it into internal is the essence of using for most beings. This process is continued until the mage has developed a sufficient mana pool and has reached a suitable level in magecraft.
Ki on the others and is all internal, the only exception being natural ki and transferring of ki and life force. Ki is cantered in your daitian, otherwise known as the ki center. The factors effecting ki are the size of you daitian and the purity or corruption of you ki.
Ki is the life force that circulates throughout your body. Aura is when you use your ki externally. The touki technique that monks use is a variation of aura, aura is called fighting spirit. Ki is mainly used for body strengthening, and martial arts. Warriors, monks, assassins and archers all make use of ki.
The use of ki was started by martial artists during the age of magic. It was a source of hope for those who couldn't use magic. With ki those without magic could have superhuman strength, speed and reaction speed. It even lead to the creation called magebane, a magic killing technique that any melee class of ruler level can learn. That if they find a practitioner willing to teach them.
Purity is a major factor in ki, almost one of the most important. Monks have a higher affinity for ki them everyone else, their ki is excessively pure. This was due to constant purification of their bodies or through constant prayers. Spirituality is a really important aspect of using ki. The more purer the ki the more effective it is, even at small quantity pure ki is better than a larger amount of normal ki.
Another factor of ki, more like the opposite, is corruption. Not all people who make use of ki are good people, thus they can't produce pure ki. So they found a detour. Corrupt ki is commonly known as evil ki or dark ki. It is more potent than normal ki but is still weaker then the pure version. A disadvantage of it would be people could sense your evil intent.
Those are the two main variation of ki that were founded in the distant past. Now there countless different types of ki that are tailored to different martial arts styles, an example would be the cursed blood style I fought previously.
After finishing off a bunch of other books related to ki, I moved onto my next topic of interest.
In this world there was a massive war, a war bigger than anything I've ever seen or heard about. A true world war that was truly fought by all sides in an utter battle for supremacy. Trillions upon quadrillions of soldiers took the field. Based on what I found this war lasted for countless years. No one remembers when, why or how it actually started and no one wants to find out. Mostly in fear that, that reason my spark another one.
I was actually jealous of those who fought. If only I was born a couple of centuries earlier I could've participated. Even if I had to lose my life fighting I would have no regrets, I've fought a war my entire life and I have no intention of stopping now.
It was just a hunch but I think both the nephiliam and the primordials have something to do with the war.
It's suspicious that they would remerge just when the war was finished and this world was at its weakest state.
All beings that could stop them were still recovering from injuries from the war, or have lost a large amount of power.
Based on what I read the leaders of heaven and hell were nearly assassinated by human assassin squads, surviving with grievous wounds. The weapon that injured them was the sacred treasure of the vampires, which of course the humans stole.
The last thing I found was that majority of the nobles and kings from the era of the war were executed for their crimes. Probably to soothe all the bad blood after the war.
Yet researching these executions led me to a peculiar rumor. A bunch a researcher from the human side and their allies gathered together in a remote research facility. In that facility unknown experiments were conducted, rumored to create something for some unknown purpose.
Coincidentally that very research facility was in this region.
Now I really wanted to find that lab. I overlooked so much since I was overjoyed at reviving in a new world.
Finished reading I quickly tidied everything up. A surprising amount had passed since I started.
As I out the books away I passed a handkerchief to the drooling elf watching from the hall.
Yrilssa came back a while ago, spending good amount of time watching me in a daze.
Part 3:
My morning routine has been undergoing complete change. First was that Mira was gone, second was that Yrilssa's advances have turned really aggressive.
Before she used to prefer pajamas, stuff that showed no skin, and no she was almost naked while she slept. Sleeping in her underwear.
Peeling myself out of her embrace, instantly a feeling of regret hit me. The soft sensation of her chest was gone. I was tempted to just go back into my previous position but managed to hold out with willpower.
I had spent enough time resting and relaxing. It was time to go capture those fake guards. I needed the location of those ruins.
“Good morning Yrilssa.”
I called out Yrilssa whom was trying to sneak up on me.
“Good morning master.”
With a good morning kiss on cheek out day started. After eating a light breakfast, hand in hand we went out search for those guards.
We headed to [Guild HQ] since it was best place gather information fast. That and I wanted collect the reward fur the quest we did, including the other parties cut.
When entered the building I felt more glared then last time I came. I wonder what Yrilssa said to anger them to this extent.
Oh well, as along they don't try anything it won't be my problem.
“Yrilssa can you find out the information we need? I just remembered there was something I had to take care of.”
“Of course master, please order me as you see fit.”
I left everything to her in the end since I remembered a promise I made a while ago. And my policy was to never break promises.
