《Otherworldly Teacher》Chapter Sixteen


Chapter Sixteen: Predicament after another

Princess Rosalia was flabbergasted when Seigehart bluntly said that they won't easily relinquished them. She initially thought, Seigehart was some egoistical eccentric. Who only thought of his own life but admittedly, she was entirely wrong. She felt ashamed as a princess for judging someone without knowing them.

As she stand up and bowed respectfully towards the headmaster and elders, regardless of her social standing, as she said. "Headmaster, I'm deeply sorry for putting you on dangerous situation. I... if anything don't goes well... We'll surrender to the Howlstrom Empire. I'm really sorry." An apologetic tone was evident in her voice, as her eyes started to moist.

"Haha, it's okay. We appreciate your solicitude. Don't worry, we're not the Gaia's Heart Academy, if we couldn't even protect our students from harm. So rest assured, you're extremely safe here. However, not your family outside the realm. They're in liability to lose the war. Moreover, that they're enemies made an alliance. I'm sorry but we can't even help you in this matter." Blayne said in an apologetic tone

Rosalia felt at ease that they were safe, that the academy didn't tought of them as burdens, at the same time, felt extremely unease about her empire, especially her family.

"It's okay, headmaster. Protecting us was already far enough. We're extremely thankful." she sighed as anxiety could be seen in her eyes. Please, father, mother, Angraelia and Octavus. Be safe. She wholeheartedly wished.

"However, I know someone who could have help you. But it all depends if he wanted to. I can't force him to this." Blayne said, which elated the princess.

"Headmaster, it's okay. If this someone can help me and my sister return home safely, without being captured by the experts of Howlstrom Empire that waiting to ambush us once we goes out of the Gaia's City. it is already enough. We we'll compensate him considerably. So Headmaster, who is this person you spoke of?"

Elder Croll answered her question. "you know him. He had just left."

Her eyes widened with the revelation. Without words she stormed out of the room and head towards the main entrance of the building. Hoping to see the said person.

"Headmaster, why don't we help her? Now that your a Highgod. We didn't need to be scared of them. After all we're also about to breakthrough to God rank. Once it happened our academy will became one of the first rate academy in the whole Underground Haven." Elder kuro said.

"No we can't. The Howlstrom Empire had two Highgods. The Emperor and the Grand Elder of Howlstrom Clan. If we helped them, they might appease their wrath towards us and act directly destroying our academy. After all there's no law prohibiting about eradicating an academy directly. Only Empire between empire." Blayne explained.

"Also, teleportation inside the Gaia's City is hindered by the barrier, and if we acted personally. The undercover expert of the Howlstrom Empire would immediately know about it, as they watched every entrances of Gaia's City without blinking their eyes." Elder Wise added. As they heard it, they couldn't helped but sighed.

Princess Rosalia had already traversed the whole building but she was unable to found even a silhouette of Seigehart. She walked out of the building with a dejected expression, to be suddenly disappeared as she saw Seigehart in front of her.

"Looks like those old mans, had involved me in this matter. Anyway, I don't have anything to do, so I'll take up your plea."


"*sob* thank you teacher!" she exclaimed with conflicting emotions.

At the Howlstrom Emperial Castle, the emperor sitting on his intimidating throne, waiting for the message in Gaia's City to arrive. His eyes had an concealed dreadful wrath as he peered down the whole Capital city of Howlstrom Empire.

His most trusted vassal comes. "Your majesty, a messager from our men at the Gaia's City has come." he said and signalled the man to comeforth.

"Your majesty, I have come with message." the man kneeled, bowing his head.

As the emperor raised his hand, the man started to speak. "Your majesty, the barrier of the Gaia's City is as they said, extremely formidable. A God rank would die just from entering and one of the Gold Arcaide Academy Elder fell victim from it. Coupled with tight security, but luckily we're able to enter the city. We also found that the barrier is powered and maintained by an magic formation, as it is also the weakness. About the answer of the Gaia's Heart Academy to your majesty's behest, this letter was given to me by the headmaster himself." he said and offered the piece of paper that taken to the emperor by his most trusted vassal.

Then, the vassal read the letter to the emperor. "To your majesty, Emperor Bulkwain Howlstrom. I'll cut from the formalities. My sincerest apology, however regarding our answer. We won't relinquish our own student. Thus, instead protect them. As long as they're student of my academy, they're not part of any Emperial household but part of my Gaia's Heart Academy. Written by the Headmaster Blayne."

