《The World is My Playground》Chapter 14: Island Takeover


The Nox Kobold riders with their team leaders are riding through the jungle with Armored Hoppers by their sides. There were two places that needed to be taken at the same time in order for the entire force to continue on at the same pace. The lake and first of the three enemy clans main bases. The lake would be easy to take. Observation of the Flaming Wing clan have shown that not many high leveled monsters stay by the lake, the problem would be the base. I watched as my forces quickly overtook the lake with very few monster getting in their way, those who did were struck down quickly by either the teeth and claws of an Armored Hopper or by the spear of a Nox Kobold rider. As they arrived to the location of the first base, a fortified wall of vines could be seen blocking access deeper into the jungle. I immediately ordered for a barrage of fireballs from the aerial units, who caused the sky to look like it was raining fire on all those on the ground.

The fireballs crashed down on the jungle walls, burning straight to the ground, giving the frontline easy access to the enemy's position. Left and right, the Nox Kobold riders cut down anyone that got in their ways with the ruby spears i had made for them. The frontliners made their way towards the deepest part of the jungle, looking for the target clan leader we were looking for. From what we could find out, the first leader we were after was in charge of the jungle wolf clan, The Ragged Claws. He was another Alpha type Jungle Wolf, but much larger than the one that is in charge of the Iron Fang clan. He would most certainly make for a strong opponent, but first we had to quickly find him. A third of my forces had stayed to look for their leader while the others continued their advance on the next objectives. Next up would be the Monster Alliances source of food the, the Boar fields, which was controlled by the second of the three clans, the Stone Paws, which were primarily made up of stone plated bears. Their leader was a Much larger version of the Stone Plated Bears, with rumors saying that it could control the earth around it, making unsteady ground, and creating stone spikes come out of nowhere from the ground.

I was watching from above when i received the message i was waiting for,“the Ragged Claws clan leader has been found!” i immediately flew over to where the message had been sent. It was in the deepest part of the jungle, where i found Nox Kobold Riders chasing after a large Alpha Wolf. It would seem all who were supposed to protect him were already dealt with seeing how there was a trail of corpses behind them all, none of which belonged to us. I took out one of my ruby spears, which now used spider silk to hold everything together, and brought it over my shoulder in throwing position. I began coordinating the Nox Kobold riders to lead the clan leader over to where there was a small clearing through the trees. Just as he was going to pass by it, Hunter’s Vision activated, and i threw the spear. As it went soaring from the sky to the ground, the Alpha was not worried about it or even knew about the incoming spears till it was too late and it had gone right through its neck, pinning it to the ground. Just as i was thinking of throwing another due to it still trying to un pin itself, the Nox Kobold Riders arrived and brutally began stabbing him over and over and over again with their spear till the Alpha no longer even looked like a wolf and more like a sack of meat with furry bits here and there. With him taken down, all the wolves in the area under his command surrendered and allowed my forces to round them up and keep watch over them. They were quite afraid by the looks of it, they all had their tails between their legs as the Nox Kobolds stared them down until they were replaced by other Jungle Wolve to allow them to continue their charge across the island.


I flew off towards the next area, awaiting for the news of the location of the next clan leader. From above, i saw as the Riders began having some trouble going through the Stone Plated Bears, getting knocked off their mounts by them. They were having trouble until the vipers began coming out of the ground. Immediately, many of the bears were struggling on the ground as they were constantly bit at and restrained long enough to give the Nox Kobold enough time to take them out. After a few more minutes, a loud roar was heard along with a very large Bear charging for where my troops were. At the speed he was going, nothing was gonna stop him from mowing down at least a couple dozen frontliners if nothing stopped him.

I summoned my psionic blade, and activated the skill flame coat, causing the embers from the wings to begin sparking up into life, causing flames to cover my entire body. Once activated, i begin to dive down straight at him, steadily gaining more and more speed. From a distance, it would look like a flaming meteor was about to smash into a rolling boulder.