Taking the seat at a vacant table I immediately got to work. Tapping the red ring on my finger I called out the name of spirit weapon.
The flaming gold sword manifested on table, yet didn't even singe it. Placing my hand on the blade a faint white light began to cover it.
“Nyaa~ master~ what are you doing now? Nyaa~”
Continuing her cat like speech [Typhous] asked with burning curiosity.
“I've decided how I am going to create your bodies but there is a condition.”
“What is it? Nyaa~”
“All of you have to share the same body, your turn us determined by which spirit I am using.”
“Rejected nya!”
“Let me finish, I am sure my offer will be enticing. In exchange for sharing a body, whenever it's your turn it will change into a personalized form for you. For example I can give your form cat ears and tail.”
“Do it! Please do it now!!!”
With her consent I began to create the base of their body. With base acting as a template I'll create their personal forms. The base form was a loli, around ten year old image.
The reason I'm having them share a single body is because I don't want an army of uncontrollable children running around. This way was much more convenient.
Let's see for [Typhous] who is based off of snake but wants to be cat…… fiery red hair with nekomimi, her eyes would like those of a snake and also be red in color. Adding her tail into the mix made her really cute.
Next is [Hemera] is the saint like one with complete devotion…… for her it would shining white hair in a hime cut. She was given jewel like gray eyes. All in all she gave off an obedient aura.
[Gaia] would the calm mature one that gave off an elder sister like aura……she would be a brunette with shoulder length straight hair, along with her emerald eyes she given an extra inch in height. Overall she had a calm, mature air around her.
[Aethier] was a bundle of entertainment in the form of lighting… yellow hair tie in a ponytail with purple eyes was the look I have her. Her smile was bursting with energy.
Next as [Khione] our residential tsundere, whose aura doesn't suit her personality… silver tied in twin tails with dark blue eyes. He had the air of noble around her.
[Thalassa] our relaxed spirit that was on the border of laziness… blue hair and blue eyes. An easygoing feeling permeated from her.
[Nyx] our horribly shy and clumsy incarnation of darkness…… black her with long bangs that nearly covered her pitch black eyes. All I can say is her clumsiness combined with her shyness made her cute.
[Eos] a soft spoken wind with absolute loyalty, she reminds of ninja…… she had shoulder length dark blue hair tied as a side tail, her bright blues eyes were like the sky. There was a somewhat unapproved atmosphere around her.
Finally there was [Fysis] the father complex spirit…… her orange hair was tied in braid that went along with her glasses that covered her silver eyes. She had a refined air around her.
With body creation out of the way I set some ground rules. Namely that they will share it equally, no fighting, etc. etc. I left making the time slots to their hands. If they turn out to be unreasonable I will forcibly change them.
The main reason I didn't give them all separate bodies is the same reason I didn't want to give them egos. I fear the wrath of her backlash.
The existence that [Typhous] instinctively noticed and submitted her. The spirits address her as onee-sama.
Our circumstances were really complicated so I won't go into detail. To make it short the existence that spirits call onee-sama would be ultimate creation. She is sentient like the others but had been "alive" for several years know. Due to her nature she tends to jealous of others like her. So having in an army of loli' would really piss her off.
Her anger was not something to trifled with.
As turned [Typhous] back to passive mode Yrilssa returned, and she brought information with her.
“Master I found them with some help from a friend who uses clairvoyance and divination.”
I acted immediately on her information. Those fake guards were in the village where I met Mira. Catching them there will lessen the trip to the ruins.
“Yrilssa get ready to go while I make some preparations. Also good job.”
We separated for short while, as we made various preparations for the journey. Everything was ready in roughly two hours.
“Everything has been readied do you wish to depart now, master?”
The only thing Yrilssa brought along was a supple bag, everything else was stored in the .
“If you'll allow me…”
I scooped her up and held her in a princess carry. Travel by carriage, which was the norm of this world, was way too slow for me.
We are traveling in a less conventional method this time, one that is a whole lot faster. Though I did her of fast carriage services but those tend to be very expensive.
Despite her ecstatic smile and slightly red cheeks Yrilssa eyes were glued to my back.
Eight large white angelic wings had sprouted out of my back. Each emitted a regal warmth.
“Before you ask I'll tell you right now, I have no clue what these wings are as well. I was running a small experiment to try and grow dragon wings but these showed up instead.”
First part dragon and now an angel part was thrown into the mix. To boot it was also a really high class angel considering the number of wings.
“So beautiful…… those wings make you look so handsome master.”
Her daze didn't last long as her eyes were glued to my face. She was murmuring under her breath but I couldn't make any of it out.