"Pretentious! Impertinent! This second rate academy become arrogant because no one could breach their defense!? Cowards! Bunch of turtles! Hiding in their shells! Astoni, watch over the outside of Gaia's City. Report back immediately once you caught wind of the Everspear royalties. Proceed as you were instructed. Now leave." An irritation and anger was evident in his voice, as his eyes flashed with cold killing intent.

"You!" Bulkwain pointed towards the kneeling man. "You discovered an essential information. You'll be rewarded by five hundred thousand high quality elemental crystal. Proceed as you were instructed, destroy the magic formation of the Gaia's City barrier, with any means necessary."

"thank you your majesty! We'll immediately do what your majesty had instructed." the man said and leave urgently, not wanting to bath in the cold atmosphere of the throne room, because of Bulkwain's killing intent.

The person beside him, sweated coldly as he felt the cold air coming from the emperor. As Emperor Bulkwain called his vassal. "Gavin!"

Sweating coldly, scared out of his wits. He still replied splendidly, yet stuttering. "y-yes! Your majesty!?"

Emperor Bulkwain looked at him coldly like a prey. The vassal seems felt his body shrunk from the beastly eyes of the emperor, as his whole body stiffened, not daring to move even an inch.

"Gavin, tell General Hawkins to march immediately towards the Juggernaut Pass, camp at the Red Mush Plain and wait for me their. I'll personally lead the attack." Emperor Bulkwain darkly said. As cold killing intent comes forth. To not be caught with it, the vassal immediately leave to do what was assigned to.

Mobilizing an army could take a long time because it would undergone many process of preparation, moreover that they're preparing for a war. However, everything was already prepared a long time ago before the treaty was abolished. It is likely that Bulkwain only awaited this entire time march.


Louder Everspear! Your doom has come! Now that the treaty between empires ceased. I'll take this chance to smitten your entire empire and kill your family in front of you! I'll have your head in my hands soon! This is my VENGEANCE! Emperor Bulkwain swore deeply within his vindictive heart.

The news about the war preparation of Howlstrom Empire had already spread from south to north, the east to west, and reached the ears of the Everspear Empire.

Emperor Louder had anticipated it and already mobilized his whole army, ready to march to the borders, as well as keeping the security tight at every cities within their territory, to avoid any internal strife tactics of the enemy empire. Because Emperor Louder knew what Emperor Bulkwain could do.

Resorting to any tactics, just to completely crush him. Even if Emperor Bulkwain, sacrifice many of his army, if it could brought the death and suffering of his number one adversary, nothing is impossible.

"As I thought. He awaited this right time to strike me. But I won't let him." he said to himself. As he looked at his army. With his generals beside him, they moved forward and would reach the Red Mush Plain in 3days.

"March forward!" he shouted and the whole army respond with a roar that shook the ground.

Meanwhile at the Sword Beast Forest. Four people were cautiously advancing towards the center of the forest. From when they entered, they already encountered seven magical beast and spirit beast, but they were able to kill all of them without difficulty.

As they move forward, the beast they encountered became less and less, which was really unusual that made them more cautious. They might had entered the territory of an formidable beast or they're closed to their destination.

Either of the two, they didn't afford to became relaxed and moved forward with extreme caution, as well as slightly slower to preserved their stamina.

When they saw a ruins, they're eyes beamed with curiosity, as it is their destination, the Ruins of War Gods.

There were countless masculine stone columns with different shapes and sizes scattered all over the place, as every one of them had an mysterious intricacies, while covered in Green luminous moss, giving of an ancient look.

At the center of it was a 100 m radius circular clearing, without any rubbles. The only thing at it, was an 1000 ft arch. At first look it was extremely normal, but if anyone thought of how an arch, amidst the 100km ruins of solid rocks and marbles was left standing and without scratches nor dirt on it, who would not suspect it as something special?

More so that it was well polished, like it was cleaned frequently without leaving a day of not attended, even the strange markings on it wasn't erased by the passage of time.

Ascathon, Lily, Rick and Tania weren't the only people at the ruins. Within the five kilometer area of the ruins, there were also other groups of students and some were group of Silver rank adventurers, while some were solo.

"So this is the Ruins of War Gods." Lily said as he looked around.

As they looked around, they spotted some people that was destroying columns but were unable to even put a scratch on the column.

"Arghh! I can't believe this old stone was this tough! I'll destroy you!" the youth roared, and continued to strike the column, yet the results were the same.

All people only watched him with pity. Only powerful Warlords and Sages could destroyed it, but they need to put all their energy into the attack just to make a crack. That's how hard a Primal Marble is. After all, it was one of the top quality material to forge an Emperor rank artifact.

