《The World is My Playground》Chapter 15: Encounter of the Clutzy kind


Hey guys, sorry about the long wait, lots of school work, but here ya go a new chapter, so hope you enjoy.

It's been two week since my takeover of the island, and so far everything's gone fine. Any monsters that defied me are taken cared of, the birthrates of all the monsters has gone up due to having no competition for food or territory and a safer environment for the young to be raised. The boars have been placed on allocated plots of land to create a type of farming system where a controlled amount of them would be placed to be eaten and the other to be raised to create more, creating a stable food source for the other monsters. All tier one monsters have been evolved into their tier two forms, increasing our fighting power except for the spiders who needed tier ones in order to do the work that the tier two type spiders could not do.

A great thing about making many evolve into their next tier is that now whenever a child is born from a pair of tier two parents, they will begin straight from the tier their parents are in, in this case, tier two. There is only a slight increase in the amount of time needed to give birth to the children, but their fighting power is already greater than what it would have been if they were a maturing monster of their respective tier one form. An interesting thing i discovered was that the jungle wolves that were Jungle Vine variants evolved, they became Nox Kobolds that could naturally use earth magic just like Draven, and those that became Dire Wolves that could summon multiple vines at once as well as have slight control of the earth around them, creating small walls or spikes from the ground when they needed them. I would come to call the Variant Nox Kobolds and Dire Wolves my Earth Specialist.

I was doing the same as last time, evolving monsters, and then meditating while i regenerated and repeat. Near the end of the second week, i had finally managed to accomplish what i wanted to learn. I was able to clearly feel the space around me without having to be in a meditative trance. With this, i began to mess with my psionic abilities and tried to shift the space around. By practicing this in my room, i had begun to be able to warp a small area in front of me, about the size of a marble. With some more practice, i could create different skills based on this, maybe small black holes or similar things, but that would take more time and practice in order to do so for now, being able to warp the space around me and stabilize it once more is fine. Before when i had started and couldn’t stabilize a warped space, it would restabilize itself which would cause an explosive force that would slam me against the walls, which would sometimes break a rib or two, causing me to have to rest for a while before starting again.

There’s also the new addition to abilities and traits that i can use now after taking in the Green Scales clan such as Lungs of the Green Scale Clan, which allows my body to be able to clean the air i breathe of any toxic chemicals and Flames of the Green Scale Clan, which allows me to create green flames that also creates smoke that is dangerous to anything that breathes it in without protection against it.

At the end of the second week, i finally distributed the stat points i had gained from leveling.


Status Window Name: David Alignment: none Level: 89 Class: MonsterTamer Race: Human Gender: Male Titles

Mental Abuse, Psionic Prime

Fame: 0 Infamy: 0 - Health: 6050 / 6050 Health Regen: 3.25 hp/s Mana: 11500 / 11500 Mana Regen: 6.1mp/s Stamina: 800 / 800 Stamina Regen: 0.80/ Sec - Strength: 90 Agility: 100 Vitality: 65 Intelligence: 100 Wisdom: 102 Endurance: 80 Luck: 45 - Attack: 190 Defense: 270 Physical Resistances Slashing: 93 Piercing: 93 Crushing: 93 Elemental Resistances Fire: 5 Water: 5 Wind: 5 Earth: 5 Light: 5 Darkness: 5

It was after this that one of the Flaming Eagle scouting groups i had sent out came to me in quite the hurry.

“My lord, we return from scouting the northern end of the island as you have instructed us and we bring important news!”

“What have you found?”

“A large vessel has landed on the beach, and many unknown individuals have gotten off, with an unknown amount possibly within the vessel itself.”

“How many have you spotted near the ship?”

“At Least four dozen have been spotted and another dozen on the deck of the ship.”

“Hmpf, looks like i finally get to meet some of the people of this world. You did well to inform we quickly. Send word to the troops to gather in the fields.”

“Yes my lord!”

A slight grin appeared on my face as i'm thinking, “I’m finally going to meet those that live on this world. I wonder how i should introduce myself? Greetings, my name is David, and i am the lord of this island and all of the monsters here……...nah i can’t say something like that, sounds stupid.”

“I thought it was quite nice, makes you sound like an actual ruler, hehehe.”

“GAH! Fuck, you gotta stop just popping into my head at random times like that, i was seriously thinking right now.”

“Hehehe, it's just so easy to get you, that's like the 10th time just this week, and about introducing yourself, just relax and be you, not like you got anything to worry about, with the strength you have, not many should be a problem for you."

“I guess you're right about that. Welp, i better get going and meet up with the troops and give them their orders for what we are gonna do with these visitors.”

Using the mental network Mira had made for me, i contacted my main followers to meet up with me as i made my way through the air to the fields, having wings is so convenient, makes traveling so much quicker.

Once i had arrived, my entire fighting force had already gathered, including my main followers. I waited till everyone settled down before giving them their new orders.

“Greetings soldiers, it would appear that outsiders have finally arrived to our island, and whether they are friendly or hostile is yet to be seen.”