I slammed into him, causing a loud impact that everyone in the area could hear, kicking up all the dirt and rocks in the immediate area. I had tried to thrust my blade in between two stone plates that protected his heart, but at the last second the bear had moved itself just enough to where my blade missed its mark, going through a stone plate and hitting him where there were no vital organs, leaving it with simply a bad wound. Due to the force we had hit each other, we had left a small indention in the ground beneath us, showing how powerful our collision had been. I let go of my blade and tore at him with my claws as he did the same. While removing my wings and adding on Fangs of the Iron Fang trait, i ripped off stone plates that protected its body and used my fangs to bite into his unprotected body. While doing this, he tried doing the same, and while i was already ripping off mouth fulls of fur and muscle, he was just able to bite off a few pieces from the stone armor i had on. It was after i was able to tear off one of his legs that he was finally able to get me off of him. He tried backing away, a look of fear in his eyes, knowing that he had just confronted someone who could easily take him on. Parts of his fur were still on fire, slowly burning parts of his body. I simply stared him down with crazed eyes, and a smiling mouth filled with blood, his blood. I had removed the section of the helmet that covered my mouth so i could use my fangs. It only helped to make me look like a ferocious monster that simply wanted to fight and kill. It knew that without one of its arms, it would not be able to make a run for it without me catching up to it and simply ripping it to shreds, so it took all the courage it had left and came charging right at me, knowing it was a suicidal attack.

I created another psionic blade and rushed straight for his charge while a large grin appeared upon my face. He was much slower without his front most leg, allowing me to quickly move around him, while cutting him up, placing deep gashes in each of his legs, causing him to collapse onto the ground. I purposely aimed for just his legs so i could incapacitate him. I got closer to his bleeding body, his eyes filled with pain, fear, and anger.


“Arg, you piece of shit, just end it already. What are you waiting for! END IT!”

I took my blade and slowly started making more and more gashes. Deep enough to make sure he felt them, but not enough to kill him quickly. Seeing as my blade also had the ability to cancel out any healing magic or abilities, he couldn’t even try to regenerate from the wounds he had received.


I finally stop cutting up what was once a body of a proud Clan Leader and got close to his face.

“Gotta make sure your clan knows who they’re fucking with right? So why not use you as an example of what happens with anyone that either fucks with me or gets in my way right? I say in a quiet manner.

He simply looks at me in horror as i finally raise my blade up above me and then bring it right back down, finally ending the bears suffering by severing his head which simply fell off with an audible thump. I turned away from his corpse and stared at all the members of the Stone Claw Clan that were following him into battle.


One thing the the leader of the Stone Fur Clan had told me was, “We bears follow those who show great strength. The ones who are always in charge are those who show that they have the strength to face anyone.”

All the once enemy bears remained still, looking at each other wondering what to do, when one by one, they each started to bow their head to me, showing that they had seen my strength and were willing to follow my orders. A sinister grin appeared on my face as my helmet sealed itself once more. Two down, one to go, hehehe.

I removed the Fang trait and added back on my wings and took to the air once more to meet up with the last of my forces that had made their way towards the islands mountains, the last of the enemy’s territories. We had lost roughly only a few Nox Kobold Riders and their mounts, and maybe three hundred others, while another four hundred were injured and moved behind the front lines t safe spots that were set up for medical care of those too injured to continue on. Things over at the mountain weren't going so well from the reports i was receiving while moving towards them, and looked worse when i got there. The clan that resided here, the Green Scale Clan. They were made up mostly of one of the deadliest monsters on the island, the Toxic Salamanders. They’re large, dark green lizards about the size of a komodo dragon. Toxic Salamanders are capable of firing green balls of fire in straight lines for a short distance, or in arcs for longer range. Not only that, but once the fire begins to burn, the smoke released from these flames are toxic to just about anything that breathes them in, quickly causing major damage to their insides till they finally die from multiple organ failures. They had enough time to hear about our assault and were able to prepare themselves to defend their mountain. Once my frontliners were within their range, they had begun firing at them from the cave opening on the side of the mountains.

