《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Eighteen


Chapter Eighteen: Azerius Academy

At the high sky of some planet, an ellipse dimensional portal appeared from nowhere. It stay there unmoved by the winds.

After an hour, the surface of the dimensional portal flickered unceasingly violent. Which abruptly stopped and something or rather someone else came out from it.

That person is Seigehart Caduceus, always with his nonchalant complexion. His eyes were close, as when he reached the end of the dimension tunnel, everything brightens up like a cliche white screen simulating in a movie and temporarily blinded him.

When he felt the gentle breeze of fresh air from the north, he immediately opened his eyes and saw something wonderful.

In front of him, there was an spectacular scenery that would amaze any person who would look at it.

A vast land below, with millions of distinct islands scattered before it, while at the colorful horizon, a much bigger land than the land below floated.

A paradise came out of picturesque imagination of people whom would sometimes dreamed of a fantasy world.

While he was emmersed at the the scene, his body shone brightly, from green and became blue to purple. Then Gold to Black and when it became starry rainbow like countless small stars were flickering, enshroudering him and finally became radiantly bright, brighter than the sun like he became an humanoid light entity, which gradually grew dim and disappear.

He didn't noticed the changing colors around his body, for he was deeply entranced by the scene before him. However, he felt a warm and gentle, yet chaotic and domineering sensation around him which made him quietly curious.

Seems like I've arrived at the right place. he thought amused, as he saw a vast land from above floating like clouds in the sky, while recalling the sensation he felt.

I'll know about it later, after I inquired the book of universe about it. He thought.

As he thinking of what he would do next after arriving to the new world. He recalled everything about what he did at the previous dimension.

Though, his only goal was to teach. When he thought about it, he is powerful and all, yet he didn't do anything in the previous dimension but to waltz around and torture his students by kicking their asses to fight something on their level or above.

"I have become terrible after acquiring this power. I'm a productive teacher in my previous life, but now I have become lazy... There's no point on crying over a spilled beans." he sighed regrettably that he accepted the offer of True Creator to be his emissary.

Even though the case of the previous dimension was rather chaotic, where kill or be killed. There's still some ways to teach peacefully, though it would take more time and effort to prepare. Thus, he doesn't have a choice but to leave. After all the True Creator also inclined him to leave and recommended the Xehelim dimension.

"I'll just refrain myself from doing anything unnecessary or abnormal. So I need to learn some common sense about this world. But first, let's see what's planet I am in, right now." he muttered gleefully while thinking about what knowledge he would acquired, which elated his depressed self.

An ancient book in his mind flipped its page and sent an astronomical amount of information to him, about the world where he is at the moment.

He didn't felt lightheaded or any headaches, as the information was only something about the planet itself. It was still a small amount compared to when he inquired the book for all knowledge about the whole universe.


It contained everything about the planet, like spells, languages, history of the planet from the beginning, about the different types of races which made him excited.

Common sense which surprisingly shocked him, for it wasn't included when he was previously at Ascatec Universe at the previous dimension, etcetera.

When he thought about it, the words of True Creator comes to his mind. You'll have access to my knowledge as the reward for accepting my offer... That might the case. So the previous Book of Universe only knows of common knowledge but not common sense, for the two were quite have the difference philosophically.

The book only gave him all knowledgeable about the planet not the whole universe as it was what he wanted. If he wanted to learn everything about the universe or the whole dimension itself, he only need to wield the book.

However, processing the information would consume him another hundred million years, which he doesn't wanted to happen again.

Surprisingly, the planet was called Soclomanois. It was a planet where Craft and Magic exists. A planet where phenomenal energies exists, which called, Mana an internal energy, which most commonly used by all people, as all people were attuned to it. What only matter was their talent to cultivate it.

Second is Aura energy an external energy, where people who possessed such energy were only counted in hundreds or thousands over the millions of beings at Soclomanois.

"So this planet is called Soclomanois. What a weird name for, which according to their native tongue means, Lazy. Well I think it's a suited name for this planet."

He found it suitable, for the planet don't rotate nor revolve around the sun. Instead, the twin moons and sun is the one whose rotating around it.

Wondering why it was the case? Because the planet itself was many times bigger than the sun and moons. Thus, the gravitational force the planet possessed was many times stronger.

Due to it, a descending meteors were a normal occurrence to the planet. For people of the planet, it was a sigh of good or bad omen depends on the number of meteors, what year it happened and many superstitious assumptions.

Soclomanois have three continents within it. The Holy Land of Axiein, which located at the hemisphere of Soclomanois, slowly orbiting around it.

The Million isles Continent which from the name itself, one would know its features. A place which held many mysteries and where the sea is a common road and have millions of islands scattered like grains of sand.

Lastly is the Frindeia Continent where most races lives. It was much smaller than the Holy Land of Axiein, but the largest continent is the Million Isles continent.

