《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Nineteen


Chapter Nineteen: The New Head Teacher Of Craftsmanship!

Years before Seigehart arrived at Xehelim Dimension.

Outside of an altitudinous conic tower, hidden within three parallel pillars with different colors, purple, blue and light green. Complimented the colors of the sky, coiled like a serpent around the tower, layered with profound magic circles carved by Aura energy, from the bottom to the top.

Where at the highest point, a sacred looking altar could be found, which functioned for observing the movements of the heavenly bodies, an observatory.

A white bearded old man with blue eyes brimming with wisdom, in blue and white robe awaited the time, for the gate of the tower to be opened and called by the Diviner.

Beside him was a man with dark brown beard and ferocious eyes, in bulky black armour, holding a heavy halberd with only his left hand, giving off an vicious aura, the white bearded old man's most trusted friend.

They looked at the tower with awe and respect. For the tower was where a seer of future, a Diviner resides, the Tower of Seizing Star.

Their wait had ended, when the gate of the tower opened with a woman in purple robe walked out, greeted them with apathy. "Headmaster Atron Spavrif, Grand Mistress awaits you at the top. However, only you. Thus, Master Grumbler Hazt must wait here outside."

Hazt briefly glanced at the woman coldly and looked back at the Headmaster, nodded inquiring that he could wait.

No point in arguing with a woman. He thought.

Spavrif only smiled wryly and said. "Very well. Hazt will wait. Please, lead the way." Without words, she closed her eyes and turn around as she leaded the way. They proceed inside leaving Hazt alone outside.

As they entered, an oppressive atmosphere befall towards Headmaster Spavrif, but he wasn't affected by it in any way. He continued to follow the woman to the floated elliptic platform with complex magic runes and circles, also carved by Aura energy, which leaded upward to the altar.

The headmaster gulp a mouthful of air. It wasn't the air he was after, but the purified mana within the tower. He sighed with admiration to the people who were able to live in such a place. The more they proceed upward, the more purified the mana is.

With only a mouthful of mana, it was able to raised the purity of his internal mana with sliver amount, but that amount was enough for him to be happy. After all, for people like him, where advancement was already too difficult, a small raise was already enough.

The mana inside the tower was purified by the Star energy accumulated over the years. The Diviner used Star energy which does not exist in Soclomanois to foresaw the future, thus claimed the title, as the people called her, The Star Prophet.

All her precognitions occured accurately as she said, gaining the complete trust of peoples in the Southern Sea of Million Isle Continent. Even the Demon Emperors of Northern Sea of Million Isle Continent were coming personally to request the assistance of her ability, for their conquest. However, not everything was always free.

Those Emperor need to take out massive fortunes equivalent to their request before she foretell their awaited early demise or glorious victory.

The platform they were stepping on had stopped from its track, as they arrived at the top of the tower. Before them was a huge door with designs of moons, sun and stars. As majestic as it may be, it was not the thing what caught the inquisitive eyes of Headmaster Spavrif, but the magic circles and mysterious intricacies on it. It wasn't made of Mana energy nor Aura energy, but Star energy.


He was brought back into reality by the woman's voice. She spoke some unknown words and the huge door opened itself after it. "Headmaster Spavrif, please proceed inside."

"Ah, yes, yes. Thank you for your hardwork." he said perplexed and walked inside.

As he entered, he was greeted by a wide circular open space with only the altar of moons, sun and stars alone, while the whole floor was covered in mysterious intricacies, which emits a cyan ray of light upward into the seemingly boundless horizon.

What a peculiarly magnificent place. It feels like I'm in a different world. He gasped, astonished inwardly.

"Old Atron, you've arrived. I'm quite eager to see you and pay my debt. After all, I'm not comfortable for being indebted to anyone. So, let's start. Please tell me what you wanted to know.... Bad or Good? It's for you to decide." said by the lady within the translucent curtain at the center of the altar.

"As always, you don't like playing around the bush. Okay, I want to know exactly if my academy would encounter any predicament in the future. It is better to be prepared."

"Very well..." she said with same tone as before.

The shadow at the curtain stand up and a pearl white hand came out of the curtain, pushing it aside for her to passed through.

The moment the Headmaster Spavrif saw her, he gasped in cold air because of her killing beauty. Pearl white, pinkish skin, lustrous body figure, silver and golden hair with silver and golden eyes which suited with her alluring face.

She smiled mischievously as he saw the Headmaster's astonished face. She didn't felt any perversity on his eyes, only awe and reverence. "Don't stare at me too much. Now, drip a blood on the ground. So we can start."

