《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Twenty


Chapter Twenty: First Day of Classes

The show of Seigehart's undisputed ability and knowledge about Artifact Creation had been throughly spread in every corner of Million Isle Continent.

Because of it, the academy became lively as it is and even the cities at another islands around the Azure Serenity Island was talking about Seigehart. All those who witnessed him was the preparator of it.

Many don't believe from what they heard. Specially, those Grandmaster Craftsmen that know how difficult it is to create a Golden artifact.

As they heard that Seigehart only did it for an hour, they cursed the heavens and every person who were talking about it. Means, they're cursing every person in the city where they might be.

Who would believe that an high leveled Golden artifact that needs days or weeks to create was done by someone and only an hour? No, no one would, except those who personally witnessed it.

Because of it, his name was now famous. Not part of his plan, but it would certainly help him in the future about all the troubles he would encounter.

Two days had passed since the show of Seigehart's might. He was immediately assigned by the Headmaster as the Head teacher of Crafting Course. As of now, he was living within the Artifact Creation Hall as his residence.

Those days was spent from talking to all teachers and Head teachers, to change the current Curriculum for Artifact Creation. Into Seigehart's own curriculum.

At first, they all opposed it as it would trouble those whose already at the higher year. However, when they heard Seigehart's explaination about the depth of Artifact Creation, they couldn't even fathom how deep it was.

In the end, they agreed to him and implemented it, only to all new students, to all First years.

His two days in Artifact Creation Hall wasn't peaceful as he thought. He was always pestered by other teachers about his knowledge, always inquiring about gracing them of his knowledge and insights, which arritated him. Thus, he always ran and ignored them.

Today was the first day of classes, as Seigehart was on his way to his first subject, Study of World's Crafting Materials.

The moment he stepped outside the Artifact Creation Hall, he immediately sensed those who pestered him almost every hours.

He was irritated that he wanted to turn them into stones or locked them up into a chest and throw them into the sea, which would drift them away to a very far place, for them to stop pestering him.

However, he refrained from doing so even if, they were like that, they're still teachers under him and only idolized and adore him that they became stalkers.

He tapped his foot on the ground and a small Formation Array made its appearance. It distorted the space around him and pulled him in as he disappeared from the location.

The stalkers saw it were astounded, as they immediately goes out of their hiding place and ran towards Seigehart, but they were too late, as Seigehart was already gone.

Even though, they felt betrayed that Seigehart ditched them, though they knew he was running away from them. They couldn't helped but be deeply amazed by the Formation Array, as they couldn't fathom how profound it was.

At the moment, Seigehart appeared in front of the room of A-1. The first class he would teach about the countless different kinds of materials.

"Haha, at last no stalkers. They're definitely frantic now and would be dejected which would result for them stop stalking me." he muttered happily as he imagined his days without any nuisance.


Unknown to him, what happened was completely opposite of what he imagined. The stalkers were even more motivated, when they misunderstoodly thought that Seigehart had finally graced them his otherworldly abilities in Formation Array; That it was his way of giving them insights. If they followed him whenever and wherever he might be, he would show them some profound Formation Array as a reward for their hardwork and worships.

Outside the room, Seigehart could heard a chattering noise, which he knew that it was the students that talking to each other, while waiting for their teacher to arrive.

As he entered, the noise ceased and he was greeted politely by the students. "Good morning, teacher!" He nodded as an answer.

He walked in front and started the self introduction. "I'm Seigehart Caduceus, your teacher in Study of World's Crafting Materials. I assume most of you already heard my name and knows that I'm specialized in Artifact Creation."

Someone raised his hand inquiring about something and called by Seigehart. "teacher, was it true that you only need an hour to craft a Golden level artifact? This rumor has been running around lately, ever since two days ago when I first arrived."

"Yes, teacher. We want to know." the other students commented.

"Well, it was true that I only need an hour to create an artifact. I could even create an artifact with only a sweep of my hand...." Seigehart said in a sincere tone, which almost made all the students believe him.

All of the students gasped involuntarily from what they heard. Regardless of their experiences. Those who knows how hard it was to craft even a green level artifact were astounded.

With only a sweep of his hand? Indeed Seigehart could do it. After all, he was a Dimension Ruler, he governed everything within the dimension itself, what's more he was the True Creator's Emissary. As such, his position was only second to the True Creator himself.

"Just kidding. I'm not able to do it. At most, I need hours or so to create one. That's the limited time needed to craft a Golden level artifact. However, what about more high leveled artifact? It would need days or so, just to be created. Now is there anyone here who witnessed a Grandmaster craftsman while creating artifact?"

"I, teacher! My grandfather is a Grandmaster craftsman." someone said while raising his hand in the air to be called.

"Okay, tell us how it was done by your old man."

