《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Seventeen


Chapter Seventeen: To another dimension!

"Tania! Lily! What happened!?" Rosalia worriedly asked as she saw their sorry state.

Tania and Lily were sobbing when, Rosalia saw them. Something bad might had happened. She thought.

When Tania and Lily saw Seigehart they immediately plead to him. "Teacher! Please save Rick and Ascathon! We're ambushed by a family of pristine death worm the moment we entered at the Ruins of War Gods. Please! Help them!"

Prisoners death worms? I didn't put any worm type beast there. It might be caused by someone. He speculated.

Seigehart covered the whole realm with his divine sense, but he sense Ascathon at the academy and now healed by the academy, but he didn't sense Rick.

This doesn't look good. He might be abducted by them. he thought.

He looked at Tania and Lily and said. "Don't worry about Ascathon, he was already healed and resting at the academy. We should go now Rosalia. I'll bring you two along then."

In an instant, they disappeared from the realm and appeared at the sky above the Gaia's City.

"Were back at the planet Morvious!?" Rosalia exclaimed.

Tania and Lily wasn't surprised at all as they're thinking about Rick and Ascathon.

"Teacher Seigehart, is what you had said true?" Lily asked.

"Of course, so stop worrying." Seigehart said. Tania was also looking at him, that she seems also wanted to know what happened to Rick. "Rick is also safe so don't worry. You'll see him soon so let's go."

Seigehart lied. As he once again used his divine sense. He sense Rick at the Mount Lesscape, and not in the good condition.

I'll bring this girls first to their family then rescue Rick. He decided.

With that, they disappeared from Gaia's City and appeared directly at the throne room of Everspear Empire.

The Empress saw them immediately recognized her daughters. "Rosalia! Titania!"

"Mother!" they said and ran to her embrace.

"Why are you here!? Our Empire is at war with Howlstrom Empire and I don't want you two, too..."

"W-war!?" Lily and Tania exclaimed.

"yes, the Howlstrom Empire declared war against us. He might seeking vengeance as I see it was the only explanation about this ordeal."

"Mother, I know. That's why we're here. I want to be with my family, specially at time like this." Rosalia resolutely said.

"You... Ugh, come." the Empress said and again hugged her daughters.

"Now that I'm done here. I'll be going now. Be safe."

Before Seigehart was about to teleport. He felt an extremely strong energy undulation at the outer space of Morvious. As he teleported at the sky. He saw a deadly giant sword made of Law of Sword.


It was extremely tyrannical and would definitely destroy the whole planet Morvious if it was hit. He used his divine sense to envelop the whole galaxy and everything within it was revealed to him. Nothing was an exception.

He immediately saw a bunch of Overgods, Sovereign and five Universe Overlord at the outer space of Morvious, peering down at the planet Morvious like an insignificant ant in front of them.

This fellows might be here because they thought an extremely powerful treasure appeared here. But why they only came after a hundred million years? Might be their agreement. Seigehart thought to himself.

The Tyrannical sword made of Law of Swords was unstoppable and would struck the planet Morvious within 5 seconds. However, if Seigehart first stopped it, Rick on the other hand would die, as the group of Divine Heistist was about to extract his Divine gift out of his body, which would definitely kill him.

He gripped his hand tightly, and his face was serious. In that moment, he need to choose wisely what's the right thing to do. If he choose Rick the world will be destroyed, if not and he chooses the world, Rick would die.

He gritted his teeth and sighed. "Why everything suddenly became chaotic? Looks like I need to go all out. I guess." he said

Seigehart opened his hand as an ancient thick book appeared on his hand. "Dimension Ruler - Paradise of Solemnity"

As he said that, the whole Ascatec Universe lost its color and became monochrome, black and white. Everything had stopped, the clouds drifting at the boundless sky, the huge waves of the ocean, as well as the comets that passing through the planets.

"I think this would do." he sighed. As he comes with realization.

"This dimension followed the rules of the jungle. I won't have a good time teaching at this kind of environment, if what every person desire was power, not knowledge. I better find a dimension, where I can teach people who seek knowledge not power. Or not so chaotic dimension... If ever save Rick and leave. The Divine Heistist would found him again and take his divine gift and this bunch of power hungry Universe Overlord would destroy every planet just to find the not existing powerful treasure.... What a head ache." Seigehart said as he rubbed his temples.

As Seigehart was thinking of what to do a booming voice echoed through his mind.

'Devon Agrimoure. Having a hard time? Hohoho!!!'

'True Creator!?' Seigehart exclaimed.