Although, the islands were separated, if those islands were to combine together, it would surpassed the combine size of the two other continents.

In this planet there are three main races, the Humans, Faes and Demons.

Humans are classified into three, which was the High Humans, Sky Humans and Humans. High Humans were the ancestor of all humans as they're much more superior to any aspects, lifespan agility, strength, etc. As pure ancient blood flows through their veins.

While Sky Humans have wings, they were also called Angels. They're all living at the Holy Land of Axiein which unreachable to normal humans below, as they don't possessed wings to fly.

Normal humans are more populous than the other two. Though the High Humans and Sky Humans were far superior at many aspects, their birthrate was too low which affected they population.

Also Faes were classified into many sub-races, like Elves, dwarfs, beastkins, fairies, etc. And this sub-races were also classified into many sub-species, like for instance Forest Elves which lives in mostly at forest. The Mondor Dwarfs or Fire Dwarfs which mostly lives in volcanoes. The Trigerian Beastkins which had the characteristics of an ferocious Tiger, and many more.


And lastly, the Demons. Just like the Faes they're also classified into many sub-races, like Devils, Demons, Vampires and many more.

Humans mostly have half of the Frindeia continent for themselves, as they built Kingdoms and Republic Nations. While High Humans and Sky Humans were living in seclusion. Not wanted to openly reveal themselves to the world for some reasons.

While Faes more or less, most of them also lives secluded from the outside world, like in the deepest part of Forest and mountains, while some are living with humans and built kindgom for their own, like the Dwarvens, Beastkins and some sub-species of Faes.

Demons on the other hand, most of their sub-races were either frowned upon by humans and Faes, or hunted for their way of life, for example the Vampires and Werewolves which considered by most as an hell spawn.

That's why Demons built their stronghold at the Biggest Island at the northern part of Milion Isle Continent, which guarded heavily by Nagas. Their territory marked thousands of islands around their stronghold.

After processing all the information he received from the book, he remembered the sensation he felt a while ago. "So that feeling was the Aura energy itself. What a powerful energy."

Then he thought. "Where would I go first? I think I'll first make some reputation for myself... Or not? It will be troublesome." he said to himself, as he knew that in this world, skills were what make people's worth, only second to strength.

In this world, Craftsman are the most venerated kind of person, only second to gods that people worshipped through their lives. No king nor emperor surpassed their worth, except if the king was a craftsman himself.

Thus, if people knew that someone was born with the affinity to control Aura energy, which an ability requirement for being a craftsman, even if he's an apprentice, they only need time for them to become Master Craftsman and their future prospect would be limitless.

Looks like teaching Craftsmanship will be the right field for me. But where would I start? he suddenly thought, recalling the places that the book mentioned from a while ago.

In the whole planet, there were a total of one 256 academies, four academies per one Kingdom while Empires have five or more. However, there's also some academies which were located at the wilderness, forests and mountains.

Those academies were more sought by people than those within the territory of Kingdoms and Empires, because of the equal treatment they gave to their every students, no matter if one was a commoner or noble.

While those within the kingdom's territory and empire, the academy itself was controlled by the Kingdom or Empire. Which caused the nobles and royalties to be too haughty and arrogant that leads to bullying and violence.

Even though, the entrance test of academies which not within the territory of any kindgom or empire were above average or difficult to achieve, that's the reason why people tend to enroll in those kind of academies than those within the kindgom and empire. They put more attention to those with talent than those who bought talent with their connection and status.

According to the book, the most prominent academy are the Azerius Academy at the Million Isle Continent, the Evertrigan Academy at the Great Forest of Ever Burning Flame, the Samsaran Akoz Academy within the territory of Akoz Empire, Brukour Ashford Academy at Thorus Zod Republic and the Zodiac Colligan Academy at the Celestial Star Island. Hmm..... I'll go at the Azerius Academy, I'm quite curious about the Million isle continent. After all, nothing beats personal experience.

Azerius Academy teaches Craft and Magic, while others teaches, Craft, Magic and Martial Arts. The requirement for teaching in one of this academy, is that the person should be at least, an extraordinary person among the high level masters of the field he/she wanted to teach. Secondarily was the passage of the test.

Having the limitless knowledge of craftsmanship, Seigehart was already the most skillful craftsman ever exists in the world. Thus, whatever academy he chooses, he would definitely be accepted. If he would aligned himself to the ranking system of craftsman.

Which initially an Apprentice craftsman which could easily create green level, blue level artifacts and hardly purple level artifacts. As Master craftsman could easily create purple level, Orange level artifacts and hardly Silver level artifacts.

Whilst Grandmaster craftsman could easily create Silver level and hardly Golden level artifacts. Where Sage craftsman could easily create everything below Golden level and hardly Crimson level artifacts.