"Ah yes, yes." he said and immediately pricked his finger and drip his blood on the glowing floor.

As he did it, the Star Prophet started to chanting some words of ancient language with complete passion. "Stars of Fate, Oversees the Universe to its Origins, to give me vision, to give me sight. Precognition of one's Blood, Let there be might of foretelling night."

As she finished her chant, the cyan lights filled the void with sea of stars in firmament. Suddenly, blurred images of events appeared in the sky, and disappeared quickly as it appeared, leaving the stars in constellations.

This phenomenon could be seen outside the tower, which indicates that the Star Prophet had started to foretell the future.

After an hour, Headmaster's Spavrif came out of the tower and was greeted by Hazt with an anxious face. "Headmaster, what did she said? If it couldn't be told to anyone as it might affect the future, then it's okay to not tell me."

"No, it's okay. There's nothing to be worry about. Come, let's return. I'll tell you once we're there." he said calmly, though one would see that it was a serious matter.

Hazt didn't said anything after that and only followed Headmaster Spavrif back.

At the present time

The academy was built at the center of the Azure Serenity Island, where a wide Prairie was located. Around this wide Prairie was an impenetrable bulwark, where the first entrance is guarded by 5 Golem puppets, as it protected many herds of beast and plants, which precious for craftsmen and wizards for their body parts and fruits as Top Class High Quality raw materials.

The Academy itself was within the another wall, built to separate the academy from the Prairie or the herds of beast would always invade the academy.


Seigehart arrived, in front of the academy's first entrance. He was quickly greeted by 5 giant Golems. This Golems wasn't simple, one was a Magma Golem, while the other four was an Glacial Golem, an Amethyst Golem, an Cloud Golem and an Azure Wood Golem.

This academy really deserve its reputation as Number One Crafting School in the whole world. This Golems weren't simple as one possessed an awareness, which surprisingly difficult to achieve. However, this also the reason why they still need additional lessons. He mused.

All the Golems emits an oppressive aura of an Legend level Aura Warrior directly from their core, This Golems were not monsters, but artifacts.

A Silver level artifact, refined and made completely of different elemental Aura energies and Elemental Mana Stones. Being destroyed wasn't a problem to them, as they could regenerate in time, as long as their Cores weren't damaged or destroyed.

"INTRUDERS, OBSTRUCT. AGGRESSION, ELIMINATE." warned by the Azure Wood Golem with robotic tone, looking down at him with jade green eyes.

However, instead of stopping. Seigehart proceed forward without care of the Golem's words. The Golems as they possessed an awareness of a man, already encountered and saw many people with great strength were perplexed as they saw Seigehart wasn't bothered by them.

They knew immediately that Seigehart was someone who wasn't afraid of their combined might. They were all taken aback as Seigehart passed through them. This is the weakness and strength of an aware puppet, their Awareness itself.

Once they experienced emotions or saw moves and techniques. It would be then integrated into their core as functions and do what the necessary action was needed. After all, they don't possessed brains nor soul, only Magical Circle Formations, Runes and Magic Circuits which put them together.

For instance, an Aura warrior made an attack that would completely obliterate them. However, because they possessed regenerative ability as their core wasn't destroyed, that move won't work on th second time as they already know how to counter it.

As for emotions, this Golems were once a sparring partner of one of the academy's teacher, or rather punching bag, which developed into fear of those stronger than them or those who completely ignored their warnings. After all there's not many people whose brave enough to ignore their warnings.

This Golems weren't guards after all. They were just placed there as decorations or intimidations for those who wanted to cause troubles. This reason was enough to say that the Azerius Academy truthfully the most prominent crafting academy.

Silver level artifacts, what's more a doll type one. Who would used it only for decoration? If it was a kingdom, it was already on the front line conquering another kindgom, making a bloody path, or made into a national treasure.

As Seigehart passed through them, not even one of them tried to move. Seigehart sighed as he felt pity to them as he witnessed how incompetent they were.

As he doesn't wanted to see this Golems to be so... pathetic. He decided to eradicate their awareness, which the only way for them to be freed from their circumstances.

He stopped walking and swept his hand into the air, which shrouded in radiant light. The air became a sharp sundering force which also transformed into million tiny air blades, shredded the whole body of the Golems, turning them to dust within seconds.

However, their core wasn't affected nor scratched in any slightest. Like a solid objects, their Golem Core classified in different shapes and colors, fell and embedded into the ground. Every Golem core were big as fist, which covered in bright Silver Aura Energy.

At the innermost of the Cores was the Magic Circle Formation and Runes, while outside was the magic circuits like blood veins, which transfered Mana into the body of a Golem to the Magic Circle Formation and Runes, once formed.