'This whole huge city is made of primal marble!? where did they even found primal marbles this many!? That's for an ancient civilization for you. Full of mysteries.' Ignavus exclaimed at their mind connection.

'Primal marble? What's that?' Rick asked out of curiosity.

'You don't know it?... It is a top quality material for forging an Emperor rank artifact, that's why its that tough. But you could destroy thousands of it if you use your Flame.'

'No, I won't. It is better to be cautious than sorry.'

As they walked, an earth shattering boom resounded, as something huge came out of the ground and blown out many rubbles lf primal marble destroying it on the process.

Many artifacts shoot out from it and landed on the ground. As it was too obvious, all people around saw it immediately rushed over to pick one for their own.

However, as this people come closer a huge shadow enveloped them as their upper body disappeared and blood stained the white ground.

"That's an warlord rank spirit beasts! An Pristine Death Worm! As I thought! There's something like that here. After all it lived in placed near an lode of marbles. Quick! Run! It's body was tough as the Primal Marble!" someone shouted.

As they saw their comrades died from the beasts attack. They immediately fled from the place. However, as they about to leave, another dozens of holes appeared on the ground, scattered around the whole area, few hundred meters around them.

Even though, there were hundreds of adventurers at the place. They were unmatched by the body toughness of the spirit beasts and was slaughtered by it.

"How did Pristine Death Worm populated this many!?" someone shouted as it was really suspicious.

"We're surrounded by a family of Pristine Death Worm! Its to eat to be eaten! Arghh!!!" someone shouted and charged forward to one of the pristine death worm.

"Stupid Don't! You can't defeat it!" someone warned, but it's too late. He was already eaten by another worm that appeared beneath him.

"Shit! Fly! Use your brains! We're in the den of Pristine death worm. This worms couldn't fly!" someone shouted, but when he was about to fly with his flying artifact.

He was killed by someone and seized the artifact for himself and flew out of the place. "Haha! I'm gonna live! I'm alive! I'm alive!..... Arrgh!!!" he shouted with happiness. But confronted by a giant mouth with thousand sharp teeth. It was the Indomitable Death Worm, an peak stage Sage rank spirit beast, the king of pristine death worms.

Rick and his group were frantically fleeing away, when a pristine death worm appeared in front of them, and surprised attack them. They were able to immediately evade the attack and was blown out several meters, but Ascathon was less fortunate than them.

Though he was alive, his left limb was eaten by it. Because the beast was faster then the average pristine death worm. It's body was a bit smaller and red instead of white. It was the Blood Death Worm, an middle stage Sage rank spirit beast, the queen of pristine death worm.

"Ascathon! *sob*" Lily worriedly shouted as she rushed at his side.

"Lily don't! It's dangerous!" Tania obstructed the struggling Lily.

"Tania! Leave! Get out of here! Bring Lily! I'll rescue Ascathon, let's meet at the Yellow Leaf City!" Rick shouted and rushed towards Ascathon with his sword.

But the beast was already in front of Ascathon with its mouth was wide open ready to grind him whole.

Rick saw it, didn't held back and used his technique. "Volcanic step!" he inwardly roared with urgency. His body covered in extremely hot flame, like a lava shooting out of volcano. His whole body was still in half second, and leaped towards Ascathon. Bit it wasn't enough as the Blood Death Worm was faster than him.

"Ascathon use your ring!" he shouted as it was the only thing left to save him.

As Ascathon poured energy into the ring, he was immediately enveloped in light and disappeared, leaving the enraged Blood Death Worm as its food had escaped.

As it saw Rick, the Blood Death Worm charged at him with incredible speed. However, as it felt the sudden rise in temperature, it immediately tried to flee.

'Rick, there's no one around. Use your flame to slaughter this damn worms! You could breakthrough to middle stage once you're done! Use them as stepping stone!' Ignavus suggested.

However, from the shadow, someone was watching him intently. This person also knew of Ignavus's existence. As Ignavus was a peak stage Highgod, and an extraordinary one at that when he was alive.

Now, that he is in spiritual form, Ignavus was extremely sensitive to energy and could perceive any movement within his range. That's why the person in the shadow didn't dare to reveal himself, even though the person was a peak stage True God rank expert.

Only several adventurers were left while the other students also used their ring to fled, as well as Tania and Lily or they would die, as they were don't had any chances to fled. On the other hand, those Silver rank adventurers would definitely die, as they without a doubt were unmatched against the beasts strong defense and numbers.

Rick on the other hand was not bothered by it at all. He used his Nine Heaven Schorcing Sun as a fuel for his Volcanic step technique, as it also function as speed booster and defense. Any beast that managed to approach him would be engulf in yellow flames.