"My Grandpa that day made a sword. The material he used were, Allmanium Ore, Cellogore Ore and Plixium Ore, all were Low Class Medium Quality Materials. At first, he melted them in the forge many times and molded it into a sword. When it was finished, he wrote some Sigils and Runes onto it and when he was finished, the sword shone brightly and tested it out at one of our steel dolls, which was easily cut into two. It has a skill called Bleeding Cut." after he finished explaining what he saw, the student goes back to his seat.

All the students nodded in affirmation of how an artifact was created. However, Seigehart was different.

"What your Grandpa had created wasn't an Artifact but a Psudeo-artifact. And that's not how a true artifact was created."

"Teacher, that's how an artifact was created. Our family has been creating artifacts for thousand years, and that's also how my master created an artifact." someone defended.

"Discard everything about this kind of process. What you've seen wasn't how an artifact was created. It's a more meticulous and profound way. What all the artifacts you saw were just merely ordinary weapons with enchantments.... Enough of this, you're still first year students and won't craft anything any time soon. First, focus on expanding your knowledge about World's different kinds and types of materials, Magic Circles, Runes and Sigils. You'll be able to craft a true artifact when you're in fourth year."


They're all extremely confused why they need to forget everything about the way their ancestors had created an artifact. However, they don't dare to repute, specially those who witnessed Seigehart created a Golden level Artifact. They were curious on how Seigehart would teach them his way of creating an artifact. Well, when they're fourth years.

"Let's now proceed to our today's class. First, define what materials are this. This were common so, I assume any of you know what it is. " he said and flipped his hand, which summoned five different kinds of Ores.

All were fist size and have different colors. They were bluish hue color, purple, light green, red velvet and aquamarine, all floated in the air, at the center of the room for the students to view.

Many raised their hand, but Seigehart only called one.

"The bluish hue Ore is the Oricalcium, the purple one is Sitfhium, the light green Ore is Livarium, while the red velvet and aquamarine are the Unbestone and Primestine."

"Very good, you may sit. As of some of you know, Oricalcium is second only to gold, which mostly used as currency in some kingdoms, while Sitfhium and other materials are used in forging weapons. But most of this, Sitfhium, Unbestone and Primestine are materials which has affiliation to mana, while Livarium is affiliated to Aura energy. This signifies that materials were divided into three types, Non-attribute, Mana type and Aura Energy type materials. What's more precious of the three is the Aura Energy type, for its the rares of the three and mostly all Aura Energy type materials are more durable than materials of Non-attribute and Mana type."

"Next, look and guess what material is this. However, I doubt that none of you would not even recognize it even from a far."

Seigehart again flipped his hand and the five materials from before disappeared and replaced by a new material, which in the form of crystal and shaped like a claw of some beast.

"That's a Dragon Shedded Skin! There's no mistaken it, from the concentrated mana it releases it is indeed a Shedded skin of a dragon!" someone exclaimed.

"Partially correct, its just that this Shedded Skin was not from a dragon, but from a Five Claw-tailed Serpent. The concentration of Mana is the same as the dragon's. However, the purity of Mana doesn't. Dragons are beasts which more affiliated to Mana, that far surpassed most beasts, as they were born from one of the Ancient Beast that ruled the lands of Frindeia before times, the Nidhogg. Mostly, this kind of Shedded Skin which not originated from a dragon, is crafted into protective jewelries because of high concentration of mana inside. However, if it was left at any place, within centuries the mana it has would be gone and already assimilated into the atmosphere. Completely, different from Aura Energy." Seigehart explained and replaced the crystallized Shedded Skin with an ordinary looking wooded plank.

"Look at this next material. Harris Owlminon, go here in front. I need an assistance." he said, as the student complied.

"Now used your most powerful attack in this wood." Seigehart said which made the student confused.

Why his most powerful attack not just punch it normally? With his strength of Master level Aura warrior, he could break it with a mere flip of his finger. Seigehart have his reason. Although, Owlminon was reluctant, he still complied.

As he about to attack, his body shone with Orange color Aura energy, signify that he was indeed a Master level Aura warrior. His Aura formed into a bird with 3 pairs of wing, which cried fiercely. It's eyes glinted and fired a scorching ray of light from its mouth into the wood.

As the attack landed on the wood, the area around the wood was covered in smoke and intense heat, but the seemingly ordinary wood wasn't turned to cinders at all. It only has an insignificant patch of burn on it, too small that almost unnoticeable.

Owlminon panted as he attacked the wood. When he saw that it wasn't turned to ashes, he immediately thought it wasn't ordinary as it looks. The wood possessed a hidden ability.

"H-how could it want damaged at all!? Could it be? Teacher how did it couldn't even turned to ashes already!" He immediately blurted out.

He don't believe that he couldn't even made a single burn on it. As he was about to attack again, but stopped by Seigehart before he even did.

"Owlminon, you can go back to your seat and replenish your energy." the student complied from what Seigehart said as he was tired from using his powerful attack.