With a thought, all the Golem cores floated before Seigehart. He used the Telekinetic Ability, which only Arch-Wizards could. As he touched it, the Magic Circuits changed color from silver to golden then return back, and the Magic Circle Formation and Runes were less than before as he erased the awareness ability it once had.

Now it would only follow what was the master commanded it. Seigehart brought back the cores to their places where it was before he arrived and walked in like nothing happened.

As he passed through the open wall, he was immediately greeted by a blowing wind, strong enough to blew his hair, which fluttered magnificently. Before him was a prairie, a place where many types of beasts grew on herds could be seen.

It was really like a ranch for raising beasts, expect there's no cabin nor storage bins, instead an enchanted wall at the center of the Prairie, where one could see within were extravagant buildings, which few kilometers apart from one another.

He didn't wasted any time and immediately flew towards the entrance of the academy. After a moment, he arrived in front of the giant door made of Top Class High Quality metal, named Meteorite Septium the second densest metal. It could be collected deep within the mountains of Azure Serenity Island, which too difficult to find.

It does not have any Magic Circle Formations nor Runes, instead only an Enchantment, as applied to make it heavy enough to not budge even an inch, even if a Silver or Golden level beasts knocked on it, as it was equivalent to a full strength of an Grandmaster level Aura Warrior and Arch-Mage.

This giant door was called by many as Indomitable Door Of Will. Anyone who could budge it, even an inch could enroll at the Azerius Academy and became a True Student immediately.

Casually, Seigehart pushed the giant door which normally done with an ordinary door. Once it was enough for him to enter, he immediately released his hold and it closed behind making a thunder clapping sound, which revibrated through the academy.

When he entered, he did not saw any students as it was still classes hour. However, it was not possible to not heard the loud sound that the door had produced when it closed. After the thundering sound had stopped, an old man in blue and white wizard robe appeared several meters away.

The old man eyed him, inspecting Seigehart from head to toe, which he allowed as he did not move. After that, the old man's face turned from delighted to surprised and finally astonished, as he gasped in final seconds, after having a serious expression.

After that, the old man approached him and stopped a meter before him, enough for them to hear each others voice. "Young man, are you the one who opened the Indomitable Door Of Will? If it was you, then. Welcome to the Azerius Academy, you are now one of the True Student of our crafting academy..."

"Yes, it was me. However, Headmaster Spavrif, I'm not here to be a student." Seigehart interrupted which perplexed the old man.

With baffled expression, he asked. "Then, what is your reason?"

"I'm here to apply as a teacher."

"Teacher?" Headmaster Spavrif asked, smiling wryly. "Young man, you looked like only 20 years old and you wanted to teach?" he continued and looked at Seigehart's expression.

"Headmaster, I might look 20 years old. However, do you think age matters to a Craftsman? I possessed knowledge far on your own."

"Young man, you might be a royalty. Let me remind you, this academy is not within any Kingdom, thus statuses don't have any value here. It is okay to carry your own chair. However, it must definitely true. Otherwise you'll suffer from consequences." he looked at Seigehart's, only to find that he was relaxed as he taunt him.

"Okay, young man. What's your name? Let's see what you could do. I dare you to craft a weapon type artifact. If it passed to my judgement then, you'll be the new teacher for Crafting course. No even the Head Teacher. You're lucky, our crafting course teacher had retired. So do you dare?"

Hmmp, boastful royalty. Let's see if you have the ability to backed your boasts. What I hate the most is boasting in front of me. Headmaster Spavrif sneered inwardly.

"I'm Seigehart Caduceus, a Craftsman and when do we begin?" he said with an already won smile.

"Come with me." the headmaster said

Heh, you challenge the wrong person. Seigehart said inwardly and they both disappeared from the place.

After an hour, all the classes had ended. The news about Seigehart applying as a new teacher of Crafting Course had throughly spread. As such, there's no one in the whole academy who didn't know about it.

Many thought it was only rumor running around, made by some people bored in their daily lives, but when they heard the Headmaster's announcement. All the True Student already knew what was really happening. They knew how the headmaster hated nobles, specially those which too full of themselves and do not give a damn about anyone.

Headmaster Spavrif wanted to humiliate this noble in front of many people. That's what all the True Student thought.

The Artifact Creation Hall was jammed with students from inside to outside, from lower year to higher year, even the teachers had participated in the scrimmage just to obtain a good spot to watch.

At the center of the hall was a stage made for Seigehart's show of might. On it were the materials needed to make a weapon type artifact, even though it was only a show, all the materials were Middle Class High Quality raw materials.