There's also the Legendary Craftsman which could easily create Crimson level with profound and more powerful effects. Lastly, the Immortal Craftsman which already a legendary existence could create Black level artifact by which could even kill Celestials, an existence below the Gods.

However, this level don't apply on Seigehart, for he could create even more powerful artifact than Black level artifact. The mythical Radiant level artifact and Rainbow level Artifact which could kill even a God.

Thus, he could be considered the nonexistent, Supreme Exalted Craftsman.

"Then I will head towards the Million Isle Continent, at the Azure Serenity Island." he said to himself and flew off, transforming into a ray of white light.

His current location and the Azure Serenity Island were a million miles apart. Which would took a Fae's lifetime, who possessed the longest lifespan of thousand years, to cover the distance by either walking or running.

And because of great distance between islands and territories, even if it was a thousand or hundred miles, there's absolutely no sane person would do that. Thus, they used and tamed beast as mounts, as means of transportation. Which a hundred times more faster than a normal person.

As they were still not satisfied, some Tinkers pondered of a way to lessened the time needed to travel back and forth and much more faster than beast.

Then a certain Tinker said. "If we couldn't find one. Why don't we make one?"

And thus, many Tinkers coupled with great Craftsmen made an artifact that possessed high endurance for travelling at the very fast velocity.

Which from them, an transportation artifact was created, called the Sky Ship. It could be used in land or air, much faster than the fastest beast.

Sky Ship are an artifact that used Mana Crystals as power source to work, which could levitate and fly into the sky without resistance to air or gravity, with the negating power of Aura energy that enveloped the Sky Ship and the person or people who rode it.

From then on, many types of Sky Ship appeared, some were like carriage while being pulled by a beast, which became a symbol of high status and only nobles could use such transportation that's why it was banned for being used by commoners, excluding some rich merchants.

Some were like small boats that could carry two to five people, which were customized and became Sky Glider, that became popular to most people because of conveniency it had and comes with many styles.

It was then replaced the used of beast when travelling alone. While Merchants greatly profited from selling bunch of Sky Glider, that almost made the Sky Glider became an everyday neccessity for all Explorers.

Which made the price of tamed beast almost unprofitable for merchants. Also it is the reason why banditry had sky rocketed.

Even with the Beast and Sky Ship, people were not satisfied and still finding ways to more lessen the time needed to travel from great far distances.

With the combine mind of Craftsmen, Tinkers and Magicians, they made an artifact that answered their problem. The Portal Gate, which magically connected two places regardless of distance. However that place must also have Portal Gate, if not neither of the two Portal Gate would work.

Which created by Craftsmen to prevent any accidents, like accidentally opening a portal to another world or dimension, which were really dangerous. It also need Mana Crystal to work, which varies directly to the distance of place, such as the farther the distance the more Mana Crystal were needed.

As for Experts of great powers, if they used their own means, they could cover it within a matter of months or weeks, at the very least. But for Seigehart, he only need hours to arrive at Azure Serenity Island.

What purpose of his power if not put to use? Though, it would not deteriorate, its such a waste to not use.

On his way, Seigehart encountered many flying beast and Sky Ships. Though, Seigehart passed through them, they didn't noticed nor sensed Seigehart because of his extremely fast speed, faster than speed of sound.

After exactly an hour, he was already above the Azure Serenity Island. The island was azure in color, that giving off an serene aura like a calm surface of an undisturbed pond, reflecting the boundless sky.

The Azure Serenity Island has a magnitude of thousand miles. Quite larger than the whole Thorus Zod Republic and Alemnia Country, As the Island itself possessed countless high quality crafting materials, from raw materials of plants and animals, to ores of metals and precious stones.

Furthermore, the Mana surrounding it was too dense, that it almost condense into liquefied form, and became a dew every dawn. Which justifiably, the reason why the Azerius Academy is one of the top class academy in terms of crafting.

Possessing much knowledge about the world, Seigehart had already knew everything about Azerius Academy, from the time of its foundation to the present, as well as, the secrets of the Azure Serenity Island that even the headmaster of Azerius academy didn't know.

So this is the Azerius Academy... Well then. I'll apply as a teacher here, and take in a personal student. Raise him to Legendary Craftsman or, at the very least Sage Craftsman within a hundred years time, then go to another world. he devised in his mind.

He looked at the entirety of Azerius academy for a brief moment. "Well, nothing will happen it I stay here." he muttered and immediately goes forth, transforming into a ray of light.


zup? *sigh* I'm having a hard time and quite depressed this past few days. My grades are low, which is not good. *sigh*

I know this story sucks, I know it. But I won't stop this yet, because it sucks.

Looks like I'm not talented at creating this kind of story, about teaching. Probably, because I red mostly xanxia and wuxia.

About common knowledge and common sense, just define it as unchangeable fact and wisdom inferred from everyday experiences.

Anyway, thanks for wasting time on this.

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