I held her tightly as I lifted off. I already practiced the use of the wings earlier. The use was similar to an obsolete technique for flight I created in the past, before I created [Takemikazuchi].
Add in some wind magic and my speed skyrocketed, a while back I even heard a sonic boom behind me. I was going at Mach 1 right now. It took roughly two hours to make it to the village that usually took week and a half by foot to reach.
I didn't even spare the village a second glance as we passed over it. By expanding my senses and making use of nature and wind magic I already found the target.
“Root prison.”
I activated a simple nature spell that creates a prison of roots to bind and trap foes for limited time. Since it was an improvised spell it was a lot weaker than normal.
“We meet again, scum.”
I greeted them with an angelic smile that only looked demonic to them. Before they could resist or flee a beam of light pierced their knees.
Using a little bit more magic I fully bound them to the spot and disabled their ability to do anything other than talk.
“Now then, do you know why I am looking for you?”
“Obviously to kill us. We thought we got away……just how did you find us so quickly?”
All of the men had blank defeated faces. They had prepared themselves for true despair they would were now about to face.
Interrogation and torture. That is what were expecting, but I had no intention of dirtying my hands with them blood. I had a more effective, less dirty method. One that will handle both interrogation and execution cleanly.
Mind hack.
A lesser power born from my use of dimensional magic and soul magic. As a power it was not as strong as my other powers, hence lesser power. I only had a few lesser power and they were all weaker then my actual powers.
Mind hack rips apart the targets mind turning them into a mindless doll that can only answer your question or follow orders to a limited degree. There several severe side effects on the target, mainly the slow death as their mind decays to the point they drop dead on the spot.
This method is not good in all situations, but with these guys it's okay. I just needed the location on the ruins and any information they had. At the very least this will give them a painless death.
“Tell me everything you know about the ruins, the one linked to that false charge of mass murder you tried to pin on me.”
There was no audible answer, since they had already lost the ability to talk. I can see into their minds so there was no need to waste out breath.
From what I can from their memories……… the ruins are about several kilometers south from here, it would probably take a while to walk there.
For more detailed info I decided search their memories of the place. What I found was astounding.
The ruins were a research facility created during the war. It was made to overcome the innate weakness of the human race. It was also the epitome of human greed.
There they researched the prospects of every race on the planets, even extinct or banished races. Everything from monsters to gods was researched in that place. It was all for the sale of their main project.
The creation of an artificial being to turn the tide of the war. To bring victory to the human side. For that same humanity spent many battles collecting information. Analyzing the techniques of all sides and creating a compendium of knowledge on magic, martial arts, strategy, racial traits and power, physical ability of each race and their unique abilities.
I couldn't believe I missed much an abundance of information. My determination to go there has increased several folds.
The last thing I wanted to know was who their backing was. No matter how idiotic they were, someone had to pulling the strings from behind. The crimes they tried to pin on me were very specific, to point I could tell that someone with influence wanted to separate me and Yrilssa.
A name floated in their minds.
Duke Leignar Swordsith……… Yrilssa's father……
Unbeknownst to Yrilssa I hired someone to run a background check on her. Through that I investigated her family. It wasn't that I didn't believe her, I just wanted to know about the past she abandoned. In addition to that I also located all her problematic family members and get some blackmail material.
That ordeal would've cost a fair bit of gold, since I hired pros that no one could really afford, but got away with giving them equipment instead.
The main points of my investigation were her father and the man her father wanted her to marry. I refused to acknowledge him as a fiancé.
Looks like that bastard is still obsessed with his fantasies about spirit elves. When I meet my father-in-law I'm going to give him a cruel reality check, the fiancé was of no consequence.
Done with the guards I snapped my fingers, causing all of them to fall lifelessly to the floor. Like I said I gave them a painless death, after all minor characters for need anything special.
“Let's go Yrilssa.”
“Yes master!”
Completely ignoring the bodies we took off again in a princess carry. Yrilssa did tell me that shouldn't use that power much since mind magic is frills related to necromancy which a banned practice.
Seriously is everything I know either forbidden or lost? I retorted.
In response Yrilssa could only chuckle.
Part 4:
The distance to the ruins was greater than previously estimated, so we decided to rest for the night and get there early in the morning.
When I thought about getting the answers to resurrection. I was strangely tired. Physically and mentally I was fine, not even fatigued in the slightest yet I felt tired.
Another thing would be that my wings have yet to retract or revert. Not knowing how to handle this I just went ahead and used them as a blanket. Yrilssa of course was glued to my side, she remarked that my wings were surprisingly warm.