The moment i had talked about outsiders, everyone had a face of both fear over outsiders and excitement at the possible chance at fighting a new possibly stronger enemy.

“As of right now, i will make my way with a select few to interact with these outsiders while the rest of you shall remain ready to attack at a moment's notice should the hostiles prove to be hostile. With the many tunnels built in that area the vipers and spiders shall remain underground and ready to strike while the Nox Kobold Riders remain at a distance from us of around five hundred meters. Behind them i want Nox Kobolds and Mountain Bears ready to charge in as well with the Armoured Hoppers moving between both waves assisting wherever they can. Behind that i want Toxic Salamanders ready to open fire on that vessel should they try to escape, i will send you message for when to fire through out telepathic links. Is that understood?”


“Yes my lord!” They all responded with the same words. After being in charge of them all, they had all taken a liking to calling me their lord, which was pretty nice.

I quickly made my way to the reported area of the our visitors with Ruby, Draven and Rogue by my sides. I had left Daxius, Rex, Fang, and Blitz behind to command the troops. It took us about four hours before we made it to where the Flaming eagles had told me where our visitors were. It as a beach on the northern end of the island, about 15 meters of sand was between the ocean and the tree line. We hid behind trees and bushes and observed them. There were at least twenty tents set up, with an average of two people per tent. I had a couple Flaming Eagles watching from above to report to me what i couldn’t see from the ground. From what they were saying, every individual that had come off from the boat had not yet left the beach, so however many we see is how many are here.

As we observed them, we saw a mix of different looking beings, some were light skinned with pointy ears, some had large horns scales, and tails. It was pretty freaky seeing it at first, but after reminding myself the shit i already went through and seen, i got used to seeing all these weird appearances real quick. What really surprised me though was the looks on many of their faces. They look terrified as hell. Every once in awhile they would steal a quick glance into the jungle, as if expecting something to just jump out at them. I wonder what had them spooked that much and if i should be a little wary as well.

As we waited, i listened to the ways they spoke, i would have expected them to each have a different language because of how different they all looked but was surprised to see that they all spoke a common language. I couldn’t understand it till Mira popped into my mind with a solution to that.

“If you wanna learn what they’re saying, just listen for a bit longer until i can create a language deciphering program for you. The more languages you read or listen to, the better i can make it so you can easily read, write, speak and understand all kinds of languages.”

“Great, then i guess i’ll just keep listening until you can get that made.”

It didn’t take long to finally start understanding what everyone was saying. It was maybe half an hour after i had talked with Mira that i began to understand bits and pieces of what they were saying. After about another half hour i was finally able to understand them and found out something quite funny. It turned out that the whole reason they were so afraid was because of the loud unified roar we had done when i made that one speech in front of my new people two weeks back. I had to struggle from laughing to hard or else be spotted by the few brave visitors that were patrolling the camps.

After a quick laugh, i got back to seriously watching our new visitors the entire night till the sun rose again. It was in the morning that we finally saw someone that must have been in charge of everyone because wherever they went, someone else followed them around and everyone moved out of their way and looked at her with respect and admiration. She was quite the looker too. She had long flowing silver hair, her ears were pointed to which Mira had told me was a defining feature of the elves. Her eyes were slightly slanted, with silver irises that made them seem like a shining silver platers. She had to be at least six foot and she wore what i would call a badass outfit. She wore a dark green leather jacket that was gold trimmed with a large rapier at her at her side that seemed to shine from the morning sun, almost blindingly so. At her waist beneath the jacket were multiple belts with pouches attached to them filled with who knows what and beneath all that was a back cloth shirt that went up to just about where her collar bone was. She had quite the body, with breast that weren't too big but also weren’t to small, just the right size that probably wouldn’t cause her back problems while also being able to attract the gazes of men which she did from the looks of the people around her were giving from the corner of their eyes. Even with the thick clothes she wore, I could tell that her body was fit, her muscles could be seen beneath, and she especially showed off her strength when a couple of guys with horns which Mira told me were draconians were struggling with lifting a heavy crate to which she swooped right in and basically lifted the damn thing almost by herself. What shocked me most though was what i overheard from her conversation with the person who always followed them around when she started getting near us.

“Princess! I really believe we should just forget about this island and look for another. Don’t you remember that roar some time ago. Whatever had caused that is something we most definitely are not prepared to take on. We should pack our things and….”

“Lizzy! Enough with your worrying! And didn’t i say not to call me princess while we are out of the kingdom's territory. I’m tired of those old fools doing everything they can to preserve their “perfect order”. I left that title the moment i left the Elven Kingdom. So don’t ever call me by that title ever again, it's Captain now, and i am not going to miss out on an adventure just because of a simple roar that came from who knows where on this island. If anything, it only makes me want to explore this island even more."

