《The World is My Playground》Chapter 16: Suprise


Lizzy’s POV

It wasn’t long to gather up the exploration team. They were a group of well trained adventurers that the Captain managed to round up along with the whole crew for the ship. It was lucky that her mother was nice enough to give her so much gold before she helped us sneak away from the kingdom. Many of the crew were soldiers that served under the Captain when she was a princess, including myself, so that also helped us to hire more experienced crew men. Once we had enough experienced crewmen to lead those without experience we had set off to who knows what adventure awaited us.

“This way.” the Captain said she would look around the edge of the jungle over here.

The group simply nodded and followed.

10 minutes later

I'm starting to get a little worried, it's been about ten minutes that we have been looking for the Captain and we still haven’t found her yet. With every minute that goes by, I keep thinking of what could have happened to her. What if she fell in a hole? What if a monster got to her? WHAT IF SHE'S DEAD?

“Let’s go look over here, we haven’t checked over there yet. Come one, we have to hu…..”

“Hi! You guys missing someone?”

Scarring me from my worried thoughts was a boy standing right in front of me. When he had gotten there I don’t know, but I couldn’t stop looking at him. He wore such strange clothes, that seemed to have seen much wear as they were patched up here in there with what looked like the finest silk i had ever seen. Wherever his skin showed, a perfect tanned color could be seen, and his body was thin, but muscular, i could tell that he had strength to him, and his brown hair was cut in a strange manner. While most men I had seen either have their hair cut short or kept long, the sides of his were cut short while the top and back were long enough to allow him to make a pony tail. He wasn’t to bad to look at at all, but what really caught my attention was what he was holding. In his arms was the Captain who seemed to be unconscious!


David’s POV a few seconds earlier

It didn’t take too long to find a group of people that seemed to be looking for someone, most likely the clutz in my arms. I ordered for everyone to stick around me, but out of sight, and made my way towards the girl that seemed to know the one I was holding the most.

“Hi! You guys missing someone?”

The look of surprise on the girl's face was priceless. It was ass if a huge burden was lifted off of her. She immediately ran towards me screaming, “Captain!”

I slowly placed the women on the ground as her friend rushed to her side. Almost immediately though the others with her whipped out their weapons, which was a mix of long swords, bows and daggers.

“What is up with you guys and always resorting to violence first? I mean it’s not like I just saved one of your friends from dying out in the forest or being eaten by something.”

“Stand down! He’s not a threat…….I think. Who are you and why was the Captain with you?

“Well finally someone who is actually reasonable and doesn’t wanna kill me on sight.”

“My name is David, and I am Lord of this wonderful island, at your service.” I saw while slowly raising one arm into the air, and the other bent into my chest while bowing.


“T-the lord of this island?”

“Why of course, I fought my way into leadership of this island, and is why i'm here right now. I'm here to see if you guys are friendly are not.” I say with a grinning smile on my face.

“Ok, well we’re just an exploration group, we don’t mean any harm to you or your island. We just came to take a look around.”

“Wonderful! I’ve been hoping to finally get some visitors, and now i don’t have to kill you all.”I say still with a grinning smile on my face.

The color could be seen to drain from all their faces when I had said that last part. All the armed guys increased their grip on their weapons as if expecting me to have lied and were getting ready to defend themselves.

“So, how can I help you all?”

“W-well since you said you were the Lord of this island, could you help us make a safe place for our crew to camp in, maybe a small plot of land we could set up base, and possibly some food? We will repay you of course, whatever it is you want.”

“Psssshh, that's easy, i’ll have my people clear out a plot of land for you all, and give me a few hours to get that ready for you. Anything else I could help you all with?”

The look of utter shock could be seen on her face, she was probably surprised at how easily I had agreed to helping her, someone I had no idea who they were, and yet were willing to clear out some land for them to make a base and to give them food. She was so used to hearing how stingy lords and kings of lands and empires were when it came to these types of situations, and was surprised to find one that wasn’t like what she had heard.

“U-uh no, that's would be all for now, thank you very much for your help.” She said while quickly bowing.

“Great, i'll come get you when the preparations are ready for you all to come.”

“Y-yes, thank you very much once again!”

As they walked back to their camp with their unconscious friend, constantly looking back at me, I simply waved back at them with a smile.

Anything I want huh? Hehehe, looks like i got a way off this island now. Now then, time to order that plot of land to be cleared. I could probably get that done fast with the help of a couple Mountain Bears and Nox Kobolds. Time to send out the order.

It took around eight hours for a couple squads of Nox Kobolds and Mountain Bears to get to the specified plot of land I had chosen to clear out further up the beach. The Nox Kobolds used a couple Ruby Axes I had made to begin cutting down the trees. Those who were capable of earth magic were able to uproot the trees and make them easier to knock down, to which were tied to the mountain bears to be dragged off further into the jungle and stored in little storage areas I had built to keep unused supplies, like knocked down trees, or moved boulders. If i wasn’t gonna use them, I could probably use them for trade, or use them to create new buildings and housing, I would just need to develop the necessary tools needed to build them and make them usable for the monsters of this land. There was also the option to evolve a monster to be capable of using tools, but that would cost such an immense amount of mana it would take years to make enough that could be called a workforce that it would be easier to just do everything caveman style.