As they all wait the start of the show, sound of murmurs filled the area and perimeter of the Artifact Creation Hall. Many was eager to see how Seigehart would humiliate himself.

Everything quiet down when Headmaster Spavrif walked in front of the stage and made his speech. "As you all know, a person wanted to apply as a teacher of Crafting courses. To his capabilities, right at this moment, he will let us see his way of creating weapon type artifact. So watch carefully...."

As Headmaster Spavrif finished his speech, Seigehart closed his eyes and analyse the materials in front of him.

Hmm... What kind of weapon would I create? I wanted to be incognito, but that old man caught me with this and I go with the flow. Well then, I'll ride along and show them what it takes to test me... On to the materials, they're all Middle Class High Quality materials. A Gray Crogmiton Steel Ore a hard and sharp steel when forged in 376 degrees fahrenheit. Viliomin Osreol Iron, Damascus Mithtil and Gellinium Steel when melted and mixed together, could create Abastion Alloy with high adaptability and hardness, have 30% buff added on every Enchantments placed on it. With this, the only suitable weapon I could create is, a sword. A Rapier perhaps. I'll add elemental attributes with Wind and Water Elemental Mana Core form a beasts... Maybe I could try doing something they don't know... Well then let's star!

Every words he had said inside his mind took only a blink of an eye. When he opened his eyes, he immediately grabbed a piece of metal, that was part of his planned materials.

He will fail, definitely. Did he think artifact creating is a simple thing? Many aspects is needed to reconciled first before one able to... Wait what is he doing? That flame... Headmaster Spavrif's internal monologue was interrupted when he saw what Seigehart was doing.

His hand flickered with the Silver Flame on his palm. Seigehart looked at the crowd and said. "Artifact creation is not simple as you all know. Many aspects are needed to reconcile first before one could make a simple artifact. However, With my vast knowledge about Craftsmanship, Magic Circle Formation, Magic Sigils, Magic Runes and Magic Circuits, this rule is nothing but a superficial thing for me and could bypassed it if I wanted to. Watch and learn, my future students. For you'll witness the true artifact creating."

He raised his hand and made a gestures in the air, creating a Magic Circle with Magic Runes and magic Sigils combined, as he finished the Formation Array made in Silver Flame revealed it itself.

"How's this possible!? A Formation Array! Neither the previous Head Craftsman nor Magic Circle, Magic Runes and Magic Sigil Specialist of the academy didn't possessed such ability to create a Formation Array. A combination of all Magic Profound Intricacies! Though, the Arch-Magus Pendelien Arthus of Holy Land Of Axiein could create an Formation Array, it was only a simple one. However, this Formation Array I couldn't even recognize it nor read it! This time, this is worth going out of my Lab!" The Magic Theory Head Teacher shouted with complete astonishment and enthusiasm.

This young man wasn't boasting! He really have the ability! It was even out of my league! I made a fool out of myself! Headmaster Spavrif defeatedly said to himself.

Seigehart threw the Steel Ores into the Formation Array and were instantly melted. It was about to mixed together but stopped by Seigehart. Three different colors of liquefied steel merged together, where the remaining one merged with the Elemental Mana Cores he tossed into the Formation Array.

Which immediately combined with the other liquefied steel and started shaping into a Rapier. However, it was a peculiar one.

The width of the rapier's blade was the same as an adult thumb, but the thickness was completely on different level. It was thin as an hair strand, with the length of 51 inches. However, it was not breaking nor crumbling to pieces.

The Rapier was also completely golden, from the handle to the point, which mystified all who saw it. They all wanted to hold onto such artifact, like it was calling for them. As they were all attracted to the Golden radiant aura it emitted.

"A Golden artifact! What a powerful and beautiful Golden artifact!" shouted by someone.

It did not ended, as it was still floating within the Formation Array, which rotated and covered the whole Rapier and carved onto the guard of the Rapier. Followed by Seigehart's Magic Sigil Enchantment that flew towards the rapier itself.

After it was done, the Rapier fell on to the stage and the whole blade was completely embbed into it, from the guard.

Everything only happened for an hour. Too fast for an artifact to be created throughly. Normally, it would need most days or weeks to create one. Those with great talent could create only for one day or half. However, Seigehart only need an hour to create one! Furthermore, It was even a high leveled Golden artifact!

Astonishment and utter speechlessness completely filled the whole Azerius Academy! They're only looking at the Rapier and Seigehart with extreme disbelief!

At this moment, it was unprecedentedly evident whose the new Head Teacher of Craftsmanship!


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