This loud and energetic person turned out to be an elvish princess, or was an elvish princess by the sound of it. Not quite sure what could have caused her to leave behind her title of being a princess, but i liked her spirit to explore and decided that i would definitely make her one of my new friends. Her friend that she had just talked to seemed to be almost the complete opposite of the ex-princess. She was very nervous, and constantly looking around, with loud noises making her jump. Her feline ears were constantly twitching as well, and her tail was tucked between her legs. She looked quite nervous after what the ex-princess said to which was seen by her friend who seemed to notice what her outburst had done. She proceeded to hug her to calm her nerves which seemed to work since she seemed to calm down.

“Look, lizzy, you knew that the whole reason we came out here was to go on adventures, and not have to be confined in a castle with rules upon rules restricting what we can do. We can’t just let every little thing scare us off. Now come one, let's go take a look and see what's in this jungle, we might find some interesting things in there.

With a now determined look in her face, she agreed with her friend. “Ok, you have a point, i’ll go get the exploration team ready to go.”

“Great, i’m going to go take a look inside the jungle, i won’t go too far, just bring the others over that direction when you're all ready."

Great, this is my chance to introduce myself with this person. I use my mental link to communicate with my followers.

“Alright, lets go follow her. Keep quiet and try to stay around her, don’t do anything unless i say so.”

They all nodded in agreement and followed as i ordered.

It didn’t take to long for her to make it far enough into the jungle that you couldn’t hear the campsites she had come from. I was up in a tree just a few feet away from her, Ruby was behind her, with Rogue and Draven on either side of her. It seemed that she had yet to figure out what was going on around her, so it made it all the easier to enact my plan.

Ex-princess POV

This is so exciting, i'm finally able to go on an adventure, and on an undiscovered island no thought. This jungle so beautiful. The sun shines through the open spots in the canopy of the trees, making rays of sunlight look like rays from the heavens shine to light my path. While taking in everything i saw around me in wonder, i didn’t pay any attention to where i was going and managed to trip myself over a root sticking out of the ground.



“Ah, fucking damnit.”

I landed right onto my face straight into my face. Just as i was getting back up, the sound of laughter began right above me.

Just as i looked up, someone jumped down from the tree, or more like fell from the way they landed.

David’s POV

As i was watching her, waiting for her to walk near me so i could introduce myself, i saw a root sticking out of the ground right in front of her path. I thought she would have seen it until she finally tripped on it and slammed right onto her face. Once i saw that, i couldn’t help myself and burst into a fit of laughter.


“God damn, you alright there, your face went straight for the dirt, i thought you had seen that root and avoided it.”

After i had finished my laughing fit, i got down from my branch and hopped right in front of her.

“Here, let me help ya up.”

I held my hand out to her to help her back up from the ground. She looked at me with a look of surprise most likely from finding out someone else was with her, and then became red faced and teary eyed when she finally realized what just happened. She took my hand and then immediately took a few quick steps back and took out her rapier.

“Oh come on, really, you’re gonna take your sword out on me, i don’t even have a weapon on me and i just helped you up. How am i threatening to you huh?”

I waved both my hands into the air slowly to show i had no weapons on me, to which she simply continued looking at me with teary eyes. She continued to hold her rapier at me, and continued to keep her face at an angle to where she could still look at me while hiding as much of her face as possible.

“Come one, let's put the pointy shiny metal stick of death down, and let's talk this over. I get it, you're probably embarrassed that i saw you slam on to your face into the dirt from a root that anyone could have seen if they were paying attention.”

“Uh, David, i think you should rephrase that cause you may or may not have just made her more embarrassed by reminding her what just happen. Could be just me, but i think her face just got even redder and her grip on her rapier just made her knuckles go white and…..OH SHIT DUCK!”


Just as Mira was trying to advise me on how to talk with the elf, she shot right at me with her rapier pointing straight for my heart. The only reason i survived her attack was because Hunters Vision quickly activated and with my high agility, i was able to easily get out of its way. Just when i thought i was safe, her heels immediately dug into the ground and she made a tight turn to face back at me, and quickly aimed to strike my heart again.

“Ugh, come one, i was just messing with you, calm down already. Quit acting like a little kid.”

I summoned my psionic blade and swung it upwards and it slammed right into her rapier, cracking it and causing it to fly right out of her hands. This must have finally woken her up from her little fit because she had a face of pure surprise and yet again, tripped on the same damn root in the same damn place. Again, she fell right on to her face, but this time with so much force she actually knocked herself out.

“Hey, you alright? Hello?”

I knelt next to her body to check on her and saw that she had actually knocked herself out.

“How the hell do you trip on the same root twice and knock yourself out in the process? Uhg, looks like i'm gonna have to carry back to her group. Wasn’t exactly how i saw myself introducing myself to them, but i guess it's a conversation starter.”

I grabbed a hold of her body and carried her in the way most girls wish they could, the legendary princess carry.

“Humpf, huh, you're lighter than i thought, guess my strength stat is pretty high to do this, hehe. Guess it's time i get you to your friends. Rogue could you grab that weapon she dropped over there.

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