It wasn’t long till everything was cleared. We had about an acre of land cleared out and ready for use. It only took the entire morning and part of the afternoon because of the size of the workforce i had gathered to accomplish this. After everything looked ready, I had the meat, fruits and vegetables I had asked to be brought over placed in the center of the land and began making my way towards the visitors campsite. I really need to ask if they have a name for their group.

As I walked into their camp, many looked at me with strange eyes. Some actually got scared of me and ran into their tents, thinking that would keep them safe. Others simply watched to see who I was. Everything was fine until a couple guys came wobbling by, their faces flushed, most likely drunk from something.

“Uh, hey kid. Hiccup Uh what are you doing here kid. This is not somewhere you should be. Said the first guy to the left.

Hiccup “Y-yeah kid. Get out of here before you get hurt” Said the guy to the right with a sinister smile.

“Hmpf, who the hell do you think your talking to. This is my island you're on to begin with. I could have you all killed in an instant if i wanted to.” I said with an annoyed smile.

God their breaths smelled bad of liquor, just how much did they drink for me to be able to smell it from a couple feet away.

Hiccup “W-why you, no one tells us what to do, especially no kid. Looks like you need a lesson in *hiccup* manners.” Said guy one as he clumsily pulled out a mace from behind him with guy two pulling out a short sword.

“Oh, so it's a fight you want huh. I’d be more than obliged to give you a fight. Hehehehe.”

Just as i'm about to create my psionic blade, a loud shout was heard.

“God damnit Skull and Bones, what the hell do you think you are doing! Do you have any idea who that is you are threatening!”

Damn, just as I was about to test my stats to see how i do against someone else, their Captain just had to but in didn’t she. I quickly dispel the psionic energy around my hand and simply stand there with a smile on my face.

Both of the drunkards immediately stand at a attention as their Captain comes by them. “CAPTAIN!”

“You idiots! Didn’t I tell you to stop getting drunk, the last time you guys got like this, we barely got you two out of the bar with your lives. Now get back to your tents, NOW!”

Without another word, both men go off running back to where their tents were, leaving their Captain to turn around and face me.

“Sup. I’m sure your little friend already told you about the little agreement we had, correct?”

“Why yes, and I am most thankful for you assistance and for….umm….”Her voice became a whisper at the end.

“Could you repeat that last part, I couldn’t hear you?” I say smiling cause i was pretty sure I knew what she was going to say.

“I said...thank you...for not leaving me by myself in the jungle while I was unconscious, alright.” She said with a bit of a blush to her face.

“Haha, not a problem. Now hurry up and get your people ready, took my guys quite a bit of effort to get that land ready for you all, and not sure how long the meat will last without being cooked. Now let's go, chop chop.” I say while already starting to make my way back to the cleared out jungle.

“Wait a minute, you're already done clearing out the land? It's only been a couple of hours, just how could you have cleared out enough land for all of my crew?”

“Haha, don’t underestimate the power and speed of my people, just one of them could probably out perform one of you guys.”

This last comment must have struck a nerve with some of the crew because many had a look of having their pride hurt and looked like they wanted proof of this statement. If only they knew that those they were competing against were actually monsters about twice their size at least.

I simply made my way back to the new site while listening to the Captain giving out orders to her men. From the sounds of it, they were quickly packing up their tents and getting everything into crates so they could drag them over. It took them another two hours for them to get all of their things onto the beach in front of the area that had been cleared out for them. The look of surprise was quite evident on their faces. They must have thought that the amount of land they would have gotten would have been smaller for the short amount of time it took to clear it out.

“How were you able to clear all this out in a single day? The deal was just recently made yesterday was it not?” she said while a face of bewilderment.

Hmpf “My guys could easily clear out the entire northern part of this jungle in a week if they wanted too, but I don’t feel like making my guys do something so unnecessary and energy consuming. Now then, let's get building shall we?”

Just as the Captain was going to question me on my last comment, all around her, the sounds of rustling bushes mixed with yips and growls could be heard. After a few seconds, the entire area had become infested with monsters the likes they had rarely ever seen before.

All around, the sounds of panic and despair could be heard as the crew fell into panic from having been surrounded so quickly without anyone noticing. The very few who could defend themselves and had their weapons nearby had already drawn their weapons, prepared to die knowing that they could never defend themselves from so many creatures. There were even the few that decided to risk swimming out to sea to get away from the monsters.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OH MAN, YOU HAVE GOT TO SEE THE LOOKS ON ALL YOUR FACES! That guy over there even pissed himself, hahahahaha!”


The look of anger and fear could be seen on the Captain's face, as well as the others such as her little friend and their adventurer companions.

“Hahaha, please, if i wanted to kill you i could have done it so many times already.” I said with a sinister smile. “As I told you before, i am the lord of this island. An island completely inhabited by nothing but monsters.” With that said, two Flaming Eagles perch themselves on either of my shoulders.

“Now then, let's get to constructing that little base for you all. Don’t want you all to sleep on the ground now do we?”

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