"As you all witnessed. Owlminon is an Master level Aura warrior. His attack power could definitely rivaled a Grandmaster level Aura warrior, but when he attacked this wood, he only made an insignificant burn on it. You know why? Use Aura Eyes to know it yourself." he said, as all students did what he said.

Aura Eyes was a technique used my all Aura warrior to vividly see the Aura Energy at the air and surroundings. Also it could let them see the illusions and far distance like an eagle if mastered.

As they activated their Aura Eyes, it reveals before them the secret of the wooden plank. From their eyes, the wooden plank became a precious material. It has a thick layer of Aura Energy, not just an ordinary Aura Energy, but a Fire Element Aura Energy, shrouded in it like it was blazing with fire itself.

No wonder, it could remain undamaged from my attack. It unexpectedly has Fire element Aura around it, which probably neutralized my attack. Owlminon comprehended.

"The Fire Element Aura around it, caused it to be resistant to aany fire element attack, even lightning or light beams like Owlminon's attack, this wooden plank could resist them. Now you know why almost all Aura Energy type materials are precious, more if it has an element. Aura material are rare as hen's teeth, as it took time for an object to have a consolidated Aura Energy around it. You'll know everything about Aura Energy and Mana at your Basics of Magic Circle, Primary Study of Runes and Primary Study of Sigil."

The Class was at the end after Seigehart introduced and discussed another 15 different materials. They were not bored at his class, as Seigehart discussed it in an elaborated and humored way, like asking for volunteers on letting them see and experience things for themselves.

"This all for today, but before you leave take this." he said as a thick book with 600 pages, with similar title 'Craftsman's Treasures' appeared floating before them.

Their faces became sour as they saw how thick it was, as Seigehart continued to talk. "Read that during your free time, and next week we'll have a quiz regarding all that we've discussed."

They all reluctantly grabbed the book and stored it in their Space Storage Badge that the academy gave them. They're waiting for Seigehart to let them all leave, for them to be allowed, which elated their moods from his words.

"Then, next meeting we'll be going to one of the Azure Serenity Island mountains. So be prepared, it's a field trip. That's all class dismissed." and they all leave with full of anticipations in their eyes, as they walked out of the room.

They're all only First year students. As the academy policy, first years were not allowed to venture outside the academy. If they tried to do so, their badges would teleported them back to their rooms automatically, and they have no other methods to remove it as it was bound to them.

After all, with the wonderful island before them, who wouldn't want to explore it, even for a bit. Thus, it is no wonder they longed for it. Which certainly made them excited, that if reading a thick book was the only price to pay for going outside, then they would definitely do it with pleasure.

I'm glad it worked. Now they have motivation to read the book I gave them. Seigehart thought as his plan worked. As he saw them leave with burning eyes, after they were all gone, be also leave and go back to Artifact Creation Hall.

When he was outside the Academy Class Castle, one of his stalker was running toward him with troubled look on his face. He stopped when he reached Seigehart and began to speak.

"Head teacher Seigehart, at last I see you! Quick, you need to go back at the Artifact Creation Hall! There's trouble there! The Regal Hepisziur came and demanded your crafted Golden Stygian! Pulling it out of its place!"

"Hahaha!..." Seigehart heard only chuckled, which confused the person before him.

"Head teacher, how could you still laugh after hearing what I had said!? Your crafted artifact would be gone by now! We must immediately go back!" the person insisted. As he looked at Seigehart which have an amused smile on his face.

Suddenly, a thought came to his mind. Is Head teacher Seigehart wasn't even bothered, about his crafted artifact being taken away? After all, he didn't touched it after hi crafted it. it might be so. Anyway, its relieving that he was not bothered at all. He could just craft one if he wanted to.

"Okay, Osir. Let's go back. I want to see how this person would take this Golden Level Artifact of mine. Well, if this person could. hahaha!"

Seigehart return straight to the Artifact Creation Hall with full of anticipation.


I know it have many sythetical errors, as well as semantic errors. So please be an angel and point it out. I'm not proficient with English after all.

And to tell you the truth, this chapter made me suffer from depression. I accidentally deleted the first completed Chapter 20, which made me angry to my phone that I almost throw it on the floor.

I was depress, really depress and eventually, I finally got over with it and moved on. I accepted the fact that I made a regrettable mistake, and I need to write it AGAIN, THIRD TIME! YES I MADE A MISTAKE THREE TIMES!

Hopefully, everything about the chapter were still in my head, and immediately rewrite it in about 3 hours straight. Not to mention, it was after the Final Examination in DE, which the time where my mind was still functioning.

Also, I need your strength fellow earthlings. Raise your hands and pray that I passed on Qualifying Exam. So my dream of becoming an Engineer don't remain a mere dream only.

And here it is. Hope you like it or pretend that you like it.

Happy Holy Week. Hope, your relatives on the other side visits you in your room alone. Or you visit them instead.

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