That night A strange event occurred………
In a vast open plan that stretched endlessly stood six figures. All of them radiated power of the highest level, a level that I could die from just a one on one confrontation.
What's more all of them glared at me in hostility. It seemed that any second now they would pounce on me, with the intent to rip to shreds.
The only thing stopping them was massive chains that bound them in place. Even with all their power they couldn't break free.
Only I was free to move as I please but even I was wary about moving near them.
Their killing intent made my skin tingle, as my blood boiled in anticipation.
What Yrilssa said was right. Ever since coming to this world I've been restraining myself far too much.
A familiar weight entered my right hand. The golden sword of salvation was once again in my hands.
How long has it been since I last held this sword…… my mind wanted to drift off.
My mind slowly entered combat mode. All unnecessary thoughts or desires left my mind.
Just as I was ready the chains constricting the six were released.
“Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Secret technique: Life constraint release
Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Secret technique: Dimensional constraint release.
Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Secret technique: Soul constraint release
Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Secret technique: Mind constraint release
Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Secret technique: Body constraint release
Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Secret technique: True dragon rampage:
Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: Ultimate technique: Wrath of the chaotic overlord.”
I activated my most powerful techniques that sat at the pinnacle of the kurogane shomatsu-ryu. The very core of my being was altered.
Just the names of the techniques suggest I released all my constraints. I was using my genuine 100% power, sparing no expense. In addition that every technique found under any of the categories was activated.
This was the peak of the kurogane shomatsu-ryu, utilizing every technique it contained. Everything was used all at once for sake of victory. All or nothing.
In comparison true dragon rampage and wrath of the chaotic overlords seem too weak to be my strongest techniques, but that was the scary thing about them. Sure an increase of 10x or 100x was great but other abilities or a one hit kill technique will surely be more effective and approximate for an ultimate technique. That would be true if not for the actual affective was of technique. The 10x or 100x affected everything. Raw power, stamina, mana pool, life force, the power of each technique, five sense, mental functions, body functions, physical ability, weapon skills, magic spells, powers, absolutely everything was increased.
But adding the release of my body, mind and soul my power has reached its absolute peak. It was my full 100%, sparing no expense.
“Kurogane shomatsu-ryu founder and master, , Kurogane Shin will now face you with all my might.”
I displayed a rare amount of respect as I introduced myself, my title and my school. This method of introducing myself was taught to me by Yrilssa, who said that when I face an opponent that I replaced I should introduce myself as such.
It seems my intentions had been understood by the six before me.
“Red dragon god of origin, , Ignis.”
“Black dragon god of origin, , Tenebris.”
“Leader of the archangels, , Lux.”
“King of angels, , Vas.”
“Great devil king of hell, , Superbia.”
“Great king of devils, , Ira.”
Some amazing names just came out, so amazing that it was almost unbelievable. I didn't recognize the names of the two dragon gods, their names were probably lost in the past. The other four were incomparably more well known.
In fact almost no one in the entire world hasn't heard their name.
Lux, Vas, Superbia, Ira were the leaders of heaven and hell during the war that swallowed this world, in fact they were the ones who started it. Many stories of their strength and renown where spread everywhere. It was said that right now they live secluded lives in their respective realms as they recover from the grievous wounds they received in the war. This will be excellent blackmail material against their successors, since they're hiding this fact so it must be valuable information.
First is our battle. Each of them already drew their respective weapons and already adopted a battle stance.
How exciting.
As a provocation I offered them the first strike, and they wholeheartedly responded.
All six attacked in perfect coordination with an already established formation. I wonder how long they've been planning this.
Vas and Ira were the rear guards, Lux and Superbia were the mid guards, and finally the two dragon gods were the vanguards. Their pride allowed nothing less.
First came the claws, followed by the spear of light and sword of darkness, and finally the magic of heaven and hell.
Using my blade I knock away both the dragon gods, then quickly party the spear coming at my side. From that angle I slash down at the blade about to cut my back. From that disadvantaged position I unsealed a flurry of cuts to rip part the incoming magic attacks.
Despite surrounded on all sides in less than 0.01 seconds I repel all attacks coming at me, no matter which position I am in.
“True heavens lightning strike.”
I rain magic down on the rear guard, which naturally block it with ease. No matter it was only to stall them in the first place.
As I clashed with dragon gods I suddenly reinforced my legs with enormous amount of power. Like a soccer ball I kicked iguanid off into the horizon. At the very least that will be but me a seconds.
Tenebris was surprised to see Ignis blown away but that didn't show in his aura.
“Kurogane shomatsu-ryu: infinity blade.”
At max power I showered the dragon god with innumerable slashes and cuts. Continuously shifting the angle at each attack, making each attack unpredictable. There were no predetermined movement or motions in this attack at all, each attack was utterly random.