'Don't exclaimed! You're loud!"

'I'm sorry, but you're loud too True Creator.'

'You! I'll strip you with all your powers, turn you back to being ordinary human again!'

'You can do that!?" he was happy and sad at the same time as he heard it.


'of course, what do you think of me!? I'm not the True Creator if I couldn't even do that simple thing.'

'Then can you just do that? And bring me back to my peaceful days where I can teach students like normal, where I don't need to teach them to kill someone...'


'It's Seigehart, True Creator.'

'......Name wasn't important to a person who had reincarnated million times and you know it. However, you won't have access to any of your past memories, caused I deleted it all.'

'What! why would you do such thing!? What if!...'

'What if what?'

'Nevermind....' he said as arguing with the True Creator was pointless. As he know what Seigehart was thinking.

'Anyway, I contacted you, to tell you that you are chosen as my Emissary! Congratulations!'

'Emissary? Why me? I'm still having a hard time coping up with this overpowered power that you gave. Now you want me to be your emissary? What kind of thing would I get if I accepted it?'

'Actually, you're already is. The moment you choose knowledge. You're already are my Emissary. You'll just have access to all the knowledge I have.'

'.....That's tempting. Okay, I'll accept it. I'll become your... Wait. What kind responsibility would I gain from this? This sure have such thing. So tell me.'


'Nothing? Are you sure?'

'.........of course, nothing. Anyway, I'll upgrade your book now and I advice you to go to Xelehim Dimension. That place is perfect for you. Hohoho! It'll be more fun watching you there than here. good luck!'

"Wait.... What.' at that last message, his mind became silent again. No booming voice, nor amused laugh of an old man.

I better clean all the stuffs here. He thought.

As he touched his book, it glow in translucent white light. "Change of plans. Dimension Ruler - Time Wheel! Reverse! Return the Hundred million years that had gone!"

As he shouted it, the whole Ascatec Universe slowly span counter clockwise, until it gradually gained more speed and reached the highest speed and became a white ellipse and immediately stopped.

As Seigehart looked back at the planet Morvious, the two vast continent became one once again. The high tower had gone, as well as the huge Blood Oak Tree. The existences of people he knew had also disappeared as they're weren't still borne. All the changes that happened in the whole Ascatec Universe after a hundred million years had all reverted back to how it were before Seigehart's descend.

When he saw two Primordial rank spirit beasts battling above the vast continent. As their fight intensified, the vast continent was divided into seven vast land and drift away from each other.

"Looks like everything had started anew, but this time in entirely different approach from before. I better leave now"

He raised his hand that was glowing and slashed downward as a Dimensional portal appeared. It is one of the natural skills of an Dimensional Ruler. Thus, passing through dimensions was like walk to them.

As he entered the portal, he was greeted by thousands of people with peculiar animal body parts, kowtowing to him, as if they were worshipping him.

When he looked behind, the portal closed behind it was a statue of a man with robe similar to him.

"Our God has graced us with his presence! All hail Pukuchwa!" someone shouted

As Seigehart heard it, he frantically opened another dimension portal and immediately dived into it, transporting him to another dimension. When he had gone to another side after passing through the dimension tunnel, what greeted him was a grassy plain with flowers, countless floating islands and seven moons with different sizes.

"What a wonderful paradise. The air is so fresh, as the whole place was....."


"Peaceful...." he said as he was interrupted by an unceasing booming sound.

As he looked back, he saw countless different kinds of giant beast battling. Countless corpses where littering on the ground, painting the green pasture with blood red. While hundreds and thousands of some corpses were already bones, while some were still rotting and emitting an unbearable foul stench, like they were there for months or rather years.

Then some corpses caught his attention, as they're moving and standing up again, even some of them were already skeletons, then frenziedly attack another beast. Another weird place, chaotic and peaceful.

He quietly opened another dimension portal and entered. This time he was led to a water world. No land only water and under the water was a circular dome with buildings. An underwater city.

Seigehart was captivated by the seen. It was an awe-inspiring scenery, if not for the fact that there was giant metallic sharks trying to breakthrough the dome.

Then, another creature appeared, it was more bigger than the sharks, 10 times bigger. A whale shark with sword like nose, which it used to destroy the whole city with one swoop.

Again, another weird place. He again opened another dimension portal, but this time he had a destination in mind, not some random transport. He opened a dimension portal through Xelehim dimension as the True Creator had suggested.

The dimension tunnel this time was rather longer than before, as he felt like he already spent months inside the dimension tunnel. After an hour, he could finally see the end of the portal and go through it.


This is right.

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