Before i could lose to many riders, i ordered them to fall back and regroup with the riders coming back from the other two assaults. I then had the spiders and vipers tunnel their way beneath the ground, avoiding the toxic flames, and come out right in front of the ground and begin the assault while the Ember Falcons, and Flaming Eagles launched fireballs from above. While the salamanders were distracted by the incoming fireballs from above, they didn’t notice the vipers and spiders coming from the base of the mountains until a couple salamanders had either gotten killed or poisoned to hallucinate that everyone around them was their enemy and start attacking their own. It wasn't long till the Toxic Salamanders were over run by the vipers and snakes, who far outnumbered them. It also didn’t help that some of their own were turned against them, which forced them to kill their own, reducing our losses while increasing theirs. It only took a couple of minutes before their leader, the King of the Toxic Salamanders came out from the cave systems within the mountain. He had to be as large as one of the mountain bears, with a green slime coming off of his skin which i was pretty sure was going to be bad if i got any of it on me. He was black with dark green stripes going across his slick, scaly body. His claws were at least an inch long with green tips which could mean that they also had a poison within them. We weren't even fighting yet and green flames could already be seen coming out from the corners of his mouth as he made his way out of the mountain. I ordered for everyone to stay away from him as i made my way towards him.

I created a couple of psionic grenades and tossed them towards the King Toxic Salamander. As they explode, kicking up dirt and dust, i quickly move behind the salamander and bring out my psionic blade to cut him straight down the middle. Just as i get close, a ring of green flame suddenly appears all around causing me to immediately back away in surprise. My surprise gave him enough time to turn around in the dust and fire off a fireball at me, hitting me square in the chest. The fire burns away at my chest plate, burning it right off of me. His flames must also have a corrosive trait to them as well as the toxic fumes. I flew up higher into the sky and when the dust finally settled, saw that my psionic grenades had managed to remove a couple good chunks from his body his rear right leg. It still wanted to keep fighting because it began to rapidly fire smaller sized fireballs at me. Each one being able to dodge. I let him continue trying before i finally concentrated an even larger amount than needed of psionic energy for a larger version of my psionic grenades. Instead of being the size of an apple, it was now the size of a cantaloupe. I chucked it in his direction, and once it had reached him, i remotely detonated it right before his face, everything within twenty feet was completely vaporized, and turned to dust, and a purple haze coming off from the ground. I rose higher into the sky and stared at all the remaining Toxic Salamanders.


Normal sized psionic grenades appear all around me, prepared to fly off in every direction i tell them to go. The salamanders know what they are from what they saw previously and all surrendered to me, and with this the final enemy clan leader was killed making the entire island mine.

After all the captured monsters were finally rounded up, those from the Ragged Claw Clan were integrated with the Iron Fang Clan, and those from the Stone Claw Clan were integrated into the Stone Fur Clan. I had the Green Scale clan stay as its own clan, but with a new leader that i had chosen from among them. Once that was all settled, i had everyone rally to the islands flat fields, and spoke to them.

“Yesterday, many of you were once enemies, constantly fighting over territory from each other. No longer will that be necessary. Under my rule, you are all part of the same territory, one that is strong and will continue to get stronger, and increase in size. You may each be a from a different clan, but under my rule, every clan is the same, and will be treated the same. There will be no discrimination by clan or race, or any of the sorts. Should there be any of it, it is to be immediately stomped out for that is what causes kingdoms to fall. In fighting over small petty things.”


From all around, the monsters from the fields roared out in unison, showing their loyalty for me, and our new empire. This united roar would only grow stronger with time, and in the future, be a war cry that sends chills into the backs of all who opposed it. For example, at that very moment that the unified roar was made, every member of a large vessel that had just anchored near the beach of the island had almost wet themselves when their entire boat and the water around it vibrated from the sound of a horrific roar made from the who knows how many monsters.

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