The Indomitable Death Worm was enraged by this and rushed towards him. It's giant body swum underground until it reaches Rick while busy fighting some pristine death worm. When the Indomitable Death Worm was about to emerged beneath him.

With Ignavus's warning, Rick evaded the ambush of the indomitable death worm. Like a snake from a hole, it bared it's thousand teeth, when it saw that it's prey had evaded.

Another couple of pristine death worm had emerged from the ground and attacked Rick that would definitely exhaust him, if it continues. The indomitable death worm closes it's mouth and spits a mouthful of dark sharp shards of primal marble with deadly venom.

If Rick was only grazed by it, he would feel an excruciating pain from the wound, that would disturb his way of thinking and slow his movements.

Luckily, he was using Volcanic step, as it turned all things that touches him to ashes. All the adventurers who saw it, found hope as they saw that the giant indomitable death worm's attack was unable to hurt Rick, as well as how easily he could kill many pristine death worm.

However, that couldn't even approach him because of the extremely hot temperature around him. As they thought, it was the reason why he could kill so many pristine death worms.

One of the adventurers had made a breakthrough to Emperor rank as he was already on the verge of breaking through. The adventurer managed to escaped luckily, as he was teleported out of the ruins when he brokethrough.

All adventurers whole saw it were dumbfounded, as they felt extremely envious. Who would not? He was about to die, but instead he became an Emperor rank that would definitely become a famous Gold rank adventurer. The most important thing is he's alive, while those who were left would die. How fortunate it was for him.

They're movement ceased as they stared at the previous position of the person who brokethrough, even the person in the shadow was extremely amused by it. Those seconds of stopped, was enough for the pristine death worms to slaughter them and ate them whole.

When the remaining adventurers were eaten, Rick was the only one left, as another dozens of pristine death worms approached him, coupled with the Indomitable Death Worm. It was a bad thing for him, while for the person in the shadow, it was a good thing. As he would need to go all out and used his divine gift, which the person in the shadow was waiting all along.

'Rick use your Nine Heaven Schorcing Sun!' Ignavus said. that Rick followed.

His body was enveloped in yellow flames as his hair became yellow with hint of blue. His power rises that could kill even an early stage Emperor ranK. The spirit beasts saw it was scared witless and was about to retread, as they were engulfed in yellow flames. Shrieks and roars of spirit beasts could be heard as they were burned throughly.

This made the person in the shadow extremely elated. As he moved out of the ruins.

As Rick burned them, the indomitable death worm was only had small patches of burned skin, which made the indomitable death worm extremely angry. It showered him with poisonous sharp shards, that were melted before it even reached him.

The indomitable death worm was more enraged as it entered berserk state, without bestial instincts, it charged towards him. It's giant mouth with thousand sharp teeth was in front of him, it swallowed him whole with the land he was standing at.

He was about to grind the the teeth and turned into mincemeat, as his body shone brightly. The mouth of the indomitable death worm were in flame as it roared in pain.

"Sun Super Nova!" Rick roared as the whole head of the indomitable death worm were burned without ashes, it was completely disintegrated. It's giant body fell with a bang and made a fissures from its fall.

All the pristine death worm had stopped moving for a moment and immediately retreated while roaring, that they're seems happy about the death of their king.

'Rick store this beast in your Spatial Storage Ring, this beast was one of the quest posted at the adventurers association.' Ignavus said as Rick did what he said.

"There's nothing for me to stay here. I better meet up with Tania and Lily, they're might be extremely worried about Ascathon." he said as he ran towards the Yellow Leaf City, leaving behind the remains of many pristine death worms.

When he got out of the barrier of the Ruins of War Gods. He stopped as he looked back. Still wanted to continue onwards but he needed to meet with his friends.

"This is our first time in the Ruins of War Gods, and we immediately encountered a disaster. I hope Ascathon was healed by the academy." he said as he once again moved towards the city.

When he was a few kilometers away from the ruins, a shadow moved from his side and pounced at him. He felt an extremely ominous aura, the same as the first time he felt it at the Yellow Leaf City.

Rick immediately bursted out yellow flames from his body and was instantly blown out a few kilometers away, as he snapped many trees in the process. The force of the attack was strong that his left arm was torn apart.

He doesn't know what had attacked him nor he sensed it coming. He groaned in pain as he had many broken bones, apart from his dismembered arm.

A mouthful of blood escaped from his mouth, as he looked up and saw a person in dark cloak of some cult, with insignia of vertical cross embroidered at the person's right chest, which grinning evilly. As darkness ate his vision and numbness filled his body, that's the last thing he see.


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