《The World is My Playground》Chapter 5 : First Fight


I said i was gonna post another chapter today didn't I? lol


With a goal in mind to tame as many monsters as i can, we set off deeper into the jungle to find them. As we walked, i started trying my new skills on different things like trees and rocks.

David - Hey Mira, how do i activate the skills like the shape shifting one?

Mira - Just think about it and it will happen.

David - Ok. *Shape shift - Ruby Horn* Oh fuck that felt weird.

Right as i thought about a ruby horn appearing on my forehead, i could feel the skin and muscle slowly peeling back from my skull to make room for a horn that began protruding from my skull. It felt weird but there was no pain, only an uneasy feeling of knowing that your skin and muscle were doing something they shouldn't normally be doing. The change happened in around 10 seconds, leaving me with a 6in long Ruby Horn sticking out of my forehead.

David - This is awesome, haha.

Ruby - Master’s horn looks just like mine, try smashing stuff with it, its fun.

David - Sounds like it would, let's try it out with the other ability i gained. Lets try headbutt on that tree over there.

I stand about 5 feet away from a large tree. I’d say it was about 15 feet tall, and about 2 feet thick. Here goes nothing. *Headbutt*

Right after i thought about the skill, i immediately felt myself receive a burst of energy and rammed my head straight into the tree in front of me BAM! I smashed right through the tree, knocking it and the tree behind it down.

David - Holy crap, i did all that!? I didn't even feel a thing when i went through them.

Mira - That's thanks to headbutt. The ability causes you to feel no pain from any impact you make for the first few seconds.

David - That's a neat feature. Should come in handy when i have to hit something really hard, haha.


After knocking down a few more trees and collecting any fruits that were on them, we continued looking for more monsters to tame. While we were walking a took some long sturdy looking sticks and took some sharp rocks that i got from breaking some small boulders and tied them together with some vines to make a couple spears. I also made a harness to hold the spears so that i don’t have to always carry them around in my hands so that i can use them to grab other things.

Makeshift SpearType:SpearDurability:30 / 30Quality:PoorSticks and Stones may break my bones, but this shit ain’t gonna do much.

Makeshift HarnesType:BagDurability:40 / 40Quality:poorHeard you like spears, so here's something to hold your spears so you can spear things with spears.

David - What the fuck? Mira, did you write this description?

Mira - Maybe.

David - Mirrrrraaaaa.

Mira - I was just making a joke, hehe.

David - Well very funny, i'll be making better weapons and items once i get the hang of it.

Mira - I know you will. I’m sure you will be able to make legendary god killing weapons at some point.

David - There are weapons like that!?

Mira - Oh yeah, there are 4 Legendary God Killing weapons. There are dual blades, a bow, a great sword, and a magic staff.

(A.N. - I’m counting the dual blades as a single weapon.)

David - Welp, that adds another two goals on the list, learn to make some bad ass weapons, and find 4 that already exist.

As we were talking about the bad ass weapons, there was rustling in the bushes behind us that we didn’t notice till what was making the sounds appeared before us.

??? - *Rabid Growling and Snarling* Grrrrr rawr rawr


I yelled as i took out one of my spears from my harness

Ruby - Stay back master! It’s a corrupted jungle wolf!

Corrupted Jungle Wolf


Ruby jumps right in front of me and uses headbutt to start attacking the jungle wolf. Her horn pierces it in the throat causing it to splurt out a disgusting looking purplish black liquid. I would have thought that would have killed it, but instead, it just swung its neck and threw Ruby into a tree. Right as it was going to continue its attack on her, i charged right in with my spear.



Before the wolf notice, my spear had gone straight through its eye and i could feel it pierce it. It felt like sticking a spoon through a cup of jello. I keep putting as much force as i can into the spear until it finally breaks leaving the tip in his eye socket. The spear breaking caused me to step back and take a misstep. The wolf immediately took advantage of this and charged straight for me. He latched onto my leg and started biting down on it.


I grabbed another of my spears and started stabbing it through its sides through the rib cage. I had broken another 2 spears when Ruby came in and charged right into the side of its face, knocking it off my leg.

David - God damn that hurts! You’re gonna pay for that you fuck!

As i get back up, i feel a burning pain in my leg, but instead of holding me back, the pain only made me want to fight even more. I wanted to get back at the wolf that tore my leg up. I wanted to tear it to bits. As i was thinking this, my ruby horn appears and headbutt kicks in, making me charge right for the Corrupted Wolf.

Due to Ruby keeping it distracted, i was able to slam right into its bum.


I charged so fast that i was able to split its lower half in two all the way to its intestines. As i stood up, chuckling to myself, i was bathed in the dark blood of the corrupted wolf,

David - HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That was fucking great!

Just as i finish saying that i collapsed to the ground, unmoving, completely knocked out.

Ruby - Master!

Mira - David! Advertisement Previous

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