It only lasted three seconds as Lux's spear was narrowly dodged with a tilt of my head. Not missing the chance Superbia's sword closed in on me from the side. Behind me was Tenebris's claws that cleaved through the air.
Letting go the sword I swiftly kick away the sword, and intercept the claws with blade I redrew while in midair.
Just as my foot makes contact with the ground I vanish, moving at incredible speed. My target was Ira.
Her reaction was superb, in spilt second a several large magic circles were already in front of her.
An unknown type of magic that utilized the flames of hell. Not even I would be unscathed taking that on.
“[Susano-o form 1].”
A regal mirror manifested beige me, Yata no Kagami. The power to deflect any projectile attack of any type or power.
The flames rebounded off the mirror and slammed back at Ira full force. Ira neutralized them some effort.
I had no time to counterattack as Ignis's strike came at high speed. Shit I can't dodge this one.
Stabbing my sword through my gut I intercept the attack. Unhanding the sword I slam my leg into the shocked Ignis's side.
In one fluid motion I pull the sword out and threw it at the flying Ignis. It in paled Ignis and sent him flying even further.
I had no time relax Superbia's sword shot out black lightning bolts at me from above.
They were of no consequence as the Yata no kagami took care of them, but these constant attacks were disrupting my rhythm too much.
Ira had already changed tactics see her magic being blocked so easily. Wielding a spear she launched an endless stream of stabs, firing magic from the tip at point blank range.
Superbia offered his support by drawing a good number of blows. Tenebris, Lux and Vas were preparing a large attack. Ignis also returned, with my sword still stuck in his chest.
“You're insane.”
That was first Ignis ever said to me other than his name. Despite his glare of hatred his eyes held amusement.
“I can believe that those dried up old men would select someone like you.”
He was getting strangely talkative, in fact no one attacked as he spoke to me. Perhaps they were interested in what he was talking about.
“I have an idea of what old men you're talking about, but I have a clue about what you're trying to ask.”
A flash of confusion went through his eyes. Did he think I was deciding them?
“Two months ago did you not absorb as per their instructions? I'm sure that those twisted experiments are still continuing. Surely you must be another warrior that lusts for power?”
He was confused since he thought I was weak warrior seeking shortcuts at first, yet when he saw my strength it only deepened his confusion.
I'm starting to understand him less and less, though I made sure to harvest all the information he gave me.
“What you speak of is impossible.”
“It would be better to show you.”
Using telepathy I inform them of my death and resurrection. I did this to avoid the obvious denial that would follow.
“I understand now.”
Ignis could not hide his surprise this time around. Along with the other five he was shocked. At the very least he took it really well. Somehow I felt he was relieved.
When he fell back into his battle stance I knew the battle will be continued. I guess if I want answers I must win first.
With a flick of my wrist my sword manifests in my hands. Ignis had tried to remove it but the shocks it let out prevent him from doing so.
The golden sword of salvation, otherwise known as [Tsumi], my greatest creation and ultimate weapon. [Tsumi] was also the onee-sama of all the spirits.
The golden sword of salvation [Tsumi] is weapon that has surpassed divine level weapons. At Max power a single swing is enough to destroy a large city. The main personality difference between her and her little sisters would be her possessiveness and etiquette. As a weapon she made a strict rule to never talk in battle. For performance differences it would be that she does not originate from a mana core but something else entirely. Ability wise she is superior in every way. [Tsumi] was sword that possessed her own divinity and evolved into a sword god.
I entered my stance and waited……
The six abruptly changed their rules of engagement, instead of six on one like before it will now be six consecutive one on one matches.
I can't help but shake the feeling test I am being tested here.
“Care to explain why we're fighting in the first place? Not that I mind though.”
Despite knowing it would be fruitless I asked anyway.
“We are testing you mortal, you who has only passed your first tribulation. If you couldn't even pass one tribulation there would be no hope for you here, yet you are an interesting one who was strength beyond his divinity. If you wish know our true motives defeat us. Show us your resolve and face this tribulation!”
Tenebris answered with a booming voice, his answer coincided with my expectations perfectly.
Let us see who is stronger me at max power or these six figures who on their own could turn the world upside down, especially the two dragons gods. They radiated power far stronger than the others. My toughest battle ever was beginning.
Unable to suppress my excitement any longer I attacked Ignis, my first opponent, without holding back at all.
Twirling around the edge of my blade was a pitch black steam, that let out red stars surrounding the sword.
“[Tsumi Full Armament]!”
I activated my last trump card, the ability with power to destroy stars!
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